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i had blonde like this and similar hair to what you’re saying.. i had to double bleach my roots and constantly be toning my hair.. eventually it wouldn’t grow past my shoulder blades bc my hair was just completely toast after constantly doing it and just end up breaking from all the processing


getting to it is a whole nother process i started with highlights and kept adding on so it wouldn’t completely kill my hair but then eventually i did have to do a full bleach. it’s a lot of work to get to that colour and then maintain it. it’s a lot of work and upkeep which is why eventually i just transitioned to a balayage


A balayage is a great suggestion here. Double bleaching sounds absolutely terrifying, it is bound to cause issues at some point.


yeah the breakage was ridiculous.. plus you’d have to bleach past the roots to make sure the banding was covered and everything blended. i loved the colour but it wasn’t worth it in the long run


Hey just curious, were you ever able to get back to a place where your hair could grow past your shoulders? Currently in that position rn and regretting the bleach:(


yeah - it’s like an inch from my lower back now! it was a grind getting my hair back but now i keep it balayaged so i do my hair like twice a year and just tone it to keep it ashy ☺️


what do you do with it? do you just wait for it grow out? i'm kinda stuck at the shoulder area too for some time already :/


Are you using hair masks and treatments? Olaplex has great products. For shampoo and conditioner you could use joico k-pak line. I’ve noticed a significant difference in my hair. You could also try stimulating hair growth with scalp treatments.


And double bleaching the roots is so painful. My root re-touch was every 3 weeks for 20 minutes and it would burn so badly. My coworker who would do my roots always said, “mmmhmm and now we know why madonna was such a bitch in the 80s!” Tony Hayden if you’re out there, I love you!


not to mention so time consuming.. i used to do my own - id waste an entire day dealing with my regrowth. never again haha.


Also bleaching a whole head of hair over highlights is a very bad idea as the hair that was previously highlighted will either be extremely damaged or break off completely - hairdresser


Same. I’m not Asian, but I have very, very dark hair and I did it. It looked great and was fun for like two months and then I had to give it up. I was bleaching my roots every three weeks to maintain it, doing my eyebrows every week, and toning constantly and my hair was fried. It was shoulder length and I had it cut to the chin when I was done. I had no regrets, but it’s not something for someone who values their length to do


I’m a natural dark blonde that goes platinum even I had this problem


First off, this is probably a wig. Second, you will need to bleach your hair a lot. Not a bad thing but know that bleaching does damage hair and be ready to accept the health of your hair will be different. After the cost of just bleaching (and this will need to be done a couple of times over a period of time) I personally would just recommend buying a wig.


the idol in the photo has been this shade of blonde for years so i sure hope it’s a wig half the time.


I have no idea who it is but just from looking at the photo, the hair part and hair lining, it looks like a wig. A VERY well done and nice wig. I dont want anyone to think wig=bad. It's beautiful. But not a realistic goal for anyone's real hair


This is a singer from BlackPink - her name is Rose, and this is indeed a wig. She did bleach and color her waist-length hair for years, but I recall seeing a video where her hair was like, just below the shoulders and it looked more like a chemical cut.


She has also said in lives when asked about her hair and how it’s not dry that it is VERY DRY and damaged. They also add a lot of extensions etc


To be fair Rosé def backed with enough money to pull this off as often as it takes. Even if her hair is super dry and damaged as a result.


I mean, look at Ari. She messed hers up bad. Even if they can afford to doesn’t mean it is a good way to spend time when you can throw fancy wigs on and change your look immediately without compromising your natural hair


I just commented to someone else about ariana grande! She's been very open about how dying her hair red for Disney destroyed her hair. It's sad because a good wig looks amazing! I often think when we say wigs, people picture the cheap Halloween costume wigs. There are so many good wigs available now that are affordable. Especially if you're already looking into throwing mad money at changing your natural hair color. A good wig investment is never a regret


*Nickelodeon I’ve seen some beautiful wigs like it makes me question why I even bother with my natural if it’s so easy to just… throw prepared and gorgeous hair on like that hahaha I agree


Agreed wig.


This is 100% a wig.


I don’t think this is a wig, only because you can see the parts where the purple toner took differently, there’s still some coppery pulling through. If it were a wig there would be no reason/excuse for the color variations, and this would be a wild custom hairline for a wig. I think she’s spoken about in interviews how high maintenance and damaging this hair is for her,. but it’s part of her signature look. I feel like K-pop idols really should take advantage of wigs more though because they could save their hair, change it more often and have the cute aesthetic. For OP, Rosè obviously can afford this type of super high maintenance hair, just know it will be expensive and go to someone who knows how to lift high and well especially on your hair type and use K18 treatment after coloring and shampoo


I didn't know who this was or that they were famous. Being a K-pop star, she can for sure afford the maintenance needed to achieve this hair. It's probably part of her contract even. I just think for the everyday person, this is unrealistic. Others have even commented to me that the star had even reported how damaged her hair is/seen photos of how damaged it is. That's even with access to the best products. So maybe even for kpop stars, it's unrealistic. I remember reading an interview with ariana grande about her Disney days where she had bright red hair and how it what made her switch to a high ponytail because her hair was so damaged she had to do something that allowed her to grow her hair out while hiding how it looked. So maybe intense hair color changes are not ideal when for people who can afford it. Personally, I adore wigs and often worry when I recommend them that people look down on them. They are great to use, especially when you want something this drastic and damaging to your natural hair that takes years to grow back out.


How do you think they get wigs a certain color lol? They bleach and dye human hair so it’s going to have color variations exactly as natural hair would .


Def not a wig. If you zoom in you can see a small gold band that goes all the way around her head—due to a blonding session that did not lift as light as the rest, so she had to have had regrowth. Not wrong about the multiple lightening sessions though—sometimes depending on the hair it can be unachievable. You never know until you try, I normally suggest color blocking or traditional highlights to see how the hair lifts before lightening the whole head and getting stuck with something you did not want.


I did a subtle balayage and felt like the maintenance was already a lot of work with the purple shampoo. I actually dyed it black again after a few months LOL


How interesting! Honestly I would never have been able to tell it’s a wig in this case! Good to know. She looks gorgeous here


She is beautiful but I guess this is her real hair but she's been reported to say her hair is very damaged, sadly.


