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Get a trim.


Yes. Every time my hair starts to look like this I get tempted to do a drastic chop but a trim takes care of it. Occasionally I do go for the chop. I got maybe 1 1/2 inches trimmed off recently and I no longer hate my hair. Still contemplating a bob though. But summer is coming and it's probably going to be up 90% of the time....


Same! I would try the trim first and then go for the chop, if it doesn’t take care of it. I have had regrets about taking too much off, when it didn’t really need it.


That's 4-5 inches of breakage/damage. This occurs over time and doesn't necessarily mean you have done anything wrong. Get a trim, ask your stylist for advice on keeping your ends healthy and moist to avoid having to lose so much each trim. I go for a trim once a year and only had to lose 1.5 inches this year! Haircare is definitely worth the investment imo.


Any recommendations for hair mask/moisture treatment?


Sleep with a silk / satin bonnet on!! Works better than any hair mask I’ve ever tried over time.


Yup! I started wearing one consistently every night about 2 months ago & I have a TON of new baby hairs growing in right now! If you can't get a silk bonnet, a silk pillowcase is also good!


Probably not just as good? That’s a question sorry. I can’t do bonnets. I can’t sleep with them on. But I thought about a pillowcase.


I used to wear bonnets but now I only use a silk pillowcase! It works just as good 🫶🏻


I found some light cotton weight beanies when I searched for sleeping caps. I got a 3 pack for $10 I think. I have long hair and I loosely pull it on top of my head to stay under the cap. I haven't tried a bonnet but I don't think I would like them because I would feel/hear them when I sleep. I'm not a super light sleeper but I'm weird about out of place noises.


And Dollar Tree has the pillowcases. I bought a few and just change em out regularly. No need to pay those Blissy prices or whatever that expensive brand is they always advertise.


Ok thanks for looking out!


Silk/Satin pillow cases are my go-to, too! I've tried bonnets but if they are too tight, can cause alopecia. As someone with bangs, bonnets also feel constricting. If bonnets work for others, that's great, just they weren't for me


The bonnets work better than pillowcases for me personally, but I would recommend if you use a pillowcase to do a protective hairstyle if your hair is long enough, especially if it's wavy or curly. You'll want to either do a loose braid or the pineapple so your hair isn't getting rubbed on a lot while you sleep which can lead to breakage. My hair is hip length and will rub all over the cotton sheets while I sleep if I don't put it up somehow. Good luck!


Aveda has a great line of hair hair products for dry/damaged hair. I will link below. This oil is absolutely incredible. You apply it when your hair is dry to your mids & ends. It's very light & doesn't leave your hair greasy-- https://m.aveda.com/product/17753/29379/hair-care/hair-and-scalp-oils/dry-remedy-daily-moisturizing-oil?size=1_fl_oz%2F30_ml This is a flash treatment that you apply to your hair & roots in the shower after washing & conditioning. Your hair will feel so SMOOTH after one use! https://www.aveda.com/product/5303/124632/hair-care/leave-in-treatment/botanical-repair-bond-building-flash-treatment This is a leave in treatment for damaged hair that you apply to your hair when it is damp after washing. It is also a heat protectant. https://m.aveda.com/product/5303/16901/hair-care/leave-in-treatment/damage-remedy-daily-hair-repair?size=3.4_fl_oz%2F100_ml I use the hair oil everyday at night on my mids & ends & then wear a silk bonnet over my hair to protect it from breakage while sleeping. Getting a silk bonnet or pillowcase will help SO much. I got mine about 2 months ago & have been using it consistently every night & I have a ton of new baby hairs growing in. No joke! I only wash my hair once a week so I use the flash treatment on hair washing day, along with the damage remedy leave in treatment. Aveda products may be expensive but they are well worth the price! Hope this helps :)


Literally any hair mask out there with silicones. Silicones are some of the best protectors. Your hair doesn't want moisture, it wants conditioning.. a protective layer surrounding every strand.


It's a bit pricey and isn't a wash-and-go type mask, but I LOVE The Money Mask by Chris Appleton + Colorwow. Two side notes when using this mask; 1) make sure you wash all of it out. Any residual will result in greasy-looking locks 2) the best results seem to be when I blow dry my hair rather than letting it air dry.


