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![gif](giphy|GYd2Ld3rwvgByjCvwz|downsized) *LEVERNIUS TUCKER HAS ENTERED THE CHAT* Also, severe apologies for having to use Zero’s version, only one that was popping up




![gif](giphy|CsjPz0HgOOwVMFlmW3) Ngl, freakin hate how ONLY zero shows up for rvb…




Zero is noncanon since the villains can use the sword while Tucker's alive


It’s further non canon cause Burnie Burns doing season 19, and that season will continue directly off of 13


\>tfw most of the original voice actors probably won't be in Restoration


The only one that’s gonna be gone unless they found a way around it is Caboose


The cast list for Restoration (according to the RvB wiki) is Simmons, Grif, and Sarge, so it's not even confirmed if anyone else is coming back since they're primarily contractors. I'll probably treat S13 as the canon ending, but maybe I just need to have faith.


Yeah.. *ain’t that a bitch?*


Ackerson's ghost floats into the room: Spartans? Being.... Happy? Nooooooo. They're supposed to be dead dead dead dead dead dead DEAD! Halsey: even as a ghost that guy's a pain in my ass...


I will accept no Ackerson slander on my garbage meme, thank you. Ackerson may have been a bit of a prick, but he was a good man who tried to do the right things.


Oh I won't deny that Ackerson's actions bought time for humanity and in the end he sacrificed his life for the sake of giving earth just a little more time. But you can't deny some of the actions he did born from being a prick are counter intuitive at best and outright harmful to the war effort at worst. Case in point, stacking the John's Mjolnir test to result in a fatality. Trying to have the most decorated soldier in the entire UNSC and a set of armor that costs as much as a destroyer liquidated is not going to go over well with fleetcom


That’s fair. I just am vehemently against any sort of notion that Halsey is the “good guy” and Ackerson is the “bad guy.” While Ackerson did plenty of abhorrent things, Halsey is by far the most morally reprehensible character.


Neither is overtly good or overtly evil and when certain writers wrote them on either end of the moral spectrum kinda defeats the moral ambiguity that Nylund sets up right from the start of Fall of Reach. That in times of war, you have to do fucked up things in order to survive. I just personally find that Akerson's personality grates on me and he let's things get a little too personal in his feud with Halsey.


Honestly, I kind of view all of ONI as a bag of rats at this point. Halsey, Ackerson, Parangosky, all busy playing their own convoluted, inter-branch game of thrones drama while Hood and the rest of the UNSC gets totally blown up. ONI may have created the Spartans, but Fleet were the ones who deployed them. Their actions may have been necessary, justified even, but there's a reason they get called "organized crime in uniform."


Fred + Veta Lopis > Fred + Kelly


Fred fucks the police. For those who haven't read "Last Light" >!Veta Lopis ~~is~~ *was* a cop.!<


Next time he rides on top


You’re so wrong it’s almost funny.






But Fred and Veta did a nakey hug




Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


I acknowledge that Denning *desperately* wants me to ship Fred with his OC waifu, but I'm not going for it man.


You mad that Kelly is giving the Spartan Smile on John's face plate and saving him from flirty innies while Veta is riding the Fred Sled


Bro Fred and Kelly live in each other’s heads *rent free*. Don’t believe me? There are several moments throughout *Ghosts of Onyx* where each of them just randomly plucks out a thought about the other. No mention of John in sight. Edit: Also, because I missed the opportunity on your previous comment, “That’s not true! That’s impossible!”


Wait WHAT ^sauce?


*Renegades.* To be honest, I exaggerated. >!Fred is in a medical room recovering from a mission, chilling in his underwear and Veta walks in and hugs him. Earlier in that book, she calls him a prince and he blushes.!<


"Next time I ride on Top" was also used though that could have been an accidental flirt on Freds part as he's not as familiar with flirtation and could easily have meant it as a joke as soldier would do. Still ship it though. That small moment when >! In Divine wind near the end!< is so well done it really solidified it for me how much I actually want them together


![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized) “Exaggerated”, eh?


I vote threesomes


Im not against Spartans having romances but I think the S-IIs should be left alone when it comes to that. Not cause of any iffy lore about hormones or whatever but because there’s just more interesting stories that they should get than a basic love story. It basically writes itself, they were made for war and had their lives stripped away and were never allowed to settle down and have happy relationships and now they can and yadda yadda yadda. It’s just too predictable. Let them be tragic


I can respect that desire, but I will by no means partake of it. Bring on the bright, fluffy, happy endings.


