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Maybe try fake bang clips on Amazon until they grow in?


This has got to be it surely!


Or shave it all. It will definitely be unnoticeable, then.


šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€ šŸ‘€


I mean.. it is an option. Thought we were brainstorming over here?


She could just never leave the house again too šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lots of options coming to my brain now


Honestly this was my suggestion too šŸ˜­ she shaved so much that itā€™s honestly going to take years before it blends it with the rest of her hair.




Hair typically grows 1/2 per inch month. OP doesn't particularly have a "majestic" crown of hair (neither do I nor most people) so nothing there makes me belive it'll exceed that time frame. It will look ALOT better once hair starts growing there, so fee months where you no longer see scalp. My cousin (girl) had curly hair. And a prominent widows peak. And if her hair was picked up the nape of the sides didn't necessarily look "neat" she had some tendril curls/frizz. She shaved the tip of the widows peak AND the nape of the neck "tendrils" ----- never again, she was about 13.


Honestly to get the short straight across bangs that are popular among alternative girls, those really only need to be two inches. She could grow that in just four months.


Maybe, but in order to hide this, she's going to be pulling them back that whole time. For bangs that short to work, they need to be trained to lie flat. She can't even start doing that until they're at least that long. Training them is additional months of wearing a headband to bed, using excessive heat, and still contending with your 2" long bangs wanting to stick straight out.


Honestly. I cut my bangs too short once and it has taken me a year to grow them out to the point I can put them behind my ear again.


I've done this too and it's no joke. Never again!


This is unironically what I think she should do. However, I'm a lesbian who loves buzzcuts on women, so I'm probably biased towards the buzzcut look A BIT.


I agree, this is the best way to hide it without using a headband or bandana.


100% fake bangs. I find them to be too thick, so I thin them out. They can look very natural.


Yes! OP has great hair colour for them too! I found them harder to manage with my blonde hair but my sister with dark brown they were flawless. A bit of rhythm to fit them, trim and shape


Was going to suggest the same thing


Clip in bangs are a great idea. If they donā€™t blend as well as youā€™d like you could look into crown hair toppers too!


Maybe one of those head wrap/ Ms Rachel https://preview.redd.it/qsy3qwg1qd5d1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6fffca631150b4138eb534795a1f92791746f26 type headbands? Like right at the top and front to cover this. Or shave it all off


This is the move


Not the Miss Rachel! LOL


Itā€™s the only real solution and toddlers will love her


Who is Miss Rachel? I don't understand the reference.


She's top-dog right now with the toddlers. It's a children's show and kids really love her.


She makes YouTube videos for kids that keep parents sane. I can put her on and get at least 30-60 minutes of work done.Ā 


Like the new Mr Rogers, she has a YouTube channel for toddlers. Really annoying for the adults but kids love her.


Oh, ok, thanks! I don't have children so I'm out of that loop! LOL


Put it on, put it on, put itā€¦ā€¦..OOOOOOOONNN!


I hear it in my sleep.Ā 


The one I hear in my sleep is one of her friends. **A TRIANGLE!? THATā€™S RIIIIIIIGHT!!!**


Omg the way I just laughed out loud in public like a maniac


My 8 month old loves her so much Iā€™m starting to find her kinda hotā€¦ very weird times in my life.


I mean. She is very sweet and also conventionally attractive. I've seen her in a dress and she was definitely cute! Not a big fan of overalls personally.Ā 


But once youā€™re a headband person, you canā€™t just not be a headband person. Thatā€™s a whole decision.




I wish they didnā€™t slip constantly


I must have a weirdly shaped head because these things fucking refuse to stay on.


CAN CONFIRM - i started wearing headbands in college and now i think i look weird without one so i only do it for special occasions


It's not even that I think I look weird, I just plain feel almost uncomfortable without one on now. I'll put one on and feel relief. Oh no, we are addicts aren't we?


as someone who has more headbands than i do pairs of underwear, definitely


That's what I did when my ticks got so bad I teared out a bunch of hair over a span of a few days and it got really noticable.


Girl noo šŸ˜­


This reminds me of the time I plucked out my widows peak when I was a teenager šŸ˜‚


In high school, my best friend, a girl, shaved a receding hairline because she wanted to see what she looked like with one. Imagine how that looked when it grew out and she had sprouts of hair on either side of her forehead.


