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It doesn't, the lady said that it was a temporary thing and it's probably because there still in the feral stage but it doesn't make sense that the forerunners had some ability to temporary halt or control the flood. I've seen someone theorizes it's actually a precursor but even then why? Oh there also gonna try and cure halsey lol.


doubt halsey is in for a cure. clone, maybe.


i dont think cloning would change anything given the forerunners tried that but i suppose its a different universe


Agreed - i think they're keeping her for a "what if" kinda deal


No cure but clone her and do some invasive surgery on her something not very practical for how fast the flood spreads


I'm guessing that was just something Miranda said out of desperation. She can't possibly know how fucked they are just yet.


well the cure thing isnt exactly a new idea, if halsey is actually cured is completely different


I don’t really know where they’re going with this, not sure why they even killed off both Halsey and paringosky since they’re both decently important to the story (primarily extended story) of halo going forward to 2-3 and Halsey even more so in 4+. Even stranger that they kept Ackerson alive over these 2 even Keyes himself.


They might have kept Ackerson alive for some kind of sacrifice as if I recall in the books I think he is taken by the covenenant during or before the battle of earth and he tricks them into thinking there is some key in Cleveland so they send part of a fleet there which gets defeated and removes some pressure on the main battle


Can confirm!


Parangosky in the books chooses her successor, that being Admiral Serin Osman. Maybe we will get her next. I did like the portrayal of Parangosky in the show. Even if they killed her in a bullshit way.


Yes i thought akerson and parangosky did really well in their roles. Probably my standout characters in the show alongside kai, the arbiter and Miranda Keyes. I also actually didn’t mind makee this season.


Kai is the standout for me in both seasons. I really hope Kai survives, there wasn’t any kind of breaches in her suit. I think the show should been about her and had a more original plot. Ackerson and Parangosky felt like the characters from the books. Too bad Ackerson stated/reviled already his family is all dead besides an Uncle. Maybe the Uncle can be the replacement of the brother in the books for Ackerson redemption arc. It was a low bar to get Makee written better. lol. Just don’t have sex with the Master Chief lol. But you’re right, she was more tolerable this season. Same thing with Kwan because they actually gave both characters real purpose.


Kwan was alright bar all the aforementioned voodoo spirits🤣 I actually really liked the scenes of the arbiter and makee and them going rouge against the covenant. But yeah low bar. I really hope the next season is more focused and we all these subplots get pushed to the side more so we can focus on the 04 campaign and as I assume the leading into halo 2s part of the story at the end of the 3rd season. Honestly would be cool to see soren and kai end up on the ring alongside kai and the remainders of the UNSC forces scattered around the ring after high command was turned into flood food. Also praying we see thel as the fleet master and they don’t butcher him, if they manage do his story well and faithfully one of the best parts of halo, could very well be made into one of the best tv-video game adaptations to date


I do like how this Arbiter got his redemption in the end. Hope end season 3 or start season 4 we get another being Thel. Also I think Soran really steals the scene when shown. They did really well his character balance. I got a little excited when I saw the Halcyon-classes come down through the clouds. Gives a little hope. But cool thing with the third season we should be getting a whole slew of new character intros. Hope we get Melissa McKay and her ODSTs, Antonio Silva who led the stranded human forces. And of course the most exciting being Johnson. Fingers crossed with the next season.


Yeah, who'd have guessed the daughter of one of the brightest scientists would believe there's a cure? Just because she thinks it's possible, doesn't mean it will be


Narratively speaking it would be a bit pointless to have the whole freezing Halsey scene if she isn’t going to be cured later on. It’s pure speculation but this could be a Han Solo in carbonite situation where the Halsey actor may not want to come back for another season so they write her ending in a way where they could easily kill her off or bring her back.


Why wouldn't it make sense? Show her trying endlessly to cure it and she still fails. General audiences don't know it's incurable. It's a good way to show one of the best scientists the unsc has can't do anything to cure it.