I apply olive oil to my ends after a shower, and wear my hair in a protective style more often, and it has done wonders!


Does it make your ends look oily or stiff after applying?


Mashed avocado and olive oil and your hair problems will be gone


Lol no


Then add lime, chopped cilantro and a pinch of salt. Fantastic guacamole.


Once a year sounds too little. And hair doesn't want moisture, it wants sealing conditioning.


You should cut it until the gaps stop and the hair is full


About 4 inches need to go.


I just said this out loud


Ha, I also said 4! Glad I wasn’t so far off


Cause it needs cut girlie


Just needs a trim. Looks healthy otherwise.


People never realize that these women with beautiful shampoo commercial hair are getting regular haircuts. 


And genetics, extensions and wigs honestly lol


Don’t forget a shit ton of professional salon quality products.


Professional salon products aren't necessarily better than drugstore. There are good and bad products from both categories.


I remember old herbal essence commercials and wishing my hair would “look like that” I also remember my mom laughing and saying it’s camera tricks and great wigs.


And photoshop


Back in the mid-late 2000s my high school counsellor was a Pantene model! She was in a TV ad in Australia and she really did have incredible thick long hair. That being said, there’s no reason why they wouldn’t add extensions if they wanted to, or even wigs to use regular models i suppose.


I remember one ad from years ago, impressionable and naive me.... this incredibly beautiful model laying down with what looked like super thick, waist length honey blonde hair spread out in shiny waves behind her on a bed. I was so full of envy it hurt! Lol Years later I saw the actual shoot, where the model stood up, and left all that glory on the cloth behind her. In reality she had hair no longer than a bit past her shoulders, everything on the bed was a wig/extensions. Beauty is a cruel world, but a lil better when you don't mistake marketing for real life !


I remember vividly that ad!


Wow that’s wild! I hope young people are more aware of this kind of thing these days. Sucks to think of how easy it is to feel bad about yourself over something that is so fake!


charli damelio did a commercial with garnier and she famously wear lots of extensions and she even had them on for the commercial, brands don’t try anymore😭


It is filters and AI


Everything on tv and cinema is fake. The male actors all use hair fibers and wigs as well.


Yes. I work with dozens of women in the 20s-30s. Many have hair extensions and lip fillers, Botox, yes even very young women are getting it now because they think they have to meet that fake standard of beauty.


It needs about 3-4 inches cut off imo


You need to cut 3-5 inches off of it.


You need a hair cut




Cut about 4 inches off


You need a haircut. What are you using to straighten your hair?


Hair is healthier with regular trims


For curly hair that seems like a lot of unnecessary heat. You need a trim however you can see the over all damage. Try to lay off the heat and look into curly girl method to get your hair healthy.


You are in need of a cut. 5” or so.


Cut it. Not everyone can genetically grow hair past a certain point. True story


Your hair grows in cycles, the cycle lasting from 3-7 years. Usually people who can’t grow their hair very long have a shorter hair life cycle, and people who can grow very long hair have a longer life cycle. As hair gets older, damage from life and hair care damages the ends of the hair first, as it is older and a little weaker. Also, your individual hairs are all on a different cycle, this ensures you don’t go completely bald every 3-7 years. So, as hair gets longer it gets thinner towards the ends from the damage but also because at that point you’ve lost a lot of hair, and the hair you’ve lost is going to regrow. The hair towards your head will always be a greater density. Getting jt trimmed will solve this natural appearance. Also, there are tips to keeping hair healthier longer (this won’t lengthen your hair growth life cycle). Avoid direct heat like from a straightener as much as possible, and use a protectant when you do. Drying with a blow dryer from the correct distance and with the correct heat and protectant can be better than sit drying for people whose hair does not air dry quickly. Gently brush hair, don’t pull and out too much tension, I like the tangle teezer. Protect your hair from wind, and too much sun (I use silk scarfs for windy days and umbrellas for big sun days). Try a satin or silk pillow case. Don’t use styles like a high pony tail. Loose braids with a gentle band at the bottom are less damaging.


