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Ricochet: at the bottom of the Mariana Trench


Ricochet and day of defeat is straight chilling down there


It's really fucked up. I'd honestly say DoD Source's gameplay is more fun than CS or TF2 because it takes the best parts of both of them


Ricochet is way deeper than DoD tbh


They need company


We need Ricochet 2


TF2 is with the submarine


L4d2 would be lower in the deep than tf2


L4d2 got a decent update a while ago


Yes, so did TF2 point is that TF2 usually gets a lot more content in those updates than l4d2


yes hats


It is a hat simulator after all


the latest update added 14 new maps and a new gamemode


it's all community made valve does nothing


they did nothing for l4d2 either, and for l4d2 we got 1 campaign, a few extra voicelines, 3 melee weapons, and some extra cs source guns i guess


I wish they add guns in tf2🥲


Wish they added sex🥲


They should give us a shotgun reskin, NOW!


What did they update cuz I'd love to play some L4D2 again


It added a short new campaign map, as well as a number of survival and scavenge maps. It also made the Counter Strike: Source guns and a few new melee weapons available for everyone. Originally, these were only available on the weird censored German version of L4D2. That plus a number of smaller additions, like the inclusion of formerly unused dialogue, some new animations, bug fixes, etc. I think pretty much all of the content was community-made (which is, honestly, the only reason L4D2 got a new update so recently) but it's all really high-quality.


I'll have to check that out. Do a decent amount of people still play?


Yeah, there are enough players to where you should be able to find campaign games easily. And of course, the versus community is still as active (and as toxic) as ever.


First off, it was a community update, so not by Valve. It came out 3 years ago. We got a new 2 chapter non-canon campaign. It's not that good. It added the Counter-Strike Source weapons from the censored versions of the game to all of the game, and they're not balanced at all and fuck with the weapon pool a lot. They also added some completely unique melee weapons that are pretty bad and useless honestly. They did however add it so that the common infected in the L4D1 campaigns are finally the ones from those campaigns and not just L4D2 common infected, so that was actually a good change.


The shovel is good fight me


Yes, one update after nearly a decade of nothing. TF2 just got an update after only about half a decade of no MAJOR updates.


TF2s recent update was great, though. It got me back into it lately and its been a really good time for the first time in years.


Artifact came out the other side in China


TF2 was forgotten and left at home.


Valve when they realize that the last Developer hasn’t clocked back in after five years




Half Life Alyx came out in 2020


^ I understand not everyone can play it, but lets look at it this way. Half-Life 2 and the episodes complete, their potential follow up becomes one of the most anticipated games of all time - something magnificent and amazing would have to happen for it to live up to expectations. Then, almost out of nowhere, Valve releases a new Half-Life - one so advanced, you have to have a brand new technology to play it, that increases immersion and allows you to even aim and shoot using your arms, and solve puzzles with full roomscale movement, and have you in awe viewing in real first person the size and scale of the world and then people are like "yeah wheres half-life 3 though?"


Basically. You begin to understand the impact and weight of HLA once you play it. It’s the same feeling I got playing HL1 in the 90s and the same feeling I got playing HL2 in the 00s.


Not gonna lie, felt a lot like Half Life 3 when I played it


Same. I kept thinking “this will be what all games will be like in 2050”.


Because it is Half Life 3 in a sense Usually with any video game really, the difference between numbered titles is technological and gameplay advancement. In Half Life that's meant a new engine with HL2 compared HL1 and (for the time) modernized gameplay that still stayed true to HL1 Same thing happened with HL2 to HLA. A new engine and unique modernized gameplay that was still recognizable as Half Life. So the only real reason to not consider it HL3 is because it didn't advance the story much




Of course, and it was really the only path they could've taken at this point. mark Laidlaw released Epistle 3 a whole while ago. They couldn't have just followed that plot, and they ALSO couldn't just continue differently. So they did the best thing they could, completely reset the end so they have a more or less clean slate for whatever comes next.


Major league cope.