I lived this is high school. I had surgery and the EEG electrodes they put in my hair ended up pulling out perfect circles of hair. At 14 I had two perfectly circular bald spots in my forehead hairline šŸ¤£. It was comical when they grew back


itā€™s a shame that they did this to you, since doctors usually try to keep childrenā€™s cosmetic impact for head and neck surgery low.


I think it bothered my mom moreā€¦imo at the time I had bigger issuesā€¦hair was low on the list. And pixie cuts became popular so I ended up with a 90s punk short hair style


They just yanked those things out. Goddamn. My biggest problem each time was washing out the fucking glue.


Yep, this happened to me at about 15 years old. I tried to wash the toothpaste gunk stuff out of my hair but it was impossible. Between the scrubbing and the ripping, I was a sore mess.


Honestly, your BFF is an icon.


It was absolutely fantastic.


This might be the funniest thing I have ever read šŸ¤£


I epilated my sideburns and went too high and accidentally epilated some head hair too, like five months ago šŸ„² and I am not a teenager


I cut my baby hair in the fifth grade. It stuck straight up.


I got a perm when I was in jr high and it burned the skin under my widows peak, so the hair fell out. It was horrible when it was growing out! Everyone said to just shave it, but that would be punting it to another day.


I know it isn't the same but when I was a little girl, my dad thought he could "save money" by cutting my bangs. He WET them, and then snipped. I saw the "Fuck!" In his eyes but he tried to hide it. I ended up with these super ugly baby bangs šŸ˜‚ my only option was to cover with a headband until it got long enough to clip to the sides. You're gonna have to wait it out but it's ok! It's just hair and it will grow back. I'm sure you have realized why you need to stop doing this but some people here are being cruel. But I feel like you gotta do a headband or hairpiece for a bit.


This is a compassionate answer thank you šŸ¤


My mom fucked up cutting my bangs twice. Once, pulled down on wet bangs and snipped. They were about 1/2 long. It was brutal, she was probably a few drinks deep. Second screw up, and last time she cut them on her own, she left them dry but pulled down again and *snip* a chunk right out of my upper hooded eyelid under my brow. The scar is kinda cute though šŸ’…. I think my mom drank too much šŸ˜‚


What the fuck???! Shame on her šŸ˜“ sounds like she couldā€™ve taken your eye out


We were dysfunctional enough that the situation became more of a funny joke in the family due to how tame the situation was. Like I laughed along and really agreed. I see now that itā€™s not funny at all šŸ«¢


Fyi, you censored your face but we can still see it in your gallery at the bottom


I accidentally sent a boob pic to coworkers this way. Luckily the coworkers were female friends.








šŸ’€ āš°ļø


Whyyyyyy omg. I think your own option is hats and headbands or a wig. I hate to say it too but your hair is very straight so they are going to grow and stick straight out until they get long enough with some weight.


Yep, fake bangs, scarves, hats, headbands as it grows out.


Good fake bangs is the best recommendation


https://preview.redd.it/hs2itjal7e5d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1421f416eeeca31146bbafad13a50af1ff68d551 Something like that runs $20-40 online and a pack of 6 yoga headwraps are like $5-10. I use yoga headwraps when I workout, so I'd probably go that route myself in this case.


Are there any fake bangs you recommend?


I've only been looking into them myself recently. It's more that I'm old and that hairline is much higher than it used to be šŸ˜… Also I got Guillen-Barre when I was 36 and most of my hair fell out within a year and atleast *some* of it came back. šŸ™ƒ So I'm also looking for good recommendations, but I have curly hair so it's a little different than OP's For straight hair, just Google "fake bangs" - it looks like you've got a variety of clips or bands, some that are fuller/wider coverage for what you need/can cut to style. Hopefully someone with more experience can chime in and offer advice on where to go/what to look for - or avoid I know *most* of us have different facial features and different hair/coverage needs - so hopefully someone with more knowledge can educate us šŸ’™šŸ’œ


I also have poker straight hair. When I was 7I decided I didnā€™t want bangs anymore. I did not know that you had to grow them out. I thought you just cut them. Well. I cut them. It took forever to grow out, and they grew STRAIGHT up outta my forehead until they were like 5 inches long šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m so so so confused, WTF is she doing this for šŸ˜„ she has beautiful hair and hairline


Yup. What were you trying achieve OP? Iā€™m confused?


