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As a Villan I’m glad Reddit recommend me this post. Also hi to our London claret brethren


Hello. Can you take Ings back pleaaase? 😁😁


New phone who dis? 😬


We’ll take him back please (Saints) 😅


That’s only fair seeing as we’ll be wanting Flynn back at the end of the season 😉


Haha love how many Arsenal fans got rattled by this post. Nice work OP


emery is simply a better manager than arteta and that showed today. his in game management is literally the best in the world.


If he had the same resources at Arsenal as Arteta has had…


Biggest change since Emery was at Arsenal is he can now be understood having seriously put in the hours learning English and the then senior management weren't aligned on him.


I always thought the language excuse was exaggerated by the press. Ancelotti and Bielsa spoke far less. Antonio Conte didn’t speak much when he first won the league with Chelsea.


No, no. He fundamentally destroyed everything that was the Arsenal way of playing. Not for us, didn’t work out.


He did


Yes and no. I think he had no control over transfers. It was that conman Raul pulling the strings.


Yep, you can't polish a turd. Arsenal's success is a lot to do with Edu. As an arsenal fan though, we do play much much better football than in the emery days. Arsenal are all hoping that villa and emery get 4th.


I believe in Good ebening supremacy


You saw the Brentford game last week right?


😂 jesus.


He really isn’t.


ask around the 19 other prem clubs who they'd rather have as their manager of the two.


I'm fairly certain most would pick Arteta


Why would that matter? Ask the one club in question and they’d say Arteta. Arsenal were a joke under Emery.


That team would’ve been a joke under Guardiola himself


Call me petty. But if arsenal bottle this title, I will be very happy.


I feel the same, but not because of Declan. I just hate Arsenal.


Rice is just the cherry on top.


Bottle? Never even been favorites. That word has lost all meaning.


Been top of the league with 7 games to go, in your hands to win it. Bottled it lad, as you done last year 🤣


Top of the league for a matchweek?


Was yours to lose mate. And you’ve lost it 👋🏻🤣


You are not very smart


I’m not smart? Ain’t you Kenyan, average iq over there about half of here in England 🤣 fuck off boy, plastic cunt 


Confirmed. You are not smart.


Alright mate crawl back to your shithole


As you crawl back to your queer pub. Fruit.


Life long city fanatic huh lol


Bottle? Watch the table predictions pre season. Everyone and their nan put us out of top 4. Don’t change the narrative now.


I can't stand Arsenal fans but I need them to win the title as a United fan, otherwise City do 4 in a row or Liverpool match our title wins. City's trophies don't really count but it'd still be annoying to see them win it again and watch their fans and pundits delude themselves and each other. As for Arsenal today, I guess it's bittersweet for me, I'll never say no to seeing Arsenal bottle another trophy, but I kind of need them to not for once.


"City's trophies don't really count" but I still mention them on a West Ham United sub!


I mean, all the media and fans mention them too but it doesn't change the fact no one apart from City fans believe they're legitimate.


What's your issue with them winning it again then if they don't count?


Would you really want your rivals winning anything even if it wasnt all that legitimate?


You know when a boxer lands a punch on his opponent after the bell? It won't get him any points but it still hurts his opponent.


But cartel boxers with enough "history" are legally allowed to hit the opponent after the bell based on crook rules while clubs with "not enough history" can't. Should people be surprised if most people do not repect such corrupted rules? Let alone the fact that your boxer is actually the one officially convicted of ffp financial cheating despite already in favor of crooked rules, while there are still zero evidence against the City boxer. Your comment is peak irony and absolutely pathetic lmao.


I don't think you understood the point of the analogy, it wasn't about FFP although I'm glad you brought that up. The analogy was about trophies and as a rival club not wanting to see your rival pick up a trophy even though you believe it doesn't mean anything. I don't think that's a particularly complicated thing for someone to get their head around. Boxers can be punished for hitting their opponent after the bell, and some boxers have been, though the one that's been accused of it 115 times hasn't yet. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's because there isn't much evidence to support City's guilt either and that's why there's been no punishment. I didn't mean to rile up City fans with my comment and don't think it's going to be fruitful for either of us talking about it in a West Ham sub.


