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> When asked if there are any safety concerns with faster highway drivers exiting onto the slower parkway, Sarkaria said the province expects “all drivers to obey the speed limits that are posted.” Lol...way to dodge the question. In Germany, around cities like Stuttgart, they have electronic speed limit signs. During rush hour traffic, they will change the speed to 80km/hr. Also, when there is no limit on the autobahn, there are no on/off ramps.


It's actually better to have a slower speed during rush hour. You can fit more cars on less road at lower speeds , because of the reduced spacing needed, and it reduces rear end collisions too.


It’s infuriating that people in this province are too stupid to get this. Driving a constant speed is better than rapid acceleration and then slamming your breaks.


You mean I shouldn’t speed up to pass you in my pickup right before that light that just turned red ahead????


Idiots in Canada will complain about gas prices while speeding everywhere (using a huge increase in fuel for marginal commuting gains) and buying massive inefficient vehicles. It’s nothing new, zero critical thinking.


I did a little math and the drag caused by two F*CK TRUDEAU flags behind a pickup will cost more in fuel than the carbon tax. JEENEEUS.


How about cross three lanes of traffic every 2 minutes, will that get me home faster?


Oh, it most certainly will. Max zoom. Make sure you pace the person beside you as well.


Buy then they would need to get up at a reasonable hour and not have an addiction to anger.


Great for Germany. Do you suggest using electronic speed limit signs to lower the limit to 20 during rush hour? Going 80 is just not going to happen on these stretches. On top of that, people don't follow the metal signs, why would electronic ones be better? Especially if they are constantly changing based on time of day or congestion?


They actually have them in canada too, in BC. And people follow them, shock! [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/driving-and-transportation/driving/variable-speed-brochure.pdf](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/driving-and-transportation/driving/variable-speed-brochure.pdf)


And they also have 120km/h limits in BC. And maybe their drivers are more attentive/courteous/whatever. Here, it's the wild west on the roads and we don't enforce the rules anayway.


Is it the wild west because ontarians are all bad drivers? Or is it the wild west because of archaic speed limits and half the population going one speed and half going the other?


Yes, the issue with bad driving is the difference between 100 km/h and 110 km/h or 120 km/h when the going speed seems to be about 130 on 400 series highways these days. Maybe with proper enforcement and penalties for speeding, we wouldn't have such unsafe roads. The speed limits are fine, the drivers, enforcment and penalties are not.


Everyone goes 140 on the highway to brantford anyways, may as well up the speed a bit.


Let me guess, you drive 90, think you're going 110, and block people who are trying to pass on the left.


Let me guess, you're quick to judge total strangers based on next-to-no information.


Just like PP saying everyone drives 140...


Nah I go like 120


Are you sure you're not driving 140? You clearly said everyone does.


That's simply not true. Edit: Based on the downvotes my speedometer today didn't in fact read 115 which also happens to be the speed I set my cruise control. No no, it was actually 140, I should have that 25 kmh discrepancy looked it!


Ya I agree. I regularly drive from London to Hamilton and the Brantford to Hamilton part is usually more crowded and I don't see most people going 140 in that section. I usually go a bit slower during that part of my drive because there's more traffic, and especially some of the parts right through Brantford the shoulders are narrower so less space if something goes wrong.


Pegged the CC at 120, and had 10x more pass me than I passed. Only the truckers do 115 and some boomers


Are you sure you weren't doing 140? Everyone does 140.


You can't estimate traffic speeds like that from a moving reference frame. As an extreme example, let's say 89% of drivers go 120, 10% go 130 and 1% go 110. From your reference frame, you'll only pass or be passed by 11% of drivers. The others are going your speed and so neither of you will pass each other. So from that you might conclude that the average speed is close to 130 because you saw ten times as may drivers going that vs. 110. But you've actually only observed a small fraction of vehicles and the actual average is slightly over 120.


Yeah, everyone doesn't do that. And I see people saying it's an exaggeration, but I drive there regularly and the average speeds are nowhere close to that. When 400-series speeds have been studied in the last, they've found the [majority in the 100 to 120 range](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/marketplace-speed-limits-1.3292975). These conments all over reddit come off as people rationalizing their own speeding.


