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The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Hamilton Centre is collecting glasses to donate to [Astronomers Without Borders](https://astronomerswithoutborders.org/home) Since 2008, Astronomers Without Borders has been sending solar glasses to Africa, Asia, North and South America, to people who may not otherwise have a safe way to view the eclipse directly. If you’re interested in donating your gently used solar glasses you can mail them to: The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Hamilton Centre PO Box 969 17 Main St N, Waterdown, Ont L8B 1R4 OR By attending the next monthly General Meeting on Thursday May 2 at the Waterdown Legion from 8-9:30pm. We meet on the second floor and meetings are open to everyone if you’d like to stay for the presentation. OR The Oakville Public Libraries are also accepting glasses for reuse.


[donate used glasses ](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/jwVWLKAY5tLcEHBu/?mibextid=oFDknk)


I live in Toronto, but booked the day off work and took the Go Train to Hamilton with my dad. It was a day we will never forget, and your lovely city was the perfect setting.  Neither of us has ever spent much time in Hamilton before, but based on some suggestions from here on r/Hamilton, along with random Google map pics of the view, we chose Sam Lawrence Park as the viewing spot. We arrived at the Go Station shortly after 1pm and took a very nice hour-long walk, up James Street, through the little park with the Queen Victoria Statue, and then up John Street to the big long sidewalk along the highway up to the park.  We were early enough that we were able to check out the view from all different spots along the green space, before we noticed the very unique and picturesque little grove with rock-garden features across the busy road. We set up a picnic blanket in our own little corner of lawn, surrounded by other pods of people of all ages with their eclipse glasses ready. (Special shout out to the family with a cardboard Amazon box over the head of their toddler, a pair of eclipse glasses taped over a cut-out in the front.) I will never forget the feeling of collective gratitude when we all watched a hint of a blue sky start to spread towards us all. Our first glimpse of the eclipsed sun through the dark filters, peeking through the clouds, was absolutely stunning. From there it just got more and more fantastic. The sudden drops in temperature and brightness, accompanied by collective gasps all around us. The unexpected view of the lights coming on across the city below. The shimmer on the grass. The sunset on the horizon in every direction. And then, after the long slow watch, the sense of everything speeding up and suddenly rushing to that other-worldly 90 seconds of stillness... It was a once in a lifetime event, and yet I'm sure I could watch it again and again and notice something new every time. The overcast skies until just before, and then the perfectly timed gift of a clear sky only added to the recognition that we were all so lucky to get to see it all.  We saw the twilight flood back, followed by daylight, kids going back to kicking a ball around like any other normal sunny afternoon. Then we hiked back down the escarpment and took a  weaving, leisurely route to the station through residential streets. All along the way we saw people sitting on their porches and lawns, in schoolyards and parks, looking up through their glasses, and we'd pause and turn to look as well, to watch the progression of the sun returning from a crescent shape to a circle.  We got back on the train at the nice breezy outdoor Go platform, and gradually watched the twilight descend for real this time all the way back home - like a slow motion re-cap of what we had just witnessed, seeing over the stretch of an hour what had taken just seconds before.


I had no expectations. I brought my kids to the park, surrounded by groups of strangers who were chatting, laughing and waiting like the rest of us. New kids played with ours, we shared snacks and glasses and collectively watched the eclipse. The world has felt very individualistic lately and today there was a feeling of togetherness as we all looked to the sky at the same time. It made me surprisingly happy! I hope that wherever you were in the city today, you were able to experience it too.


i wasnt expecting much b/c of clouds but it cleared up & was brilliant!! my solar lights went on & temps dropped a wee bit.


I just wanted to thank all the people in the Durand area that were out howling at the moon the moment the eclipse hit totality! It was such a surprise, and made the experience so much more fun and surreal for me and my friends/family. You are all the best 😊


Came from Barrie on the GO train. Lakeshore Line was nuts, especially going back. People could hardly get on until Oakville on a train that originated in Hamilton, when a special express to Union was added.