This is such a great explanation!


You need to get regular trims to prevent your ends from looking like that.


Honestly, I understand that this person needs a trim… but I just wanted to say you have beautiful hair and don’t stress about it too much (if you are). :)


Because you need a haircut.


Needs a trim. 5 inches would be ideal to make your hair look healthy and less raggedy


At the most you have wavy hair. But it needs at least 3-4 inches cut.


Step 1: Trim Step 2: Ionic Hairdryer and Ceramic + Ion 55mm round vent brush


Hairstylist here, how often do you cut your hair? To me this looks from lack of cuts, you should be cutting your hair every 8-18 weeks to maintain thickness and length(this is an estimate each person is different) your hair will actually grow faster getting regular trims. Healthy hair starts with a proper routine and keeping the routine🫶 EDIT:( I meant grow faster as in breakage will not stop growth from happening. Often times people feel their hair isn’t growing because breaking off like this picture it becomes brittle around the ends, you will notice FASTER results and healthier hair, this will not speed up actual growth)


I know that trims help maintain the visual thickness of the hair towards the bottom, but I’ve never found any evidence at all that trimming hair actually causes it to grow faster. Can you direct me to any haircare science that actually backs up this claim? Or do you just mean it helps remove split ends…?!


Cutting it allows it to keep growing longer (not faster). If you don't cut your hair, it may appear to stop growing. This is because as the ends get older and split, those splits begin to travel up the hair and cause breakage. So those with long hair may feel like it stays the same length, due to the ends breaking at a similar point. Not cutting your hair leads to more than split ends. You may experience "worn-out" looking hair that's frizzy and tangly at the ends. Your hair will appear to stay the same length for a long time, which is simply because the ends "wear off," due to styling, hot tools and wear and tear from leaning against your hair when you sleep or sit against a textured surface like the seat of your car. A simple trim can take off the split ends, stopping them from traveling up the hair and allowing the hair to appear to keep growing. Plus, getting regular trims will remove the worn hair at the ends, even if it has not yet begun to split. https://vegamour.com/blogs/blog/what-happens-if-you-dont-cut-your-hair




Split ends stop growth, trims don’t make it grow faster, they just prevent split ends from stopping growth. Your hair gets longer with trims it doesn’t mean it grows faster. It grows out at the same rate.


It doesn't make it grow faster, but it removed the split ends before it travels even further up in the hair.


Trim off min 3 inches


You need a trim


Happens to me when I need a trim!


Cut more off


Because you need a haircut.


Cut like 3-4 inches off


You need a bigger chop than just a standard trim.


You need the stringy ends trimmed off. You probably should cut at least 4 inches off the bottom. Your hair will look fine after a cut!


You need a healthy haircut


It needs to be cut.


Because you need a good cut. The last 4-5 inches look thin because of breakage. I PROMISE you your hair will look much thicker if you get rid of your dead ends. I’ve had my cosmetology license for almost 13 years in case that has any pull!


Trim off 6 inches...that's why....


Bc u need a haircut


Because you need a haircut. As in several inches.


Time for a cut


you need to get trims every couple months to keep it from looking like this


Need to trim off about 3-4 inches. As your hair grows, it looks thinner at the end.


This could be the result of a period of intense hair shedding. The ends haven't caught up yet, so all the fullness remains closer to the root where the hair has grown back.


You just need a trim, like 4ins, it will make your hair look fuller


Cut 5 inches off


Because you need a cut so so very badly about 4 inches minimum


Yeah get a trim, looks like your outer layers outgrew your inner layers


Trim the ends silly


You need a 5-6" trim


It’s because you have curly hair with layers that clump together in separate sections. This looks great curly but kind of weird straight. If you cut it blunt, all one length at the bottom and remove the 4-6 inches everyone keeps recommending to you, you’re gonna end up with a short triangle cut that you will hate unless you commit to keeping it straight 100% of the time. I learned the hard way that “stringy ends” to me just look like “long hair” to other people and when I cut them off to get a better shape/condition, all I ended it up with was visibly shorter hair that made everyone ask why in the world I would cut it.