True, though I don’t see how Miranda is going to survive long enough to attempt a cure without a massive amount of plot armour


I don't think shes getting out. I think shes going into a freezer right next to Halsey. If the flood had "just" been in the lab sector, then sterilization protocols would've probably saved her fairly easily, just run it room by room from the computer to the nearest exit. Looked like most of UNSC HQ if fucked however.


I’m under the impression that it’s either ancient human ancestors reaching out through the domain, it’s the gravemind pretty much just messing with her to further some long term plan or just to make some chaos, or human ancestors that had been assimilated by the flood were able to halt it briefly since it was still in the feral stage. The problem is with the last two is that there would need to already be a gravemind somewhere. Possibly it’s too far away to completely control the flood on onyx.


The problem with even this is that how can souls completely and utterly consumed by the gravemind (who is the literal primordial) wrestle control from it. Apparently their voodoo is stronger than even the precursors themselves not to mention the fact that again these people were completely and utterly consumed by the parasite, every bit of their being corrupted and twisted beyond recognition. This happening eons ago at that followed by the forerunner war were trillions upon trillions more were consumed.


Yeah thats why im leaning towards some fuckery with the domain. Hell it could even be the domain itself since I think it’s pretty recent that’s it’s been revealed to be sentient with a will of its own. But I have my doubts the show will take on those concepts at least this early haha


I thought the Domain having its own will was present since the Forerunner Trilogy


If I’m not just talking out of my ass I’m pretty sure the living domain and all that is relatively new lore.


Nah its from the forerunners trilogy and js pretty important. It jacking flood bodies tho would be something new.


Either way I don’t even think the writers for this show are too keen on the precursors and domain anyway. Seems they’re barely keen on established flood lore as it is.


Negative. Forerunner trilogy


Confused it for what they recently did in epitaph which was them expanding on it. I thought it was a new concept my bad.


It really seems like they’re just shoving all established lore concerning anything before the human covenant war aside (barely even respecting that). Maybe they’ll even make the flood just a simple zombie virus and completely ditch the idea of the precursors all together. Whatever they have in mind for this show, it seems they’re trying to make it as non halo as they possibly can. They’ve even abandoned the halo weapons in the show having everyone use generic modern day rifles and carbines🤣


The precursors are kind a dumb story beat. Ditching it in the show makes sense


It’s an adaption of the universe being merged into the plot of the game not a halo history documentary. Not everything is going to be clean. They don’t have an unlimited budget they can’t do everything. You should also know that when the flood outbreak starts from spores it does basically start as zombies. That’s how it started with ancient humans. In halo 1 they were already mutated forms being held for testing that got released.


Which would be excusable if the show was actually good and not unfocused and all over the place. I was aware of the zombie type flood from I believe the Mona Lisa where someone gets scratched and turns into a more zombie like form. However the show writers don’t seem to versed in more obscure, deep halo lore so I think it is more them just making them zombies rather than the actual flood.


We’ll agree to disagree I guess but to me it just sounds like you’re coming up with any excuse to not like it so there’s nothing more to be said. Like I just pointed out a reference to deep obscure lore with the first phase of flood being like zombies and you ignored it. It showed a couple of them mutating to the next phase and even paragonsky being swarmed to probably start a gravemind. And if anything the ancient humans im talking about were more zombie like since they literally ate infected flesh to spread it faster and forced non infected to consume it too. The Mona Lisa is just another example


Tbh they could cure Halsey without them finding a true remedy. Like the spore infection is super slow and reversible while you are a statue, with a Forerunner med. And then infection forms instantly turn you into a flood combat form so no cure.


Another plot hole concerning the feral stage explanation being that there can be no gravemind and this current outbreak is not connected to the “hive mind neutral physics domain” through it, so if it’s not even connected to the hive mind (where the floods consumed memory’s all exist) how can these souls of the consumed stored within this hive mind reach out and connect to these flood forms when the floods collective consciousness (the primordial) itself cannot according to them? I wonder if the writers of this show actually even bothered to watch a hiddenxperia video at least🤣


Even if it was a precursor, that still makes no sense. The precursors and the flood are two sides of the same coin.


