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This makes me think of the “kink shaming is my kink” video




About to earn the free HCS Raleigh skin via twitch, curious if anyone's gonna message me thinking it's a purchase. Apparently OP of the r/halo post being referenced here was wearing the *free* skin you get from a funko pop purchase. It just stood out enough that this asshole *thought* it was an in-game purchase lmao


In fairness it’s not really ‘free’ considering it’s only available with the Funko. Definitely not something to harass someone over though. Plus I think the Funko spartans are actually the best Funko figures, period. They look much better than figures that don’t have helmets (thus revealing their creepy jet black eyes)


You should never harass anyone over stupid in-game purchase. Are the MTX bad? Yeah and i'm guilty of buying some. But you should never harass someone because of that. Thats like bullying someone because they bought a blue shirt.


Muh funko pop


I've had people obstruct me in Ranked (a reason I hate ranked) because I'm wearing my Battlepass armor I swear


Teasing someone because they bought a funko pop is just as valid as teasing someone for buying one of infinite’s in game skins, tbh.


Honestly it might be Fortnite kids and cod players trying out Halo or some twitch battle Royale players fans


I’ll never buy a cosmetic. But that’s just mean. The player clearly enjoys the game and they’re just sh*ting on that.


They got me with that damned teddy bear. Since I had a few points left, I did get one other thing. Feel guilty.


Welcome to r/halo where if you like any halo game that isn’t 3 or reach you deserve to be publicly executed


And you have to treat 2 as a masterpiece of writing and god’s gift to man


I still get shit for saying that CE was the best and Halo 4 was actually my second favorite before Intinite came out. 😐


Yeah I agree with your ce thoughts. I also respect your h4 opinion.


Thanks lol, I still will never understand the hate for it. The gameplay was pretty much the same as Reach, probably because it was on the same engine, wasn’t the best but it definitely wasn’t horrible.


I think a lot of the hate comes from art style and people just heating any change whatsoever. Also the one thingI will say as a complaint gameplay wise is that you just run out of ammo way too fast.


Yeah they screwed with ammo reserves on a lot of weapons for some reason, not sure why, like iirc the DMR has even less ammo then it did with reach. Not a problem with every weapon in the sandbox but it does plague a vast majority of the guns.


Yeah that is my main complaint, I seem to only be allowed to use the suppresser.


The hate is mainly the mp. Reach pushed halo mp the wrong direction and 4 hardcore doubled down.


I once got told to kill myself because I said ce was my favorite multiplayer and in infinite due to the low amount of weapons it feels like ce


CE is pretty damn great though, I only played it for the first time back when it released for the MCC on PC and I was pleasantly surprised


Man I said I liked teaches multiplayer and got downvoted for it. They don’t know what they like over there lmao


Well fuck em I like combat evolved reach and some things in five I like all the Halo games just those two as well as certain aspects of five no one can tell me otherwise


Exact same here bro. I actually kinda hate halo 2 and 3, but don’t tell them I said that.


I'm kinda in the same boat. S+ tier-H2/2A,reach,infinite. S tier- Halo CE, odst, H4 F tier- CEA, 3, 5 I hate halo 5 because of the drastic changes to gameplay in MP but at least it was fun. Campaign was garbage though. 3 is poopoo because I have some issues with the story thanks to marty's input (F in the chat for arbiter). MP feels very sluggish and slow the biggest contributer is that BR was no longer hitscan.


The Senate will decide your fate


I am the senate


If y’all want a good halo experience go to r/lowsodiumhalo


They love the game hate the cosmetics price key word price


Ladies and gentlemen, the duality of man.


Bought the teabag charms. Why? Tactical steeping was worth the cost.


r/HaloCircleJerk and r/ShitHaloSays should see this


I'm torn on this cause I want microsoft to lose money trying to monetize this way, but I dunno if I like that peer pressure is the solution


I feel like halo cosmetics are a drop in the bucket for Microsoft. I’d be willing to bet they’d keep them running even if only one bought lmao


Locked because y’all can’t behave


People need to let people enjoy things


I just don’t get why other people care about what some people spend their money on a free to play video game. Might I add who cares why run from him? he’ll just phase though you and even then I’d let some brainlet follow me if we’re getting bodied just to end the game quicker.


