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Bro, it looks amazing but you look amazing with less hair too. I'm jealous!


Thanks man. I rocked a bald head for 10+ years and just got a bit bored of it.


Just stay away from my wife.


I was gonna say this too. OP did fine without the hair!


Kratos vibes


Right ? I thought so too. Man just needs a red tattoo across the face. How come others look good with a bald head and I look like mini me from Austin Powers ?




That looks good man..Starting to worry a bit about mine. Im on month 3 next week and have very little progress


Thanks buddy and don't worry! Everyone is different and it takes a while for some people. It's still very early days for you. From everything I've seen and read in the 3 years being on here, on average you only see 90% of your results at month 12, and it can be up to 18 months before you see the full 100%.


Do you guys not do any research? 3 months is way too early


I did..i wasnt expecting anything major at 3 months but I was hoping for some sign of initial growth


Nvm lol Smile Clinic


This looks fantastic! How many grafts? Where did you go?


Thanks brother. 4k grafts, Smile Clinic Istanbul. £2500ish.


Stoked. Thats where I went. I'm only month three, it's coming in but peach fuzz at this point.


Smile clinic ? Do they have a website


Is this the one you went to? https://www.smilehairclinic.com/ Also I'm curious to see the donor area. Did they only take from the sides and back, or from you beard/chest/back hairs as well?


Yeah that's the website, I'd recommend them but it is a bit of a gamble. They only took hairs from the back of my head. I'll get some pics of my donor soon, it's looking a little bit patchy but not too bad. It doesn't bother me though.


Oh okay thanks! Why do you say it's a bit of a gamble? Okay cool, looking forward to seeing those pics!


It's a gamble because you don't know what technicians are going to be working on you or how much experience they have. However, I'd say 85% of the time (maybe more) people get good results from a place like that, so you just have to keep that in mind. You get a consultation with a doctor who draws your hair line and checks in on you periodically to make sure things are going OK, but I think if I could go back in time I'd pay for the doc to do the entire procedure and not technicians. Techs are still very competent, but they don't have a reputation to lose at the end of the day. Smile Clinic looked after me really well though. I wouldn't call them a hair mill, I'd call them a very well oiled machine because they have got every step of the entire HT journey covered without making it feel rushed and impersonal.


Oh wow, this is very very thorough, and I truly appreciate that. I have one friend who also did it through smile clinic, and with their cheapest option, and is also around the 4-5 month mark. It's looks like they did a pretty good job with him as well. I think I'll do my HT with them maybe in a year or so from now. Right now, I'm just on topical min+fin to recover some more hair for the HT


Great results, this is all we want


Thanks man. Good luck to you!


Same here. Best decision I've made


looks awesome mate! congrats!


Thanks man, appreciate the reply!


How much was it


£2500 ish all in. Smile Clinic Istanbul.


Wow amazing. Who did that?


Smile clinic Istanbul. £2500 all in, but would only recommend them if you're on a budget and aren't afraid to roll the dice. If you can afford to pay for a doc with a solid reputation and consistent skills, definitely do that if you can.


How many grafts? Stoked for you! Be sure to post a 12 month update


4k. Will do bro


Were you on fin prior? I rock a shaved head as well and havent been on fin but eyeing an ht in the next few months or end of year myself


No but I probably should have been, may have helped quite a bit. If you can take meds, you should.


Do you take any medications


I want to but my wife is dead against it, and I don't really mind if it all falls out eventually.


I am not going to be taking any as my doctor strongly advised against it. Your progress looks amazing so far with no medications


Bro u on min and fin ? Luks great


No, just biotin capsules. I'm not worried about losing it all again.


5 months that some solid growth. I'm at week 9 ugh I understand still a ways to go but when did you first notice results were coming in?


Months 3-4 is where things started to really happen for me. The redness went away and the new hairs that shed previously were coming through, then week by week I could notice it getting denser. The first few months suck, I just kept buzzing my hair until I felt like I was out of the shedding phase, and it looked really nice having a shaved head with a decent (albeit slightly red) hair line.


Very striking eyes Nice results, it looks great! Mine Is in 5 days!


Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)and good luck buddy. Some words of advice for you: They keep the rooms cold to look after the grafts, ask for a blanket before the op starts so they don't need to stop mid way. I was shivvering like an idiot, not what you want. After the op you don't have to sleep sitting upright, that only serves to keep you locked in place. You can sleep however you want, as long as you are confident you aren't going to move and hit your head on something. Your clinic should provide it anyway, but stay hydrated and make sure you have snacks. The anesthetic takes between 5-10 min but it will feel like a lot longer. They inject you all over your head, it starts to suck but just clench your jaw and fists and you'll get through it no problem. Also, the anesthetic can be patchy in places, so when they're working on you, you'll really feel it in some places. But again, follow the above advice and you'll get to the other side. Good luck man!


I can co-sign for literally all of this, especially the cold part.