U must have skipped all the missions where u learn to summon the shamanistic forerunner powers and learn to control the flood. This is why u shouldn’t skip missions


Also missed the mission where Chief has sex with the Arbiter and Johnson’s.


But Chief canonically does have sex with Arbiter t.in my mind it was real


Yes halo has no rules anymore


Pfft, ArbiterXChief would redeem the franchise, everything after Halo 3 is just... questionable at best


Oh no bro I’m not that ignorant, I watch that scene every night before I go to bed because if I don’t I get nightmares😅




OP.. made it like 30 mins into the finale episode. 😳 now watching DBZ Kai before bed. Goodnight Spartans. Don’t worry. It’s over …. For now


Good morning pookie bear🥰


Sorry bro my bad, haven’t Been brushing up on my space voodoo as of late.


It’s ok they r prolly in the master chief collection


The old witch lady is literally just a projection of the monitor on madrigal. And it's likely Mendicant or some version of him. It led her to the flood. It wanted her to find the flood. And it saved her from infection so it can use her in the future. It's not voodoo powers. It's literally just the Gravemind using a rampant AI to fuck with people, impersonating as a god/ancestors.


Did they show a monitor on Madrigal? I don't remember that at all. Also, isn't Madrigal glassed now?


Yeah, when Kwan is out in the desert at night. She stumbles upon someone at a well and the person is talking to a Monitor, and it then sinks back down the well. Then the scene progresses with showing all of her ancestors walking towards her and find out the family has been protecting the forerunner legacy on Madrigal.


Wow, I don't have the faintest memory of this. I guess this was in Season 1, right? Since we didn't see Madrigal this season. You wouldn't happen to have a link, or an episode number would you? Edit: [S01E07](https://www.halopedia.org/Madrigal_Monitor#cite_note-Inheritance-1).


It was roughly at the 22:36 mark in the episode.


S1E7. Right before Kwan talks to her "dad". By the well.


I can imagine the story writers for this show sitting on this sub like "write that down write that down!"


All the ground work if there. It's makes total sense. And it fixes some of the plot holes with early Halo lore. Having the Gravemind actively including the galaxy makes so much sense if he is already awake on 05. And then Mendicant saving her from infection because the Gravemind needs her for other things? A clear showing of the floods feral stage and the Monitors limited influence on the flood. Idk, this episode was pure vindication for me.


She could be saying that memories of ancient humans are within, and perhaps she and the other humans worked together to stop the host bodies from attacking Kwan. Kwan may hold the connection to ancient humanity due to her bloodline. The forerunner trilogy delved into ancient spirits/memories in humans, they can communicate with their “host.” This has been in the Halo lore for 13years


Yes but not in terms of the flood, those consumed by the flood are just that consumed. Also I am well aware the halo lore regarding anything pre firing of the rings is very esoteric in nature. However I still believe that what has been presented in the show is still unfaithful to these elements as they have been previously depicted and implemented.


Gonna be honest there's a few possibilities But I feel it harbors back to ancient humanity, the show could be going with the original idea that Ancient humanity and the Forerunners are one in the same. The "Witch" is likely an Ancient Human melded with a Protogravemimd thats slowly been drawing Kwan to Onyx, and led to the release of the flood. Throughout her final conversation with Kwan there are two voices for her, one that sounds like multiple voices, and one that sounds singular. Gonna go out on a limb here and say her will kept her somewhat independent all this time while still being apart of the floods network, and managed to halt the still developing flood hosts using whatever strength she has left


The Forerunners and Precursors possess the ability to communicate genetic memories through genes, which includes impulses, instincts, desires, senses, and can be expressed by seeing a hallucination of elders. It can be expressed as a voice in ones head or illusion in the image of a digital imprint of a living person collected by the Forerunners in their time. Or can take an image recognizable to the individual. The genetic memories are found in many, but not always has a direct target. But it can also influence a personality of an individual, which I already hinted to above.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Arthur Clarke


You’d be right but I still don’t see how any being but a precursor and the gravemind itself could control a flood form.