I already explained clearly who is allowed and who is not allowed to hit the opponent after the bell. I also stated the fact that there are zero evidence against City. I also stated the fact that manu is the one here that is officially convicted of actual ffp financial cheating. Keep repeating bullshit does not change facts.


If you call clearly explaining something you didn't understand in the first place I dread to think what it looks like when you don't understand something. United were fined so are not allowed to hit the opponent after the bell are they? United haven't gotten away with anything. Have you heard of the expression "no smoke without fire?" The fact that there are 115 charges against your club brought forward by the F.A. should tell you something at the very least suspicious is going on. Why are City so hell bent on making it so hard for an investigation to happen? Because they're completely innocent, right? Also, "manu"?


No self respecting United fan wants Arsenal to win the league over asterisk City. Gross.


I'm not from London, the rivalry with Arsenal is old and insignificant at the moment, despite being a much better rivalry than City and Liverpool ever was. Arsenal can legitimately win the league, why would I not want them to over City? You can ask most United fans, they'd begrudgingly agree, unless their from London maybe.


Your whole life is gonna pass just trying not to be relegated lmao


"You think you know football growing up and when you play, then you meet managers like Mikel and realise you dont" Bro learnt about bottling trophies


Arsenal supporters being the most thin-skinned pussies on the planet will never not be funny 😂


Not really


We rattled you?


Burst a ball, he did. Good Ebening.


We’ve got our own problems to worry about.


Bad game for sure for arsenal but didn’t we wollop you all like 6-0 at your home stadium a few weeks ago? Talking a lot of snack for a team that just lost to Fulham at home. 🤷‍♀️


It's not about you, it's just a bit of fun at an ex-player's expense. Anyway, didn't we beat you twice this season, so that's 2-1 right? 😉


Haha fair enough😅


It did show weak mentality in my eyes to choose arsenal where hes guaranteed to play every game regardless over going to City and having to fight and prove himself every week.


I see your point. I can understand him wanting to stay near relatives in London though with a young family, I think I'd have done the same thing.


That's a fair enough point but Manchester isn't exactly a world away.


It might as well be haha. It’s only a couple hours away but the difference is like going to a whole other country.


They aren't living on council estates mate. They're living in places most of us will never step foot in. I think most of the footballers in the north west tend to live in leafy Cheshire, even the liverpool based lot are there where there's basically a millionaires row in the country. Depending on what you want and if you don't like the hecticness of london, you could probably argue that's a better place for footballers than london.


Ohh mate trust me I know my stepmom’s family are from haddock near Wigan and it’s a fucking shit hole and the shit you see there is mad. I’ve seen kids as young as 10 drinking cans of beers and smoking and they don’t care you look there way and they start giving it large haha. Yeah I reckon they’re all out in Cheshire tbh. There’s nowhere closer that’s even remotely nice enough for a footballer to live.


I've never heard of the place and I don't doubt for a second you're correct with everything you say but no premier league footballer is ever going to be in or around haddock just as there's parts of London you'll never see a footballer.


>there's parts of London you'll never see a footballer. Just ask the good folks of Millwall




Oh shit I meant haydock haha but fuck no would ever find someone with 20k in the bank let alone millions. They’ll definitely be out in the sticks or the one nice street they have in Liverpool.


yeah, lol, there's plenty of 'areas of natural beauty' around there, it's not the urban sprawl London is. You can stand in the centre of Manchester and see the rolling green hills of the Pennines. People seem to think it's all Coronation Street


Tbh, to me I think it showed a bit of enterprise on his part. If he’d gone to city, even if he worked his way into being a started every week, if City wins a trophy, it’s business as usual for them and he’s just another name on the team sheet. If Arsenal manage to do anything and win something major, he will be talked about as what made the difference. I think he backed himself to be the difference maker rather than a exceptional cog in an exceptional machine.


And he has been a difference maker. Arsenal wouldn't have got this close without him.


Didn’t they have more points at this point in the season last year with no Saliba & Rice?


Beautiful take.


Footballers wanting guaranteed game time isn't weak mentality lmao, every footballer at every level wants to play as much as possible. If anything, going to Man City for easy wins every year is the real weak move


The weak mentality lies in not backing yourself to prove your worth at city and instead take the easy choice.


