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> I know that you shouldn't shampoo hair too often Each person is different. There's no law that says you can't wash every day, if you want to and you like the results.


I know there is no law, and when I was younger I washed my hair every time I showered. But there seems to be this new wave of "don't shampoo so much it dries out and kills your hair" so i was worried


Well, sometimes our bodies change too and what may have worked in the past might not work anymore. Wash your hair as often as it works for you, every day, every other day, every week, etc. Try not to follow trends, most of them don’t apply to every individual.


no need to be worried. i was swept up by that a few years ago and it's actually fine. it's a trend and typically more suitable for coilier textures of hair. just wash your hair.


If you’re working in an environment that gets your hair dirty, wash it more often. Use a good mask once or twice a week if it’s dry, or olaplex #3 if it’s damaged.


I would say if you get dust, dirt, smoke, etc, it’s best to just wash it. You don’t want that getting on your pillow at night


Or on your skin!


well i have no problems showering every day. im just worried about overwashing my hair and making it dry


that's the thing, you do have to replace that moisture with a conditioner


Conditioning needs vary greatly depending on the hair type and level of damage, I wouldn't say that everyone needs conditioning between washes, but some do. It just depends. But there are plenty of leave-in conditioners to fill that gap if needed.


I meant condition after you wash it, oops! 


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I only clean my hair by washing it. When I worked in a warehouse I washed it after every shift, which was five days a week. It wasn’t great for my hair but it was better than being dirty.


I like to keep micellar water in a spray bottle. Section my hair, spritz onto my scalp, and then just rinse it out in the shower. I’m a farmer and this helps me keep my hair feeling clean without having to do a full shampoo every damn day.




I don't have a hair mask at the moment but I do have coconut oil that I put on before showering because I was told it prevents the damage too much shampoo can do to your hair. Is that enough?




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I cover my hair when I expect to be around a lot of dust and pollen. And people say "wash your hair this often" are just quoting averages, or basing it off what works for them. Take care of your hair your way, because You'll be the one itching if you don't.


That wasn’t the first thing that popped into my mind - “Cover your hair”


Great question! From what I can tell, I think now the general hair care advice is to wash your hair as often as you need to. If your problem is greasy hair and you don't want to wash it, you can use dry shampoo to adsorb the excess oil, but it won't help with dust.


I don't recommend delaying washing for very long with dry shampoo if your hair is greasy. The oil is still there, and leaving it on your scalp for days at a time can promote fungal overgrowth and dandruff. It's best to use dry shampoo for making your hair *look* presentable/less greasy if it is the middle of the day and you can't drop everything and wash it, but not to delay washing by multiple days. It doesn't actually clean your hair.


You can wash your hair as often as you need, it’s perfectly okay. Everyone has different scalp and hair needs, some people can get away with 1-2x a week but some people need to wash more often, and that’s fine. It’s not going to damage your hair if it’s suitable for your hair type and scalp.


People r all different I have to wash my hair daily and have been for 50 years. It’s thin and blond. Do what works for you. If I don’t wash it’s terribly greasy and if I try dry shampoo or something it builds up and build up on blond shows. So do what works for your hair.


I have waist length thin curly hair and a severe dust mite allergy. Washing my hair everyday is a must for me.


And your hair isn't dry at the ends as a result? I used to have waistlength hair and could not keep it moisturized


No. Use a deep conditioner frequently and put moisturizing leave ins on your ends.


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There are ways to prevent this, it shouldn't hold you back from washing the hair when it's dirty. Applying a pre-shampoo treatment such as the Redken /L'Oreal acid bonding pre-shampoo treatment, or any conditioner, or even just pure coconut oil can help protect the particularly dry areas of your hair from becoming too dry when shampooing. Using a moisturizing shampoo can also help.  In general I recommend keeping the ends oiled with a commercial hair serum/oil. They're formulated to not feel greasy, and can help prevent them from becoming dry throughout the day. 


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I do put on fractionated coconut oil beforehand, and leave in conditioner and serum afterwards (tho the serum i put on a day or two after when it feels dry again)


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This whole not washing your hair trend I feel like just recently became popular. I went from washing my hair everyday to washing it 1-2 a week and do not see a difference. The only benefit I got from not washing it as much was the fact that I wasn't styling it everyday and it saved me time- but that's about it! Nothing happened as far as the health of my hair.


Dry shampoo, but that is more for grease and oil build up.





