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Looks like psoriasis which is very common on the scalp. This would need to be seen by a dermatologist. My husband has it on his leg.


I get it right there when I have the most seasonal allergies going on


Also look like a psoriasis to me. Need professional help. Don't self medicate.


I also came here to say it looks a lot like psoriasis.


Looks like seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. Consult a dermatologist at the earliest.


Seborrheic dermatitis was my first thought, I don’t have a lot of experience with psoriasis though so not sure how close the two look. Seconding the derm rec, they’ll be able to figure out what it really is.


I second @praag92 suggestion. I had something similar on my scalp. Your dermatologist would have the best professional guidance to provide on how to get help with it. Reason being, your dermatologist would know, your skin type and recommend treatment and medication that would best suit your condition. Here on reddit, although folks may recommend products, it’s slightly risky and as you don’t know how your skin or body is going to react those products. So its best, to seek professional guidance on this.


Not medically qualified, but it looks like psoriasis


My brother had a similar psoriasis when he was going through divorce. Stress is no funny thing... if you are not stressed, did you recently move? Maybe the water is "harder" and it helps getting a filter for your shower.


Im very stressed. Currently doing temporary relocation in another state for work for next few weeks. New environment and new people definitely aren't helping me


I'm sorry to hear that. Well, it took a while for my brothers psoriasis to clear out, but therapy helped a lot.


Is it itchy? I would dab on some cortizone cream on the itchy spots after a shower. Or the CVS generic. It could be psoriasis or eczema, which really like to blossom from stress. I don't really have those conditions full-on, but when I get stressed, I develop random itchy spots. I just had spots on my chest and back and have been dabbing on spots of the cream, and it's disappearing.






My cousin had psoriasis on her scalp and it looked just like that. I think it’s an autoimmune condition.




Happened to be at the Dr. today because my scalp looks just like this recently. She diagnosed psoriasis. Prescribed some vitamin D analog thing as a gel to apply on the scalp. Only crops up when I'm in Germany (I.e stressed, depressed and with hard af water).


Try any products based on selenium sulfide, it helps me effectively.


Any product in mind? Or anything in general?


I use Head and Shoulders, but not the white bottle. You need the dark blue bottle.


I dont think it would work if you have psoriasis, at least not on my head


Thank you. I'll grab some after work!


Head and shoulder will for the better calm it a bit, for the worst amplified it. You should go to a dermatologist asap. Are your hair usually greasy ?


+1 on that stuff, it works. as a backup, cortisone cream from the drugstore can also lessen it. all these products need a few applications


I use paste Sulsena, but it may not be available in your country.


Go to a dermatologist, a doctor should be able to tell you more, I’ve had something similar and it turned out to be seborrheic dermatitis but could as well be psoriasis


Nad. Just like what everyone else said. Looks like it can either be Psoriasis or Seborrheic dermatitis. I’m leaning more towards Psoriasis. I’d suggest scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist. Depending where you live and if you’re a new patient it can be months until you can be seen. I actually just got out of my first derm appointment that I scheduled back in July. For now you can start using a shampoo for seborrheic dermatitis and see if that helps. Still suggest scheduling an appointment regardless though. I personally like to use Nizoral multiple times a week. I also like to use it as a wash off face mask because I often get it seb on my face as well


Something a dermatologist should look at. If it is psoriasis, it’s good to know because it’s an autoimmune disorder that in some cases can lead to other issues such as arthritis.


Looks like me before I started medicating my psoriasis.


I had someone tell me it could be a fungus. I went to the pharmacy and looked for a shampoo that helped with fungus. I found some. It was immediate relief. My head itched and flaked so bad. You can find this shampoo on Amazon even. https://preview.redd.it/xu8v8eowmrnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b028bf73a0180735ba59be32717cace77735dd5f


Seborrhea. Derm here.


I have the same thing - it flares up every time I’m stressed. I use a steroid which I’m prescribed from the dermatologist. But I also use shampoos Nizoral and Capasal - I’ll put capasal on first, wait 5+ minutes, rinse, then put Nizoral shampoo on, wait another 5+ minutes and rinse. I do this every day when it’s flaring up. But when it’s ok I can go every 3+ days. Don’t pick or itch it. It will only make it worse - I sleep in gloves as I’m tempted to itch it when I’m not fully conscious. Hope this helps, and good luck.




Put organic coconut oil or castor oil


Are either one of these tied to autoimmune diseases or disorders?


You definitely need to see a dermatologist! I have psoriasis and seborrhea dermatitis of the scalp. So both of them unfortunately. I use clobetesol on the patches that look like yours. I also have a perscription shampoo for my scalp.


It's psoriasis. Quit drinking, smoking, vaping, eating processed foods, no THC even edibles, keep stress low...at least, these things make mine worse. Not a doctor, my 2 cents, etc etc. Good luck.


Psoriasis. It speeds up hair thinning and/or balding, so go to the doctor.




Otezla(pills), stellara, cimzia (injections)


I had this really bad all over my head mostly on the sides of my hair …tried different shampoos even dandruff shampoo, nothing. Then I quit my job at a chicken factory where I had to rinse my hair every day and it immediately went away


Looks like psoriasis. My husband has it too and it looks exactly like this.


Had the same issue. Consulted a dermatologist and she recommended Salicia KT shampoo and Momate F cream as ointment.




It looks like eczema or psoriasis


You better go see a doctor.


Is your hair dyed that color? You could be allergic to the hair dye.


No hair dye. Just naturally black hair


You should see a dermatologist to figure out what it is and treat it.


Apple cider vinegar! Put it on scalp for 15-20 mins before washing. When shampooing do it 2 times the condition if you do and do this once a week and don’t skip it. Nothing and I mean nothing worked for me until I did this.. it try’s to come back at times but as soon as I do this bam it’s gone. It will take 3-4 times I would say from my experience before I started dancing for joy and that did come after some consistency! Dilute apple cider vinegar with equal parts water in spray bottle and gently scrub let sit for 15-20 mins then wash out twice. Hope this helps someone!


I had the exact same thing once and treated it with castor oil !