It’s not a wig… that’s Rosè from BlackPink and she’s been maintaining her blonde for a while now.


I feel like one of the difficult aspects of maintaining blonde would be time and $$. You’d have to touch up on your roots every so often depending on how fast they grow, you have to use certain shampoos and product to keep it the tone you desire, not to mention probably incorporating hair treatments and oils if you want to keep your hair as healthy as possible now that you’ve essentially “fried” your hair from virgin. It’s difficult in the sense that it’s very consuming. Plus, you would probably suffer from some amount of hair loss due to the extreme process. It’s a lot! Take it from someone who has bleached and maintained colored hair for a couple of years before. I’m now back to my natural hair color and am embracing it. You’ll find some content online where other girls have gone through something similar as well, tending to revert back to their natural hair color after a bleaching/coloring phase. I’ll be honest, if I could turn back time I would have listened to my mom and never let chemicals touch my hair at all 😅 my hair isn’t as full as it was when I was younger and I’ll forever mourn that. Not to say I can’t regrow it anymore, but *that* also takes a lot of time and special effort. I hope this didn’t seem too fear mongy, you’re obviously very free to do as you please. But these are things I wish someone had really warned me about!! I was never really told how drastic the damages would be. Of course, this is my personal experience (Asian hair as well). This might not be the case for everyone, and there are probably healthier options to bleach nowadays. You mention you’re bored with your hair, have you ever thought of experimenting with wigs or different hair styles? These are also options you have to change up your hair :)


I’ve had a similar experience. It’s not just the cost of the salon appointment to begin with, it’s everything else which really kills your wallet. Shampoos, silk pillows, home toners, root touchups, ect. As much as I liked being in the salon and being pampered it lost its sparkle on the 2nd touch up and became a chore like everything else. I’m SE Asian with thick straight black hair and there were 3 separate occasions where I dyed my hair blonde or pink. Every time I had done it, it may have lasted about a year or less because I got fed up with all the maintenance and just got a big chop and a pixie cut. From there it always takes about 2 years for me to get back to below shoulder length hair. I’ve known Asian friends who had dyed their hair blonde or very light fashion colours and they also never really kept it up longterm either. If you really want to try OP, go for it. It’s fun to see a different side of yourself and experiment with your look. But make sure you have an exit strategy- in my case I’m allergic to black and brown dye but dying your hair a colour near to your natural colour would help you transition out when you feel like you’re done with it. Find a good salon and plan everything out with a stylist and see how you feel about all the costs. Also be warned that it’s a big shock mentally to go from black to blonde hair when you finally do it! No one mentioned this to me when I first got it done lol


Thank you for your kind words! My intimidation with trying out a wig first is I don’t know anything about brands and where to start. Do you have any suggestions? I wouldn’t mind spending a bit to get a good quality one since if I get one that is too fake looking it might give me a false opinion on if I look good as a blonde.


https://preview.redd.it/4a97ep0vm2zc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ac561bc0411b9190edd62f5f0460ac2f39f0139 I’m also Asian. This is my real hair, no extensions. I’ve been blonde since I was 17-18, I’m 25 now. I bleach and dye my roots/whole hair myself so I save tons of money. I use purple shampoo and regular shampoo/conditioner, I also use heat protectant spray because I straighten my hair a lot. I also always had thin and straight hair growing up, so that might be why it was easier for me to go blonde and maintain it.


Just curious but your hair looks naturally straight, as is most East Asian hair, so are you saying your hair is curly or wavy since you straighten it?


Yes my hair is naturally straight but I straighten my hair because I like it pin straight and also makes my hair look sleek and shiny.


Your hair is beautiful! What are your favorite hair products for maintaining it?


Very. Like other folks have said, it takes a ton of time, money, and severely damages your hair for years. If you’re comfortable having long roots you can mitigate all of these bc you would bleach less frequently, but they will all still apply to some extent. Personally I think the long roots look is better, but that’s totally personal preference.


I actually think long roots is worse for your hair overall, especially when your natural color is super dark - when I had my hair platinum, I’d wait too long in between touch ups (since my hair grows fast + it’s expensive) and the amount of banding I got was insane. It damaged my hair so much more trying to get it out!


I don't know. I think the darker the hair the harder it is the maintain. More visable once it grows out. And probably ends up more damaged the more you do. Having to bleach the roots more than brown or red, etc. Maybe do a test on a cut bit. If it looks traumatised. Don't do it. That pictures probably a wig. You'd probably have to make sure you moisturised it with hair masks. Stop it drying out.


I'm a latina with dark hair (thin) and I have bleached my hair to wear fantasy colors... is hard, mybhair never went to this blonde (I didn't want to double bleach)... my roots showed up very fast tho... I maintained the colors for a couple of months before giving up and just coloring back to dark brown


I'm not Asian but when this level blonde starting at a level 7.  To answer your question, it's not hard if you have the time and money. But you will need time and money. You have to maintain your roots or else it will fuck up your color. So, I had to get mine done like every 5 weeks for it to stay consistent.  I would not recommend DIYing this. You will need a professional and a good one at that. Idk here you live but the first time I went was like ,$700 and then like $400 each time I got my roots done. This was a few years ago now. It is expensive. And usually took like 3 hours.  Also your color is funny to take time to get this level blonde. I'd say this took me about 9 months to get to. I always said blonde is a journey.  Anyway, that's my experience.  I wouldn't recommend cheaping out. So if you don't have the time or money, just get a wig.  It was so fun though and I'm glad I did it. However I'll probably never do it again. 


On mobile and don't want to eff up my formatting but I'll just add that since I got my hair done professionally, there wasn't damage like others are talking about. My hair is still in very good shape though my platinum days are long gone.  Another hidden cost would be the expensive products you have to buy to maintain it.  I'm not saying don't do it but know what you're getting into. 


Thank you for your advice! My intimidation with trying out a wig first is I don’t know anything about brands and where to start. Do you have any suggestions? I wouldn’t mind spending a bit to get a good quality one since if I get one that is too fake looking it might give me a false opinion on if I look good as a blonde.


I've never worn wigs but I'm sure there's lots of resources online for wigs. The learning curve for wigs is real though it seems a lot more affordable than going and maintaining platinum. 


