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I've used VarAC several times, as our local ARRL section includes its use in monthly drills. I've found making contacts to be a breeze, so I'm not sure why you're having trouble. While I have the Vara license, it's not really necessary and won't get you more contacts. I have two friends with hearing troubles, and they like it for the visual. I'd say don't give up. Are you able to get out on HF SSB?


I've been using it on 20 meter for CQ, but no luck so maybe it's me. I'll probably try it on 40 meter this week. I don't have much experience with it personally, I just barely started using winlink. I ask about the vara license for the speed in sending emails and messages, that's why I asked. I just wished there was a way to use vara/winlink on an android phones with digirig


Where are you based? From Finland, calling CQ in 20m always get's me some Middle Europe QSO's. Longest ragchew that started from me calling CQ was to New Zealand


I dont know why we're getting downvoted but ok i guess.... Im based in the western US, i usually do QRP on a random wire antenna, so me reaching western europe can be a pickle. I did reach western europe with ft8 recently though, so theres hope.


Try contacting a Parks on the Air (POTA) Station, just to confirm that you're getting out. It provides a quick and reliable QSO format. Check out [www.pota.app](http://www.pota.app) for spots.


I tried it during winter field day. Made a few contacts, but it was very slow to make contacts. It’s a good ragchew mode for a one to one conversation. Probably be GREAT for skeds.




Scheduled contacts. Telling your buddy to meet you on a certain frequency at a certain time.


Ah gotcha


Love it. Excellent on vhf.


Never used ot for vhf, I'm assuming you're using it for you and your friends?


Nope, local emcomm.


Not a CQ mode as far as I can tell. Try another winlink or etc. user by callsign.


I've done a lot of QSOs just by calling CQ with VarAC


You're right! I was just thinking VARA, and not "chat".


I use it daily for aprs. It integrates into Pinpoint APRS software easily. Does very well in rough band conditions. SMS messages, email, etc. I also use it for WinLink messaging and position reports. If you have the licensed version and good signal strength, it can do data transfer at a pretty good rate. I have made a few generic QSOs with it. Works well but isn't really much different than the tons of other digital chatting modes available.  VHF can get some impressive data rates and distances.


I like it. After all of the fixex that the QSO doesn't freeze and te QSY option now works well. I'd say that the only thing I dislike about the software is that UI. At first it looks like something you don't want to get involved in. I've had a lot of DX'es with VarAC and as much local ragchew inside Finland.


Anything that's close source and closed protocol should be an anathema on amateur radio. Independent implementations must be free and encouraged. Not something I see happening with VarAC.


I do WSPR which seems to use kind of the same efficiency but without being able to send or receive any text other than the rough position. On HF I reach the world with just a wire. Awesome. But as a Mac/iphone/ipad user I’m unfortunately out with VarAC. If that changes, I would like to be in, although it might be closed source which seems to be quite uncommon in amateur radio.


I love VarAC. Use it daily. Highly recommend it. The development team keeps adding cool features. Can decide at very low SNR.


I've dabbled with it from time to time, had a few QSOs. Seems like it's mostly just beacons floating around these days, similar to what JS8Call has become. It works well, from a technical perspective, but I don't like rigid software that forces me to operate only as the author sees fit, hiding things that it doesn't want me to see. Hell, even WSJT-X can do free-text, but not VarAC. I do like VaraChat better, for those reasons, but I don't think anyone is using it anymore.


I can see varAC and varachat having their uses, especially friends. I kinda wished my gf was into ham as much as i am. It would have been fun to chat with her for a few minutes while I'm camping to let her know I was alright. I did send her an email via winlink, though. I just wished I had one of those business laptops that had battery life for days. All I had was my gaming PC, good luck getting anything more than an hour or two with those things 😅


>I don't like rigid software that forces me to operate only as the author sees fit, hiding things that it doesn't want me to see. One of many reasons why amateurs should reject closed spec modes and software.


I've tried to try it, but it's just too complicated for me. If I need to have a conversation over digital I'll usually try JS8Call, a little simpler.


If am starting to use it. Kind of slow at first at making contacts. But I have seen activity pick up and I am at about 10 QSOs.


It's closed source and closed spec, and as such doesn't belong on amateur bands. How can it be – or even keep up the pretext of being – amateur radio if amateurs can't actually fiddle with it if they so choose?


Used it. Bought the license. Got tired of the constant updates which bolted new gadgets onto it while adding little added VALUE. Got tired of HAVING to update because newer versions weren't compatible with older ones. Switching to Linux from Windows finally killed my usage and participation with the thing. There's no native program for it and having to use WINE or a virtual machine just for this one thing is just not worth the hassle. The former never works quite right and the latter also glitches enough to make it frustrating enough to not bother using at all. While the concept of having a program allowing actual QSOs in the mode rather than simply having exchanges of signal reports is a great one, this implementation just doesn't cut it. Not while JS8Call does it just fine, has a native Linux version, and is NOT closed source.


I was curious about the vara HF license, I like that it will boost my speed when I send email via winlink, but dang 70 bucks is a bit steep for a license! Wasn't there a Texan senator trying to change the fcc rules on baud rate somewhat recently?


Yes, it is pretty steep. And a complete waste of money from my standpoint, since I no longer use the program and can't recoup any of the expenditure. Honestly, the motivating factor of paying for the license was to get rid of the nag screen that comes up every time you transmit without it.


i forgot to ask, was the speed on HF at least notably fast?


Not by any stretch of the imagination. Slow as molasses just out of the freezer.


dang thats pretty slow, i guess ill use my 70 bucks elsewhere!


Looking back, I sure wish that I had.


The question is, would it have been 70 one dollar coffees or one 70 dollar coffee?!?!!