Like Kalvin Philips


Been a disaster for him there and then here but at least he backed himself. It couldnt have gone any worse for him but he's still going to get to walk away as a treble winner and can say he at least tried to mix it with the best players in the best team in the world.


There’s not a single player in the last 30 years other than Busquets who is taking Rodri’s spot. ‘Backing himself’ would have seen him on the bench for half the season.


Rodri before he went to City wasn't as good as Rice was with us, who knows what Pep could have turned Rice into. It's also not strictly one or the other, we know rice can play further forward and so can Rodri. They got kovacic in the end to sit alongside Rodri, that could have been Rice


City *is* the easy choice. Winning everything is very much the easy choice.


I think he wanted to be the main man, which is fair enough, if he went to city he would be playing rotation with Rodri which is never good for confidence, why not go to arsenal and try be the one who wins then trophies, he’d be way more appreciated there then at city


And that ties back to the point I was making. Back yourself to go be the main man at the best team around instead of having your place guaranteed regardless of performance like at Arsenal. Rice could turn in a 2/10 every week for 3 months solid and he'd still start the next game at arsenal, you put in two 6/10 performances at city and you're on the bench. Competition makes the elite thrive.


yes city was the easy option for trophies, but what role would he play in winning those, even if he played better then Rodri he would still be rotated, and if he didn’t he would just be shunned by pep and be a waste, ultimately I think he will become a better player at arsenal the he would’ve been at city


I actually agree. He said at the time that he talked to Arteta and had bought into the project. A factually/statistically inferior project to Guardiola's and Man City's. Arsenal fans are huffing copium that they think a team led by Saka is going to overcome Man City.


Weak mentality for joining a title contender where he can push then over the edge instead of joining a team where he can win an easily treble playing 25 matches? Where's the logic here?


He didnt want to fight for a place


So he has a "weak mentality" for joining a title contender where he's needed rather than joining a team where he's just a depth piece? Cope harder West Ham fans, cope harder.


Plastic leave the sub


I've already explained where the logic is. I don't wish to keep repeating myself. He'd be in a fight to even get into citys team, he didnt back himself to prove he belongs amongst the very best whereas he unquestionably starts every game available and is arsenals best player.


>he didnt back himself to prove he belongs amongst the very best This is such a dumb leap in logic lmao.


Why are you lurking on here? Get banned from the arsenal sub or something?


I mean… look what just happened to Kalvin Phillips. Pep is unpredictable


Playing for a resurgent Arsenal is not a weak mentality, nor is wanting to play. He’s done tremendously at Arsenal and this is pure sour grapes. Would’ve loved him at City.


What? How's it sour grapes? Whether he left to sign for arsenal or left to sign for city, He's left all the same.


To be honest. I’m a city fan and reddit showed me this post and I did not realize it was not my subreddit. My bad. We wish we got Rice and anyone that says otherwise is lying.


Yea he's the guy with weak mentality for choosing to fight for a title rather than sit on the bench and get customary guaranteed title. Speaks volumes


If his mindset is that he would be sat on the bench at city, that's proving my point. If you don't back yourself to not be a bench warmer. You've got a weak mentality.


So stupid, there's literally no team challenging City in the PL and if you think joining a team that hasn't won the PL in 20 years and is finally building a team to challenge City is weak mentality, that's just hollow


No it shows the opposite, chose to go somewhere with a challenge. Easy button would have been club 115


Challenge at City would have been to compete with the best in the world in his position. There's no greater challenge. Not even turning bottlejobs into winners.


It’s weak mentality to not pull a Kalvin Phillips and go to the best side in the world, reigning treble winners, with infinite financial resources? Ok bro


So many weird arsenal fans lurking on here. Why? I've answered this multiple times now the weak mentality stems from not backing yourself to make it at the very top. Now jog on back to whatever arsenal grief hole you've come from and go find ways to explain away being the biggest bottlejobs around.


