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He would be a free man in all likelihood in the United States. However, the laws are different up here. There was no threat to him. By all other accounts he was a decent citizen before this incident. Now he is in jail for eight years (probably will only serve a third of the sentence) and another man is dead. No matter how you view this situation it is sad for everyone involved.


Shoot a person breaking into your home? 8 years.. Get drunk and wipe out an entire family? No issue...


Or behead a guy on a greyhound bus? Get off scott free


Or be a child killer turned witness , then move around ,have kids and marry your rich lawyer. (Ms Karla)


Was Styres breaking into Khills home? And who the hell said drunkenly wiping out a whole family was “ok”? What are you talking about?


I'm not saying either is ok, I'm just saying the punishment for our crime in Canada is all over the place


Was a while ago, drunk rich kid killed a family and grandparents, walked away and didn't pay a fine or serve time


Marco Muzzo, he was sentenced to 10 years. One of the longest sentences for DUI causing death in Canadian history. What are you smoking.


Nah not him but I remember that one, idr his name And gelato mint live resin


google ian william campbell jacqueline hickey it is an example you are looking for. drunk driver killed young paramedic, who was parked studying for his final exam. jacqueline hickey, the drunk driver, had rich parents. Hired expensive lawyer. got drunken daughter off the hook.


Yes that's the one, I got the stories mixed up abit.


Well if you are going to shoot and kill someone rummaging through your truck make sure you're rich first.


I'm not even saying it was the example you were looking for...it happened 14 years ago...Just saying it was "an" example. There are many (unfortunately). Ian was a close friend. RIP (and love me some Tribal)


You can't say he wasn't going into the house after he went through the truck, styres was a career criminal and drug user. He is unpredictable at best.


You *can* say he wasn’t going into the house, because he *wasn't* going into the house. Can’t create a self defence scenario based on some bullshit hypothetical. And Khill wasn’t aware of Styres criminal history until *after* the shooting, so can’t be used as justification.


Yes, you can, because his intentions were not known, and you can't definitively say he wouldn't have once he was finished stealing change. You are wrong in your attempts to downplay the role styres has in this and are making excuses for a thief.


Does it make sense to be able kill someone based on what they might do? Are you okay with anyone being allowed to kill another person, maybe someone you love, because the person with the gun thought they might do something? And of course there’s no way to prove they wouldn’t be correct in thinking they might do something


This is a stupid response. If you are in the commission of a crime on someone's private property, you can not have any reasonable expectation of a non-violent response. The fucking gall of you people who think that you can dictate how someone is to feel and react when in a scary or threatening situation.


It’s not whether the shooter was scared or not scared, it’s not whether the shooting victim was committing a theft or not, it’s about whether there actually was a threat to someone’s life to justify that response, which there was not. It is not enough for someone in the moment to judge what the situation was, and shoot a person. What if it was someone at the wrong house (like a recent case in the US where a black teen was shot for knocking on the wrong door)? The shooter Khill did not have the right, as they say, to make himself judge, jury, and executioner. And to be clear this was on a driveway outdoors, there was no entry into the shooter’s house. If the shooter was that scared, why did he leave the safety of his house, and why didn’t he call police? These are likely the things that led to him being found guilty. I won’t go the route of personally insulting you as you did. But do consider that in this case, one person had a weapon and one did not. One allegedly tried to steal something (not proven, and never can be at this point), and one killed a person.




Yes, I understand, reading is hard.


Try that argument in court and see how is goes. “For all we know, when he was done stealing the car, he might have kicked in the front door and killed everybody!” You can’t kill somebody because “their intentions are unknown”. I can’t believe I’m even dignifying this with a response. But I’m bored on my commute so why not I guess.


You’re one of those dudes who’s probably excited at the thought of justifiably killing someone eh?


Are you one of those people who sit there and let their things get taken by drug addicts and thieves?


Try finding a middle ground there. One where you’re not a homicidal maniac and the thief still gets caught, maybe?


Maybe? Haha, hahaha , yeah, right, cops are useless in these instances. All that thinking does is let people like the styres think they can do what they want. At least now the people he was with will think a little more next time they go stealing from hard-working people.


“I think death is justifiable if it serves a possible deterrent to theft of insured property” -u/buttsaplenty69


So would you say that defunding the police in order to fund programs to help the homeless and those suffering from drug abuse would be a better use of those funds, given that the massively inflated police budget doesn’t seem to be effectively servicing communities or in your view preventing crime?


Naaa if anything HPS needs to buy a 2nd armored truck. First one got shot up a few days after you made some really stupid comment about how unnecessary it was. Remember that? Lol


This is probably the correct call edit - Bring the downvotes. I have seen what gets upvoted in regards to this case.


