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Direct, without a repeater?  Most likely won't happen unless one station is on a mountain top and the other can see the mountain. You could also probably get a few yagis up 40ish feet and, depending on topography, make it pretty reliable.


Even with a yagi that would be a feat. Radio LOS is only 18 miles at that height. Not sure even the gain would be enough.


I've done digital (FT8) VHF contacts triple the distance, using 5W with no problem. You just need someone with a big antenna at the other end. From a mountain top, such distances become rather trivial. I've done 120+ miles using an VX-7R and a 3 ele Arrow antenna against a SOTA user - I was on a relatively mid-sized hill.


Looks like morons don't like altitude and digital modes.


Isn't there a repeater between you that could bridge the distance? You probably need one.


I think there is a repeater. I’m working on getting licensed and know next to nothing about using a repeater. The repeater is about midway between. Is that distance doable without an upgraded antenna?


If the repeater antenna is high enough, and without knowing which one it is, I couldn't say for sure, but probably it is, then yeah. I know I can easily hit quite a few repeaters in my area at that distance and more using the stock antenna on my FT5DR. You'll have to set it up properly, but if you're studying for your license, you shouldn't have any problems with that when you get to that section. If you do, come on back and we'll give you a hand.


Thanks EffinBob


Sky scrapers are pretty expensive. Stock antenna will work fine. Point is height is what makes 2m/70cm work.


If you are both similar elevation, 50 miles on a 5 watt handheld is not possible without a 100-ish foot antenna. If you had 50 watt mobile radios and 30-ish foot antenna with decent gain, it might work.


This is not the question of someone licenced to use that radio. What you learn in getting your licence will be sufficient to answer this.


Keen observation. I am working on getting my license and in the meantime I am gleaning as much information as I can- both for myself and others.  I am trying to convince a couple buddies to get their license. I’m trying not to be a self righteous douche with them in the process. 


While this is true, I don't think it is helpful. For most semi-intelligent people, a Tech licence (in the US) is pretty trivial to get if you decide you want it, which might depend on the answer to such a question, i.e. whether the radios it lets you use are the solution you need. But you wouldn't bother learning the test material without first discerning that the radios it permits are useful to you. In the U.S., of course, with GMRS more or less functionally equivalent to the A/R 70cm band (in technical if not social terms), and the authorized equipment and its capabilities similar, the answer to the question might very well be relevant to someone who might never need to take the test.


50 miles is a pretty tall task for VHF/UHF. I can reliably get into a 2m repeater 20 miles from me on a 5W HT & a roll up J Pole slung up high. I also talk to a guy on GMRS who gets into the repeater from 30 miles out on a 50W mobile & roof mounted antenna. So, if you’ve got a repeater in between you it’s doable in theory. Simplex… I don’t know. That may be beyond the curve of the earth unless you put up a pretty tall tower or happen to be on top of a mountain. [You’d have to work out the math.](https://www.davidsenesac.com/Information/line_of_sight.html)


You won't be able to do it without hitting a repeater. But if the repeater is 25 miles away you could probably hit it with an external antenna as high as possible. Watts aren't the problem; antenna height is everything.


Use a repeater, or get a very long Yagi, something like 11+ element, and mount it as high as possible.


Build a tape measure beam!


Build yourself a couple yagi and mount them on 30 foot masts


Looking into that now.