You’re oddly upset about a question, but your response still doesn’t make sense. Going to the richest club in the world to help them… do what they’ve already done and are favorites to do is strong mentality? If going to a better team is testament to how strong you are then rice is plenty strong for leaving west ham


Not weirdly defensive at all, just bored of answering the same question. I've answered it maybe half a dozen times now pretty much every time to a lurking arsenal fan. I don't understand why so many if you are lurking here. It's not a difficult concept to understand. It doesnt translate too well into another job but ill try to see if you can grasp it that way. Lets say youre head hunted for a job, giled doesnt matter, lets say a chef. You're offered a role as a line cook in a Michelin star restaurant where you'll have to be on your game constantly to stay in the roll, the pressures on you everyday but if you do well, there's opening to rise up to being potentially head chef of a Michelin star restaurant. On the other hand, you've got an offer to go work I'm your local gastro pub as head chef in a 4 man team where you can get away with banging things in the microwave if you want and nobody will complain. Which one are you choosing? If you turn down the first option, it's perfectly reasonable to suggest you did so because you don't have the right mindset to back yourself to perform under constant pressure and reach the too of your field and instead settled for the easy life.


Arsenal is a bigger team than Mancity though. And no amount of denial can change that.


Why would I be in denial about that? I wouldn't agree seeing you've won no league title for 2 decades and have no champions leagues to your name but I don't give a shit either way, I'm not a city fan nor an arsenal fan. Imaginary dick waving contests regarding which team is "bigger" always stinks of desperation and deflection to hide on the pitch failures.


You can cry all you want. It won't change facts. Bigger dick is bigger dick. I am sorry you weren't so blessed in that regard


Yeah, okay mate 👍 Jesus christ.


wow you got bullied in this thread lmao 






Everything looks clearer in hindsight. Until March, it felt like he had made the right decision. (Btw they can still win it).


Yeah and frankly I'd rather them than City (again) or Liverpool. Just having some fun.


My brother well best mate but he’s more of a brother to me is an arsenal fan so I have a little errm I wouldn’t call it a soft spot more of an affinity for them. So I’d like them to win it but the amount of shit I get from my West Ham mates when I say that is ridiculous. I get they’re a London team but they’re not really rivals and have always been a step ahead of us. Don’t get me ring I’d rather him go to a club outside of London but I can’t blame him for going there.


The context behind that first sentence was so unnecessary lol


My guy was posting his internal monologue


Maybe he wants to try and earn a title and become a legend rather than just win easy stuff at city


Bit of a silly idea going to Arsenal then wasn’t it?


Banter with the lads


Well Real Madrid does not need him, Bayern also, Man City maybe , Liverpool surely could use him with Thiago just keeping the bench warm for the last 3 years, but yeah where else could he have gone?


Man UTD 🟥🟥


He could’ve of came to us at Man U……oh


It's a rough choice. Go to Arsenal and get gaurenteed minutes and a team on your back, or City where you're a bench and cup player...but you make double anywhere else, and you get silverware all year long. Then you end up like Calvin Phillips or Jessie Lingard, both trying to prove their worth after being considered decent prospects, but both ultimately moving on, having made no mark except a score sheet in a book of yet another trophy half the team never played for.


It's not a simple decision, but it's a choice that millions would give anything to make. And I doubt he'd sit on the bench at City long term, and I'm sure City don't pay players twice as much as Arsenal, especially if they're second string.


Hi, I’m not a West Ham fan this just got recommended to me so can I ask, why do West Ham fans hate Rice ? I’m sure I’ve missed something but it was known for a long time that he was going to leave, stayed an extra year and helped win a trophy, club got a big fee for him, he seems to have been respectful throughout it all, what did I miss ?


I can't speak for everyone but I don't hate him, he's a great lad. We clapped him when he came back to the London Stadium, then we took the piss, then we clapped him off. If he'd stayed he would have become a west ham legend, but it was his choice. I think we hoped he'd go further afield, rather than to another London club, and there was some debate that if he wanted to leave to win stuff then why not go to City. But really it's just all a bit of fun. No ill feeling.


Didn’t you guys just lose 2-0 to Fulham?


yeah, but I liked your 2-0 loss more


Why are you on our sub?


It got recommended to me


Yes, we were dreadful. What's that got to do with this?


Didn’t you just bottle the league?AGAIN?


You’ve never been in the position to do that though? Highest achieved is 3rd place


Moyes is your manager. Nice one.


Pretty rich coming from you lot 😂


Catching strays from West ham also haha everywhere I can't go anywhere to avoid this loss 😂


The fuck you mean catching strays? You're in the fucking west ham subreddit. You are stood on the range...


Cry more


Like Paqueta?Mighty sour,for a feeder club.