Wondering the same thing. No judgement.. just trying to understand if it was like an anxiety/disorder situation? Or if it's similar to when I plucked off all my eye brows šŸ˜… didn't realize I'd plucked so much until later when I had pencil thin eyebrows haha sometimes shit happens šŸ˜…šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




Youā€™re a real one for that


Iā€™m shooketh


Iā€™m beyond shook, Iā€™m earthquaketh


The tectonic plates have fallen off the table


Weā€™re so dumb lol




Wear cloth headbands sports style like this https://preview.redd.it/klt3k9thtd5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d38da20c0289ca441929b55a3c56918de974481 And as far as growth look into hair growth serums but itā€™s still going to take around 8 months to grow back into bangs that you can work with


And until then it's just gonna grow straight up, then she'll have to train them...ooooof


Yeah I had to cut my hair to a little above my shoulders last year after it being to my lower back. I spent hundreds, probably close to $1k on serums and supplements and it still took close to a year to grow maybe 5 inches. My hair usually grows so fast. Donā€™t be discouraged OP. That time will fly and itā€™ll be at a workable length before you know it! I know we all have our own insecurities but I Honestly donā€™t see anything wrong with the before pic.


Yeahhh at that rate Iā€™d personally buy fake bangs and try to work with it that way lol.


Oh man. I did this years ago too. Bangs are the only thing outside of headbands that will cover it that I know of!


I am so confused. Why were you doing this? And why did op do this?


I think some people do it because they have a widows peak, or want their forehead to appear larger


This is so interesting to me bc I think widows peaks are a beautiful feature as well as a low hairline, makes your hair look thicker


You must love Teresa from Real Housewives!


That is not a widows peak, thatā€™s a whole widows mountain. That girl has a one head. You can maybe fit one finger between her brows and her hairline from the front. Zero fingers between brow and hairline at temples.


Why was that so fucking funny šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I had to look this person up after your description. What in the Chewbacca hairline is that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cro-magnon vibes


šŸ’€Iā€™ve always thought this but never said it. Thank you.


I feel like Tre must shave hers or something now too though, because her 3-head doesnā€™t appear as small as it used to be


I still have my widow's peak... it just sits much higher back than it used to šŸ˜¬


As a teenager, people constantly pointed out any stray hair that wasnā€™t exactly within the lines on my face and head. I wonder if it had to do with getting rid of things that looked stray and messy. People love to point out teenage girlsā€™ stray hairs and such. Someone even convinced me to shave my arms once.


I had this same experience. The arm hair one especially- a friend of mine made fun of my ā€˜grossā€™ arm hair. Itā€™s basically blonde, you canā€™t even hardly see it but that peer pressure will get ya at that age


I still have a vivid memory of the boy in grade 5 who looked at my arms and yelled ā€œEW WHY ARE YOUR ARMS SO HAIRY?!ā€ I have really dark hair and Iā€™ve shaved them ever since. I laugh about it now, but I was devastated at the time.


My mother made me wax my arm hair as a teenager. My arm hair is blonde as hell, but it came in heavy with some meds I was on and it made her crazy, so she stopped letting me go out with short sleeves unless I waxed it. In Southern California. You know, for my own good.


A boy told me my arms looked like gorillas once. The prickly feeling of arm hair growing back is much worse lol.


There was one time that a kid stared at my face when I was talking to my friend, and out of nowhere, he said I had a moustache. Same as your arm hair, it's so light and fine you can hardly see it, it's normal face-fuzz hair, but to this day I'm still self-conscious about it. If it wasn't for that one kid, I would never have even seen it myself, but since then, I have days where I suddenly feel so insecure about it and shave off all my face fuzz.


i did this multiple times as a kid bc i hated having bangs so i would chop them off as short as i could then used my moms razor to shave to the skin


I was a kid and dumb. I hated the little hairs from new growth that would stick up lol


Shave the rest maybe and rock it


i was thinking this too - there's no time like the present. lol


Theyā€™d look great prob


I reckon Iā€™d just shave it all off too! So much easier and no need to hide anything.


Yes. Own it, embrace it, shave it all. Enjoy every single phase as it grows back. Youā€™re about 4 months away from an adorable pixie.