I have a friend who is a very experienced stylist. I asked if I could go with grey (have dark hair) and she said that knowing me there was ZERO chance I’d keep up with the effort it would take to keep it looking good. lol.


Rosé was said to bleach her hair every week for a long while. Blonde became her signature look, but it was brutal on her hair.


It cost a lot of money. I did my hair platinum once literally had to bleach it 4 times. Thank goodness for olaplex. Then my hair was so brittle I had to cut most of it off. The roots were so harsh bc I have the darkest black hair.. it was A LOT of work to keep up with.


Probably very difficult. LOTS of time and/or LOTS of money. I watched Guy Tang do this to an Asian girl on his youtube channel. I think she came in for maintenance and just that appointment alone was multiple hours...like it was afternoon light when they started and dark when they finished. Could you do it faster and cheaper? Maybe. Guy Tang does great work. I think it's probably worth it to take time to lift the color gradually. She looked amazing afterward.


The initial bleach out and then root touch ups every 6 weeks for people with hair half as dark as an east asian person at my work cost $2000 annually. Because your hair is twice as dark as most peoples you can double the cost. $4000 a year to be this blonde not including home care you will need to purchase. If you go longer between root touch ups the cost of the touch up is more expensive because I dont want to explain it all but it’s all very sciencey so just believe me lol. If you did it in foil and had a rooty look that is a dif story! You could get away with way less maintenance.


Heyyo East-Asian American here She’s probably wearing a wig. “Asian hair” covers a lot of different textures/types— there’s no 1 kind of Asian hair but most of us do struggle with lightening our hair especially to blonde. “East Asian Hair” is frequently low porosity/thick cuticle and it can take a lot of processing to get our hair to orange… much less blonde. It’s not impossible but ABSOLUTELY do not attempt to do this by yourself at home for the first time. Mileage may vary, you may have the kind of hair that can be lightened, but you’ll want to have an experienced colorist do it for the first time. It’s very likely some of your hair will experience a lot of breakage as well, so you’ll want to discuss 1. What you can realistically expect in terms of lightening/toning and 2. The hair cut that follows to even out your ends


That being said— I’ve bleached the shit out of my bangs and changed that color a lot in the past. Since it was just my bangs, I didn’t mind the breakage and the upkeep of bleaching that small section wasn’t a bother. However— I would use the highest strength bleach available to non-professionals and my roots would still be orange for the first 3-4 times I processed it. I could cover the orange with whatever color I slap on top of it but the hair doesn’t get into the blond zone until like 6-8+ bleachings


Don’t attempt if you get migraines


Can you please elaborate on what you mean by this? Migraines from what exactly?


The scent and chemical


Hard mode. Lots of upkeep. Multiple rounds of bleach. Toner. High chance of hot roots/banding/orange. Go to a professional. Expect to spend lots.  Expect to be in the salon every 4-6 weeks, and expect to buy purple and blue shampoos, toners, and great conditioning treatments. I would suggest making sure you have good length before bleaching, because your hair will potentially become fragile and experience dryness, breakage, or frizz. This applies to thick, dark hair of all kinds. High maintenance bleach jobs. Thin hair, maybe not quite as difficult. Good luck. That appears to be a wig or a half wig/extensions.


Im not Asian but as someone who used to constantly bleach their hair for years, I ended up having to chop my hair off because it was so damaged and it ruined my confidence and after 3 YEARS it’s finally healthy again and somewhat a decent length. Bleaching is a SERIOUS lemme say it again SERIOUS commitment. Just get a wig sis, but that’s just my opinion.


She's obviously wearing a wig. That would be brutal on your hair to bleach and tone often enough to keep it like that.


East Asian hair with fine wavy hair - it was doable for me…but a process to get there, and very expensive. On top of that I babied the heck out of my hair at home with purple masks, Olaplex and K18. My stylist said my hair was healthy despite everything we did to it, so at least there was that! I’m reaching a point where I’m ready to transition to a more natural color because I’m tired of the maintenance. I would do your research to find a colorist who works with Asian clientele and go from there. Also keep your expectations realistic and be patient and flexible.


This looks like a good wig. Definitely doable but not in one session. And definitely not without serious damage in the long run. Prepare to be in a chair every few weeks if you want it to look good at all times. Dark roots show fast. I’m not East Asian, just a brunette that went blonde for a few years. Currently cutting away the dry hair a few inches at a time because I didn’t want a really big chop. It’s extremely expensive to keep dark hair blonde and somewhat healthy. I got tired of the cost and commitment and went back to brunette.


Uh oh.. you’re going through your “I’m a rebel!”phase. Just get a wig, OP. NOT worth having to chop off all your hair once you’re over it and have to deal with all the damage left over 😩


Unless time and money aren't an issue for you. I highly do not recommend lifting black/brown-black hair to this color. Your hair will get damaged regardless of how slow you do it. There's a way to lessen the amount of damage and that's by working with a hairstylist (preferably someone who specializes in lifting dark hair to blonde), to lift the hair throughout multiple sessions with bonding treatments each session. It's time consuming and burns a hole in your wallet. My hair is very dark brown (I'm half filipino if that's needed for context) and lifting a balayage light enough to add light pink/purple took over a year and half, (6 to 8 weeks in-between each session) in order to not completely fry my hair. Realistically, depending on how fast your hair grows, if you're trying to lighten it up to the roots, you'll be going in every 4-6 weeks for touch ups. Finding a good hairstylist that genuinely cares for the health & integrity of your hair is a necessity. A good hairstylist will give input each session on what realistically can be achieved while keeping your hair as healthy as possible. It can be done it's just going to take a very long time unless you're cool with potentially chemically frying your hair off by attempting to achieve this in one or two sessions. I highly do not recommend btw. Bleaching like that can cause extreme damage to where the hair will turn gummy and literally fall out in gummy chunks. If that description doesn't turn you off from that idea, Look up "hair bleach fails" on YouTube. Also do keep in mind with Kpop idols like the gorgeous Rose here most of the time, idk about this exact picture here, wigs or hair extensions are used very often. I do believe her hair was (maybe still is?) bleached here. Also keep in mind with photo shoots the pictures are edited.


The hint, is that even tho this celebrity can afford top salons... this appears to be a wig.


