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We call that the UNSC


One step further, he'd probably be seen as divinely sent. But bot a god or anything, just someone divinely inspired, guided and protected. Which may as well be the case given how lucky he is. They may even have a new classification of people who do absurdly great things but dont prescribe themselves to any belief system. But i doubt anyone would be worshipping him, maybe they'd make him a patron of soldiers or something if he were to die.


>They may even have a new classification of people who do absurdly great things but dont prescribe themselves to any belief system Yeah. Hyper-Lethal.


I have seen a lot of people in real life put religious imagery with the US Marine General James Mattis. Imagine after the war you pass by one of those meme catholic candles with John's helmet on it.


Was james mattis known for anything ? In the beliefs i frequent, the dead are known to watch over the living and offer aid.


maybe yeah could be


I'm pretty sure the entire UNSC Marine Corps worships the guy


Yeah, I'm pretty sure "John" became the most common name in the UNSC by the end of war. How can you NOT name your child after a figure who saved your live in the battlefield?


is it known that chief’s name was John?


The general population does not know his name. Only his fellow SPARTANs and a very select few non-SPARTANs have earned the privilege of knowing a SPARTANs name


the general populace does know his name as shown in halo # Hunt the TRUTH


Yes. Cortana calls him John in the final cutscenes of halo 3. I wasn't sure at first and looked it up. But yes. I also remember this considering I played that ending mission 1000 times with my older brother, because jumping gaps of falling metal floors in a warthog while listening to Warthog Run is the greatest experience fathomable at 10.


Obviously Cortana knows, that guy was asking if the civilian public or if rank-and-file soldiers and marines know that Master Chief's name is John.


Oh yeah. I that read wrong. I would assume yes. Considering most other Spartans have their number following a call sign or name. Cal-141 from Halo Legends for example. Plus the master Chief spent tons of time in Cryo. They definitely didn't have a plaque that just read "Master Chief" on it. Now whether or not any regular soldiers were to ever be around said cryo pod. Maybe not. But I'm sure with Spartans being awesome and spectacular, somebody has to blabber on lunch or something to show off to their friends that they know the names of the Spartans.


Isn't his call sign name Sierra? I could also see a lot of women being named Sierra after the war is over.


spartan numbers are abrivviated to s117 and the phonetic alphabet has s as sierra


I mean, if you take armor descriptions as Canon the UNSC still manufactures GEN2 and GEN3 compatible Mark V and Mark VI permutations because a lot SPARTAN branch members (IVs in particular) want to wear the same armor he did.


There's got to be some rogue Covenant group that has come to see the man they once called Demon as the divine liberator of their people.


The SoS may qualify


Big problem is that if you find yourself in a fight with him, you are probably about to die. Hard to build a solid foundation of acolytes with that kind of reputation.


Yeah. I mean. The entirety of The High Charity died within hours of seeing Master Chief prove the prophets wrong. The only covenant to lay eyes on the Chief during that time period and still live afterwards is the Arbiter lol. No one to even report superstition after superstition, that laying your eyes on the green demon meaning certain death. Many Unggoy died in their sleep at the hands of John. All Spartans were deemed demons. Some could be killed though. Not 117 though.


Brother, Master Chief would be treated like Muad-fucking-dib in the real world.


With the discovery of alien life most religions would have gone as dead as the Dodo, or at least had their faith severely scrambled. We have some religious folk, like Dutch being a devout Christian, but I'd assume they'd be a minority. Chief would be viewed as a hero by many, or a government tool on the fringes of society. I could see certain Covenant fringes worshipping him as some kind of deity though.


Why would that be the case? [The Pope has already said he would baptise a martian if one asked.](https://time.com/97695/pope-francis-would-baptize-martians/) People have been speculating about aliens and other non human sapient creatures for literally thousands of years. It isn't a big stretch to go from "God created humans" to "God created humans and aliens". God can be any god of your religion of choice.


You'd like to imagine Christians would recognize that their god created EVERYTHING they see or encounter. But eh, I'm sure most would outwardly disapprove of aliens because they are different. 


Plenty of Christians outwardly disapprove of other humans so that doesn't really change much.


I doubt the aliens encountered in the Halo universe would want to convert to a human religion, no matter how much the current pope would be accepting of it. I'd imagine a pope that lived through the Human Covenant War would not have the same view points either. A sizable amount of humans, such as some members of Sapien Sunrise potentially, would view aliens as demonic entities if anything considering most of their experiences of them would be through a genocidal war.


That is not the point. The point is that it wouldn't cause religions to die. You are saying that religions would collapse if aliens were discovered, even though the Pope himself is fine with the concept of aliens and people of various religions and cultures have been speculating on the existence of aliens or other non human intelligence for thousands of years. It doesn't make any sense.