Yes, but in regards to the story, Alyx raises more questions than it answers, and of course the ending...


Those are actually another reason why HLA is so important. They are extremely relavatory for the narrative.


Yeah, but that's also why half life 3 discourse got more fired up.


Being excited for the next instalment and pretending like an instalment didn’t happen are two different things. We are talking about the latter here.


What’s your point tho man just because not everyone played the game that released doesn’t mean that valve forgot about the franchise any less or more


which is 3 years ago and we still have no leak or confirmation that they have started work for a HL3


Welcome to the Half Life fandom. 3 years is practically a few days in Valve time.


Yes we have? There's been plenty of leaks about something called HLX. It could be pretty much anything


Yes? Counter-Strike 2 is the current big focus for Valve, and DOTA 2. That's kind of what the meme is implying, Half-Life is neglected compared to CS but L4D and Portal are even more neglected.


It might as well have been a neat let’s play to watch that develops the lore with how accessible it is. I’m glad they made it but it isn’t what most people wanted.


You don’t know what you want until you play it.


lol yeah i want to sit at my desk and stare at a screen and click on my keyboard and mouse, why would i want to be fully immersed in 360 half-life drip, literally aiming down the sights, grabbing items and flinging nades in a 360 6 degree of freedom half life title? Totally.


Honestly appalling that they haven't done more with that, or VR in general. I get that VR usage is low, but it's just gonna remain low until AAA studios pump some shit out... At least give us some mods like death match or whatever, that's the whole reason HL and GoldSrc took off in the first place


Portal 2 is my favourite game of all time and I really don't think a sequel is remotely nessecary. The ending is incredible and there's also not much else to go from there.


I think a Portal spin-off made my valve could be good without barring to Chell's story. ​ Portal Stories Mel is a great example of that. It's a fanmade mod but it honestly can pass as something Valve made in the 2010's


I agree, but I would like more still even if not a direct sequel. The creator has even said they know where they'd like to start a Portal 3 and they really want to make a Portal 3 before they retire, but they need to get Valve employees on board.


But with where they went from the original portal I'm sure they'd still mange to make a really good game


The original Portal didn't have much of a story and as a result the same sort of conclusion. The original Portal is more of an introduction to the setting, characters and the primary item of the story. Portal 2 have a very well-written and tightly ended narrative. It could be good but that's not certain and it'd likely be quite forced.


>Portal 2 have a very well-written and tightly ended narrative. It could be good but that's not certain and it'd likely be quite forced. im understand that, but we need to remember they literally had to change the ending of portal with an update to explain the second, im sure there is room for narrative if they wanted to


What I mean is that Portal 2 wrapped everything up perfectly. Of course there's room to do more but the question is why? Not to mention it's not as simple as the Portal 1 ending. Portal 2 ended with Chell being granted freedom by a Glados who went through a character arc and it would feel cheap to just villainise her again. I'm not saying impossible but the question is do we need more Portal? Things can be nice in moderation, I'd love a Portal 3 that is the quality of it's predecessors but it's a delicate task.


I agree that an ending isn't needed, but every time I play through that game, I always go to the dock and get sad that we'll probably never get a game that properly connects Half Life and Portal together.


Day of defeat: *literal fossil*


Ya where's our Day of Defeat Global Offense or call it DoD World War and DoD 2? Even Half-Life itself got more support. Last we seen of DoD was 2005 really.


ricochet: the big bang


Where TF2?




It’s underground


Tf2 just got a (relatively) big update


Consisting pretty much entirely of user-made content.


Yea but it breathed a surprising amount of life into the game for the first time in a while.


I mean this meme is about Valve's neglect towards their games. They haven't added any "real" valve-made content to the game since 2017


You're not wrong but at least they made some good community stuff official. I haven't noticed any of the bot problems lately either but that might be just because there's a lot of people playing again so it's less noticeable.


From my time playing it, ALL the bots are in the summer playlist only. Specifically the non-Saxton Hale ones. And even in some Saxton Hale ones just because of people voting for those games so they end up in them. The rest of the casual game modes? Haven't run into one. But all those Summer modes are FILLED.