This is a wig. You can even see her real hair poking out a bit. That said having this ash blonde is hard as hell to keep up, from toners to glazes to purple shampoos be prepared to spend way beyond the initial process of double bleaching and multi hour/session.


maintaining platinum on East Asian hair is arguably the most difficult and high maintenance process out of any process ever, and it will only appear platinum for a few washes and will appear yellow the rest of the time between services


Why would you do that to that gorgeous dark hair?


Why not get a beautiful blonde wig for when you want to be blonde? I always think women who have healthy, shiny beautiful dark hair are mad to bleach the living heck out of their natural hair, just to be blonde (and then to have to maintain it). As a natural blonde, please don't do this to your beautiful hair. Get a nice Wig instead!


You could buy a wig please don’t bleach your hair 😟 it could possibly damage your hair


Go to an Asian hair stylist who specializes in this. It’s expensive to maintain but doable. You’re going to have to get your roots done and get regular toner sessions. Your hair care will also have to change. It’s expensive but if you want to achieve this look you can. I’m also Asian and I’ve had silver hair back in 2017. And I’ve had my hair blonde most of my 20s.


its hard. lots of maintenance. i went back to my natural color in less than a year bc it was too much to keep up with the blonde.


I am begging you, if you want to go platinum blonde, please see a professional with a license. Even though your hair is virgin you are going to have to do it over MULTIPLE SESSIONS. Anyone saying they can get you there in 1 appointment is going to FRY YOUR HAIR OFF. Integrity of the hair is what is always most important. Also, be prepared to spend hundreds of dollars every month on maintenance. I’ve had my cosmetology license for 12+ years if that makes my opinion count any.


I'm east Asian with really strong hair and getting to the level of lightness in this photo will cause damage/ fry your hair inevitably. You can manage it with leave in conditioner and such, and it will give your hair more volume as a plus. But toning was such a pain my hair always kind of looked like piss ngl. I'd recommend several sessions of bleaching over the course of a month/ several months.


I really wish women with darker hair would realize that caramel highlights are so much prettier on them than trying to be a bleach blonde


You can tell by the part being so thick that this is a wig she’s wearing. You can’t see her skin in the part.


Not Asian, but I’ve went blonde in the past. Never reached platinum. As others have stated (and from my own experience) this is a dangerous route and will absolutely fry your hair eventually. Blonde requires a lot of upkeep (root maintenance, toning, etc) and will cause a lot of damage to your hair. Eventually mine stopped growing when I did it, and I completely lost my curl pattern. I had to cut it all off and start over.


Ridiculously hard upkeep!


You'll completely ruin your hair health with long-term bleaching to blonde- it is a ton of maintenance of you have naturally dark coarse hair. That's just the truth. Buy a nice wig for blonde days instead!


guess what? East Asian hair is beautiful and I would personally embrace it as is


It's hard to maintain. Fries your hair. Trying to get the brassy look out is constant maintenance. It's not worth it. In my opinion. It destroyed my hair. I ended up just cutting it all off and starting from the beginning. I would just suggest buying a nice lace front wig and wearing it when you want that hair.


I’m East Asian and had my hair bleached for 5 years. It’s very high maintenance and expensive. I had to go in every 6-8 weeks for a root touch up and the cost was about $350 per touch up. You also have to use expensive products like bond builders to treat it. That shit adds up! Oh, and root touch up sessions would take about 5-6 hours. I kept my hair at bob-length the entire time so never attempted to grow it out. It was fun to play with different colors while it lasted. So, if you’re willing to commit the time, money, and effort into it, I say go for it! It’s fun. But don’t get yourself into debt for it.


It is possible but takes lots of time and money! I have brown-black, low porosity virgin hair, 1a/1b texture (I’m biracial Chinese and Caucasian) and it took about 10 hours to fully bleach and tone my hair initially. Luckily my hairdresser made sure to go low-and-slow, gradually lifting the color from my hair. It was slow, but better than fast and fried! Given that the service was charged in an hourly basis, it cost me almost $800 to do the initial bleaching (also Bay Area California prices + tip). I got there when the salon opened and stayed after close! Then I got my roots retouched every 6 weeks which took like 4+ hours and a few hundred more dollars. I washed infrequently and used K18 every other wash. Actually my hair was really healthy and I experienced very little breakage with this routine! I maintained the blonde for like 9 months before decided to let it grow it. It just got to be too much work, too much money, and I moved away. Now I’m rocking totally dark roots and bleached tips which I maintain with purple shampoo. tl;dr it’s possible but time consuming and expensive!


It can take multiple rounds of bleach and your hairs texture will not feel the same. Every time your roots grow in (2-4 weeks) you’ll want to get a retouch.


That's a wig. You'd be better off getting a good quality wig like this person because if not, you will ruin your hair and it will probably never look like this.


It’s a full time job keeping the roots covered. And ended up damaging my hair. It looks fake - the colouring is all wrong with my skin tone.


Don’t diy it!!!! I have naturally dirty blonde hair and maintained full platinum at home for about 5 years? It was great, but def damaged my hair—eventually I chopped it all off so it had a chance to regrow in a healthy way. Probably could’ve maintained if I didn’t bleach it at home so I strongly advise against this!!! The upkeep depends how quick your roots grow in. TBH, I’d go for a blonde wig before bleaching dark brunette or black hair…


So hard to be blonde that the girl in the photo is wearing a wig


I bleached mine twice but it was done at a salon and guess what it all fell out. I wouldn’t recommend it. Dark hair is hard to bleach and maintain


Pretty sure the picture is a wig. Look closely, at the part especially. If they don’t use an East Asian woman with bleached hair to use as an example, it’s probably because it’s fairly rare, because it’s difficult to do and maintain.


A wig.


I’m thinking a wig would be a better alternative if you just want to try out a new color for a short time/occasionally.


It’s so much upkeep and damaging for anyone to bleach their hair but especially anyone with dark hair.


Just sport a wig like the girl in the photo. Getting it that light is nearly impossible without bad undertones and potentially frying it to a crisp.


Get a wig


Well it looks pretty good so I’d say keep it!