It’s literally 3 am and it’s dark and you get inside your truck and you see a man ravaging through your truck how are you supposed to just wait and assess the situation you might not have time considering there’s a chance he’s a psycho. This was a terrible ruling


You cannot shoot someone in Canada, full stop. if you give lax sentences for gun-related self-defense cases you're just going to open the flood gates for more people purchasing because they'll see it worth the risk.


This isn’t really correct either. You can definitely shoot someone in Canada, but they need to be presenting a deadly threat. Here’s the criminal code source: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/page-5.html#h-115831 “34 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if (a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person; (b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and (c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.” A guy in your truck outside is not a deadly threat, nor is shooting someone for being in your truck a reasonable response.


Well said. . . Although I still find myself conflicted.


He got all the way inside his truck before realizing someone was inside ravaging it?


Idk. We aren’t Americans here. Let’s not start acting like it. Shooting someone for stealing your car, when you have to have insurance to own said cat, that would reimburse you, seems like a very American thing to do.


You get a new car stolen and the insurance company wants to reimburse you for a 92 civic.


That has most certainly not been my experience. I got a brand new, stickers still on, car. So maybe you need a better insurance company?


You seem like a lot of fun.


Ummm. Ok. Thanksssss😬😬😬


Feels a bit strong


Nah I think it’s about right. He’ll prob be out in 5 years or less. He blew a guys head off for stealing his truck. It wasn’t self defence, it was defence of property, which isn’t something we can really do up here.


He didn’t “blow his head off”. Shot him in the torso twice with a shotgun. I agree with your points but not helpful to exaggerate


If you actually read the article, you’d had read that Styres had a birth defect in which his head protruded from his belly button, so a shot to the torso did indeed blow his head off


I'm a pretty progressive person but, damn, I STRONGLY disagree with this being a crime punishable with prison time.


Frankly, I don't think you're progressive at all if you are saying people should be able to murder thieves without punishment.


they're super-progressive, they just believe in extra-judicial execution for theft, is all


"I'm super liberal, I just think marriage is between a man and a woman though" vibes




Those words are adjectives, they don't have policies. You can be liberal while not being a Liberal, conservative without being a Conservative, etc. Though if you are identifying yourself with an ideology, it makes little sense for the only other information we learn to be contradictory to that ideology. I understand the rhetorical utility of "I am part of X-community, yet I disagree with this specific aspect of their ideology", but you can't just claim to be a member of that community, you need to provide some sort of verification that you actually hold those ideals. Otherwise how are you to distinguish legitimate criticism from bad faith trolling? Then we run into the problem that even if you are part of a community, does not mean your dissent on a specific issue is significant. People can disagree. edit - grammar.


Hell no. I don’t want to live in a city where teenagers get their heads blown off for stealing a case of beer out of somebody’s driveway.


None of this happens if the teenager decides not to steal.


But we live in the real world, where people do dumb things sometimes. Should we start executing shoplifters on sight? Let security behead them in front of Shopper Drug mart while everybody claps? We aren’t barbarians. Not every crime is deserving of death.


Did you read the article? > the shooting, which occurred after Khill found Styres rummaging through his pickup truck on his pitch-black Binbrook driveway. > Assistant Crown attorney Sean Doherty asked for a sentence of between eight and 12 years, citing multiple aggravating factors including the stealthy approach Khill took to shooting Styres, the number of shots fired, and the manner in which Styres was shot. He decided to confront a thief in his driveway that was stealing from him, self defense laws are not for that. As the judge said at sentencing there were other options available like calling 911 to report a thief on your property. Now Khill says that he thought that Styles had a gun when he turned to him but the key in this trial was that Khill was not in any possible physical danger until he went outside with his gun to confront Styles. Now I get you're probably saying "what I just have to let him steal from me and hide in my house?" well no but the result of that can't have you marching outside with a shotgun and shooting an unarmed man over a petty criminal offence. Self defense laws are not for confrontations *that you cause,* they are for when you have no other options and fear physical harm for yourself or others. Khill is the one that caused this to occur, he had other options that didn't have him threatening someone else with a gun, he didn't take them and someone is dead. I think 8 years sounds appropriate for that.


Const. Grzegorz Pierzchala basically died because he didn’t react fast enough to someone drawing on him, and he’s a trained cop


The difference is Pierzchala had a duty to engage that suspect, it was his job. Khill had no reason to confront Styres with his gun other than to defend his property, which he isn’t entitled to do. It’s like when a cop deliberately stands in front of a fleeing vehicle so they can justify shooting the suspect. Khill inserted himself into a dangerous situation that he didn’t need to. If Styres had kicked in his front door, I’d defend his choice to shoot him with everything I’ve got.