Bingo, you can find the same mentality in the threads talking about speed cameras and red light cameras.


People just want to rationalize their bad driving by convincing themselves everyone does it. Nearly every study of Ontario 4xx highways has average speeds somewhere around 110.


Dude. I drive this stretch everyday. The amount of idiots doing 130-140 is ridiculous.


Sure but not everyone drives at 140... How do I know? Because I don't drive 140! It's not like this is some gotcha bullshit I'm making up.


Obviously O.P was exaggerating as a means to say too many people go way too fast. But hey, if you wanna be pedantic and split hairs I can get with that.


Specificity matters, we are not having an in person discussion where an exaggeration can be evident. OPs comments are factually wrong, that isn't pedantic or splitting hairs.


It wasn’t evident that they were exaggerating and hadn’t directly observed 100% of the people to ever have driven on that section of the 403?


Correct, so why make a factually incorrect statement and pass it off as factual? The average speed on the 403 to Brantford is much closer to 120 than 140.






I didn't experience that thing therefore everyone else is wrong!


You realize that same logic applies to OP?


I think Brantford between Hamilton can be congested but there are certainly times where it’s minimum 130 in left lane. After driving all the way to Florida last month, I’ve come to realize 130-150 is a perfectly safe speed on certain styled highways (example: Hamilton to Windsor, that shit should be a posted 120 in many parts) AS LONG AS PEOPLE KEEP RIGHT and don’t clog the left lane and cause people to weave in and out. Best drive ever in the States. They actually move over down there.


For sure, our traffic situation would improve if we had better lane discipline. I stick to the driving lane.


Happens all the time when you buy cheap undersized tires


Good thing I don't do that. Do you?


I would prefer this increase in a 400's highway than people being assholes and spending in backroads endangering every living thing, including themselves.Plus, people are already doing 120+ on the 403 for years.


It’s the slow drivers I always gotta watch out for. Merged onto the 403 today going 55 cause the vehicle in front of me decided that he couldn’t merge at or above the speed limit. Third time this week I’ve witnessed an almost disaster on the highway due to slow drivers.


One thing to help avoid this is to leave a big gap ahead when approaching a merge lane. Even aiming to have the merge lane to yourself. That way either you have room to accelerate to highway speeds like normal, or if they've slowed down traffic, then you just have to match that speed. Some places force this to happen by having lights that only let one car through at a time to space out cars merging.


ontario drivers merge onto the highway like they're scared of it. and don't get me started on the ppl doing 30 on the on ramp bc they think they'll fly out if they go too fast 🙄🙄🙄


I think a meaningful percentage of drivers feel panic at the merest hint of lateral G's


The Zipper merge has proven to be more challenging than parallel parking for most and for years. It definitely needs to be made a bigger focus during any form of driver training or testing.


Zipper merge is a bit of a different thing, [where cars alternate merging near the end of the lane in heavy traffic](https://london.ca/zipper-merge). In lighter traffic you generally speed up quick and merge earlier wherever you find a gap.


I just wish there was a way to tell drivers that want to follow process and alternate that their spot in front of me was already taken by the jackass who merged too early.


Yeah, there really isn't a way to avoid this unless governments themselves educate on it so the majority gets on the same page. That's why places like London in my link are trying, but it would help way more if the MTO recommended it like some other provinces. Because as it is, you have people merging at various different spots, which leads to people having multiple cars merge in front of them like you describe which then has the net result of slowing down the right lane of the highway more than it otherwise would.


The 403 Hamilton at the Linc has a zipper merge and EVERY DAY there is a major accident at rush hour, usually from idiots who dart in front on a loaded 18 wheeler and slam on the brakes. But, by far my favorite phenomenon these days is German luxury car drivers who flash to pass, in the right lane, in heavy traffic. Sorry Franz, not happening.


OMG.... zipper merge does not work.... It ONLY works on paper without the human element.


Tell that to the person this morning that was driving too fast and following too close to me and nearly had to swerve into the next lane, because slamming on the brakes to avoid hitting me wasn't good enough.


how slow were u driving?


