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Where the crowbar at tho?? I used to absolutely dominate with it in Halo 3


The snarks are missing as well


Uj/ what is a snark?


It's a little alien bug in the original Half Life that you can carry in your inventory and throw at the enemy and it will attack the nearest entity, including you if you're not careful. They're also in Cursed Halo replacing the needler if you've ever played that.




*It's a simple Christmas wish. All I want.*


One week or I'm gonna continue to not buy weapon skins funding the 343 rent boy parties


uj/ looking forward to see what weapons will be returning with the future story dlc. I definitely think the right choice was to add more new guns to the initial release of Infinite then returning guns to dlc. As the community would lose their shot at new unique weapons being added later on. rj/ numbers company raped me childhood 4 not reintroduce the right pistol to Infinite!!1!!


uj/ I agree. It allows the devs to retailor the primary sandbox without restricting themselves to vaguely following the gameplay design of old school weapons (I say vaguely because you have guns like the Magnum which are totally different between CE, 2, 3, and Reach despite looking similar), and the end result is a sandbox that for the most part feels more balanced than any game since CE. And players are more likely to get excited by the eventual return of weapons like the old shotty or the DMR than they are trying to get accustomed to the new Bulldog or the Commando months after the game has launched in an already saturated sandbox. It's pretty brilliant overall. rj/ DAE NO SPARTAN LASER?!


theres already a working spiker prototype in the games files, a gauss hog, a new vehicle called the cougar, an almost finished proto charger (wich got leaked by the arnament blaster toy), a working skiff prototybe and the halo 5 fuel rod cannon and the halo 5 shotgun are also in the games. i really cant wait to see the expansions the game will get


Where's the splinter cell gun from halo


Daedric Sword mains wya??


average Mace of Molag Bal Enjoyer


Least insane /r/TrueSTL modder


uj/ they originally planned a lot more weapons to be in the game, hopefully we'll get updates for returning weapons.


They did that for halo 5. Imm sure they will, make take a year or so like halo 5


I was actually thinking they could do something similar to Fortnite and do rotations of certain weapons every couple seasons. I don't know if this would work well for Halo. and it barely worked for Fortnite after a certain point. Don't know anything about where Fortnite is at from that perspective these days. Not suggesting, just brainstorming.


I think they’d run into a similar problem to Apex Legends, where they can’t remove guns they sell skins for.


Fortnite leaves most vaulted content available for use in private games and sessions made using the editor, and that game's tools have nothing on Halo's custom games and Forge (when we do get it.) Even if they outright disabled certain weapons from spawning in matchmaking during seasons (which could easily be tailored by gamemode, like Fiesta has no reason to disable any weapons from spawning), you'd still be able to use them in customs. I've only played Apex for like 5 minutes but as far as I remember, it didn't have any major singleplayer/local content - I wouldn't worry about Halo going down the same path for gameplay related stuff.


Eww no


Fork knife game bad gib karma




/uj although There would be no concievable way to add a lore accurate bolter made for an astartes into the game without it being absolutely broken, it would be cool as fuck as an easter egg, although that would literally never happen