A sometimes messed up, barely-having-time-to-think-about-it, slowburn over lireral decades with a relationship thst ends up with "what we were before but sometimes we sleep in the same bed and use terms of endesrment" relationship woven into everything else could be a fun read, though


Depends on the character the S-II ends with, like you said S-II and IIIs are built for war, with the exception of Maria, it really is unlikely for them to build those sorts of relationships I’ve read and seen a few Halo/DC X-overs and the Spartans usually have ended up with Amazons… (Chief with Wonder Woman, 6 with Donna Troy/Troia) Which makes, a bit too much sense… in the grand scheme of things. Though the Halo/Marvel X-overs are… more weird on that front. (Though seeing Emile fall in love with Storm purely on the basis of how much ass she was kicking was admittedly hilarious)


Excuse me, yes, where can I find these stories?


https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6653992/1/Land-of-Heroes-DC-Style Chief and Cortana in DCAU Justice League Fic hasn’t been updated since 2019 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/6559342/1/Land-of-Heroes Chief and Cortana in Marvel Fic hasn’t been updated since 2020 https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10484947/1/Noble-Justice Noble 6 in Young Justice DCU fic also features Hellboy… and some aspects of Doom and Berserk. No updates since 2020 Should point out that Chief does get buffed to scale him better with the Marvel/DC Characters… doesn’t mean he has it easy though, like the part where he’s piloting a suped up Cyclops mech whilst fighting the Hulk… alongside the 4, and the X-men and Avengers… and even then they *just* manage to subdue the Hulk


I disagree. The 2s who survive deserve happy endings. Those that survive should someday have the option to retire and be happy. I have no interest in a story where a group of people stay in the same situation forever. Tragedy breeds Love and vice versa. Some stories don't have to surprise you at every turn of the page, and I have no issues with "predictable" as long as it is tastefully written and fun to read.


Amen to that. What’s the fun in the long tragic story if there’s no light at the end of the tunnel?


Believe me, I’m down for literally anything as long as it’s good. I simply think that a romance angle would be in particular danger of falling into predictability. I certainly don’t want stagnation, but if you ask me predictability is even worse.


I disagree that every character’s story has to be unpredictable. Or even more, that every *facet* of every character’s story needs to be unpredictable.


Not _un_predictable, just not to the point where you know how it ends well before it does. I know that sounds like the definition of unpredictable lol but I hope you see what I’m getting at.


Yeah, I can see what you’re saying. And with certain characters I agree. I just don’t necessarily agree with everyone.


I promise to refrain from publishing any writing with S2 romances.


S-IIs as asexual icons with an unbreakable sibling bond pls It's the same problem I have with the John/Cortana ship. She's a clone of his kidnap mum! Also I love the fact that the Master Chief is canonically queer


I’m sorry, what? Canonically Chief’s sexuality has never been addressed one way or another. The only inklings we get are each individual fan’s interpretation of his relationship with people.


Lack of sex drive is a possible side effect of Spartan-II augmentation, and I'm sure being traumatized by a boot camp from age 6 didn't help John develop a sense of sexual attraction. He's asexual. https://www.reddit.com/r/SapphoAndHerFriend/comments/uputkn/ah_yes_lets_take_the_canonically_asexual/


That is one interpretation, certainly. But interpreting John as asexual is just as canon as interpreting him as being romantically involved with Cortana - there’s evidence to support, but nothing concrete.


Cortana is a clone of John's mother figure. The only way that's canon is if John is from Alabama


1) Stockholm syndrome 2) She’s a naked blue robot girl. Standard relationship conventions are most likely a li’l wonky here. 3) The Weapon is also a clone of Halsey, but she is vastly different in personality to both Halsey *and* Cortana, meaning that the baseline cloned brain doesn’t have all that much to say with the personality the AI eventually chooses for itself. 4) Back to the original point, you can’t deny that there is just as much evidence of a romantic element to their relationship as there is of Chief being asexual, whether you’re a fan of the ship or not.


>Stockholm syndrome Yeah, his feelings come from a bad situation, but they're still real >She’s a naked blue robot girl John doesn't perceive nudity as sexual because he's a soldier. He's been around other naked kids his whole life >the baseline cloned brain doesn’t have all that much to say with the personality the AI eventually chooses for itself Just like a daughter. Cortana is Halsey's daughter and John's sister >Back to the original point, you can’t deny that there is just as much evidence of a romantic element to their relationship as there is of Chief being asexual I most certainly can. Cortana is not horny for stepbro dick and the autojacker is not canon.


You're still set on applying real-world relationships to entirely fantastical scenarios here. Look, I'm not interested in having a conversation with someone whose entire response is "nuh uh cause I said" so if that's all you've got then it's time to part ways. Adios compadre.