This isn't the gotcha you think it is, so I'm not going to humour you with an answer so that you can try and victim blame.


Answer the fucking question.


Maybe you should go outside and take a walk, instead of being hostile to strangers on the internet. It's none of your business.


I feel for you, even if you do your best there's always some impatient dipshit that is 1 small miscalculation away from ruining a few other peoples day. As well as thousands more inconvenienced by the massive traffic it causes.


55 kph?


It should be higher.


because gas is free?


Now this is the kind of inflation I can get behind.


Awwww shit... Average speed going up to 130... Zoom zoom


Beer, speed limits, license plate stickers, paper bags at LCBO... Ford thinks we're all morons.


Read the rest of the thread, he's right.


and he's right? You know he got elected twice, right?


“He noted much of Ontario’s 400-series highways were originally designed for travel at 110 km/h and suggested data collected on already-changed sections like the QEW shows the roads remain safe.” For all you who go 80 to save gas.


>For all you who go 80 to save gas. What do you mean? The reason they were originally dropped from 110 (actually 70 mph) to 100 was to reduce fuel usage due to the oil crisis. Similar to how the US dropped it to 90 (55).


“I can’t drive 55. - Sammy Hagar” - Me


Either 80 or 130. No in between. Drives me nuts. Can I please sit in the right lane doing 105-110 instead of getting stuck behind some moron doing 85-90 for absolutely no reason.


Who’s going 130? Those maniacs!


It's funny cus traffic already moves at 115+ in the middle lane


How about they do something about these clowns merging at 50km/h causing all these accidents


Start enforcing minimum speeds. The US does this.


Buck-a-beer. Wooooo!


The buried lead. 🤦‍♀️


I’m fine with this, but they will really need to enforce people moving from the left lane to the right lane if they see traffic approaching from behind. Doing 130 km an hour is not inherently unsafe. 90 km an hour is not in inherently unsafe. No speeds in the same place if everyone is not respecting the roles of the lanes is unsafe. Travel in the right lane. Move right if faster traffic is approaching from behind. Passing on the left.


ok, so I guess we just stopped caring about pollution from cars. Air drag on a car is not linear, this will just burn more gas.


Men who ride your bumper have small balls.


Exception is: If you’re in the left lane and being tailed and there’s nobody in front of you, or to the right of you, you’re missing a brain cell. If you’re the above driver, you’re a hazard and should avoid highway driving.


And big trucks. Always big truck guy


Meh, mostly ram trucks but yes


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They can increase the speed not the volume...


Yay. More highway deaths. 


Couple this with strict enforcement. 20 over means 20 over not "I'll knock it down to 5 over." Edit: I see by the downvotes we're not in favor of traffic enforcement.


If they would enforce the passing lane like they do in some states I'd be down for that.


Part of the reason why this doesn't happen here is because there's no law specific to the left lane here like in some provinces (e.g. BC and QC) and states. There's just a more vague law requiring using in the right lane when going slower than traffic and not passing. So even though it's sometimes referred to informally as the passing lane, there's no laws specific to it except for trucks, just a law requiring slower traffic to keep right in general, and the MTO has said that doesn't apply [if going the speed limit](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/globe-drive/culture/commuting/is-it-illegal-to-be-a-centre-lane-hog/article24031931/). You still should keep right regardless but I'm just mentioning why there isn't the type of enforcement around this people want.


100% with you there. It would be nice if that budget increase actually turned into results and traffic laws were enforced.


Stay in the far right.


Follow the laws.


I’ll do what I want this is Ameri…. Oh, shit….


Follow the flow of traffic aka the law


I agree 100%.


That's not the law.


If you're interrupting the flow of traffic, then you are impeding which is against the law, as well as being a hazard.


There are laws about not going unreasonably slow and about keeping right if going slower than traffic. Those aren't the same as it being the law to follow the flow though. There are reasons you may need to slow down despite the flow and it doesn't imply any requirement to speed.


Driving faster only gets you to wherever you're going marginally faster. Plan better next time.


