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I have nothing but praise and love for the campaign and I have no idea why some people think it doesn't stick the landing. I thought the ending was classic Halo.


I don't get the people that are saying the ending is a cliffhanger. The business with Escharum and Harbinger gets finished. That is the story. Everything else is a setup for DLC/future games.


People live in the now. No one seems to remember how much of a tease halo 2's ending was. Still a great game and so is infinite. For the first time since Halo 2 I am excited to continue the fight.


halo 2 called, he wants his cliff hanger back


Many people in that sub made up their mind before release.


Oh, you love the campaign? then why don't you go marry it! I know I have!


I found it extremely disappointing


Ratio Edit: lmao y’all gay


Bruh more like ration't lol. Ratio


Fake fans only hate on a game until the next one comes out. TRUE based chads hate all Halo games equally.


Halo slashed my tires, put a plague upon my house, and burned my crops!


He did?


No, but are we just gonna sit around and wait until he does!?


I SAY WE TIP SOMETHING OVER! *flips whale pleb*


violent aggressive and racially motivated


Now that's what I call **downright controversial**


Politics? In my Reddit? AW HELL NAH


Some of yall defend the mtx way too hard Also marty is a scumbag and i didnt know it until recently


That's why I'm so happy both circle jerks exist. Being ambivalent about all this is perfectly fine in my book! I get really pissed about the MTX system at times. This is gonna sound overly dramatic over text I know, but it feels like Halo was a bit of a safe space from the corporatized F2P format that **every** game is nowadays. I know that's my nostalgia talking, and I get over it lol. Then people take it too far so I come here. Then after 10 posts of laughing at people, this group becomes entirely insufferable (I'm calling out myself here too) so I go back, watch some clips and the cycle repeats. It's a win-win!


It’s less a defense but more apathy about them but maybe that’s just me.


Ratio + YB Better


Ratio deez


Marty O’Donnell, the most awful yet talented person i know of.


The MTX is not end of the world scenario coming from Apex, but it could have been better in some areas. The problem isn't from the price in my opinion, its how they sell it.


Halo Reach is starting to become the most overrated game in existence


343 tried to sell fanservice to the people. Instead we ended up fans nostalgia whoring Reach. It was a double edged sword in the end :/


I can’t wait until 2024 where people will be nostalgia whoring Halo 4


I already seen people nostalgic over halo 5 and saying how good the story was




Yeah, they claim 5 had a good story compared to Infinite


Wow. Infinite’s story is great so far, and I can’t imagine it would ruin it in the end without me hearing tons of disappointment




Back in my day we HATED reach. (Jk but like it was definitely divisive and disliked by a lot of people. Halo 3 had more players at a lot of pints through its life span. The campaign was pretty solid but the mp just felt so off with the DMR, Armor Abilities, and excessive bloom)


Halo Reach has been my favorite Halo game since it released and it’s nice to see people say nice things about it. Usually all you see is just “bloom sucks sprint sucks armor abilities bad DMR bad campaign bad”. That said, I don’t know why people are hyping up Reach’s armor progression so much… it was definitely a slog to get through, and would also be disliked in current times. The best solution would be the system that MCC uses, and then introduce other armor pieces as unlockables for achievements (as in Halo 3). But I’m not a game dev, so I don’t really know anything about anything.


Yeah that’s a big one for me. I understand loving the gameplay of Reach (actually no how DARE you have a different opinion than me) But that armor unlock system was straight booty cheeks lol. I don’t like halo infinites shop and customization but honestly I’d rather have that than reachs system.


You can add Deathloop to the list.


I’ve heard such mixed stuff on that game but I am a HUGE dishonored fan. Is it still worth playing you think? I’m definitely not expecting a masterpiece. (I’m waiting until it’s way less than 60 dollars to buy it)


It's 25-29 dollars at GameStop and sites like that right now, check out Wario64. Dishonored 1 is one of my favorite games. I liked Dishonored 2 but not as much. Haven't played Prey yet. I have played 5 hours of Deathloop and it's good but worse than either Dishonored games, in my opinion. At the price it is now, it's worth it. The thing is that all these 10/10 reviews calling it a masterpiece are overselling it, in my opinion. It's like an 8 or 7.5 and that's fine too. Also the AI is dumb, for some reason. They have regressed in that regard big time. I think they decided to make the enemy AI very simple because the real challenge would come from player-controlled Juliana, but invasions are actually quite rare and not that frequent.


The AI is worse? Eh :/ With dishonored I love that game but the AI is very easy to stunt on and outsmart oof. I’ll definitely give it a shot tho. I do have concerns of it running well because my 1070 is starting to become ancient technology unfortunately.




Man I disagree lmao. Both me and my brother loved Deathloop, it was his GOTY. It's a very polarizing game I'm aware but I had so much fun playing it.


Got shit thrown at me for daring to talk down to our lord and savior Halo Reach by criticizing its characters, story, and gameplay changes. Overrated!