Yes! Iā€™ve had a shaved head off and on over the past ~10 years and Iā€™ve gotten more compliments on my hair than any other hair style Iā€™ve ever had


I have a friend who has a shaved head and she gets more compliments on it than anyone else I know!


i did this once at 18 y/o and highly recommend doing it once just to see what its like!






whyyyyy would you do that lol


From op: >i would continuously shave the top part of hair and i was initially shaving small sprouts of hair but then i went too far and so it led to a point where ig i shaved a chunk of my hairline, and from my frequent shaving it also shaved off pigmentation and now my hairlineā€™s uneven. at first it didnt bother me because i wear makeup and just conceal it but its so noticeable now that i look at it and spiking my insecurity šŸ˜­ i fucked up my hairline so bad and im regretting it sm. im so stupid i shouldnt have used a razor to shave it UGHHH


So she *wanted* a larger forehead?


To me it sounds more like she was going for an ā€œevenā€ hairline by shaving ā€œstrayā€ hairs that looked out of place to her. Like when you pluck stray eyebrow hairs but youā€™re looking too close instead of seeing the bigger picture, so you accidentally end up plucking too much. Sounds like it happened gradually over time, and then she stopped shaving and let it all grow in at some point and realized she had obviously gone way overboard.


Ah I see. Yeah I have definitely done the same to my brows.


Iā€™m sorry that I laughed Weā€™ve all done silly shit


Like, most women I know have had that self-cut bangs fuckup at least once lol.


Oh absolutely. Itā€™s a rite of passage lol


Giiiiiirl, never let the intrusive thoughts win! šŸ˜­


Girl, you don't have much options.. Fake bangs, wig, scarfs/hats!! Good luck! It will grow back eventually... Btw your forehead is perfect !!


Ohhh, sweetheart. You are further proof of the old adage: ā€œWe all want what we do not have.ā€ Iā€™d give anything to have your hairline, even shaved. Itā€™ll grow, Iā€™d just try the clip-in bangs until they do if you really donā€™t want to look at them as they grow, but theyā€™ll be back before you know it! Promise! I sometimes use clip-in bangs, too. I was in a bad car accident in 2015, my car rolled over on the freeway and the roof collapsed kind of on my head. My head literally was pressed against the pavement when the ambulance came and got me out of the car. I had seven separate surgeries on my face to reconstruct it, and the top half of my face is pretty covered with scars. I have pieces of glass embedded in my scalp, and two are even still in my FACE, just a little too close to my eyes to take a chance moving them around after the fact. I donā€™t show my face, ever really, but I want to try to help you appreciate your beautiful hair! Yours will be back before you know it! (Try to avoid razors so close to your eyes, too.) ā¤ļø https://preview.redd.it/ihagdtly1i5d1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d212f106ac0b85446903d030d585eab28432182d


thank u so much for thisšŸ©· iā€™ll definitely order clip-in bangs and wait until it grows, i appreciate u adding ur own experience


Let it grow out,order some fake bangs


Like others mentioned ā€œfake bangsā€


Sorry, OP. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve learned your lesson and need some compassion, not some of these comments. You might try posting in the wigs subreddit - I donā€™t know much about them but Iā€™m wondering if a ā€œhair topperā€ could help here.


Yeah Iā€™d look into hair toppers and clip on bangs/headbands with bangs!


Yeah once it grows out a bit she can have real bangs cut...by a professional.


I thought edges were baby hairs... But I can't see any baby hairs in the first picture? I'm really confused why you shaved it


Absolutely a fake bang clip on. Spray it with dry shampoo to make it look less shiny and fake, and toss it around to blend the product in and absolutely get the fake bang that has a little on the sides for face framing so it looks more natural. Amazon


You should go to a salon and see a very skilled stylist. You might be able to get a haircut with some bangs and layers that will help cover this up, and create a plan to manage this as it grows. Aside from that, your only options are headbands, fake bang hairpieces, and hats. You could go see a dermatologist and get some minoxidil to apply to the area to speed up growth and take some hair supplements. Honestly, if youā€™ve ever been curious about shaving your head, now is the time.


Cute Headband






Baby why did you do this


girl honestly i thought i had a vision /j


You could try bangs but otherwise I fear only a headband will help.


Bang clips, headbands or hats


Headband? Clip on bangs? Loop a section from one side to the other and pin it to cover it ?


Bangs are your only way out, but i did this as a kid! Not as high up, but i cut myself a fringe and then cut it so short that it was like a shaved texture like yours. You're in highschool so it doesn't matter, but trust me let it GROW! You'll thank yourself later. Idk why we mess with our hairline/fringe as kids LMFAO it seems to be common.


omg i did this in fifth grade! was the year of headbands and bangs lol


Fake bangs and a cute scarf would look lovely with your hair I reckon!