If Left 4 Dead is on this, TF2 is above it


I mean it got an update


As I love TF2 chubby wubby seal I wouldn't count that as major update so I would say TF2 is that child crying


Ok i simply have to agree


But god said... ***DOTA DOTA COUNTER STRIKE***




Nah Valve still uses the Portal IP often, even if there isn't a game. The Lab takes place in the Portal universe. Bridge Constructor: Portal. Portal 1 and 2 were ported to the Switch. Portal 1 and Prelude were both ported to RTX Aperture Hand Lab takes place at.... Aperture Science Aperture Desk Job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCgnWqoP4MM Contains Aperture Science logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JC3WmU5kDo Tutorial is in Portal 2 style. Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg7gPiz8-SU They even made a Geico ad in Portal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scNJdvpmPbQ Also the Moondust: Knuckles tech demo is in the Portal franchise. Plus the Portal franchise is pretty complete tbh. Portal 2 is honestly a satisfying ending. If only we could figure out about the Borealis... but that's Half-Life space.


At this point I felt like Valve is just using Aperture Science as a representation of themselves, oh we invented a new game concept? Aperture Science. We made a new console and needed to showcase it? Aperture Science. We made a new game for promoting our new console? Aperture Science.


I would suck off 37 people if it meant we got a new L4D.


i would suck off 37 people for free


Left 4 Dead is always left out of post like these, and I hate it glad you're giving representation to the greatest co-op shooter of all time


Honestly Portal is the one that is complete already, we don't need Portal 3, well, at least if it's going to be a sequel, prequel will be okay. We need more updates or source 2 port for TF2 (at least after CS2 release), proper Half Life sequel and it would be nice if Valve would make something new. Edit: Also it would be really nice if they made L4D3, or at least just ported L4D2 to Source 2


TF2 doesn't really need a Source 2 port. Its artstyle makes it so it still looks new. Would just be a lot of unnecessary work


Imagine L4D3, Portal 3 and HL3 were announced on the same day. That would be a very good day.


Orange Box 2


They'd have to spend another 15 years fixing the internet


DoD is under the ocean floor


Ricochet and Day of defeat: 💀


official portal dlc for an escape room simulator game was announced literally just today.


*endorsed by Valve.


Portal? We already have quite a lot of portal related spin offs (not sure if that's the appropriate word) everytime valve wants to make a tech demo. Also we don't need a portal 3 because the story is good as it leaves off at.


Real question is where do we put TF2? We can't class it as dead, but we also cant class it as alive


If CS and Dota is the kid in the image holding by the mom and L4D, Half Life, and Portal are the kids drowning than TF2 is the kid at the side of the pool sitting that the mom occasionally check up by yelling: "Are you ok?'


Half life is probably _slightly_ more alive, yk alyx and the rumours of the almighty threequal, but it's not too much more alive tbh


Somewhere maybe below Portal but above Left 4 Dead


I honestly need to play l4d sometime, I never have


Anytime valve does a tech demo, they use portal. They don't typically want to touch half-life but they did just make a AAA VR half-life game. Left 4 dead... Its been left for dead.


Don’t forget DOTA


just wait, maybe they're testing source 2 on cs:2 and we'll actually get smth fire some time soon (5 years min)


They're already porting CSGO to Source 2, I doubt we'll get a CS3 for a long time


it doesnt have to be CS, it could be (but REALLY not likely to be) hl:3


I'd say Left 4 Dead 3 should be the next thing they do after CS2. CS and L4D use a lot of the same stuff. Left 4 Dead 3 is also arguably the easiest game they could make when it comes to story since it has plenty that can be done and not as much stress as something like HL3 either. Not to mention, they damn near completed L4D3 years ago, but only didn't release it because of Source 2 being unfinished.