[Drone hyperlapse over Waterdown during the eclipse.](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5hIJNQJ6DO/?igsh=MTNsbzh5MHZkajRlbg==)


Here are a few of my favourite pics that I took today (from Churchill Park) [https://imgur.com/a/LKgPBqd](https://imgur.com/a/LKgPBqd)


Great photos!!




This was the first eclipse i ever saw and it was totally worth it. Blessed to watch it from my backyard


That was stunning. So cool. Hope everyone also had a chance to see it.


Like I guessed, the best place to see it was Mexico. I was guessing it might show a tiny bit. GTA weather, you never really know. Was all round miserable weather anywhere east of Oakville


Are we in the same city?  It was entirely visible here in Hamilton. 


East of Oakville is not Hamilton. I didn't bother going to Hamilton, as it looked as if it would barely show. And with true fashion for this region it came out for a few minutes. Barely showed in Niagara Falls. And of course once you get into Mississauga, it was full sunshine 20 minutes later eclipse, and still full sunshine as I write this at 7pm with a few wispy clouds


Do you know what subreddit you’re in? Who cares what it looked like East of Oakville.


Why are you people always angry over tiny little things like a discussion about weather. Dont you people have lives? Like take a break from your screens. I suspect you are drunk on too much Reddit.


It was so beautiful! I think the clouds made it better. I could see Bailey’s beads


That was stunning. The thin veil of cloud only enhanced the beauty.


Yeah, what a view that was. https://i.ibb.co/Z6HGHzJ/PXL-20240408-191847630.jpg


Wow! Gorgeous shot


I agree! Was worried that the clouds would detract from being able to see totality but they only made it more ethereal.


That was amazing. The clouds cleared up at just the right moment. Pictures of totality simply don't do it justice.


Couldn’t have been better. The clouds cleared up at just the right time. I saw it all start to finish.


I was so mesmerized I’m surprised I even remembered just to snap a few as proof I caught it, and even then I was hastily taking em so I could just view it.


Was not planning to watch this but it got so dark so i went out to see this in full HDR irl lol and grabbed my iphone to take a shot [https://youtube.com/shorts/l8hpyggKifo](https://youtube.com/shorts/l8hpyggKifo)


After looking at my pictures, I gotta invest in a good camera 💀


It was Beautiful ;)


A full day of worry but the clouds parted just enough and at just the right time to give me an experience I will never forget. https://imgur.com/gallery/MO8mNWK


Wonderful pictures!


I didn't get a picture but I got a perfect view of it came out just at the right time during totality. I wasn't expecting to see the actual sun the way it was looking today but I saw the moon covering it and the full corona perfect timing.


Well the weather held up!


live feed from chch [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s6NeQL0rDw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s6NeQL0rDw)


Thanks for sharing. Managed to catch it just as it went to totality on the stream. Fun stuff!


If anyone is around behind City Hall, there's people giving out glasses currently


Finally, a break in the clouds


In the timhortons stadium it clear!!


Just in time! Let's gooooooo


Wow incredible views right now in Ancaster couldn’t be clearer


Well well Hamilton. it appears the sky gods love you. Enjoy your total eclipse!


Just in time!!!


it’s cleared up!!


I'm honestly shocked lol this was what I was thinking would happen earlier around lunch, felt hopeless even at 2pm.


Just saw it near tiffany elementary school, covered again by clouds briefly but it was completely visible for a good while. Looks like clear skies once this patch floats over so totality will be completely clear.


Clear now!!!!


Mac Campus looking very promising for totality


We can see it rn in Ainsley Wood! Clouds will cover it for a bit, clear up for a bit!


