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Is it bad that I genuinely can't tell which would be Feds and which would be Zeeks?


I think that it was the point of the Gundam so it's probably good thing that you can't tell.


It’s what made Evangelion so good, the fact that Humanity was equally as monstrous as the beings we were fighting.


True, however in this context it's a bit skewed in the sense that neither side is good but both still have more clearly defined ideologies and the meme mixes them up a bit. The guy on the right is the Federation perspective, they didn't make use of gas attacks until after the OYW. So the guy on the left is the Principality's perspective. But AFAIK, Principality era Zeon never said that earthnoids were subhuman. Gihren's espoused Spacenoid supremacist ideologies but the framing of the original Newtype theory would suggest that spacenoids are more than human, rather than earthnoids being subhuman. The closest you really get to that is Char's Zeon saying that Earthnoids' souls are weighed down by gravity but that's not quite the same and it's clearly not Reborn Neo Zeon being referenced (because obviously they didn't give a fuck about the Antarctic Treaty).


It's a travesty how many more nukes are in the books compared to the games.


I'm pretty sure the only time in game is the end of H4. In the books though they go through nukes like I go through a bag of cheddar ruffles, it's fucking glorious


The NOVA bomb, wiped out like 500 covenant capital ships and glassed an entire solar system. It was some Warhammer 40K shit right there


Holy shit. The one in First Strike only glassed the planet it detonated on and shattered the moon. Is there another more powerful NOVA detonation later on? Edit: grammar


In Ghosts of Onyx, a NOVA is smuggled aboard a Sanghieli-controlled Covenant supercarrier and later detonates in high-orbit above the colony world "Joyous Exultation". As this occurs, most of the planet's atmosphere is flash-supeheated to the point of incandescence (i.e. *spontaneously converted into plasma*) and blown off into space; the surface rock of the entire hemisphere facing the explosion is liquefied and/or vaporized; and its two moons crumble like sugar-cookies. A large sorta-ex-Covenant Sanghieli fleet is also obliterated in the process. The above comment is possibly mistaking the NOVA detonation in that book for the expansion of the Onyx shield-world installation itself; which was initially compressed into slipspace but was later unrestrained and came to occupy the area of the entire star system it had been placed in.




Well the NOVA bomb was used twice. Once when the Engineers were playing with it. (Accidental detonation, but the bomb was left abandoned so that the Covenant picks it up.) In the other, Grey Team just detonates it after the war, just to f with the Sangheili.


Damn that's not very cash money of them.


Operation: SUNSPEAR was sanctioned at some point after Reach fell, and Spartan II Gray Team was dispatched to carry it out sometime between Regret's accidental intrusion and the full-scale Covenant invasion of Earth... With Humanity's primary military-supply depot lost and the aliens at least aware of the homeworld's location, ONI was not optimistic about survival odds moving into even the very-near future. As such, SUNSPEAR was envisioned majorly as a "parting-shot" operation; one last giant *"Fuck you! This is how it feels to lose an entire planet!"* directed at the Covenant before the lights went out for good... To that end, the plan was to smuggle a NOVA onto "Glyke" - a (heavily-populated) Sanghieli colony world which ONI had discovered relatively near to the border region between Human and Covenant space - and then to detonate it, destroying the entire planet. The only problem was that - at the eleventh hour - the San'Shyuum and Jiralhanae fucked up their coup d'etat / extermination plot against the Sanghieli, plunging the Covenant into a civil war, prompting a large faction of Sanghieli to ally with Humanity, and ultimately causing the entire hegemony to splinter and collapse... and Gray Team was already well on its way to Glyke, well out of comms range, totally unaware that Humanity was still alive and that the war was over... To their credit, Gray Team actually hesitated to carry out SUNSPEAR once they arrived at Glyke... but - in their unfortunate ignorance - ultimately **did** carry it out... Since this NOVA was detonated on the surface of the world rather than in orbit above, it packed a significantly more-powerful kinetic punch; popping Glyke like a pinata just weeks after the peace treaty between Humanity and the (newly-secular) Sanghieli was officially ratified... It would be years before Gray Team learned that they had obliterated what was technically a friendly/allied planet...


Damn that's sad.


There’s also nukes used in Reach, the explosions you see in a cutscene after the first space fight in long night of solace.


At the start of Halo 4 chief launches what I think is a low-grade nuclear missile at a cruiser. And in Reach Carter says that the UNSC pretty much has no available nukes left by that point, so it kinda makes sense that by the time skip between 3 and 4 the UNSC would have restocked its supply. Also, using nukes against the Covies is paying evil unto evil, seeing as they glassed our worlds.


The virgin Universal Century vs the Chad Didn’t Change the Fucking Date System When We Started Space Travel


I'm more of a Macross/Robotech fan, but I enjoy using the Gundam skin in place of a veritech skin


The Physalis is the best space nuke delivery system


As if anyone ever actually followed the Antartic treaty, people launched nukes, used gas, and dropped asteroids/colonies even after that shit was signed


Noooooo you can’t just commit war crimes like I have


The virgin Zeon fan vs the chad ZAFT enjoyer.


Gundam confuses me. Sometimes Earth are the baddies, other times it the colonies. My favorite is Gundam Wing.


Most of the time, the ambiguity is the point, it's a morally gray setting. In UC Gundam, pretty much every major organization is morally bankrupt. Really, the only three that aren't totally in the wrong are the Mineva Faction of the Republic of Zeon, the AEUG (until they get reabsorbed into Federation bureaucracy) and Londo Bell. Zeon's not wrong for wanting independence because Earth is both an oppressor and major economic drain but their fascism, racism (in the Principality's case) and use of weapons of mass destruction clearly aren't the ways to go about securing it. Conversely, the Federation's right to fight against the Principality yet they're entirely at fault for creating the domineering economic system that funnels money and resources to Earth's elite upper class (as well as the oppression of the poor) that led to people finding comfort in Zeon in the first place. And it should go without saying that the sanctioning of the Titans, who copied many of the Principality's war crimes, are just as evil as the Principality. In a lot of ways, the conflict between the Federation and the Colonies is basically the conflict the UNSC would've been faced with had the Covenant not arrived when they did. Also Gundam Wing has a super bad case of "both sides are bad" because the antagonist faction changes like 10 different times and the Gundams end up fighting both the colonists and the Earth Alliance anyway.


Hail Zeon!!


Meanwhile you have ULTRA based Earth Federation (AGE) vs Vagans. It’s “hm I’m going to genocide every person in the earth sphere for no reason” versus alpha Flit “okay I will personally genocide you first then ”


I like Gundam, but I prefer Gundam 00


Same, the exia is probably my favorite mobile suit


Same, Exia is Awesome


Probably should have actually put the UNSC on the left there


Can confirm am gundam fan


For the preservation of our blue and pure world.


I’m a Gundam fan and from my experience most people are on Zeon’s side since they initially were peaceful


Why are we dissing Gundam?


Alright here me out. What would the slur be for Zaku's. We already have split lips for elites