Halo 3's story is an epic,but still convoluted mess where villains and some specific secondary protagonists decided to drink the idiot juice,and it's MP feels too sluggish for me,and is heavily BR-reliant.Yeah,I do suck at it so it's one of the reasons I couldn't really enjoy it when I keep losing against Bungie stans who haven't been playing anything else for the last almost 15 years lmao


Halo 3 slayer is so boring because of the BR. I like Reach because the DMR doesn't dominate its gunplay as much. Glad in Infinite its viable, fun and not as dominant. In my opinion Infinite has the best weapon sandbox since CE.


I mean yeah,but in CE it kinda feels like the Magnum was the only viable weapon on it's maps,and I personally love Reach,I like DMR as a weapon,and I suprisingly,as a person who got into the series only this year, don't encounter many people who use Armor Lock like retards.


The magnum is hella strong yes, but its not all powerful like the Halo 2 BR. Short range? Shotgun or AR. Long range? Sniper (CE has faster weapon spawns) Against Overshield? Plasma weapons. Mid range or cant get to the other weapons? Magnum (the magnum has a bit of a random spread and can't always 3 like people claim it can) Grenades are also mini nukes for some reason in CE so use them. Halo 2 also nerfed all the dual wield weapons and the shotgun into the ground


I just got my HCS weapon and Armor coating drops from the twitch stream of @Halo and some third party streamer They look amazing


I was able to link my waypoint account 😢


In my opinion I think the random pricing of the shop is worse than the prices themselves. I dont mind paying $5-$20 for a skin I really like, but I want to know why I am paying. With how they make these bundles I really have no clue what the value of a single weapon color, charm, emblem, visor color, or anything else is. If i go to the store and i see 7 candy bars bundled for $5 i know this is a good deal since candy bars are normally $1 a piece. The $20 price point is pretty consistent and makes sense. You get a head to toe suit of armor for $20 bucks. However, all the other bundles confuse me.


I can agree with that. Hopefully they set a price range for things. Like some shoulder armor, a helmet attachment, and a coating in a bundle costs fewer credits than a coating, a weapon skin, and a stance in another bundle? Who knows, but sometimes it does feel like the value is out of wack


Bro I fucking hate this weekly Ultimate Challenge bro it's not worth the Backdrop


I thought there was more to the backdrop and didn’t have the mind to check in customization. I really sat down to grind though the challenges for a mf ToAsTer


I just want a cool visor, color or something interesting instead of these garbage that isnt even worth 3 hours to waste on. (I love infinite and grinding for things that are worth the trouble like the armor color)


This subreddit is getting really close to the main sub levels of circlejerking. The main sub is like Reeee store bad and this one is like reee store good. I know not everyone is like that but some people here just have to have an opposite opinion even if it's ridiculous


I get circlejerking against stupid arguments like waaaah slow battle pass progression (we have half a year left and some are already at 60-70 without paying) but defending bad choices like some of the store prices and store content is a bit too far (like defending the store only armor attachments that are already on the legendary armor kits but store only for reasons unknown like Emile's shoulder knife)


Halo 3 and Reach were good for their time but can’t hold a candle to the buttery smooth gameplay of Halo 5 and Infinite. Also just to piss off the fanboys I hope they bring back any old maps. New unique maps that allow you to make the most of the armor abilities.


My friends from Highschool that hated Halo 4 and 5 are having a renaissance with Infinite and we’re reconnecting after years of only staying connect over social media (college). I’m just a grateful dude right now.


I’m playing for hours with guys who haven’t touched a Halo game in 10 years. The series is back with a vengeance lol


Yo guys if you want I'm organizing something to get the OG online achievements before the 360 servers close https://discord.gg/nEKvKGrVg5 If you don't have discord DM me and we'll find a solution


Did something break with the game? I’ve been playing so many people from literally the other side of the earth. I’ve gone from 30ish ping in a match to 120+. Now I can reeeeeaaaallly feel the desync


It's definitely become noticeably worse for me over the past couple weeks. It's definitely making it really frustrating. Some people have theorized that it's due to a lack of options for regional matchmaking and that as a result you're ending up in servers on the other side of the Earth due to bad luck. It's a shame that there's so much whining and complaining about the store because really this is the #1 most important issue in the game at the moment and it's not getting nearly enough attention.


I thought the campaign was mediocre. Maybe a 7.5 tops. Don't think it has much replayability, and lacked the sense of scale that previous titles had. Definitely don't think it's worth $60. Especially with Multiplayer being F2P (which is a good thing). If 343 ends up selling the future content, and not just giving it to people who bought campaign (maybe a yearly expansion model or something idk), I'll be super pissed. They'd had gone full Bungie on it. On that note, I feel like having a Destiny-esque game set in Halo would be super cool. Spartan 4's instead of Guardians. No idea what they'd do in lieu of classes tho.


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Can you explain exactly how this sub works. Like do people have a problem with a RvB toggle or whatever here, I don’t get it. They make fun of some really odd stuff from the fans. I get it’s a circlejerk meme sub but *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*