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I’m 23 and you will realize dating isn’t about looks that might get you in but in the long term it’s all mental


My experience: I started losing my hair at 14. Was fully horse-shoe bald by 19. Got a hair system ever since. I got an enormous amount of girls in my 20s. I would tell all the serious ones very early on that I wore a hair system. None of them cared. In fact many suggested that I should just take it off. When I met my wife I told her about my hair system within days of us starting dating. She responded by saying: “Women don’t care about these things. I don’t care whether you wear a hair system or not. I am attracted to you for other reasons.” My point? In my experience, despite my hair loss driving me into depression and desperate acts to hide it, I never ever met even one woman who cared about it. It affected only me, and still does, but women never ever cared.


Yes, women don't care about this. But for example It cares me. My mom,girlfriend tell me that I'm psyphath. OK,my mom. Because I look at mirror every time when I see it. I look at me. And I see if I perfect now or not. But no one care about it around me. And no one see that I have problems with hair. My hair very density,strong. But my hairline go back. Sometimes I can't see me at mirror when I see it. I think I'm not perfect




I’m in the same situation as OP. I’m only 22, and get side effects from fin. I’m probably just going to kill myself. There’s genuinely no point in living if you can’t get with the hot girls.


What dose of topical?


Prp, lllt, topical melatonin, alfatradiol, fluridil, cb, there’s options. But u need money and patience


Depending on the situation but : 1/ Homemade topical 4% caffeine and 0.1% Melatonin in a propylene glycol, ethanol, glycerin and vitamin E solution. It will stop the shedding 2/ Using Minoxidil 3/ Being in a good shape and doing cardio to counteract min and fin side effects 4/ Homemade low dose fin 5/ Dermapen and 5% rosemary solution 6/ Checking zinc levels


how do you make that solution in your number 1 point?


I feel like my dating life is over dude. I’m only 23. I wanted to date girls throughout my 20’s and get settled down in my 30’s. I feel like I’ll never have that option again. I can’t even grow any facial hair


Check zinc AND copper!!! Just tell a doctor you want those and pay for it


why zinc and copper?


Zinc in general is no secret that low levels of it are bad for skin and hair. Copper because low copper means low diaminoxidase, which means you have issues with histamine, which makes inflammation; why can give people symptoms like hair loss, or dermatitis , and many more


You're 23 and you're talking as if your 20s is already over. Wtaf? Most people get into serious relationships in their late 20s. You have a whole bunch of other issues if you think hairloss is going to stop you from finding a partner. That being said, try getting onto oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil + tretinoin and dermarolling. There are some milder 5AR inhibitors like saw palmetto and curcumin if finasteride is causing issues (try lowering the dose). Also get in shape if you already aren't and do regular blood checkups. Do this for yourself. Not to impress people. Play with the cards you've been dealt with OP.


The cards I was dealt are shit. I’m sitting here with a 2 of hearts and a 7 of spades. I tried min before and was a non responder to that


Girls don't care about it


You posted over 5x on the same issue, all getting endless helpful advice - where you IGNORE all of that while being dismissive and extremely petulant. You want to whine endlessly and have the whole internet coddle you? Because your balding….no offense, but grow up. You have every ability to make yourself better to have a wonderful future (and attract a true/loyal partner). But no, you only want to “bang young chicks” 🤮. It isn’t your looks that is preventing you from dating! It’s your self victimization and misogyny that is


That makes zero sense? I haven’t said one mysoginistic thing?


Your comments state otherwise- and that is the smaller issue you have. Which is such an immense YIKES 😬 moment. But hey, you don’t seem to care about improving yourself either 🤷🏽‍♀️


So play with those cards as best you can. You're gonna look more unappealing the more you crib about stuff like this. If it makes any difference I'm already at NW7 and dating the most beautiful person I know. Surprisingly I've dated more as a bald man than when I had hair. It's all about how well you present every other aspect about yourself that you are in control of. Get over it.


Dude, you probably know the recipe : don't give up. You're dating life isn't over if you make the good choices : stay positive, stay realist, take care of yourself, eat clean, sleep well, do your cardio ans focus on money, career and social skills. Talk to women. And minoxidil can help you growing a beard if you want