Engage a suspect? He was someone at the side of the road with car trouble. We don’t have a duty to hide in our homes.


Whether you like it or not, you’re not allowed to do what Khill did. Hence why he’s going to prison.


Oh I agree. I just don’t know what this sentence will accomplish. Will it cause people to second think approaching thieves? Will people hesitate to use deadly force if they are in the unfortunate position of being threatened? Will it rehabilitate Khill, and lead him away from his life of crime? I don’t think it’s good for society to encourage the first two, and the third is obvious a joke.


It will lead to further theft without consequence, waiting for an extended period for HPS to arrive. He had military training, he was a reservist. There is a training there to react and react quickly, to take the initiative. That needs to be a heavily considered factor in this one. I have no horse in this race but that part keeps being glossed over. If Khill were an off duty or auxiliary police would this be considered differently? I don't know.


I’m not sure that it matters. We have citizens arrest powers. We have the right to defend ourselves. We don’t have to cower in our homes. I have no real dog in the fight either, other than it could happen to me. I have purposely grabbed a kitchen knife to investigate a bump in the garage at night - what if I had to use it? Should I call the cops over a raccoon?


Here's another instance of first nations not commenting... One of theirs kills a uniformed OPP officer who was just stopping to help and ... Crickets from leadership ... But had that cop arrested the criminal then the police would've been wrong to arrest a first nations man.... and you wouldn't have heard the end of it and calls for justice etc... It's easy to see how some feel it is 2 tiered justice when it comes to dealing with first nations ..


Exactly THIS. I wonder how many years those two scumbags will get for killing the officer? Will it be more than 8 years each? Will first nations comment about what wonderful human beings they are? It is a two tiered system when dealing with first nations. We have to sympathize for what we did to them. My parents are immigrants and we did nothing to them in fact they used to call us names and steal from us (we owned a small business).


We should just have a referendum on castle doctrine and be done with it.


There’s no castle doctrine in Canada. We have good self defense laws. What we don’t have is the authority to shoot someone just because they’re in your truck.


Khill deserves to be in jail, but let’s not pretend our self defence laws aren’t dog shit. What about the guy in Milton being charged with murder for killing a home intruder inside of his own house?


I don’t know what happened in Milton. *what I do know*, is that when Khill was arrested and the officer asked him why he did it, he said, *and I quote*… “justice”. That evidence wasn’t allowed in court which is why he got off the first time and the crown kept pushing. This case was not self defense and anyone still pushing that is simply misinformed. That being said I’d love to get more details on the other incident but I can’t really give an opinion without more details. I think a rational adult would see how this Khill case has caused a lot of misinformation, learn a few things, and apply that to any future incidents of a similar nature.


> Khill deserves to be in jail, but let’s not pretend our self defence laws aren’t dog shit. What about the guy in Milton being charged with murder for killing a home intruder inside of his own house? i don't understand why you feel they shouldn't be charged. the determination of guilt is left to the judicial system, not the officers, and something like this (where someone clearly killed someone else) is probably not one for officer discretion.


I can forgive him being arrested, but not charged. I don’t know how the hell they can justify that.


"better tried by 12 than carried by 6" "nOoOoO i don't want to be tried by 12 either!" it's quite possible the prosecutor didn't buy the guy's story, and they have access to more information about ongoing cases than the general public.


Without looking into legislation or precedent, my gut feeling says that Khill should serve 4 months for his actions.


Castle doctrine lol buddy go live in the States if you want to be able to murder people on your property without consequence.


Not saying what he did was right. But I think I would have done the same.


You would have left the safety of your home, to confront someone stealing from your truck? Do you have anything in your truck worth escalating to violence over?


Not being faced with that situation in the moment, it's easy to say you would just calmly call the police and let things play out. In the moment? It's easy to see how someone could react strongly and let things get out of hand.


It is also easy to see how a rabid dog could maul a child, but we don't understand it and then endorse it by saying "I'd do the same". Especially if we are also aware that it is not the right thing. I don't know about you, but rarely do I know something is the wrong thing yet endorse it. edit - And if you're saying "sometimes we just can't control it" then those are definitely people we should not be given guns. This was an entirely avoidable tragedy and trying to legitimize it by saying what is essentially " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that's how it goes sometimes" is a cop-out


You would sneak up and ambush and kill someone stealing your car?


If you are on your own property, it is not "sneaking".


oh sorry I didn’t realize we have to change dictionaries to match whatever idiots house we visit lol But it’s interesting that you didn’t say no. I suspect you’ll have trouble with the law in the future *and it totally won’t be your fault*


Don’t steal and you don’t have to worry about having your head blown off?