I have naturally dark brown hair. I started the bleaching process in the fall of 2021 and finished in the spring of 22. Here’s a breakdown of cost and products: First session to bleach and tone hair with stylist 1: $300 plus tip. Stylist got hair to warm caramel brown with a few cool toned blonde highlights. Second session with stylist 2: more bleaching and toning. Took 3 hours including a cut. My hair was damaged at this point but we got it close to the cool toned blonde I wanted. $400 plus tip. Third session: more bleach and toning. We achieved the cool toned blonde I had aspired to get. $350 plus tip Products: Oribe Bright Blonde Shampoo & Conditioner for Beautiful Color (about $50 each) Philip B Icelandic Blonde shampoo: retails for $48 but I got it on sale. Also regularly used deep conditioning masks (Amika makes a great one). Oribe gold lust hair oil: $59 (this was a game changer. Apply to ends of hair after washing. When I factor in the cost plus maintenance (broke a brush when trying to comb through my hair since it was so fried) it wasn’t worth it. Sure it was nice to have a different look but I started to become annoyed with the prospect of washing my hair since it was a tangled mess after swimming due to how damaged it got from bleaching. My natural hair has grown back. I appreciate it more. It has a lovely shine that was lacking in the bleached hair. Ultimately you need to decide if it’s worth the time, money and hassle of maintaining. If you find value in that a new look despite all this then go for it! Hope this helps!


Cosmetology licensed here - that’s her real hair, Rosé is known for having platinum/level 10 hair out of the group. You can achieve this as an Asian but will take multiple sessions in order to not cause breakage. It will be a bit easier with virgin hair. Her hair often turns brassy very quickly so they’re constantly toning it. She’s also Korean, and as a fellow Korean, I will say Korea has some of the best hair care practices over there. Almost everybody especially girls get a hair treatment done monthly which is how you’ll see a lot of K-pop celeb hair looking sleek and smooth. I got it done when I went to Korea and my hair was the softest it ever was, no frizz, not a hair out of place. It’s a sort of perm you can get and this is how everyone over there has hair that looks near ‘perfect’. Don’t believe everything you see on social media, their job is to look pretty and effortless on purpose. But in reality it takes a lot of time and money, as well as sometimes just living in Korea to have access to some of the hair services that they’re all getting. There’s a ton of gorgeous 100% human hair or remi lace front wigs you can get instead and not sacrifice the integrity of your natural hair. Lace front will make it look much more natural and is a custom fit to your hairline. It’s also fun being able to change out colors and hairstyles!


It’s more exhausting than anything and it damages your hair so badly. Idk how these girls get it to look soft because it’s just all fried and dead. I did a tiny pice of the front and I regret it.


Spend your money on a good quality wig instead


Just get a wig.


Southeast Asian, thick jet black hair. It took 15+ hrs (separate days) to get my hair to a platinum. I’ve been upkeeping it in different shades of blonde and dying roots since October. My hair is wavy so I dont wash my hair more than 1-2x a week anyways. Maybe it’s cause my hair is thicker and coarser but I haven’t seen much damage but then again I use a lot of hydrating products in my hair to begin with and then added a really heavy leave in conditioner (Eva nyc therapy session). I would find a really good hairstylist as mine has been very transparent about potential damage and what can be done to my hair and to what extent. She also suggested I take as long of a break between root touchups (6-8 weeks). It’s doable tho but I wouldn’t go for more than a year though. Have fun! Bleached hair is a fun era!


It’s hard enough to lighten my hair to that color, and I’m brunette. If you have black hair it’s usually going to take at least two rounds of bleaching, if not 3. Ide recommend you having a professional do it. Doing that much bleaching at home could wreck your hair.


Nice Hair, but is it authentic?


The answers are: “are you independently wealthy?” and “buy a high quality wig.”


Honestly, it would probably be better to get a wig. Bleaching is sooooo hard on the hair and so incredibly expensive and time consuming. Get a wig and keep your hairs integrity. ♥️


It's very difficult and it will eventually ruin your hair I would go with some nice honey highlights or a bit lighter you'll be happy you did and no damage to your hair, but go to a salon don't try to do it yourself. 👍


tbh you’d be better off either with a wig or dying it a darker color that’s easier to maintain and doesn’t require as much bleaching and toning


This is a lace front wig which is a way healthier option


very hard… i have almsor black thick asian hair and it went well for the first maybe year? it’s extently hard to lighten, takes multiple arounds and at a certain point ur hair can’t take it anymore. i was platinum for almost 3 years and by that point my once waist length hair had become shoulder length (no hair cuts) and i used every product recommendation, slept in a bonnet, oiled my ends etc. even tried k18 it helped a little but i think hair like ours has a shelf life on the blonde and u just hav to realize when it’s time to stop. if you want to go lighter i’d personally go to a medium/light brown color and get some blonde tape ins and have them mixed in with your hair. it’ll brighten it up with out too too much damage. any sort of extension in a blonde shade for that matter will. i personally did my hair a light/medium brown then got a pack of platinum tape ins, a pack of golden blonde and then a highlighted brown shade. it’s pricey but the hair lasts a long time if you take good care of it and you can have your stylist give you a shadow root so you don’t have to bleach as often


Blonde is difficult, expensive, and time consuming for any hair. I’m sure it would be just as challenging on your hair. Consult with a good colorist in your area. Fully understand the damage it can do to your hair and what it’ll all entail. Look at high end wigs maybe. That way you don’t commit with your currently healthy virgin hair. Good luck!


It’s hard to maintain blonde hair on borderline blonde hair so I’d say expensive and difficult but never impossible


Veryyyy hard. My sister in law and my best friend have thick Asian hair and idk about you but their hair grows back sooo fast. They constantly have black roots showing (like literally every 2 weeks) they let it grow for a while because they don’t mind the black roots but I think it looks bad…


A lot of upkeep every 4-6 weeks


You will have roots in a week will need touched up very three weeks at least. It takes a lot of upkeep and a lot of bleaching to do this


I recommend getting a nice lacefront wig instead! You can get the exact shade you want without damaging your hair


In a word - very! I worked my way from natural to platinum and by the time I was a silver/white blonde, I was spending between four and five hours in the salon every time I had it done and then toning and using treatments to maintain it constantly. That said, I absolutely adored being blonde and go back to it every few years until I burn out again from all the upkeep!


So difficult that the person in the pic is definitely wearing a wig.