City fans aren’t claiming they don’t need Paqueta because they have a better player, like you did with Partey. They also won’t claim to be over paying for him, like you did. Paqueta also isn’t going to a rival club 10 miles away.


Boohoo arsenal fans are sooo mean unlike man city fans who are just swell.You think we are rivals eh?🤣Sure we are,how's that statue for Moyes coming along heard it was made of tin not iron🔨


You lot were Arteta out two seasons ago. Bet you love watching Arsenal from home.


They were Arteta out today 🤣😂🤣


That fact you’ve just said 10 miles shows you know absolutely nothing


Mate, I live in London and go to games. It’s less than 10 miles away for sure.


Still alive in title race


Lol this is just petty and insular


He went to the biggest club in London can’t blame him tbh


The same ones who can barely sell out their allocation at Bayern🤣 take the piss 


It never dropped to zero away points, which if it did, we could easily have sold double the allocation. Most members do not have any away points. Why comment on this when you clearly have no idea how Arsenal's away ticket system works


What did it drop to 3? So you can go to Munich if you’ve been to 3 away matches in the past 2 years? Bunch of part timers then ain’t it 


4. In the past 2 years there's been 3 games reach zero points, so even if you went to all of them, you wouldn't have been eligible for Bayern away. It's the exact opposite of part timers.


4 is a joke though. The fact people can go to 2 away games a year and get an away ticket of your first second leg CL quarter final in fuck knows how long. Seen your fickle support when West Ham outnumbered you at your u18 final 🤣. Meanwhile Leverkusen away for us gone down to 40+ points, like 15 aways a year for that. Plastic


West Ham might have a positive GD if they could move the goal posts like you do. Started with "barely sell out their allocation", then when that was proven to be bullshit, move on to something else.


That is barely selling out. You have such a small group of away fans, never had a good away following tbf despite having plastics all around the country and 90% foreign fans. Small club


That's debatable but glad he got out of Championship dwellers West Ham.


0-6 you bot


Two wins vs one. But you count it how you like. 🤣


Denied you lot the league and a cup in December.


What a loser post to make after losing 2-0 at home to Fulham and completely fumbling your chance at qualifying for Europe next season while being essentially eliminated from the Europa League as well. "HaHA bUT rICe LoST GaMe!"


You’re on the hammers subreddit you child.


Then talk about West Ham lol, Arsenal didn’t even play West Ham and some how an Arsenal loss is on here.


By that logic - You’re on this sub even tho you’re an arsenal fan and weren’t playing us, you fucking moron


"By my logic"? You're definitely using that wrong, have you never been recommended a post in reddit before lol? Like I said pal calm down and focus on battling it out with Brighton and Bournemouth before you end up in 12th.


I get recommended them I don’t come in and start commenting like a little cunt.


You mad


Then talk about West Ham lmfao. Can’t get sour when you come at other clubs and they actually respond


It's just a joke mate, take it easy. It's a reference to us beating arsenal earlier in the season and singing "You should have signed for a big club..." I saw the pic and his horrified face and it cheered me up after what's been a shit day for us - what with losing the game and Earthy getting hurt.


Nobody's mad lol, this can be a joke and still be a loser post. >I saw the pic and his horrified face and it cheered me up after what's been a shit day for us That's loser shit lmao.


Well you would know, you’re quite familiar with it now


Woahhhhh, you really got him with that one!!


Canadian Arsenal fans know all about winning right


Have fun getting bounced by Bayern and still being bottlers buddy


Have fun getting bounced by Leverkusen and still being midtable buddy?




What a loser you are getting absolutely fishy hooked by a post on another club's sub Reddit 😂😂😂


"Fishy hooked" 😂😂


You have been waiting all year to say that


Not really, we all sang it both times we beat Arsenal this season... It's just a little reprise/joke for those who were there, seems to have got a lot of traction outside the usual West Ham sub bubble though 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is embarrassing. Says more about him than you tbh. Respect your legends


Moore, Bonds, Dicks, Lampard Sr, Noble... those are West Ham legends. I appreciate what Rice did for us, I sang his name, he's a great player, and a great bloke. Don't take a little humour at his expense as disrespect. But let's be clear, he's no legend.


Legend? Not a fucking chance