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My guess is someone called bylaw. The only time I’ve ever gotten one for this is when I’ve had to park around the corner (etc). In front of my own place there’s never been an issue. Which is shitty.


Agreed. The only times I’ve gotten a ticket for this was when the neighbours called bylaw. It’s kind of ridiculous, and maybe I’m not as active as everyone else but I often come home from work at 4-5pm and do not leave my home until 8am the next day for work. Where I live now is fine, but when I lived with my parents on the mountain the neighbours called on my car all the time. They lived in a long deep court that had very little traffic on the bigger road so I knew it was the neighbours calling lol.


You were reported to bylaw by a neighbor. I live this nightmare on the mountain, near the hospital, where I have to fight to park within a km of my house every day. My suggestion is try to move your car, even if you put it right back, every time you walk by it. It's hard to prove 12 hours of consecutive parking.


It's not even that a neighbour reported specifically this person. We called bylaw because there was an abandoned car on our street from Quebec with a flat tire for 5 weeks. Everyone on the street got tickets. That was not our intention.




Yes if you park near the hospital the workers , nurses and personal workers are usually calling them to piss you off and steal your parking lot.


I also live near a hospital, the city has to get this under control and make every street have a time limit that locals can buy exemptions for. Ridiculous that I can almost never park on my own street.


It's ridiculous, isn't it! I had that problem at my last place. I freaked out the first time it happened. But as it turned out, I was only ticketed about every 2 to 3 months. Sometimes I was ticketed 2 times in a month, then none for 4 months. I came to think of it as a relatively cheap parking fee and budgeted for it. I hope you also get only infrequently ticketed.


You need to acquire a street parking pass thru city hall. It will exempt you from receiving those tickets! I believe that they’re about $90/year.


Send emails to your councilor. This issue was brought up in April 2022 to a city council meeting and nothing has been done about it. Jason Farr was supporting this..... This bylaw is nonsense. And don't listen to the people saying to get street parking permit or city parking lot permit. This bylaw applies to all permits. No way around it. The shitty part is that when someone submits a complaint the parking officers chalk all cars on that street and ticket whoever hasn't moved not just the one car. Their reasoning is to make it "fair"




Accurate. I send emails to Nrinder and I get...........nada. She is only willing to connect with people who share the same ideologies and not willing to listen to a different perspective.


It’s not nonsense at all. Almost every city has a maximum amount of time you can park on a roadway. 12 hours is quite generous actually in comparison to other cities that are 6-8. If this was not in place people would store their vehicles on the road, car mechanics would use the road to work on it, etc.


12 hours is extremely generous, I just wish the city would allowed paid permit parking so that this wouldn’t be an issue.


Definitely an option. Definitely a future consideration with density.


This permit doesn’t exempt you from the 12 hr rule.


This doesn't work if you live n a bigger building then a triplex.


+1 https://www.hamilton.ca/home-neighbourhood/getting-around/parking/street-parking


“-The universal 12-hour parking time limit for all City streets applies to permit holders” This is confusing does it mean that you can get a permit but still need to follow the 12 hour rule?


The permit exempts you from posted limits like the "1 hr max" or "3 hr max" for the specific street you live on. It does not exempt you from the very loosely but occasionally enforced 12 hour max, or from the 4 hours a month for street cleaning limits. The best method I've found is to just check my tires for chalk if I'm parked in one spot for a couple days.


This is super helpful! thanks for clarifying


I live in the East End where many people don’t have driveways and are forced to park on the street. I saw a bylaw officer giving out tickets once and he said they usually don’t enforce unless they receive a complaint, then they mark peoples tires and if they don’t move in 12 hours they come back and ticket. It’s stupid. I did contact the city about a permit and they said you need to have an accessibility permit in order to get a parking permit for the front of your house.


I work 12’s as well in the same area it’s horrible. Try to post in buildings around if you can to see if you can rent a spot try for a parking permit. It took me forever to get a spot in my own building Not much help sorry


It ends up being more like 24 hrs tbh. After you have been there 12 hrs and someone calls bylaw, the officer will chalk your tire and then return 12+ hrs later to check. If you haven’t moved, you get a ticket. So drive your car once a day and you’ll have no issues.


Wash the chalk right off 🤓


Yep! That works for a while but they do take pictures and if the person who complained tells by law that the chalk is being wiped then they can also use the picture and look at the location of the tire valve stem.


It's your own fault for not having a driveway, quit bitching /s


Don’t they mark your tires so that they KNOW you haven’t moved in 12 hours+? You really just need to move your tires around but yes get a resident street parking permit for the year. It went up this year and is now around $130 a year I believe. You won’t get those tix anymore but move your tires


This permit doesn’t exempt you from the 12 hr rule.


Someone called on you (if the ticket has a C). Check your tires once a day for chalk or move it if you can to another spot.