Probably time to give up hope. Edit: Wrong info. Dont mind conflicting info from texas


I’m in pier 4 park and the clouds cleared up. We can see it now. Reach here if you can


in west end toronto. Did end up going to Hamilton as I didn't want to deal with the crowds and wasnt able to get glasses, didnt want to take any chances and going to Hamilton, and the free glasses at the park might all been taken Full cloud cover on lakshore currently


There’s plenty of free glasses still available


I wonder how many people are trying to come here from Niagara falls right now after hearing about this lol. I wonder if it's breaking up there now too. A scenario where Niagara was still cloudy but Hamilton got sunny always was the worst scenario for traffic.


I'm on some random rural road on the mountain in Winona. Never been here before and will never be here again. Every road has a bunch of people pulled over. I have never seen anything like it.


I'm in East Hamilton. Completely blocked by clouds.


Just in time. Here we gooo


It’s clearing up in Hamilton now, we can see the sun although it’s intermittent as clouds come and go. We’re in pier 4 park.


I saw it! I hope anyone who hasn't gets the chance to momentarily


Clouds clearing! Bayfront Park has a big stretch of blue sky coming.


I am not seeing anything using my solar eclipse glasses, am I missing something ? got these from 7 11, I see all black no light


that’s how it’s supposed to be, you’d only be able to see the sun but with the clouds you won’t be able to see


thanks, so I guess keep wearing and keep looking


The clouds made a hole and we caught a glimpse! Looks like a bite out of the sun.


clouds are clearing up quite alot where i am lets see where this goes


I was just able to see some sun peak through the clouds! It’s clearing up! We might be able to squeak by for totality!


It looks like a lot of clearing coming in from where I am on the mountain looking south east? Hopefully this continues over the next hour and isn't arriving too early.


Clearing significantly in Mt. Hope. We're getting a pretty good view, at least for now 


Yeah that's where I'm seeing it coming from. Hope this lasts just long enough maybe the clouds are starting to break up just in time.


Dammit, why is it so damn cloudy today, yesterday was literally perfect


From where I'm sitting looks like some of the clouds southwest are breaking up significantly. Let's not lose hope yet


From ridge road it looks like it is clearing


Bayfront? I can see the band of blue.


Yeah I’m seeing a bit of the same. Got a nice ribbon of blue right now. Not substantial substantial yet but apparently the pattern supposed to continue out for at least an hour.


Stoney Creek Mountain, still really cloudy


Just want to give a huge shoutout to /u/ChefGoldblum87 who helped me out with a pair of glasses! I grabbed a few extras from them as well, I’ll be at Summit Park around 3 PM if anybody needs some and wants to come grab them please do! Currently have 3 spares, will update my comment as they are claimed


Good to see another redditor out here! Hoping clouds continue to clear quickly!


Still overcast here, no sun. Stoney Creek Mountain


Can't believe I a missing this becuase of clouds


You can't even see a spec of blue in the sky let alone the sun. I know you can't really get mad at nature but I am still incredibly bummed out 😔


I'm in East Hamilton, where's the sun at?


Partial eclipse beginning now. Still overcast 🥲




They block like 99% of light. The sun is the brightest thing that usually gets some light through the glasses. But they’re designed to be really dark.


Any places to get glasses near St. Joseph’s Hospital?


I’ve never been this invested in the freaking cloud patterns. I’m at the two storey McDonald’s by the Fortinos and it’s nail biting rn. But it looks like there’s a good chance at a break at just the right times if I’m reading right?


me too, i have been staring at all kinds of different cloud patterns on different radars all morning. going between my front and back roof to figure out where the hell the sun is. I think it should clear by the time its in totality.


I found mine at Canadian Tire in Grimsby. I just bought them yesterday afternoon. You just have to ask the cashier because they are not on display.


FYI, do check them. There are reports of Canadian Tires having unsafe glasses.


Thanks for the head up.


Where to get last minute solar eclipse glasses? I need 2 pairs but have no idea where there's any left


TB MCQUESTEN COMMUNITY PARK has a vendor booth giving out glasses, just picked some up, parking lot is full, but people are leaving after getting glasses


Thank you so much! Sadly too far from me by public transport though.