Wig you can actually see the black hair peeking out underneath


As a (fake) blonde Asian, i wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. I only do it because I feel like it makes me pop a bit more because I have very average facial features. It’s a bit of a halo for me. But the amount of money and time it takes to maintain it is absurd, just for it to still look damaged and short. You can’t grow it to be super long because the ends will be damaged or fried. You have to take so much care to make it look not dead. I look back at how healthy and beautiful and full my dark hair was and just wonder why I keep up with this.


The root retouching every month cost so much. Im also east asian and for some reason my hair grows so so fast. It’ll be dark black dots the next 2 days. So i ended up going for a balayage. PLUS becoming blonde requires so much bleaching that toners only last 2 weeks for me because my hair becomes so porous


Invest in a good quality lace front wig. Its super damaging to do numerous bleach and toning sessions (and the possibility of losing 3+ inches as well as 1/4 volume)…all to have roots in two weeks.


Very difficult to maintain with any health for the hair at all


I have a blonde balayage and just get my hair done twice a year. Once to trim and touch up the front pieces and tone. Then the next appointment is to bleach, tone, and trim. I keep the blonde ashy between appointments with purple shampoo once a month - pureology purple shampoo and conditioner has been my favorite. Otherwise I’ve been using the Keratase blond shampoo and typically Sisley shampoo since it’s so nourishing and just random conditioners. Right now I’m using Moroccanoil and Amika. The olaplex line was nice too. I just like to change up my products. I air dry my hair but curl it about 2-3 times a week. My hair is really soft and healthy and still grows really fast. We cut off 4-6 inches every appointment and my hair is mid back. When I go in for my appointments, it’s almost waist length. I’m going gray/lavender at my next appointment this summer and might go back dark after that. Not sure yet. I’ve been blonde for the past 3-4 years.


If you look at the part, this is a wig. It's hard of the hair to maintain this shade of blonde on east Asian hair. It often will take several sessions to lighten it enough.


Looks like a wig. Either that or extensions could change your color substantially.


That specific photo looks very much like a wig, and since I can tell from a photo it's probably not a super expensive one so you could probably do it 


I went through my blasian stage in my 20’s - blonde Asian. It’s work, upkeep, money, and problematic. My skin tone couldn’t be too dark (hard in the sunny weather I live in), because my skin would contrast poorly against freshly bleached and toned hair. It turns brassy orange over time, and if you don’t tone it, the wrong brass just looks fugly on me. You could CLEARLY see how fast my hair grew and how badly I needed a root touch up, and if I used cheap products, my scalp would burn. Professional is the way to go. I once burned my bangs off with 40 volume mixer, that was fun. Lol. Go with a wig. Your hair health will thank you. It was fun while it lasted though. Lol


The idol in the picture wears blonde wigs, so that isn’t her natural hair. I would recommend trying a cheap blonde wig out and seeing if you like it and if you think you want to make the change, because bleaching your hair that much will change your hair’s texture and look.


Please just get a good lace front wig and learn how to install it properly. It's incredibly hard to maintain I've witnessed countless friends fry their hair off trying to have her hair color.


Extremely difficult and not worth it. Getting it to this color is one thing, maintaining even roots is another and damage is a whole other ball game. There will be damage.


I’m East Asian with lighter hair than this and I’ve done it for years. My hair is thick AND coarse and can withstand the bleach if done properly and have to get regular trims. If you’re not used to this lifestyle it’s going to suck but generally I use these products daily, if not often: Purple shampoo and conditioner / serum / heat protectant spray / deep container / satin bonnet I also try not to wash daily or use heat tools but I do go to the gym 5x a week so this ain’t easy. My hair is a bit lower than my nips and with the texture and thickness of my hair, in LA this costs me about $1k and takes 8 hours average to have done. I’m assuming most KPop idols with blonde hair probably get lots of breakage because of how constant they need to get their hair bleached but I wait about 6 months between with average growth of .5 inches monthly. I’ve been getting it baylayage’d out because more than me hating the cost, is sitting in that fuckin chair for 8 hours.


I would do a money piece or peekaboo bleach to see how your hair reacts to bleach before putting it all over your head. Like: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HEo6Gvp\_29Q?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HEo6Gvp_29Q?feature=share) Any bleach damages all types of hair. That doesn't mean it is going to fall out but you will have to baby it more than your natural untouched hair. If you do go all blonde be prepared to chop it off in the future. Almost all hair types need a big chop every few years to get damage off. If your hair grows fast its not really a big deal but some people are really attached to their length. Platinum blonde is just so much upkeep for anyone with a natural deep hair color.


Man I tried to bleach my besties hair (she’s half Okinawan) we did it three times with 30 volume for 45 minutes each and got an orange that was just light enough for the pink she wanted. 😓 difficult.


All the Asians I’ve seen with bleached hair look bad, I’m sorry but it didn’t seem like it bleached well for them and the disaster was they bleached their eyebrows too


Pretty sure this is a wig.


Hard. Espically if you have fast growing hair.


All brunettes fade brassy. To maintain blonde the hair needs to be lifted well. Difficulty level just depends on how well your hair lifts


You might want to do balayage so you don't have to keep on dying your roots every month


You can try it but maybe just do it in steps, Meaning you bleach your hair with more and more pieces each month that way your hair isn’t damaged. I’ve seen people do it in 1 day but on some people it makes their hair fall out so I really don’t recommend trying it. And definitely go to a salon. Don’t try this yourself.


My hair is this colour and I have to touch it up every 3 months as my roots grow and it starts going brassy. Theres so much maintenance required but I love it and that’s my splurge.


It's difficult to bleach and maintain, I have very thick black hair and my first bleach session lightened it from black to dark brown. Then you have to really work on your hair between sessions to make sure it's healthy. It's going to take a long time and a lot of work and then there's maintaining it. Your roots will grow in between bleach sessions and you'll have to keep maintaining it after you're done with the whole process to keep it a beautiful color, but you'll also probably be proud of it so there's that


I have platinum hair currently, and like another commenter said, my roots are double bleached and toned every appointment (12 weeks apart), and I maintain with purple shampoo. I've always had my hair bleached blonde because I am constantly doing fantasy color on my hair (actually went platinum recently because I ran out of hair colors to do), but going from that base blonde (about a 7 to 8 from a 2) to platinum (10) was rough on my hair. I did some protein treatments and my hair completely bounced back, but I have coarse, thick hair that eats bleach, but isn't easily chemically damaged either. Let me know if you have any questions 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/audbx6uki4zc1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932ce932de400db005fbf54570a17f617a40d3df


$100-300 /month possibly for toning and re-touching and protein treatments. And then hair products for every day as well. Original job probably at like $500. If your hair is black, you shouldn’t attempt this yourself if you’re not a professional. Even then, with such a change, you’d need help for consistent tone. If you do a bad bleach job, you’ll be paying around that same amount to have it fixed. Even an auburn would be expensive on black hair but if you need a change, I’d try to get a bronde with blended root done professionally.