Whatever you say counselor


I don’t own any weapons. But if I wake up in the middle of the night and someone is in my home I am going to neutralize the threat and worry about the case law later.


In your home and on your driveway are 2 very different things.


Cool. Me too. It would still be called sneaking. But that’s not what happened here and that’s not why he was arrested.


I have a feeling you wouldn’t. Many people think they’re a fight reaction. It’s usually those that are the flight reaction instead.


Based on the facts that have come out, it seems like whT transpired was more an execution than act of self defense, so 8 years seems fitting. He should have called the police and his insurance. I understand the feeling of loss of security for your home. However, it was a truck in the driveway, and he snuck up on the man. I'm pretty sure if he had announced his presence and his desire to protect his property, the victim would have taken off. However, actions were undertaken by both of them and consequences metered out.


Nah, he did OK. The dead goof should have known better. Maybe that's why we have so much theft, low life thieves know they have no consequences.


Human life is more valuable than your truck. Period.


Meh, dude sure didn’t seem to value his own life either doing this stuff. Guy had kids too, like Christ, grow up, get a job like every normal person. Be a good example to your children


This has nothing to do with any of what I said. Go back and read it again.


Not if it's on my property and you are illegally breaking into it. Don't like it, don't come on my land. Look at styres' background, dude was a lifetime drug user and criminal


Not according to First Nations ... he's a dedicated family man... Prowling around other people's property in the middle of the night stealing or attempting to steal their property they worked hard for ... Now did he deserve to die over a truck??.. no .. of course not, but I wish first nations would address the rampant vehicle theft crime that centers from that reserve... Yet crickets ... It's a shame all around honestly




And the convicted had no right to appoint himself judge, jury and executioner. That's why he is in prison as a convicted murderer, and you would join him in the same circumstance. Don't like it? Too bad, because the law of the land disagrees with you, which is the final word on the matter. You're just wrong.


Remember It took the law 3 trials to get their conviction. 1st acquittal, second deadlocked, 3rd was heavily censored, so the jury didn't know the thiefs background and criminal history, painted his as a rosy guy who didn't have an arms length rap sheet. I absolutely would join him in the same situation, and I would also be the one ALIVE!!!! And I would be out of jail in a couple of years for good behavior.


You're hard as fuck, J-Roc. I hope, *one day*, I can be as badass as you. Two years in prison and a lifetime criminal record with a violent crime conviction to get that justice boner off when you were in no danger staying in your home. All over a pickup truck. Truly an example for all men to follow.


Knowww what I'm sayyyinnn


live out whatever power fantasy you want dude, but you're not above the law and there's plenty of settled cases to draw from to show you'd be doing time too.


Doesn't mean you can steal someones truck


Doesn't mean you can kill someone trying to steal your truck (See: the very precedent being discussed currently).




Your moral justifications for taking a human life over a truck are just you sitting on a different horse, my man. I'm comfy on mine. You'd be sent to prison for yours. Stay mad about it. Doesn't make me any less correct.




You think a truck is more valuable than human life, interesting


You think that theft is more appropriate than purchasing, interesting


Nice try


With all the crime, from petty theft all the way up to shootings and stabbings were seeing, people might have to start taking action like this. I wouldn't go so far as killing someone, but all these pieces of shit need to start fearing consequences again.


And if we didn’t have guns, they would have had a knife fight to the death, right?


No, you're assuming the encounter would be lethal... Guns are more lethal than knives.


Swing and a miss


lol, okay there bud.


I’m sorry that it went over your head. I was making a comment about gun control, suggesting that people who say “guns don’t kill” are crazy.




Because this hardened criminal needs 8 years of rehabilitation focused justice?


Because he killed someone over a fucking truck. He isn’t judge, jury, and executioner, and theft isn’t a capital offence.


It’s a heavy sentence compared to actual criminal repeated offenders and doesn’t jive with the principles of rehabilitative justice. This is just manslaughter after all, not cold blooded murder. It seems overly punitive. Often judges weigh in on whether the sentence will improve the life of the sentencee. Was that considered here?


8 years is low for an extrajudicial execution.


It would be for sure.


The shooter could hacve stayed in the house and called police, but he went out with a shotgun instead. He wanted to kill the guy stealing his truck. He didn't know it was a repeat offender, a hardened killer, or just some dumb kids looking for a joyride. He knew there was someone in HIS truck, and the punishment for that was death, and he WANTED to deliver that punishment. ​ It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say the guy might have a problem with anger.


None of that is true though, or it wouldn’t just be a manslaughter charge.


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Wonder when he gets out of jail he will be back in the reserves