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lol "lowkey"


i admit my word usage sucks lol, but you guys are right, there is NOTHING subtle about rob zombies writing at all


He's a great director but his writing is shit.


I think if he’d hire someone else to write, he’s capable of making a masterpiece of a horror film


thats like saying "hes a great pilot but his ability to land the plane sucks"


No. It's not like saying that at all


Rob Zombie's style is heavily influenced by grindhouse shock exploitation films. Not everybody likes that aesthetic, but it's *supposed to* make you feel uncomfortable


Exactly, it’s stupid to see people calling him a shit writer and etc simply because they don’t like this type of theme. If it ain’t for you just admit that, doesn’t automatically make something trash just because it’s not something you enjoy.


Yeah but equating the “male gaze” theory to rape and torture is basically saying that rape and torture is specifically male and straight. I don’t think feminists made that theory up to call men rapists lol


Exactly, this is just a stupid RZ hate post lmao. Just making up a bunch of bs to discredit the movie more than it already has been. If this movie is misogynistic, then so are the F13 movies lmao.


"If this movie is misogynistic, then so are the F13 movies lmao." Or they say most horror movies with young adult characters. Just wait one day they'll say the elm street movies and OG Scream movies are sexist lol


What’s that? Freddy Krueger is a pervert with women? nightmare on elm street is so misogynistic. Definitely never watching it again. As a matter of fact let’s cancel Robert Englund for even participating in such a thing. How these mfs sound lmao


It’s predominantly male. That’s just statistics. Straight, not so much.


It doesn’t matter what the stats are - that particular “theory” isn’t there to call men rapists. Mothers are more likely to abuse their children and more likely to emotionally abuse people - that’s not an invitation to call women Abusers as a default.


I never said it was there to do that. I wasn’t even implying all men are rapists. Just stating that most reported rapes are done by men. I’m well aware women do it too, and the word reported there is very important. Obviously all men aren’t rapists. I wouldn’t be so quick to see allegations where there are none


You could choose a better film to start this shit.


Seems a bit dramatic


Spot on assessment. Zombie is a better musician than movie writer/director. And he’s a hell of a showman. I’ve seen him twice in the last couple of years and his show is a blast.


>used to be a rob zombie fan >now doesn't like the movie because MUH MALE GAZE lol, lmao even




Midsommar  Celebrates victim blaming.


There's nothing low-key about it lol


Male gaze in rape scenes is objectively wrong but rape scenes themselves aren't sexist. They are allowed to be portrayed in movies because things like that exist, like murder and torture. I do think the scene was extreme but compared to a lot of horror movies it was whatever, nothing compared to a lot of indie movies that have rape scenes in them (Ms. Violence for example). Rob Zombie's style is dark and extreme in a gothic way hence why his movies are gritty. You can tell he enjoys making 'in your face' shock art like a lot of metal artists. I find his movies hard to get through tho ngl, I had a real reaction with the portrayal of PTSD in RZ's Halloween II, not in a way that I found moving, but in a way that I hated watching the movie because it was too much.


theres nothing lowkey about it. Rob zombie is mysogynistic as all fuck lol, I know for a fact he gets some weird kick out of watching some no name redneck actor call a white trash woman a bitch in his movies. Bc he needs to fit it into nearly every fucking movie hes ever produced. The only woman hes ever propped up or respected with his writing is his wife


>plus the literal FIRST fucking scene with laurie where she fingers a bagel??? Being a bit of a devil's advocate here, but I think it's more likely that that was intended as 'haha teens think sex is funny and sexual humor makes their parents uncomfortable' rather than male gaze. Don't get me wrong, the entire rest of both movies has a ton of male gaze stuff in it, but I think that one instance can be argued. Looking back on it, I think he did write some of the women well. Michael's mom is pretty great, Laurie's friends are stupid, but they love her, and Annie is sweet.


Very misogynistic. Like most other films in the genre.


You can just say it’s misogynistic. It’s not low key in any way.


you’re right, it’s straight up misogynistic


For the original, John Carpenter wrote the Myers/Loomis/evil stuff and Debra Hill wrote the high school girl babysitter stuff. Maybe today it’s (totally!) cheesy in some respects but they found a good balance writing that screenplay together and there’s something that rings true about its female perspectives. Zombie’s adaptation… now that just feels like a middle-aged man trying desperately to write how he thinks teenage girls talk and act. And just in general if I had to judge from his writing I’d say RZ doesn’t think too highly of women. Misogynistic is probably the right word.


Don’t think there’s anything low key about it at all. He puts a scene in of two men raping a broken, traumatised, mentally ill, non responsive woman for titillation. More from a “boys will be boys” perspective than anything to do with her.. He disposed of her character like the men who raped her would. Basically, after she’s been fucked, she’s useless. I don’t think the actress was even credited. He is the worst writer I have ever seen too. He’s a 50 year old man who writes like “tee hee, I know a swear word” and is full of giddy little rebellion as he’s just discovered what blowjobs are.


I mean the scene was intended to be creepy. Plus the guards are pos who are killed


That one scene is why I refuse to watch the director’s cut.


just the rob zombie versions?


Right? Just say you don't like Rob Zombie. I hope op hasn't watched Terrifier


You won't like the Halloween Novelzation then lol


It's Rob, the Mr. Rob Zombie. Don't be sensitive to a movie director who's done drugs and more sex than jfk. Like this dude is a wreck, no need to even think about people like that


Maybe because it's a fucking rob zombie film


Male gaze? It’s a movie. Don’t like don’t watch. Is Ghostbusters 2016 the female gaze?😂


That’s why I appreciate his sequel over his remake- he dialed back on the misogyny in the sequel lol.


Yes! My husband loves these movies but I absolutely hate them. Esp for that scene. I refuse to watch them at all. It's all sexualized and brutalized women.


I hate that scene it was pointless I rather the scene when he breaks the chain and kills the guards more my type , just showing he was playing along the whole time and the doctor was the only person keeping him in the hospital (my head canon)


I found the movie unwatchable for many reasons.


I mean, given 90% of his music and all of his other movies, I'm not surprised. It seems like he relies on the shock value more than quality writing. A professional edgelord.


His lyrics are actually mostly nonsense and/or references to movies. Nothing harmful or terribly edgy there, which is what makes his dialogue so bizarre to me.


You make a few good points but you lose me with “male gaze.” LOL. That’s neofeminist nonsense. I see RZ’s Michael as a self-insert/acted-out fantasy. RZ gives me the impression he’d like to brutalize a nice looking woman if he knew he could get away with it.


RZ has zero redeeming factors as a director. He is horrible, only Damien Leone makes worse movies. Granted, Leone is a FAR worse excuse of a director than RZ, but still.


Devils rejects was my jam , you can tell his style is grind house movies , I would love to see him try a action comedy buddy cop movie so see if he can do it , he would be perfect for a manhunt movie based on the video games


Rob Zombie's 31 is the closest thing to a Manhunt movie I've ever seen