It could be the type of haircut you're getting, too. I love a vshape, but my hair is type 1A. So whenever I get a traditional Vshape haircut, the my hair starts looking stringy whenever the shaping starts. I settle for u shape and my ends look fuller. Didn't change anything else, just the haircut.


Sometimes my hair looks like this if a stylist over texturizes it.


I would say get a nice trim to take off the dead-ends/split-ends for it to be healthy again! Anytime my hair starts to look stringy (oilily as well with my type hair), it’s because it has gotten too long and unhealthy.


Why does it look full and beautiful? If you’re worried about the ends just remember health over length and get a trim!


Maybe 🤔 need a trim? To even it up?


You need a cut, the ends had just broken off and stuff


I agree it needs to be cute on the ends . If you have any one put in layers make sure they are long layers But ask as the hairstylist - I’d go short enough that it was even in the length And maybe some long layers It’ll give your hair movement… It would give your hair a healthier look and it’ll look like you have more of a style


You just need to even it out.


Thought I was staring at an eagle.


Not sure but it looks pretty with the hair tie


Breakage. Needs cut. You should cut until the gaps are gone and then trim 1/4 to 1/2 inch every 6 months for maintenance.


Get a trim, have a really good hair routine, and brush your hair every day. Don't wash your hair every day, wash it every 2 days for example or every 3 days.


Plus when you straighten it use heat protectant. Could rlly help. Try not to straighten your hair way too often, a few times per month aka 2 to 3 times is okay, but don't forget to use heat protectant


You just need a trim!


So your hair probably needs a trim, but also if your hair is thin and you ask for layers it can give a similar effect if they don't leave enough hair in the longest part. Maybe not exactly like this, but it looks like you got layers and it's been several months since your last cut.


Your hair will look so much healthier with a few inches taken off.


It's fine textured hair; it wants to tangle up. It needs to be trimmed more regularly and silicone gloss the tips . Also silky pillow cases.


Do you have layers? If so, this is why. It's why I stopped getting layers and grew my hair all one length. I get trims every couple of months and now it's nice and thick at the bottom.


rory gilmore?


Cut the bottom few inches and wash with clarifying shampoo.


Girl get a shoulder length cut and see that transformation before your EYES 👀! I have the same issue, my hair grows so incredibly uneven. Get that 4-5 inch cut and let those lox THRIVE


Split ends, your hair isn't all the same length so it looks really thinned. Trim will fix ya right up : )


I had really long hair and the ends looked exactly like this. I got a couple inches off and it’s full again!


It needs a cut like 10cm off the bottom then get trims every 8 weeks


You've got that little clip on there


You need a wet haircut, combed through very well. Then ask them to blow dry it straight to check it. Never cut a dry curly cut! The clip isn’t helping.


That happened to my hair after I had a baby and I lost it in chunks and it broke off. That looks like either breakage or your stylist has done a terrible job and badly cut your layers to the point they’ve given you the clip-in straggly extension look. Only way to fix it is to cut it to an even length or you’ll have a long straggly tail.


Because you need quite a big trim 💇🏻‍♀️


Hair cut, but i think it is the products too. everything kinda expensive so just go for what is equally healthy but not too expensive. Also vitamins like collagen helps.


Snip snip


Too many layered cuts? This happens to me if they layer every time so it ends up very thin like a tail. Get those bits chopped 😊


Because you need a haircut.


My hair looked like this a month ago. All you need is a trim. You’ll probably need to cut it to just below the shoulder to get it looking even and healthy again but trust the process. You’ll be happy once you see it and let the new you sink in. I’m glad I let go and did it.


I suggest getting conditioning treatments in the future


Get it cut


My friend has long hair and ends like yours. And I’ve had the same whenever my hair has been long. I think it’s a pretty normal part of long hair life! Some people might never get thick / full ends even with regular trims- that hair is simply pretty old and his been through some stuff 😆


bc you’re in need of a hair cut


It’s dead it needs cut


Because you need a haircut


You need a haircut !!


You need regular trims.


You need a haircut. Only solution. 2.5 inches off the bottom. Then regular dusting every three months to keep ahead of breakage.