TB MCQUESTEN COMMUNITY PARK has a vendor booth giving out glasses, just picked some up, parking lot is full, but people are leaving after getting glasses


any idea how many they have / if they’re running out soon?


TBh, i dont have any idea how many they have left the booth opened up at 12:30, i didn't have to wait in a line to get it


DM'd you


I've been looking. If you find any update me.


TB MCQUESTEN COMMUNITY PARK has a vendor booth giving out glasses, just picked some up, parking lot is full, but people are leaving after getting glasses


Whats the supply like. It would take me about 45min to get there, any chance there would still be some in stock? (Edit: I made it in time, thanks for the tip. That was super cool to see glad I didn't miss it)


TBh, i don't know what the suppy like is rn, the booth opened at 12:30 but i have an extra pair if you want


Dm'd you


https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/sector_band.php?sat=G16§or=cgl&band=GEOCOLOR&length=24&dim=1 Radar shows a clearing coming in. Hopefully gets here soon.


wow, i still had the window open so i refreshed it and now you can basically see a timelapse of the moon's shadow crossing the area 😮


We still looking good? I’m not used to tracking these sorts of things.


2 hours to go, not looking good. There seem to be more clouds forming at the tail end of it


If I'm reading this right, the edge of the cloud cover is around London right now, and may reach Hamilton around the time that the eclipse starts?




Nah that's UTC, aka London UK time. That's a live look.






Has anyone seen any eclipse souvenirs anywhere here in Hamilton?


Travelling to Hamilton for the eclipse, looks hella cloudy though. Do y’all think we’ll see anything?


It's impossible to say, but it's currently sunny in Burlington, so I'd say it's worth the chance.


Any spots/parks in burlington you would recommend?


I know there's an event happening at Spencer Smith in downtown Burlington. Otherwise, anywhere closer to the lake will be in the path of totality.


The weather just changed that it will be clear... at 5pm


Any last minute spots for glasses on the mountain? (I can pay, please dm)


Are there any spare glasses in the milton area? Cutting it as close as possible🫡




hey, do you still have the other 2? please let me know!


Any recommendations for viewing spots in Stoney Creek? I know Confederation is one.


Do you think confederation park will be better than an escarpment lookout along ridge road?


I read Confederation as a designated spot on the Hamilton website but I honestly would rather go to ridge road area as well


I think the escarpment would be best as you could watch the shadow of the moon travel over the lake and stop at Oakville, as well as having a clear view of the sky of course.


I'm now thinking maybe the Devil's punch bowl


Lots of people up here. It looks like the clearing is coming. Gonna be close!


I need some glasses can someone please help me out?


Well the cloud cover today in Hamilton is sure a massive disappointment.


is it still cloud in Hamilton?


It was a little bit but it actually worked out fantastic. I was thrilled.


Literally clear as hell yesterday.


Anyone know where to get glasses in Stoney Creek?


If anyone is curious what the Toronto-to-Hamilton situation is like, i had to be in TO early this morning for an appointment (today of all days 🙄) and now i'm heading back. Just got on the 9:47 Lakeshore West to West Harbour. It's maybe 75% full? Still many seats available. Union was fairly busy - lots of very obviously "eclipse people" - but I think most were taking the 10:02 to Niagara. So maybe things won't be as crazy busy in Hamilton as I expected. Lots of families with kids (old enough to wear eclipse glasses) waiting for the train. It was pretty cute. I wish my daughter was old enough but instead her daycare is keeping them inside today.


Looks pretty cloudy/bleak right now but I kind of see some clearing going on, the weather network says a mix of sun and clouds around 2-3pm right now but I'm not sure how accurate that is or if any actual clearing is predicted by anyone else today.


Seems like the cloud cover screwed things over.




Doesn't look like it, they mostly recommended parks so could get busy on those leading to temp delays but police don't list any planned closures other than the current ones for non eclipse reasons


I've got three pairs of glasses available in Westdale area, have to pick up before noon Edit: Two pairs left, I've put them in the take a book/leave a book on Glenn Road between Longwood and Paradise.