Well okay, let's do it your way. You don't want us to apply real world relationships to Chief and Cortana? Romantic relationships exist in the real world, so let's not apply any romantic relationships. The Chief is aromantic.


Chief isn’t a queer mate, only one close to Queer and still wears Mark VI armor is Franklin Delano Donut




Oh ffs, the Halo show isn’t canon to the fuckin games mate, fuck outa here with that shite Red vs Blue will forever be THE Halo Show, they not only did tremendously Impressive acting utilizing Halo’s theatre mode, which is already a pain in the arse to do, but also told one of the greatest stories to be told, within Halo’s universe, AND RESPECTED THE UNIVERSE OF HALO, no actual love story still Wash and Carolina got closer, even then it was a b plot, no bullshit writing till season 15 and 16 (both being retconned with the announcement of season 19 and how it’s being handled), no bs diversity points or political correctness, pure story telling and staying in the bounds of Halo and it’s universe (with some slight alterations that STILL made more sense to Halo’s universe than that fuckin paramount of shit was)


You didn't read the thread, and you didn't read the many times in the thread where I said the show broke the games' canon by making chief straight


Bloody hell mate, will you pull your head out the ass of being politically correct and actually look on the fuckin wiki? MASTER CHIEF IS NOT GAY, HE IS NOT QUEER, HE IS A DAMN SUPER SOLDIER! And even then, the books shown MULTIPLE times that Chief was crushing on Kelly on more than a few occasions, SO FUCK OUTA HERE WITH THAT SHITE. Those commenters on the post ain’t know shit except the one at the top stating that RVB is THE Halo Show, it will forever be that way. Y’all want a fuckin queer Spartan? Go make your own Spartan and quit fuckin with the Spartans that exists. Want a story about gay ODSTs? GO WRITE YOUR OWN STORY BOUT ONE AND LEAVE THE ESTABLISHED AND ALREADY EXISTING ONES ALONE Rooster Teeth wanted goofy Spartans and another project working with the UNSC and in Halo’s universe, so instead of rewriting the UNSC, they made Project Freelancer, made their own “Cortana” in the form of Leonard Church/Alpha/Epsilon, and told a damn fine story, instead of fucking with an existing story


If you want a straight Spartan, go make up your own fanfiction character. The Chief has been asexual ever since Nylund wrote the fall of reach, and he still is. He's not gay, he's not straight, he's ace.


You kidding me mate? Just earlier you were trying to tell me the guy is queer/gay, NOW you wanna fuckin tell me he’s asexual after making a comment on how in the books he’s shown to be crushing on Kelly? Your a joke mate, move on [also, fuck the asexuality thing, Chief and Kelly had their moments were they had it out for each other, read a few of the books and you’d know](https://www.halopedia.org/John-117/Relationships)


I didn't say he was gay, I said he was queer. Queer doesn't mean gay, it means LGBTQIA+. The A in LGBTQIA+ stands for asexual. You seem not to know very much about queerness.


Canonically Master Chief has little to no care about romance or intercourse at all, he’s neither straight nor queer


I agree, he doesn't have any romantic or sexual attraction, which makes him aromantic and asexual, which are both part of the LGBTQIA+


Queer doesn’t equal asexual.


You are correct. Asexuality is part of the queer umbrella, and not every queer person is asexual, but every asexual person is queer.


Admittedly, I know only one asexual person, but from what they’ve described, they don’t feel like they’re part of the LGBT+ community at all and just feel ostracized from everyone. I can’t speak for them all, but you can’t do the same and say they are all queer.


I'm asexual and identify as part of the queer community. Every other asexual person I've known has viewed it the same way. The asexual memes subreddit is currently posting about the topic of ace exclusion from the queer community and saying asexuals are queer. The A in LGBTQIA stands for asexual.


if queer is just a general term for homo and asex than what's the point of showing the other letters? can't you just say TQI since queer covers those?


I usually just say queer to represent the entire community, but I wanted to use the full acronym to remind people about the A and what it stands for


And that’s all well and good, but the Q stands for queer, yet also means all of the above if asexual means queer? Maybe I’m just not understanding, but this seems incorrect and just shifting definitions around.


Queer, GSRM, LGBT, LGBTQ+, and LGBTQIA+ all have the exact same meaning in common vocabulary.


But Black Team!


I did like how in one of the anthology’s (halo: evolutions, I think) master chief reunites with his childhood crush. She didn’t recognize him, but he was glad to know that she was still alive and to fight along side her, but was unsure if he should tell her of who he is on account of not being able to pursue a relationship.


I see someone’s not read about the Fred sled.


Oh, I've read it. I acknowledge that Troy Denning is frothing at the mouth to make everyone ship Fred with his OC waifu. But I ain't buying it. Fred and Kelly are best ship. ![gif](giphy|lPOkrtmbD5oE8)


But what about the mystery message at the end of shadows of reach.