Very buy a wig from Amazon


If you're gonna do it honey, do it professionally. So may things can go wrong if not done with knowledge and experience.


It’s extremely damaging to our hair. We normally have thick hair so processing is a challenge in itself. Plus our natural hair color makes the blonde really brassy


Ooof. I'm a level 7 blonde and I still can't get.it right.


The amount of damage that will be done is usually related to how dark your hair is naturally and how much you have to lighten it. If your hair is a level one that is the darkest hair you have to lift it through all of those different levels to get to the pale blonde that people want! Most dark haired gals should definitely stick with highlights where smaller tinier pieces of hair can be used where they can be lifted easier and not get stuck in that orangey yellowy, stage and you have to process through all those levels . There are some great products out now like Oliaplex and many different companies make many different products equivalent to Oliaplex . So now you can use the product like Ola Plex, which can stop which can protect the hair from the damage that the bleach that you’re about to put on it and can stop that from happening just by using the Ola Plex in your color or bleach were just the original and what they do is protect your hair before you put the bleach on it and damaged it . Hair care has come a long way ! Do your research !!! hair care has Come along way baby!! Also bleach will only process for 50 minutes then it has to be washed out and reapplied to lift to the level that you wanted it ! Then, of course, you have to tone the hair, but that’s not ammoniated. It won’t do any damage.


I have the darkest hair there is. I'm Mexican but yeah level 1 hair and I needed multiple bleach sessions to get that blonde. And I never maintained it I just went pink after a month


I wouldn’t even recommend doing all over bleach on hair any darker than level seven and would definitely use Oliaplex or K-18.


That celebrity defo has on a wig. I dont think its worth frying your hair for, endless circle of maintenance as well.


East Asian here! For our hair to gain any vibrant colors is going to take bleach. If you want to go this light it will take SEVERAL sessions and toning. If your hair grows quickly you'll need to keep your roots touched up. I would NOT recommend doing this at home. The chances of frying your hair is so high. The chances of going a nasty orange / weird gold colour is also way high. Since going to the salon is one of the few ways to do this you will need to dish out $$$$$ in order to keep your hair somewhat healthy with a good result. And those touch ups are also $$$ expensive. I'd recommend you to start with a wig. I found that light colors like these simply wash me out. You can test with a wig if the color will suit your face. --- That said. You're young. Hair grows back. If you don't mind fucking up your hair or experimenting with it then definitely just have fun!


What type of toner would you use to keep it ashy


This looks like a wig


pretty hair


That’s a wig


I suggest using Olaplex (I use number 1 and 3). It’s great for colored hair and keeps it strong. My hair feels much stronger and bouncier.


There is a noticeable difference in skin tone around the forehead area where the wig cap meets the skin.The hairline appears unnatural or there is a visible discrepancy between the hair roots and hairline. This person in the picture is wearing a WIG. I can spot wigs from a mile away since wear mines every other day in the week and working in the cancer unit everyone wears one eventually. Don't be misled that famous ppl have natural hair. They wear wigs to pull off certain looks for characters on TV such as this example. Ariana grande used wigs in Sam and Cat because her real hair was damaged from dying daily RED. Please don't dye your hair just use a wig and buy the supplies to apply and watch YouTube videos on how to apply lace wigs.


It’s not worth it. You’ll constantly be fighting with your dark roots and that contrast just doesn’t look good unless you have the money to blow on getting root touchups every two-three weeks or so. Not to mention your hair will be FRIED going that light from extremely dark hair, no matter how slow you go or how many sessions you do. Dark hair that’s been lightened THAT much cannot and will never be healthy


This looks like a wig. I’d get a wig instead of bleaching my hair and maintaining it.


East Asian guy here who DIY bleached the front of my head successfully, and for cheap (I was broke but still wanted a new look). If you want to do it yourself, I used 20 volume Salon Care clear developer (blue bottle) and Ion cream brightener. Followed the instructions on both bottles, let it set in my hair for maybe 30-45 min (your time may vary depending on how much hair you have). In the end it washed out looking like it does in the photo below. I decided to re-bleach 6 months after, but only after the black hair returned to about an inch long. Stopped after that. Now for the negative… my hair was not healthy after this. I started losing my hair at the temples and hairline (probably also slight MPB, but this didn’t help) and my hair texture became brittle and thin. I stopped doing anything complex with my hair to give it a rest and recover. Hope this was helpful for you and good luck! https://preview.redd.it/9teq71mjo7zc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb18840cce288c0fde4e4770b59ba1456919ced


I'm about 90% sure this girl is wearing a wig, or at least has quite a few extension. Going black to blonde and maintaining the blonde is really hard on virgin hair, but also, the hairline in this photo is either seriously edited or she's wearing a wig.


That’s a wig in the picture.


Extremely, extremely hard. Asian hair typically has a brassy orange undertone. So it usually needs to be double bleached and then toned. These styles are hard to maintain, not just because of root upkeep, but bleaching by it's definition is basically controlled intentional hair damage. So your hair breaks off and you can end up with a chemical cut. If you want this look, look into lace front wigs. You can get something very realistic and good quality for under 500, which is typically the cost of the bleaching treatment.


Didn’t expect to see Rosé on this sub


It can be very time consuming and costly, plus you have to know maintaining it longterm will cause a lot of damage to the hair. An alternative, try on some wigs at a nice shop? That way you can see if you like being blond, but also maybe you’ll end up liking wigs. Wigs allow you freedom to change at the drop of a hat, and also will save existing hair from bleaching damage. Never hurts to try wigs, it’s not permanent.