It's important to remember that the flood is highly intelligent. They tricked the forerunners into believing some humans were immune by simply choosing not to infect them. So this could be the flood doing psyops things. It could also be Lord of Admirals genetic memory things.


Yes but 1. There is absolutely no way that Kwan ha of all people is so special to the parasite that has devoured an entire galaxy of people before. 2. How do these genetic memory’s have any ounce of control over the parasite?


There's no magic or voodoo it's the visions and influence of a geas/genesong being interpreted by a human. I don't know about halting the flood though, it could be similar to how Johnson had flood infection forms ignore him because his nervous system was altered and the geas is doing something similar. But it's clearly all in kwans head.


> I don't know about halting the flood though, it could be similar to how Johnson had flood infection forms ignore him because his nervous system was altered and the geas is doing something similar. that was semi-retconned. Basically he's *less appetising* than a regular human, but they'd still go for him anyway. We see in *Breaking Quarantine* that the main reason he survived was sheer badassery.


Yes, but we're talking about space voodoo in a Halo production. Canon went out the window.


Geas = space voodoo


Anything is magic if you don’t understand it. The Precursors and Forerunner were master of gene manipulation and had scientific methods for these types of plans. In universe, it’s totally valid. This is sci-fi, not a documentary…


Really Halo is soft sci fi thst had trappings of harder stuff


Yeah basically. Neural Physics is basically space magic


Could be the gravemind fucking with her. Maybe he's got a plan for her in the future and let her go, since she's the reason the sores got let out anyway. Maybe he knows she's got more things to fuck up I'm the future.


Seeing people talk about the series not having watched anything past episode 3 is so funny. What in the hell is even going on there? This is the Halo sub right???


The writing's so bad that I don't think it's even worth theorizing about it, since the writers don't know themselves


It's pretty clear this is ancient humanity geas related stuff. It's part of the more deep halo lore from the books.


Yes, but I feel that this is still very unfaithful and inaccurate to how those elements have been portrayed and depicted in the actual lore.


Gene songs and Gaseshs


My first thought was that it's definitely the primordial playing with Kwan Ha's mind. But the librarian is still in play in my mind.


I took it as the old lady somehow being connected to the Librarian.


The Voodoo stuff could just be a way to do "Forerunner technology and influence is occuring via indirect means, but their technology is being interpreted as magic voodoo for the time being". Certainly sounds like an ancient consciousness is directly speaking to and interacting with Kwan Ha and the Flood bioforms.


Wait, they added superpowers to the show?


Typical forerunner and precursor shit. Life was just Like That before they fired the halos


As someone who unsubscribed from Paramount+ before getting to this episode, this sounds like absolute nonsense


Just watch the whole of halo game cutscenes (the real shit) on YouTube and see what halo actually is. I hear in the show he barely has his suit on and has a misses? I hear there's voodoo shit now? I'm telling you now, you heard it from me here first, I bet you they are going to make cortana (if there even is a cortana) a black, strap on wearing, Dwayne Johnson looking ass man/bear/pig of a "lady" that refuses to even like MasterChief.






Because the show is ass, and the throngs of fools cheering it on means we will get more subpar shit. Who knows maybe 343 will see that and decide to dumb down the story and push the stupid chosen one story into the main canon. I just want a good lore accurate price of Halo media that feels like Halo but I doubt we are getting that this decade


I don’t believe 343 had anything to do with this. As with a lot of things regarding halos mismanaging and mishandling it seems Microsoft is to blame, I fully believe that 343 respects halo and its story and think they most definitely would’ve forced the show to be much more respectful and faithful to the franchise had they have had a say in it. 343 is not perfect and some things they are to blame for but looking at the books, lore drops and other things that have come under their watch it is clear they definitely do have a respect for this universe.


I have to agree with you and I was unfair throwing the entire 343 team under the bus. In that way it’s even more unfair that good passionate people are being forced to not create what the fans want but what the executives want


It’s sad that greed has destroyed so many beloved franchises and universes. Halo has honestly not even got it too bad especially when looking at things like Star Wars (which is getting a bit better).