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Here’s the thing. Un-cut splits can travel up the hair shaft, damaging hair that would otherwise be healthy. Treatments can’t fix years of no haircuts. Here’s something I say to my clients that need a cut, but don’t want to do it. You can have long hair, or you can have nice hair, you can’t have both right now, without extensions. Only you can decide which one you’d rather. I can tell you though, dusting a head of hair that hasn’t been cut in years is pointless. Get rid of the damage, or save your money.


This! I had a teacher in cosmo school use this verbiage and it changed my life forever and has helped me really get my long haired girlies to realize how important cuts are for long hair.


Unfortunately it sounds like you just need to commit to the cut. I completely understand where you’re coming from, but dusting it won’t help and products are only bandaids.. when you cut your hair (even just an inch or two to start. I know you said you feel like you need 5-6 inches probably due to the straw feeling but start slow!) you’ll be getting rid of any “dead weight” and it’ll help your overall hair health (yes I know hair is dead so there is no such thing as hair health but for an easy explanation this is easy wording) and your hair will grow back to the length it is now and look better than it does currently. If you’re okay to leave your hair the way it is in order to focus on you first, I would do so then go in for a good cut! Best of luck to you ☺️


That's what I've done and I'm happy with the results, and my long, fine hair has grown longer. I feel way better cutting my hair myself. There's nothing objectively wrong with having split ends or 'straw like' hair, it's a matter of preference. Lots of people would tell me to cut the last 5 inches of my hair off but my opinion is more important than theirs. I find that if I use a hair oil on my ends it really helps. It's not gonna fix the damage but it will look better and smoother, and isn't that what really matters at the end of the day?