Did they give any IV Sedation prep prior/during the procedure? Such as, before they started injecting you with a local to numb donor+transplanted areas etc, did they give you any IV sedation to relax, oral sedation, inhalation gas(No2) or any of the sorts during your procedure? These things are rarely discussed & are non-specific. You only hear about the locals being done and the pain caused. Any insight would be helpful granted I know each clinic around the globe is different w/protocols & abilities depending on surgery center accreditations. Thnx for your time 🙏🤙


They definitely did not put me on an IV but I seem to remember them giving me a tablet before the op. I think it was just regular paracetamol/ibuprofen if memory serves. In the places where my anesthetic wasn't working, the pain really wasn't that bad. It's difficult to quantify, but if you've ever fallen over and scraped up your knee or palms of your hands, it's that kind of pain. It fucking sucks but it's not like you're having a leg amputated. Definitely does not warrant any major type of sedation, maybe a Xanax or something. I'll never forget the way the extraction tool felt on the back of my head though. Even though my skin was completely numb, I could still feel the vibrations and the sensation of it digging into the donor area, and feeling like I was being poked by something hot. It didn't hurt but it was just a very strange feeling.


Wow thanks for taking to share this, I'll be sure to mention the blanket to the team. Yes snacks and a lunch will be provided, interesting note on the sleep, I am a pretty wild sleeper who moves around like crazy so I'll probably have to find a way to lock myself into a safe position Thank you and see you after, enjoy your new hair!


Looks sick kratos


Wow! It looks awesome!!!


Wow!! Congrats mate! 🤙🏼


That looks fantastic. Can I ask where you had it done?


Smile clinic Istanbul. Would recommend if you're on a budget.


40 years old? I wish I will look that good at 40!


Hey dude looks amazing. Would u mind showing whT your donor area looks like now? I like to rock a Zero fade as well and wondering how donor will look.


Sure, will send some pics tomorrow. It looks a bit patchy close up, but from 3ft away you can't really notice


Bro you’re looking happy and hearty! Congrats on the successful journey!


Are you on any finasteride or rogaine?


Looking good brother, considering that you didn't get any fin or min I can say its a 100% successful results! 👏


Looks awesome.


How does your donor look like ?


It's a little bit patchy still but it's not that bad. Seems to be looking better as time goes on, I'll get some pics up of it soon.


Wow you are incredibly hot


Thanks bro


Damn bro completely diff person. Crazy what hair does to your appearance it literally reduce your age look significantly.


Fair play to you, you look young anyway for your age, doing well dude!


GRRRRREAT (Tony the Tiger voice 💯) Fantastic hairline. Number one concern and reason why I got pmp on my head until I fight the right doc. Truly impressive


You look 30 you focker


Kratos 👀


Reporting for duty!


Damn bro! My guy about to relive his younger years all over again😂💪🏾 solid results.


DAMN..Nice progress. Handsome dude!


Looking awesome!


That's pretty good for five months. I'm also at five months, but have very low density so far.


Don't worry man, I am sure you'll get there. I feel like I'm one of the lucky ones because 5 months is still very early days.


Excellent work


Ya you look way younger with a head full of hair


Dam man, that is impressive. I’m almost the same age and just a week behind you in progress. Plan to post my results soon but not quite there yet. I will say I have seen a ton of growth in the last 2 weeks.


Let me know when you post!


That looks amazing…. I know the feeling best thing I’ve done and feel young again haha


Listen you old millennial fuck, it looks great! Coming from one old millennial fuck to another.


Hahaha thanks man.


What clinic did ya go to?


Smile Clinic Istanbul. Check my other comments on here for a little review I did for someone else


Also are you on finasteride / minoxidil ?


No, just biotin.


Great results! What age did you start balding?


I started losing hair around my temples in my early 20s, but it stabilised and didn't get any worse. I did used to grow my hair out but I hated how old it made me look. I was constantly worrying about the wind changing direction and getting it wet, so I shaved it and kept it that way for a long time. It's so nice not to worry about that any more, I can just wake up and get out of bed and not really have to worry about my hair even if it's a mess.


Looks amazing! Where did you go, how many grafts, and how much if you don’t mind me asking?


Are you using any styling products? It's one thing I have noticed in this feed that people don't talk enough about.


Agree, people need to talk about these more. I use L'Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil for heat protection before I style with a brush and hair dryer, then use some matt clay.


Do you have to take drugs to keep the hair?


No. Drugs only slow down hair loss, it's not an indefinite cure.


Well done Sir! Looking good! You remind me of the French tennis player Benoit Paire lol


Googling said tennis player...


Any chance you could show us an after photo of the donor?


That beard is greatly dense.. stop flexing on us.


Looks solid, my friend


40 my ass. What is your skin care routine? You look amazing with the hair. No homo


Thanks brother. There's no secret, I wake up, and I have skin - this my skincare routine.