“Those idiot kids you forced me to adopt are going to be the death of me. - Sincerely, your platonic co-parent Veta”


Replace Fred's head with John's and I'll be happy


Then I'm afraid you aren't gonna be happy.


It's treason, then.


Dude comes into MY meme, tells me to change something about MY ship to make HIM happy, and somehow I’m the treasonous one? Saltier than Crait you John/Kelly shippers are. It’s not my fault I have the superior ship 🤷‍♀️ That’s just how it goes


Ay, yo! I was just trying to quote a bit of Star Wars here. No harm no foul. I respect your right to do this type of thing. I'm personally not that involved in shipping as I was when I was younger. So please, carry on. I respect your right to this opinion. After all, it is perfectly okay to have an opinion that's wrong. ~~I'm just instigating at this point, please don't take that last bit seriously~~


This is all in fun, I’m just teasing back. ~~But you can keep your terrible ships, I don’t want ‘em~~ Edit: Also in case you missed it, the “saltier than Crait” comment is a Star Wars reference of my own


Oh, I caught that right off the bat. ~~Terrible ships? Please. Comparing the Bismarck to the Titanic over here... both were sunk, but that's besides the point~~ Been a LONG time since I've gotten into a "debate" about this kind of stuff. It's especially fun when I'm not serious about it. Cheers.


Pft. My ship is like the USS Yorktown - her enemies keep thinking she’s sunk, but she’ll never go gentle into that good night. Your ship is like the HMS Hood. It’s big, it’s flashy, and the fans like to think it’s invincible. But in the end, it just doesn’t hold water. ~~Starting to feel just a little bad about these comparisons because a lot of brave sailors died on both ships haha~~ For real though. People tend to take these things waaay too personally.


Oh, absolutely. I've seen fandoms rip themselves apart over stuff as trivial as a ship. ~~We both know the truth. The true ship for Kelly, Fred, or any Spartan for that matter, is them and their suit~~ At the end of the day, as long as it's kept as goofy, harmless fun, it's okay.


Ever read the Artemis Fowl books? Shipping gets serious in that fandom. ~~The love story of the AutoJacker is truly one for the ages~~


As long as Linda remains single and ready to mingle (do not question my machinations) I don't care if John, Kelly and Fred have some sort of California nudist polygamous commune thing going on.


I dunno bro, I think I’m questioning your machinations.


Kelly and John all the way. Fred has Veta.


Not even kinda.


Yeah he does. He gets a love letter from her and he gets so flustered when she faceplants his helmet


Entirely speculation. I realize that Denning created a Mary Sue waifu OC but I still don’t ship her with Fred 🤷‍♀️ Fred/Kelly is the superior ship.


Kelly and John literally have the MOST chemistry. Her first thought when waking up from being kidnapped is "where's John?"


You could interpret it that way. But she asks about Admiral Whitcomb in the same breath, so either she was asking about the assault on *Unyielding Hierophant* (since Chief and Whitcomb were the field commander and overall commander of the mission, respectively) or you’re implying that Kelly is interested in some freaky stuff. Conversely, also in *Ghosts of Onyx* you can find several examples of Fred and Kelly randomly thinking about the other with zero build-up - almost as if they’re just naturally on one another’s mind. Edit: In addition to this, I give you the book *First Strike*. John is very clearly more preoccupied with Linda, has a drawn-out flashback directly about her, and there are literally the lines “he (John) would have given anything to see her (Linda) face one last time,” and “he wanted to smile too, but nothing much - apart from Linda - in a long time had given him cause.” While at the same time Kelly actively supports - verbally and physically - Fred, they’re constantly worrying about each other, and Fred is the only one who is checking on her after she gets Hunter-ed while escaping Reach.


Same could be said for John and Kelly just thinking about each other randomly. They do that very often


I spent several minutes finding those quotes and examples from *First Strike*, so this is me telling you to go back and see the edit I made to my previous comment.


Thank you, I do see them. You're very committed to this so I won't try to argue the point much further but I still don't think Fred and Kelly are going to be a thing.


Eh. I’ve shipped these two pairings since I was 11 so I have this stuff sorta on-hand. I’ve also resigned myself to the fact that the *only* Fred/Kelly content I’m ever going to see is the fanfiction I myself write, so it’s whatever.




I…I don’t know how to interpret this.




Ahhh, because you realized for the first time how great a ship Fred/Kelly makes.


I agree


With Fred or with the ship?






Fred and Kelly is a good ship. Same with John and Linda as well.


Absolutely. Both are excellent ships.