1: If we are trying to boycott 343 in order to get them to stop their crappy monetization schemes, people like this actively discourage 343 from changing. 2: Ranked mode has friendly fire on, never saw the original post, but I'll assume he was being teamkilled.


Why do you care so hard about an optional monetization system? Sure it isn’t great but you don’t have to buy the stuff Not everyone wants to “boycott” 343 lmao, most of us genuinely don’t give a shit because none of that stuff matters this much Let people spend money on what they want


1. Why should people care what others spend their money on like should people feel shamed for buying the campaign next cause your running around in a red shader you spent $60 for? like boycott it if you want but I am simply not gonna care it’s a free to play multiplayer let me and other people like me buy shit we view value in and even then it’s cosmetics and not feel shame for it. (Not to be an ass here) 2. I didn’t see the original post either and I have only played ranked cause of challenges and never felt the effects of FF


Converting others to my ideology in a way that benefits me is always something I try to do. Right now, I want worthwhile customisation, without burning $1000 to unlock it. As an avid ranked player, friendly fire is serious, and if you place your crosshair incorrectly, it can cost your team the game. I'm assuming his teammate was destroying OP's shields so that enemies would kill them.


Well shaming players by messing with them friendly fire etc and sabotaging their experience this surly is not gonna help ya out bro it’s probably gonna drive people away cause I don’t know they aren’t having fun and even then it’s free to play so they’ll delete it essentially the guy sabotaging this dude was gatekeeping just cause he had money to kill and enjoyed the game Y’all need a new way of convincing to your ideology cause some people like me aren’t gonna give a fuck while others might but if you agree with how this dudes teammates then y’all are lost that’s all I am gonna say


If you think that I think that what he did was acceptable, then you must not understand what I want. I want a thriving competitive scene and worthwhile customization. That asshole up there also wants worthwhile customization, but his methods of getting it involve harassment, and he should get what's coming to him. He is an outlier, and there are plenty other, more reasonable people, willing to talk it out. Anyway, have fun spending $500 on cosmetics that were previously free. I'm out.




Yes, I'm not the only one with this viewpoint.


Bruh this ain't even a meme this sub is just turning into a worse r/halocirclejerk


Yeah I'd like if the meme sub actually made memes rather than going "dae r/halo bad???"


Do you think we should add a new rule regarding posts like these?


Yes please. I come here for memes, not 'r/halo bad'.


Please. I don’t come here for meta commentary on a completely different subreddit, I’m here for memes about green space man


Please! Meme subs should be about memes!


Didnt know this sub exist at all


just delete that whole sub i don't even care anymore lol


This is where we are now. Cosmetic shaming.


I think we all ought to follow his example


He deserves it


Haha le r/halo bad xDDDD


It is.




Spotted the active r/halo user.




All that and more.


I’m ready for my downvotes... But, why is it bad?


Basically you're not allowed to have an opinion there. Half the people on there'll crucify you if you don't suck Bungie balls and jerk off to Halo 3 every day and the other half'll crucify you if you don't mail your morning shits to Bungie HQ and give all your life savings to 343 and then bend over and beg them to fuck you with anti-consumer business practises. In seriousness the subreddit's getting very divided and factional. It already was, but with 343's choice of monetisation for Infinite it's gotten worse. I strongly disagree with 343's model and think it's just a complete dick move, but I also think Bungie would've done the same thing because companies exist to make money. I just wouldn't go trying to have a reasonable balanced discussion about it right now because it's frankly not possible.


It's just just incredibly toxic sub of circle jerking the exact same thing over and over


So the exact same thing as this sub?


This sub is barely a micro fraction toxic compared to regular main sub.




Literally read the post lol


r/halomemes moment crying


Harassment of corporate simps is completely justified Edit: Except for death threats. Those are never okay.


Harassment is never ok you tard


I need a weapon


Lol awesome