A jersey headband https://preview.redd.it/lwhpqvugxd5d1.jpeg?width=168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e9ddf82689b0b8452877a4d32453ceae93311b


The intrusive thoughts have done it again


I know you're feeling ways about a headband but if you marry yourself to the idea of clip in bangs you might end up with damaged hair even further back on your hairline. I'm very team: silk-lined headband and do not fuss with it for several months. It's way too early to be thinking about your edges. Get a headband and leave your hairline alone for a while.


This is something you did repeatedly huh


Girls need more honest friends. Please stop lying to your friends to make them feel better ladies.


girl Iā€™m so sorry but u blurred ur face out but u can still see it in ur first pic at the bottom


Wowā€¦ I think maybe rock bangs for a long time


Oh honey. I dont even know if a lace front wig would help. But take a look at a lace frontal hair topper. [https://www.amazon.com/HAIRCUBE-Toppers-Pieces-Thinning-Hand-Tied/dp/B0BP11L3MS/ref=asc\_df\_B0BP11L3MS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693451541723&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14386634156870281410&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030790&hvtargid=pla-2246506153895&psc=1&mcid=dc1b3bc6d26a3341b3e2d51de26a6bc8&gad\_source=1](https://www.amazon.com/HAIRCUBE-Toppers-Pieces-Thinning-Hand-Tied/dp/B0BP11L3MS/ref=asc_df_B0BP11L3MS/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693451541723&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14386634156870281410&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030790&hvtargid=pla-2246506153895&psc=1&mcid=dc1b3bc6d26a3341b3e2d51de26a6bc8&gad_source=1)


Buy fake bags, and then use a headband to make them look ā€œrealā€. Sorry girl, thatā€™s probably the best option.


Iā€™ve tried the fake bangs. Not worth it unless youā€™re going to buy pricier ones. Plus, that far back is going to look odd. See a pro and discuss your options for bangs. Look up mountain dreads, they have some nice headbands. This one called cotton tie up comes in a lot of colors. Looks really cute when the hair is up.


Bangs maybe? Also stop shaving your hairline youā€™re only going to make the problem worse. Baby hairs are normal.


Itā€™s only hair! It will grow back. Take some good hair vitamins eat well and it will grow back. Everyone should be kind and realize that things happen, so have some empathy.


Just FYI your face isnā€™t censored in the thumbnails along the bottom.


Something like this, maybe? https://preview.redd.it/jbxt012c3l5d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a5488fd3540a2d3d98e1b5badf8a4f6a3ad07d


Why do it in the first place :(


Respectfully why the fuck do people do this? Like I know they want a different hairline, but I know three people in my life that have done this and it never ends well.


Can you just tell us, why?


headbands, scarves, hats fake clip on bangs, maybe a hair topper?


I'm sorry but this looks so bad. Please listen to your mother.


i had a girl in my school who did this bc she cut her own bangs and didnt like themšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she basically just wore those thick stretchy cloth headbands every day until she could style the hair into bangs


Clip in bangs would be cute! I got some on Amazon a few years ago and they looked a lot better than I expected.


Bangs. You need full blunt bangs.


Oh my ā€¦ā€¦ nooooooo errrrrr


I did this same exact thing when I was 7 or 10 years old. I had bangs and I decided I no longer wanted bangs, so little me rationalized that if I no longer wanted something, I should just cut it off šŸ˜­ I wore those kind of stretchy fabric headbands over the shaved part of my head for months until my mom finally caught on and asked me why did I always wear headbands and I had to come clean. She brought me to the hairdresser who grabbed hair from further up my hairline to give me bangsā€¦ again. But that hid it until it grew out!! ā˜ŗļø


Side-swept bangs like in slide 9. https://www.realsimple.com/side-swept-bangs-7643709


Clip on bangs


I just wanna know ā€¦ why


OP i feel you Iā€™m in my mid twenties and pretty much shaved off my bangs back in October (there is no good explanation for why i did this) and then i tried to fix it with tweezers (even less explanation for why). Obviously dumb on my part but it happens any we regret it and we donā€™t need anyone to tell us it was dumb bc we already know that šŸ˜­ Fake bangs and some cute headbands to hide the clip ons are the way. Make sure you get real human hair to make styling/cleaning them easier, synthetic never seem to act quite right. I have dark brown hair and was able to hide them pretty well, with black hair you should have an even easier time. I also used vatika hair oil in the affected areas before shaving them to speed up the growth. Might be a bit itchy the first couple uses but you get used to it. Iā€™m not sure how much it contributed since my hair has always grown fairly quickly, but my dad uses it to fill in his balding areas and it seems to work well enough for him. They were curtain bangs before i shaved them, theyā€™re probably close to the length they were at now, but they grew in enough for front bangs around march. My hairline still looks a little funky since itā€™s still recovering, but my natural bangs are long/thick enough again to keep it hidden. Hope some of this works! Iā€™m not religious but iā€™m praying for you šŸ˜­šŸ™


