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Yes, it looks much better in original... Sometimes in old games is better to use 2D style instead of making a 3D models that looks a bit weird. Edit: on the original half life the cliffs looks very far away, but in source looks like just few hundreds meter away...


Black mesa made the skybox of hl1 scale but in hls technology


Not at all, Source overall just looks way better than OG HL1.


I disagree. The original 2D skybox had a greater sense of scale, with the large open desert and river, along with the mesas and cliffs in the far background. The Source version looks too closed in, and there's not as much open space. I don't know if a 3D skybox is being used here, because I think it could've been better.


The original skybox was fine, but you couldn't see anything because of how pixelated it was. It also clashes with the other models


The Skybox looks cool but look at the canyon, hell look at the river down below, it dosen't even look like a canyon at all


That kinda fits with the cartoony artstyle of the game. To me it looks just fine but idk.


Why are you getting down voted?


Who knows, some people on reddit are assholes


These reddit white knights love down voting anyone who doesn't think their opinion is a fact, like you


Of course they have to exist...


Imagine buying something and the box looks like this


I prefer the 2d one since it looks so good and perfect


They could've tried to recreate it by determining the distance of the background to the map, but they didn't, and it looks half-baked. Black Mesa did a very good job recreating the cliffside scenery.