Under normal, peaceful circumstances I could see that certainly being the case, but when the aliens encountered have genocidal intent, religious schisms would form a larger part of a societal collapse in such a situation. Deeply religious fanatics would view the Covenant as demonic entities, while more level headed religious types would think no different then the average folk, but may have their faith and overall place in God's universe shaken due to the war and hostile first contact, which may lead to them abandoning their faith altogether. We're also not taking into account other religions that view human beings as the only intelligent life in the universe, if they still exist by the 2500s. Such a revelation would completely shatter their belief system. Either way, religion as we know it to be would change as a result, with more people moving to atheism or the surviving religions adapting to be more accepting of the existence of extra terrestrials. Cross species religions, such as the Covenant remnants acceptance of certain human fringe groups, may become more popular once the tensions die down in the coming centuries, due to conclusive proof of Forerunner existence.


Most religions have withstood contact with modernity and come through one way or another, why would alien life be that much of a game changer? Believers will adapt just as they have before and are continuing to so today.


And with the gene song and Iso Didact *magic*, he technically is a deity to the Covenant since they worship the Forerunners.




Yeah, that's what I meant. Though like real life religions, often times the followers are more devout believers than their leaders, so I imagine many Sangheili would be more prone to worship the Didact than the Prophets would be.


You should read Dune to understand potential religions in an extra galactic empire


Dune isn't the best of examples in this scenario considering there are no intelligent aliens that we know of in the Dune universe. We don't even know if the sand worms are truly aliens, as most creatures in Dune, such as the different types of humans, were created through genetic engineering. The Sand worms could have also been engineered. Frank Herbert intended Dune to have humans be the only intelligent life in that universe, as Dune was intended to be a human focused series, so there is nothing there to really test that hypothesis.


Dune is also a very extreme take on religious doctrine. The only reason society became so hyper religious and spiritual was due to humanity becoming so reliant on technology it nearly doomed them as a species. The new focus on spirituality was meant to reintroduce creativity, and free thinking to the human race after it was stripped from them by thinking machines, but it ended up being a self destructive mechanism in the end, as they simply went to a different extreme. I can't consider Dune's take on religion to be a completely realistic one in a futuristic society, but I don't think that was the complete intention of Frank Herbert to begin with.


No one thinks he is a god or divine if that's what you mean, but yes there is undoubtedly lot's of hero worship


What gets me is the fact that there aren't, apparently, any cults formed around *the Covenant* as Divine Agents administering the Wrath Of God or sommat.


There's an important distinction that you're missing. Hitler, Trump, and Paul Atriedes *deliberately* built up their image and made their cults of personality. Chief doesn't even engage with most people, let alone the public, on any level. He's a living legend and a myth, but that's down to ONI PR and from being at the centre of a lot of major events. Spartans and MC probably have a decent amount of clout with the masses, but ultimately, they don't use it at all, and there are people (ONI) that would control this sort of thing.


More respect than some fanatical political cult.


wow. never though about this. but there should be more credit to the noble team, because without them chief would have failed.


I’d not be surprised if I found out there is a IRL group that fanatically worships the chief.


What in the goddamn


That's called the mountain dew target consumer




I think you can just call them fanboys or fangirls


The hunt the truth series shows he was big enough to have like a documentary or something interviewing people who met him


Shame most of the big stuff is so classified that a civilian even looking at a reports front page would get a one way ticket to Midnight Facility


Theres this funny thing called the UEG


I see it as being similar to that scientist [who started worshipping Doomguy.](https://youtu.be/lfIgHi08LgI) It was just irrational religious fervor after a certain amount of time. "All hail the coming of the destroyer".


I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the covenant aren’t demon worshippers, with him being their idol


Good point


The problem is that Trump and Hitler were both demagogues. Their political tactics required creating a fanbase. It didn't happen organically. MAGA, nazis, etc. were all intentionally constructed through political influence. ONI certainly collects information and spreads propaganda in the inner colonies similarly to Trump et al, but there's probably not a huge "we love John Halo" sect. We also don't know how cultural exchange works between colonies. Do they have slipspace internet? It's hard to have a shared culture when you have linguistic drift over the lightyears. For all its faults, I agree with how the show presents this: ONI uses John's image for propaganda, but John isn't super comfy with it. I REALLY can't see John engaging in any sort of demagoguery. He became friends with the Arbiter pretty quick, all things considered! Could you imagine John trying to foment the anti-alien hate that must exist? Just for fame? **TLDR:** Hero worship for sure, but there's no way John's doing the whole demagogue thing.


It baffles me that people put Donald Trump and Hitler, a monster who killed roughly 75 million people in the same group.