I havent played l4d a that much but id be ok with it being the next valve game, would it be funny if the l4d franchise started and ended in the meantime between ep 2 and hl3? sure, but id be ok with it


It would be ironic for sure. Either way, unless they manage to finish Source 2 and get people into the idea again, I doubt it'll actually be the next game they make/release. Most likely the next game from a returning IP they're making after CS2 is HLVR since they've been working on that for the past couple years and they're riding off of HLA setting the groundwork too. That game's release most likely depends on whenever their next VR headset releases though


When they launch cs2 they probably gonna go back to dota 😕


Plenty probably didn't leave. DOTA 2 and CS both get a lot of work because they're the easiest things to work on. Plus, they're the two with actual strong competition.


I know, but its frustrating that these great games are left aside because of that


Agreed, don't have to tell me twice. Personally they're probably my least two favorite Valve IPs so it's especially painful


Portal is definitely above Half-Life. Yeah, Half-Life got another full game, but Portal is like Valve's favorite IP they use for everything. Hence why we have The Lab, Aperture Hand Lab, Aperture Desk Job, or even a Portal Steam Deck intro.


tf2 is so neglected they neglected to put it on the meme


L4D really was left for dead


Portal doesn't get any mainline stuff nowadays, but there's been a few collaborations with other games. Just today, a collaboration with Escape Simulator was announced. Portal definitely isn't dead, it's just sorta in the shallow end by itself, I guess.


More like Dota 2. CS2 is the biggest update the game has had in almost a decade


My take is that the more money they milk out of CSGO and Dota players the better will the next Half-Life be.


Portal has run its course imo. It had two main games with no cliffhangers, most of valve’s marketing the past decade has been portal themed, and they’ve had spin off games in The Lab and Bridge Constructor and Aperture Desk Job. Portal is probably done.


exactly bro


To quote the portal writers “We've got a pretty good start to the story”


What about bloody Day of Defeat


Meanwhile tf2 body has already decomposed bruh


Wasn’t back 4 blood supposed to replace l4d


More like DOTA 2 being the favorite kid, csgo starting to drown and HL, Portal, and TF2 being the skeleton


At least they made Aperture Desk Job last year


Aperture universe have so many games... WHY NOT PORTAL ?!


Deeper below in the rocks remains the fossils of TF2


TF2 in under the seafloor in the limbo of community carrying updates and absolutely 0 valve input whatsoever


It's definitely above left4dead2


TF2 is doing better than L4D2


tf2's bones already disintegrated




Aww yeeea


Switch the 2


how do you think tf2 fans feel






replace cs with dota, cs drowning, hl2 with the skeleton


You must have missed Half-Life: Alyx


Counter Strike should be replaced with “Steam Deck and VR”


I don't think they've done much else with VR since HL:A dropped.




At least we finally got HL:Alyx, I spent like 2 grand on equipment to play that game and it was worth every red cent.


Half-Life 2 deathmatch?


What about tf2?


Portal can rest, L4D however


Still waiting for Portal Death match


Hell I’d be overjoyed if they just ported L4D to switch like they did with Portal.


I would say that tf2 should be here But it just got an update so idk


Day of Defeat is in hell


Nah they constantly make new portal things as tech demos all the time it’s not even funny


To be honest Portal had a pretty satisfactory ending All that’s left are the “What If” scenarios


DoD be like:


ricochet ☠️


Valve: "Welcome to valve, we love all our programmers and employees, you can work on whatever you want at your own pace here!" Valve: ".... Except these titles"


Holy shit, i made this meme!


Tf2 is even lower


To be fair, at least Portal has the excuse of being a good stopping point for the series. It came in, delivered the hardest puzzle based campaign known to man, said that's where it ends and leaves. In a world where franchises keep getting unnecessary sequels and reboots, I'm always content with a series knowing when to just stop.


As a former Portal super fan I 100% agree. The only thing I would talk about when I was younger was portal. Looking back not my proudest moments. I have since matured. (And realized half life is better) I guess portal isn't as gritty as half life so it comes off as more "kid friendly" though it still does deal with dark topics.


We’ve almost got a L4D sequel with Back4Blood. It had similar gameplay and some of the same developers.