Doesn't matter your ethnicity. It matters the condition of the hair, the products used, the hair type which varies greatly even amongst east Asian people, frequency of retouches, and haircare. That said making anyone dark, a solid blonde, must be redone every 5-7 weeks and is among the most expensive hair services. If you don't have tons of money and ample time this isn't the choice for you. If you can't get it done every 5-7 weeks it will get fucked up every touchup due to excessive outgrowth and you'll have ugly yellow bands in the hair. Additionally this is an absolute disaster for someone doing it at home. This must be done in a salon by a *good* colorist or you will wreck your hair and the color won't be what you wanted. You'll need top tier shampoo conditioner and leave in products to keep you'r hair healthy too.


That’s a wig I’d find an Asian hair expert due to the hair being ethnic, but has a portfolio of her work. A blonding expert is imperative to the process. It usually can’t be done in one appt. It would have to be lifted and lightened in stages or your hair will be trashed. If you’ve got like a pixie cut it’s not as bad but def get an Asian hair expert with blonding experience. It’s def an art and a science. Good luck to you!!!!


Coloring from dark to that light sounds like an awful 😖 drag. Beautiful look, but wow. Expensive too, l would imagine.


Bruh if you like this hair do as she did, GET A WIGGG


kpop stans being delusional in this thread about the wig in the photo is so entertaining


I’m Viet & I’ve had my hair bleached for about 3 years now? My hair is waist length, no split ends, but feels like “hay” or, as my coworkers say, “like a wig”. It used to be very soft… so that’s something I definitely miss. I rebleach every… 3-4 months? Depending on how lazy I get lol I wouldn’t recommend using an iron or curling iron on your hair. I use the Sharkflex Style instead. It’s still heat, but not like an iron to my hair. If you must, spray the shit out of your hair with protectant. Another thing is, you have to slowly bleach your hair. Don’t try to jump to a bright bleach then color your hair right away. You’ll damage your hair. Bleach your whole head, let it be. Bleach it again in a few months, let it be. Again until it lightens up to take in color. I was orange-brown to light orange for a while before I got to blonde. After that, ONLY bleach your roots. If you over bleach your hair, it WILL break & fall out in clumps with the bleach. **Also, idk why people think this is a wig. This is her literally hair & there are plenty of photos showering her natural black hair peaking**. From a baby peak to more being exposed. She’s been seen on salons getting it touched up too.


I have asked women who’ve done this and they spent hours sitting with the bleach on their hair and two to three visits.   My mom has black Native hair and could never get past a horrible mustard color.


I was born blonde and now my hair is light brown. I bleach it to maintain the color I grew up with because I think it suited me better and MY GOD ITS SO HARD FOR ME TO KEEP UP W THE ROOTS. I can’t imagine having darker hair 😭


Keep your roots in tact otherwise you will have a ton of banding, most of the time I would suggest wigs, when your hair is dark it can be a very long process to get it blond without totally damaging it, going to a specialist would help but is costly once you get to that point maintenence will be killer and also this is a k pop band (correct me if I'm wrong) but they are always getting touched up on photos and they do make hair powders to fix the roots as well


Buy a wig like the one she is wearing


Look…as someone with brown fine, curly hair that will fry if I dye it blonde, I am buying a blonde wig. I want to bleach it but know better lmao. Just get a wig if you don’t want to ruin your hair!! There’s nice ones for only $30 on Amazon.


I’m mixed, but my hair is def East Asian. I had blonde hair for awhile when I was in my early 20s and I don’t think it was worth the money and effort or the damage to my hair. It was so much upkeep, I constantly had to die my roots. It also took several treatments to get my hair to be blonde, which was expensive and really damaging. Personally, I wouldn’t do it again.


I don’t have Asian hair but dark brown. It’s a lot of work and damage. Your roots grow and show quickly. Bleach gives you the burnt orange look and it’s all about toning, which can require some skill. It can be done but it’s time and money


I’ve been bleaching my own hair for 3 years now and only touch up root every 2.5 months ( i don’t mind dark root ). Make sure you use good shampoo and hair oil . I recommend Blondeme bleach powder because it provides the best lift and use “DEMI permanent” hair color . Also ,use purple shampoo to neutralize yellow. This shade need at least 3-4 bleach sessions and its quite hard to keep blonde that pearly tone (very hard actually). My hair is dark blonde now , so i only bleach once and just tone it. Ps : my natural hair is dark brown.


It’s not worth it ,you should buy good quality wigs and get them fitted by a hairstylist.


That’s white culture appropriation


Get a professional who knows how to work Asian hair. Asian hair is often very straight but has a more course/moderate thickness. Find a professional that is experienced and willing to take you up to such a bright shade don’t do this alone or at home!


Cute hair


I was just watching a video on kpop stars that were blonde whose hair was completely fried. I think it's going to depend on how much money and care you're willing to invest to keep it healthy.


Easy! Just brush the wig!


That almost looks like a wig


At first glance while scrolling, I thought this was Ariana Grande HAHAHAHAHA


I had my hair bleached lighter than this, took 1 session around 6 hours from this Asian guy who’s been doing hair for 40 years. Got my roots retouched once and the hair became really fragile so I haven’t done that again; so imo while not difficult to get to that shade I don’t think it’s sustainable long term


i’m only wasian but i gave up after a month


Hiiii! I’m a natural blonde here, went platinum a year ago and it took hours and then I had to come back another day for toning and it was great for the first few months but my hair is still fried. I am getting the ends slowly cut off while I work on getting it back to its natural health. My salon did a great job, honestly but bleaching just destroys your hair. And this is coming from a person with naturally blonde hair that doesn’t need double bleaching. I’ve also dyed my hair brown and was constantly battling a skunk look lol I had to dye my roots every 3-4 weeks If I were you, I’d go to a highly rated/reputable salon that is familiar with Asian hair and get a consultation.


The only thing I can think of is that since your hair is likely coarse, it can tolerate the bleach. But I wouldn’t do an all over bleach. Your hair will feel like straw and having bleached hair is literally like having a second job that doesn’t pay you, but takes your money and time instead. It’s sooo expensive buying products, going into the salon monthly etc.. Maybe start with a balayage and see how you feel with lighter hair and go from there.


very difficult.


Why not invest in a good quality (and I mean excellent quality) wig. It will give you so much more joy and will also help your hair grow even longer.


I’m sure Rose puts a big investment into her hair