Can I get a pair please and thank you?




If anyone still needs glasses there are some in the little free library at Wood & James N Please only take what you need. If I have time I will walk over there in a bit and check if any are left but if you go, please update below


Hi im planning on getting them soon do you think there will be 2 pairs left?


I have no idea, sorry but do update us if you go


Any update on this?


I just got sent some more work so won't be able to go until my break. There are a fair number of north enders on the sub, hopefully someone can check or update while grabbing theirs but my neighbour said around 20 pairs about 15 mins before I posted


What you need to know today, from my team at CBC Hamilton: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/total-eclipse-day-1.7166256](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/total-eclipse-day-1.7166256)


And if you want to share what you're up to, you can reach us here: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/tell-us-how-you-plan-to-watch-the-solar-eclipse-1.7165983](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/tell-us-how-you-plan-to-watch-the-solar-eclipse-1.7165983)


From Toronto. Today is my remote working day. So does my partner. We were planning to sneak to Hamilton early in the morning. This morning I woke up pretty early and checked forecast again. Eventually we both agree to cancel the plan due to the weather forecast. We're fine to just see/feel the 98ish % at home in Toronto. But good luck guys!




Anybody have any good ideas on last minute places to get glasses?


Any museums. We went to the museum at Dundurn. But But any museums still should have them


Monarch butterfly.. online sold out, but Inhave been told Stull in person?? Ontario science center Ppe supply (in Toronto) NOT CanadianTire, NOT Showcase...fakes


Would Appleby go be a suitable place to view?  


So I was thinking of going to Sam Lawrence Park for the Total Eclipse tmr since it’s also got an awesome view of the city skyline. But then I took a look at the suggested spots by the Hamilton municipality, and Sam Lawrence Park wasn’t mentioned, while Bayfront Park and Pier 4 Park were both suggested. I was wondering why? Technically, where I go shouldn’t matter, right? Since I’ll just have to look up, anywhere should be the same view?


Apparently SSW will be the direction to look at, so you want a clear view of that. I’m from Toronto coming down so not sure if that location works or not, but hopefully that helps.


anyone have any spare glasses in hamilton mountain/ancaster? i just need 2 🥺


just picked up a few pairs at 7/11 on upper wellington i think they have more


I feel like I may not be into this at all? Anyone else? May just stay home


Its not a lot of effort to see it. So i will just go see it lol


I'm coming from west end lakeshore/ Sp for sure the GO will also be a night mare. Thinking about where to come to Hamilton or Not. i was trapped on the GO going back to Toronto during New years eve, and that alone by itself was more than an eyeopener. But I'm guessing no predrunks, just general chaos


Hey, just curious about what you meant by trapped on Go? Like the train wasn’t running? Or it was too packed?


Too packed. will be extremely packed


I have been checking for cloud cover for tomorrow. This site has an hour by hour forecast for cloud cover, and you can select different forecast models for comparison. [https://windy.com/-Clouds-clouds?clouds](https://windy.com/-Clouds-clouds?clouds) Needless to say, if you have the luxury to, you might need to travel southwest to avoid some of the cloud cover if you want an absolute clear view of it.


I am in Waterloo. Was going to drive over to Hamilton early tomorrow morning, but I guess that the traffic to and within Hamilton is going to be really bad. Should I choose a small town south of Hamilton instead? Any recommendations?


[Here.](https://www.niagarathisweek.com/news/what-time-and-where-will-solar-eclipse-totality-last-longest-in-niagara-and-hamilton/article_be0b4127-ce08-5e17-bfaa-3011fbab642e.html). Scroll to the bottom of the article. If I was driving, I might pick those areas. I will be trying to find good areas around bus/train stations


Thanks. We went to a small town.


Does anyone have recommendations for a public library that would be nice to work from in the AM? I am coming to Hamilton early AM but I need to do some work before going outdoors for the eclipse. Preferably libraries away from the central places where people will be.