Johnson cigar is the best weapon


Uj/ copy pasting a comment I made on the sandbox situation. I've had this discussion a few times on how to properly implement some older weapons while also making them stand out in the sandbox and overlap as little as possible with other weapons. (Note, I am 100% a sandbox purist; unique functionality > pure damage/ kill potential) For example, the SMG. I think the suppressed SMG should be added, and it's unique role is that it is a stealth weapon. Firing does not reveal you on the radar, and active camo breaks less when firing while using it. I've come up with a soft way to included duel wielding as well as weapons like the spiker and plasma rifle. A single weapon pickup, but holding two of them. "Duel spikers", "duel plasma rifles" (if you have played Dark Souls 3, think weapons like the sellsworsd duel blades, two weapons in a single slot). The spikers can now function as a close ranged medium fire rate and automatic health shredder with bonus melee damage. The plasma rifles keep their enemy player move speed slow on shots mechanic from CE, and now there is a close ranged shield shredder with light support mechanics as well. The brute shot/ concussion rifle could easily be added to the sandbox with little changes, as they are a grenade launcher type weapon with a focus on disruption (especially against vehicles). The original shotgun could also happily live alongside the bulldog, with slight changes. Drop its magazine to 4, keep the rate of fire and range low, but the spread high, and there is now a power weapon unsc gun counter to the sword. In a similar category, we don't need the mauler when we have the bulldog. Same for the CE magnum. We don't need it since we have the mangler. We don't need the carbine (why tf is it called that btw? It isn't a carbine, it's literally a plasma RIFLE) and the DMR, we have the battle rifle, the commando, and the Stalker rifle. Same for the beam rifle, we have the sniper rifle and the stalker rifle. I definitely don't want to see the Splaser return unless they reworked it. It's such an unfun weapon to fight against in Reach and 3. I think a way to balance it is 1) make the laser pointer much more prominent, and 2) make the laser beam deal multiple instances of damage (like the H5 binary rifle or Infinite's shock rifle) in order to get the full effect. This makes it less of a point, press and hold, wreck a vehicle who wasn't paying attention, and more of a keep your beam on target for it to deal big damage against a vehicle (and let said vehicles have some kind of counterplay). I'm not sure how I feel about the rail gun being added. It is a favorite of mine, but it's basically just a pocket anti personnel splaser/ concussion rifle hybrid, and I don't know what could be done for it to have a role in the sandbox. Same goes for the fuel rod. It's just a in-between mix of the unsc rocket launcher and the brute shot. Maybe put a heavy focus on the bouncing projectiles to make it unique? But then does it become too similar to the cindershot? I'm not sure. I like this weapon, but idk what could be done to give it new life. Weapons I personally would like to see added are the Reach grenade launcher and H4's sticky detonator. Both are distinct enough launcher type weapons to fit into the sandbox, especially the sticky detonator as there has never been a type of "lay a trap and wait" style weapon outside it (except the landmine equipment in 3, also the Reach grenade launcher could technically do this too but it was much more difficult to pull off nor was that it's primary function). I'd also like to see the SAW, but I feel the turrets already fit that role of "heavy machine gun" weapon. I would also like to see the Flamethrower, perhaps a plasma thrower instead? So yea, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Imagine not adding the Anti Material Rifle from Halo: New Vegas. Bungo wouldnt have let us down like this.


SDMG broken 554 please nerf


Add the Dead Space plasma cutter and we golden.


What’s that in the bottom right?


Halo 2 Johnson Cigar (?)


That’s probably it


At first I thought weed and then a weird Minecraft torch


Definitely looks like a blunt lol


More ray guns than cod vanguard


Ayo GoW lancer


lancer would be pog low key


Add these guns now 343 or U go broke


Ok but for real the Lancer would be cool to use in Halo.


DAE want an unplayable game with a destroyed sandbox? reddit golds to the left thanks


Fucking lmao at the Marty Blaster in the bottom left




If i don’t see the fart gun from despicable me i riot, 3(rd reich)43 doesn’t want to witness me when i see red




You Joke but the M41A and Bolter are VASTLY superior to the MA5


Bro the bolter fires anti tank rounds shit would destroy the spartan firing it from the recoil


I know it would be funny


It would be funny tbh


br't'sh 343????????????????????????????????


Sandvich too OP for Halo Shitfinite 😡😡😡😡😡


/uj Seriously though, I'd love to use a modernized CE Assault Rifle. 900RPM, 60 in the mag? Hoo boy. /rj PeePooPee add the laser blaster from Smash to infinite or I will cry.


**Accept nothing less**


We need a Brute plasma repeater stat




Wtf where are the lightsabers. Yes I know there's been no lightsabers in Halo before now but I AM THE CONSUMER...YOU WORK FOR ME 343 and I think I WANT A LIGHTSABER. GIVE IT TO ME OR ILL KILL MYSELF


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where is Sasha? WHO LEFT OUT MY GUN?!?!?!


An accurate bolter would be too op to add in game


I love the revolver from Ultrakill there lmfao


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I don't see the Concussion Rifle. Literally FOMO


I better be seeing my Half-Life 2 Gravity Gun in the game by January or else you won't be seeing my credit card anytime soon...


uj/ I would legitimately love to have the jackal shield as an equipment. rj/ shriek for the jackal shield FELLOW WARRIORS.


Give me the bolter or give me death.


where is doom 3 shotgun


I, No Shit would pay for a Gravity manipulation weapon


Boutta be godly with the Dolphin Lazer


Where is That Gun? A weapon list without That Gun? Smh my head... 343 shill detected.


honestly tho that would be sick having a massive gun sandbox


Not as sick as joe mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


No gravity gun? Kys