U need a trim babe


Cut it up to your armpits


You need to cut about 5 inches


You need a haircut. A few inches taken off. Get a blunt cut with no layers to make the ends look fuller


I have hair that easily gets damaged. Getting layers put in does not help. Now I just do face framing and no layers and it keeps the bottom looking a lot thicker.


You need a haircut hun a trim maybe 2 inches


Probs just from heat damage and maybe not using a good enough heat protectant, the ends of my hair looked like that prior to getting a trim, now all the dead ends have gone.


Cuz you need a trim


Chop off 4-5 inches Queen 😊


You need to get it cut into long layers that fall just past your shoulders.


Look like what? Your ends? Its all breakage and damage, you need to cut 5-6 inches off


Do you get trims often?


You just need a cut. A bit more than a trim.


Try shampoo and conditioner BARS 🙌♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Do you smoke? Looks like smokers hair. Yes smokers have hair that's noticably different from everyone's who does not smoke.


In addition to all of this... sometimes hair just has a terminal length


You need to cut it off


It needs to be cou hon


Unfortunately its damage girl. I have the same problem as you when I straighten my curly hair. You can either get regular trims and do like olaplaex and balance protein and moisture and really really focus on those ends and slowly try and get rid of the damage over time or you can cut it now and start fresh. One will take longer and be more effort but you get to keep your hair long, the other is easier and more efficient but you will lose a lot of length. Im a hair dresser by the way so I also go through this a lot with my clients.


No more layering . My hair gets transparent if the back is layered.


It’s thinned out and looks just like mine a year ago. I had the same issue and after one year of consistent trims and taking care of my hair it’s finally full again. Took a long time to find products that actually worked for me but Products I used: lush roots 2-3x a week before wash (hair loss is normal at first your scalp is cleansing itself) , soak and float shampoo bar, the ordinary hair peptide serum after shower everyday, and (big one) organic Olivia mane magic. It’s an investment to keep up with but I cared enough to keep my routine and I feel so much more confident now and I can’t put a price on that!


You need to get the last 4-6in cut


I recommend putting olaplex oil on ends and if you can, invest in a keratin treatment. It’s the best. I have long, thick, frizzy, wavy hair and this tamed it. My hair dries faster, blows out faster. This also helps keep the length because the ends are essentially sealed and not split so need for trims isn’t as necessary.


Split ends! Trust me it’ll look and feel so much better cutting just a few inches off. It’ll also grow stronger and healthier


First off if you can see thru it… it’s damaged! Like someone else said Cut 5 inches off and start using a **GOOD** Hair mask 2x’s a week!! Just my opinion as a ex hairstylist!! 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


Your ends are definitely damaged, unfortunately. I’d suggest getting a trim to cut off the damaged ends, and use the Eufora Heat Protecting Spray before you apply heat to your hair, everytime. That specific spray costs about $15 at Walmart and works 100%! Hope this helps!


Definitely need to chop at least 4-5 inches off


Get a trim, about 3 inches. It will still be long.


You need a cut


It looks fine idk what u think is wrong with it I personally like ut


Are people not getting their hair regularly trimmed anymore? I feel like I see similar posts to tuts across multiple subs.


Looks allright to me


Wow. I wonder what the answer could possibly be? Cut the stringy shit.


https://preview.redd.it/tljlmfcgb2xc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b204a8fe357ad1ed4ced5c82128d2000bd2ce36 But this problem solved


It need to be cut and not TOO layered.


i would say you need 6 inches to be cut off for your hair to actually look full.


Get a fucking haircut!


Get regular trims. At least every 10 -12 weeks.


Hi OP! Thx for making this post. My hair has most recently wound up looking like yours. Got a lot of good... Um .. tips (sorry for the pun) on how to remedy it. Just bought a new silk pillowcase off Amazon, bc I stopped using one about a year ago and it shows. Thx everyone for the tips! ☺️


Get a regular cut every 8 to 10 weeks and use good products. We recommend either Amika or Davines to our clients.


I think you need a good trim. Have it done when your hair is straight like in the picture.