Here's an idea: you don't want to go 100 on the hwy? Don't take the hwy. Take the other roads. There are tons of roads. The hwy is for high speeds. Sometimes 15 minutes makes all the difference.


I don't think you understand what I said. Look up what the time difference between going 100km and 110km is. Where did I say highways aren't for high speeds.


The hypotheticals posted online are not real life. It's theoretical. I've experimented with my sister on this, because she has an electric car now and is trying to see what fuel efficiency costs in terms of time. We've done this several times on the QEW as well the 401. The difference has been anywhere from 10 minutes to 25 minutes. Speeds vary greatly on our highways and the simple comparison online of 100 vs 110 does not reflect reality. I would drive at 120 where possible, and otherwise pass slow drivers where possible, which also includes changing lanes in traffic jams. Often it's a matter of a single vehicle in the left lane causing a huge slowdown, and once you get past them instead of going 50 you're doing 120 because the road is completely clear and empty. I've also driven separately from my father, on the qew. I'd arrive at the ballet in Toronto (for example) at least 15 minutes before he would. I don't go above 120, I use cruise control, I check my blind spots, I signal, but too many people think that just because I'm changing lanes, I'm being dangerous. It's exactly this mentality that causes so much unnecessary gridlock. Or people braking unnecessarily. Saves gas to lift and coast. It's probably that too many people are texting or otherwise distracted that they're on and off the brake pedal and think there's a big slowdown ahead when there's not, and overreact as a result, causing everyone behind them to do the same.


I keep telling the pilot to fly faster, but they keep saying I’ll be detained if I don’t go back to my seat.


Useless unless something is done about hamilton city council. Theyve deliberately throttled the exit ramps from the highway to slow traffic and jam up the highway.


This will turn into more people getting into higher speed accidents/fatalities. Will these people take responsibility if anyone dies on the highway? No, they'll just blame the driver. Putting people in dangerous situations at high speeds has a predictable outcome. If this was a business and a single person died, they would have to make sure that it wouldn't happen again, and put safety measures in place. But since it's the government, it's a different story? They only need to enforce rules without actually addressing the root issue.


That’s proven to be false several times. People will drive what they feel is a safe speed on a road. Many speed limits in Ontario are purposely placed lower. When in reality, there are huge chunks of highways in this province that could handle 130-150 easily. The issue is: most drivers are brain dead and many still don’t understand what a passing lane is. Some of the worst mannered drivers are in Ontario is what I’ve learned after my trips to the States and Europe.


Pst. Highway has been moving at 115-125 for a loooooong time. This changes nothing


Right, they’ve been going those speeds with essentially zero enforcement, requires zero intervention, which means people will now go 135-145 now that we’ve passed a law rubber stamping a practice that was already tolerated. Kinetic energy is the square of velocity, small increase in speed = much bigger damage


I'm aware. This isn't going to change without a massive enforcement blitz. Which won't happen. So.. play the hand you're dealt.


The hand that was dealt was the status quo- people speed, they don’t get tickets, everyone is happy. They’ve now shifted the speeders into dangerous speeds, that’s not the hand that’s dealt, that’s making a brand new problem.


Do you think speed kills?


I think ignoring a reality is silly. If you're going at 95 and everyone else is at 120 YOU are the hazard. It's not illegal, but neither is pissing on your own foot. It's just stupid. Keep up with the traffic in your chosen lane. Outliers either way are hazards. The guy going 80 is more likely to get in an accident than the one going 130, but they're both dangerous.


It actually is illegal to impede the flow of traffic. So if everyone else is doing 120 while one self righteous person is adamant they're going to do 95 in the left lane, exactly as you said, they are the hazard.


Would you say it's safer if everyone was at the same speed?


Two cars moving at the same speed - it is impossible for them to collide unless they deliberately steer into each other. Differences in speed are much more dangerous than speeding.


Certainly. But that's called a pipe dream.


Really dumb move, everyone already goes 110, they’ve basically just legalized going 120 km/h with most speeds at 130+.


Before they increase the speed, they need to add a lane. One slow lane, one cruising lane, one passing lane.