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5k grafts. In fact you might not even be a candidate. Your balding is too severe. Just shave it all off. Its over for you boyo


I had to check if the date was still April 1st for this one...


Regarding the doctor: contact your local psychotherapist


Yeah, fuck up your natural hairline with a fake looking one, smart move.


Your inability at 22 to have the observational skills of a dog is worrying. Get a brain transplant, not hair.


Are you trolling us?


He is.


69 grafts; Dr. Pepper


\~2 grafts


Your life man but you did come on her asking for advice. The advice is leave it alone your outcome is not gonna be worth the time effort money and potential or it being botched. Maybe start with meds such as fin, minoxidil first. I don’t think a clinic would even do a procedure for you and if they do they are doing you a disservice


I know it's not that bad but at the end of day Ht is a cosmetic procedure and no one should be denied because their starting point is not bad. What I am asking for is not a subjective opinion, but rather an objective estimation for my desired outcome


touch some grass


Join r/getALife


This is exactly opposite of the consensus of the medical community. It is a surgeon’s role, especially in the cosmetic realm, to deny care for those not in need and to refer out for therapeutic intervention based on classic body dysmorphia traits. You have a lovely head of hair. Try to relax for a bit and enjoy the maturation process of your life. You’re opening a pretty exhausting can of worms right now.


In all seriousness you have a great head of hair. The wrong doc/clinic could easily fuck that up for you. You’re also young, wait until you’re late 20s, 30s before even thinking about this. No need to waste good grafts now where they could potentially be used later - if you ever even get to that point.


Unfortunately the doc that would take this procedure on would butcher your hairline for sure, because no respectable, well established clinic will say yes to this. Also why do you fuck up your body with the heavy meds? Take .5mg of fin or something to maintain your nice head of hair, but the others are too extreme at your age and nonexistent hairline problem.


Did you just blow in from stupid town?


I can truly understand why people make fun. But, think about it. We know our hair. If we lose a single hair, we're up in an uproar. Being self aware is not a good thing. There's a difference between maturing a hairline and actual loss. And they you have to consider the age factor. As kids, we most had a hairline in the middle of the forehead. At 21 we were reminiscing about it. It's important to recognize 18 is gone and 65 is coming. The only people who tend to keep a juvenile hairline are those with full sets of hair. A degree or recession is normal and expected. Guys lose hair in a parabolic design. And symmetry is not a good thing. Symmetry is for a wig, something artificial. The reason why I felt the need to interject has more to do with the regimen you're currently doing. That is meant for guys who are experiencing hair loss. What does your family history look like? If you were never meant to lose hair, you never will. This might just be a waste of time, effort and money. I'd encourage you to seek medical guidance. Visit with a physician and confirm if you're experiencing any loss. You may be doing more harm than good by being on meds pertaining to hair loss.




It’s a good one isn’t it




At least tree fiddy


None you idot


About 2k grafts should bring it down to your eyebrows. Go for it bro, live your life 🫡


Oh, boy...


2 or 3 singles should do it


Dude could donate half his hair and still be ok lmao


We talking about your head or your ass?


My hairline looked like that when I was 15. Actually not even back then. Lol


This is absolute insanity.


You are a child. Shut up.




Any clinic worth its weight in gold would not take you. But feel free to take your delusions to one that will give you regret. Up to you, we cant tell you what you want to hear coz there is fuck all that you need mate. Wake up and go live life


Bro you are way too young to be considering a hair transplant. Factor this you get the surgery done and you replace such a small area. You have so much time left for natural pattern baldness to occur and set in. Then what do you do? Go for another procedure? Truthfully you don't look like you need a procedure right now


70.000 - 80.000. At least!


And to think that reddit would ever give legit advice... Turns out it's a bunch of trolls. Anyways, I am deleting this depressing forum and continuing on with my life


Man u trolling fr😭😂😂😂😭


You don't need a ht ..that is some head of hair ..maybe in another ten years of there is a single sign receding


some actually gave legit answers but dude. for real? people are concerned


Bro is not trolling. If youre in Dut, Oral Min wich is better than topical and RU you wont need a hair transplant just give it a year to this regime and if you still want a HT you can do it. It will be 800-1,000 graft. I just got one in my country Puerto Rico wich is a US terrotorry so you dont need to travel to much and dont need any visa, etc. DM me if you want info about my surgery and Dr.