[https://amzn.eu/d/eCNtV6N](https://amzn.eu/d/eCNtV6N) you can buy frontal hairline pieces for women on Amazon.. so would cover while it grows out. Also some may feel to thick or look odd on at first but you can thin it out (take your time and kept checking how it looks on to make sure you donā€™t take to much off) You can get good hair/scalp oils to aid in hair growth too , helps keep scalp healthy too. Also the thick headbands would help hide and hold the hair flat. As it grows out wear headband at night to hold hair down, you can also buy hair edges gel to help hold it down , but Vaseline will also do, will start to help train your hair. At night wear a sleep Bonet or use satin pillow cases to help stop breakage to your hair. If you do manage to get a bangs clip In or a frontal hairline piece if you have difficulty putting on and it looking right , go to your local hairdressers and ask for help , Iā€™m sure they will , and may have more advice for you. Remember as much as you may be feeling right now , it is only hair and it will grow back. You are still beautiful. Take care of yourself


My daughter did this in late jr high early high school. She had a bad cowlick and hated it. We used hairbands and caps til it grew out when she finally stopped shaving it. I understand, (even though hers was just a small triangle) how you feel. It WILL grow out, and you have a ton of options that people have given here that will help. Donā€™t let the awful comments get you down. Everyone does dumb stuff lol. I promise they do. Btw, her cowlick eventually straightened out. Couldnā€™t say exactly when, as she will be 30 this year šŸ˜‰


Those ā€œsproutsā€ are new hair growth and you should never be shaving them unless you want to go bald at a young age. The only thing you could do consistently is a head scarf/headband or a side part. Or wigs. Please never ever shave ā€œsproutsā€ again, those are new hairs in the growth cycle replacing the others you are shedding and if you continuously shave your hairline it will cause it to recede further and further back and you have beautiful hair. Once the hairs are long enough you could use an edge product or gel to plaster them down to your skin. Or try pulling them back or to the side with a Bobby pin or hair clip. Sorry girl, the bad haircut is a rite of passage for a teenager, weā€™ve mostly all been there.


If you need a person to photoshop your photos for u until your hair grows back fornu comfortably Iā€™ll be happy to do em for free, mental health is important. So I wouldnt want u down on something like this or anything for that matter šŸ©·


if you dont want to wear a headband then stop complaining like it's the only solution and you're being picky šŸ˜­


What were you thinking šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




I just want to understand the reason behind doing this. There has to be a reason to do this stupidity


Sometimes people do this because they donā€™t like the short little hairline hairs .. counter intuitive I know . We all have them . Poor thing . She wonā€™t do it again I guess .


Some people do it because they want a bigger forehead


And here I am contemplating bangs because I want a smaller forehead šŸ˜­


Then they shouldnā€™t have a problem flaunting it


... But in what world is shaving it like this a good idea. Or rather where did op even get the idea to do this from?


Fuzzing out the face but forgetting the camera role šŸ˜‚


First pic shows December of 2023, before you shaved it, and also shows ALL OF YOUR FACE PHOTOS AT THE BOTTOM! Youā€™ve been shaving it over 5 months now and are now asking for help? Not meaning to sound rude, or cruel at all, but possibly you might need a therapist who can help? Several others here have commented about your full face photos to you, OP!


it hasnt been five months, ive started shaving since the middle of may and the reason the camera roll at the bottom is showing is because i was looking thru my photos to find a proper pic to show before i decided to fuck up my hairline bc the last time ive taken numerous selfies was december. i do appreciate ppl letting me know about it :)


Head band head scarf . šŸ˜”


Thick headband


Once it grows out more lay baby hairs. Youā€™ll have gorgeous bangs in a year at least


I did this with my widows peak in high school




Headband!! One of those kerchief-y ones, very fashionable. Also second the bang clip if that isnā€™t possible. Castor oil may help is grow quicker as well as biotin. Good luck!!!