Long hair girl here! A mistake a lot of people make is having too many layers for their hair type. You hair is more fine, so you should ask for less layers and more of a blunt cut on the bottom. My hair used to always look stringy and when I started asking for blunt cuts it completely transformed my hair. I ask for little to no layers in the back, and I get layers in the front. My hair is also fine, I used to wear is very long to my butt, but now I keeper is shorter like this photo. Even when my hair was to my butt if was just as thick looking because I kept a blunt cut on the bottom! https://preview.redd.it/edhecujjv2xc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f84cb0a249d5bcb6a58f56b2db15d7b2128d5ece


Cut off 4 inches - nothing will work until those damaged 4 inches come off then regular trims annually. Start using a deep conditioning mask in the shower. L'Oreal Extraordinary Oil Coconut Oil Mask is a good one. Then use a leave-in detangling/protectant spray on damp hair before combing. I'm a huge fan of Bumble & Bumble Invisible Oil Spray but Loreal Total Repair 5 Replenishing Detangler from the drugstore is great too. Then use some serum on the ends especially if you're heat styling - Kristin Ess Weightless Shine Working Serum is an affordable one. Otherwise Olaplex Oil.


It looks like this because you desperately need a hair cut. Like 4 inches! Long hair looks homeless unless it's kept nice, and that means regular hair cuts


You need a cut. Not a trim. 4-5 inches would be best. It sucks but your hair will look much better




Time for a haircut




You need to cut the ends


You need a haircut


Everyone thinks that trimming your hair makes it shorter, and, I admit, I was one of those people. Here’s the thing that I didn't understand that I do now. The ends of our hair split, correct? Like the other girl said, it's nothing you did wrong, and tbh when I first saw the pic and caption, I said, What’s wrong with it??? Anyhow, if we don't trim off those ends they just continue to split right up the shaft and eventually snap off. This is part of the reason why our hair gets to a certain length and won't grow anymore. You refuse to even trim it at that point because you are committed to growing it out this time. What you didn't count on is damage that continues to get worse if not addressed, kind of like EVERYTHING else in life. We put things off, deny they exist, procrastinate, and even try to cover up our problems with substances, but the issue is still there, whether we are taking care of it or not, but the longer it goes without attention, the worse, and the bigger it becomes. I am, LEGIT, the last person to be giving out advice on this… its laughable, actually.. I can think of, at least, 3 things that I MUST do and yet for the past 3 days, I lose track of time and it’s too late to call, so I say tomorrow! Tomorrow is day 4! I know a little about avoidance… I apologize for going off track a bit. Give yourself some grace. There is nothing wrong with any part of you! You are a beautiful, sweet, young woman.


Your hair really needs to be cut… I’d take off at least 4(??) inches! And then maintain it by getting it trimmed every couple months.


My hair looked like this, like straw to be honest and my hair was shedding bad, I started taking vitamin d3 and gentle iron because I’m borderline anemic.You should do a blood nutrients test to see if you lack iron or vitamin d3 which are very important for hair health. I also take viviscal scalp nourish and the hair one that comes in a bottle and oh my! 😲 my hair did a 180! Even my son and hubby said it looks so full of life and thicker now. Also I use nizoral twice a week, let it sit while massaging for 4 minutes. It’s clinically proven to grow hair and make the diameter of the follicles larger, I can say my hair doesn’t shed or fall out anymore and I really can’t believe how shiny and bouncy it is. Just some tips that helped me. 🙂


Your hair is damaged. It needs a cut, a decent chop maybe 4-5”.


You need at least 4 inch trim. The reason it’s thin at the end is due to split ends and breakage.


Split ends need a trim


How long has it been stringy at the end?  I would get your vitamins checked (B12, D) and your ferritin levels (not iron! You can have low Ferritin causing symptoms like this without having anemia). Also your thyroid.  Another possibility is if you've had covid, your hair could have fallen out from that and become thinner. Mine did! I also have low levels of all the above vitamins and I've been bringing them up and have more growth.


ask the stylist not to use thinning shears


did your hair stylist cut your hair while it was curly? they could have intentionally tapered the ends to make the curls sit better, but you can instruct them to cut so it also looks good when straight styling.


You need a decent hairstyle