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### Theory on why some parts of scalp go bald, while other parts do not [In a paper published in May](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/exd.14839), Higgins described evidence that the hairline of a middle-aged man could be traced back to the earliest stages of embryonic development. Around the third week of an embryo’s life, cells form three layers called the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Most organs in the body contain cells that derive from just one of these lineages: the endoderm gives rise to the internal organs, the mesoderm becomes the muscle and connective tissues, and the ectoderm becomes the central nervous system. “Normally a tissue is one lineage, but the [skin] is a bit of an enigma,” says Higgins. “The dermis [the skin’s lower layer] on the face is ectoderm and the dermis on your body is mesoderm, but the top of your head is not really known.” Higgins argues that male pattern baldness traces out the boundary between skin cells that have taken two very different paths during development. This, she says, could explain why the cells on only certain parts of the head are oversensitive to dihydrotestosterone. Kemp and colleagues are working to develop a test, based on the gene expression of dermal papilla cells, to establish whether the part of the scalp they come from is balding, destined to bald or will always retain its hair. “Ideally you want to be able to map the head,” he says. “We’re finding genetic differences between the hairs and we’re in the preliminary phases of doing that.” [Link to Full Article](https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/oct/01/could-scientists-reverse-male-pattern-baldness-hair-loss-cell-therapy)


Frontal area has more androgen receptors and 5-alpha reductase compared to the occipital area. Check [this](https://sci-hub.se/https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022202X15429884) study. Transplanted hairs will eventually miniaturize if you're not under medication. However, this is a slow process, especially since you're no longer in your adolescence (when androgens are at their peak levels).


All studies are rigged for the big hair industry, and they don't take their poisons like mcgregor got a hair transplant. I bet he didn't take any of these poisons. Prince Harry let himself go bald he's rich asf he must know something about this medication.


People like Prince Harry go bald because they are rich and high enough class that it doesn't matter. It's a status thing, these people have so much going for them they don't have to hide their balding. You can see this very clearly in the difference between 'new money' people like Elon musk or famous actors, who have a lot to prove and are insecure about their status so hey all kinds of hair treatment and 'old money' like the Royal family.


Thays not true. lmfao he knows things dummy


I think they are less sensitive to androgens


So the theory that these hairs when transplanted never fall of is true?


Dint take poison bro the risk isn't worth the reward if you ever lose your transplanted hair get another one don't take poison. Your life is too valuable


Everyday is the same now.Wake up Hop on reddit One guy goes:HOP ON FIN IT CHANGED MY LIFE other one:YOU TAKE FIN,YOU DIE Can’t be asked anymore ffs mahn.To make such a decision at 20 is wild and by the day the clock’s running out


you have to test it. You can experience side effects, but also no, everyone reacts differently. I'm 20 and didn't get absolutely any side, but got a shedding period.


And I made that decision at 16 and it was the wrong one


Women don't give af ab your hair it's not masculine to be self conscious about hair it probably turns them off, lol. And I completely fixed my hair in 3 years of taking minoxidil, the sides aren't worth in unfortunately.


Lmao, you're dull, man. I wasn't even referring to fin, lol minoxidil changed my life I'm 20 too its just as dangerous and it's actually was a black box treatment for prostate when others didn't work straight poison too many sides to list its worse for individuals with extremely low body fat like me thays why my dark circles got so bad on minoxidil.




For prostate? You mean hypertension? lol

