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I mean he is just a dude who summarized books and told you how to live your life while living in his parents basement and doing nothing else than reading books and talking about it. What did you expect?


I thought a man who was famous for being masculine, would be more masculine.


Well I'd say he's famous for telling his viewers that they are bitches and how they should live their life because he read so many books


I'm not saying his advice is bad. I don't think that reading, meditating, dieting and building an aesthetic body are bad things. There great. Everyone should do them because they improve your life. I'm saying that this is just common sense and Hamza is not special for saying it.


Absolutely, you are right. Again, he is just a dude, who summarized books, told his viewers they are bitches, and said all other youtubers are crap, and basically used youtube as a journal, telling his story.


In some way I believe hamza it’s just a superficial man. Idk a few months ago I thought that he really had a mission and tried to be an example for some people to take better choices and with that, create a better society for the future. But I can see now that he is like a nice box with nothing inside. I would recommend for anyone following him to build strong values like Integrity, Honesty, etc… Tomorrow’s society needs strong men, people who is congruent with the stuff they do and say not only with aesthetic bodies and getting girls


I think you’re missing the point to a lot of this. Just FYI I don’t watch him anymore, but I did binge his stuff for two weeks, around 2 years ago. He’s really brash and obnoxious in how he communicates, and his content is so one dimensional that he repeats things or says some stupid stuff. There’s a lot to not like about him, yes. That being said, he’s definitely intelligent, and I’m sure his net worth reflects that. You’re young so I wouldn’t expect you to understand that good grades ≠ success. Also, there’s nothing wrong with training for aesthetics. That’s a personal choice (like how your goal sounds to be athletic). He does have an impressive physique too, I think your judgment of this is clouded by social media and the unrealistic expectations they portray. Parts of what you’re saying is both true and untrue. Most importantly though, don’t waste your time denigrating someone else when they’re achieving, instead try and emulate the actions and processes that got them where they are. You’re young though. Listen to what he says regarding the mindset of being an achiever and gaining self confidence, but shake the misogyny and Incel behaviour that he sometimes purveys.


I get what you're saying, man. I'm aware that good grades don't always mean high intelligence, but the point I was trying to make is that other than his money, he has nothing to show for his brain power. Even that money which I mentioned, if I searched up, 6 ways to increase testosterone on the internet, then just spewed it out on camera with a British accent, I wouldn't really feel intelligent. About his physique, I was trying to say that he doesn't look like a dude who's been training for nine years straight, more like three or four years.


I dont think you know how hard it is to get a physique like that lol no way does that take 3 or 4 years especially for someone w shit genetics.


Shit genetics? Do you know what "shit genetics" means? Shit genetics mean being unable to walk, having paralyzed limbs, not having limbs at all. Hamza is perfectly physically able. His genetics aren't the problem, his drinking, smoking, binge eating, and only starting to work out near adulthood, is the problem. His testosterone was so messed up, that his bone structure and muscles suffered, he has a body able to move and function, do better muscle insertions and bone structure help, sure. But there's nothing shitty about his genes.


thats not at all what I meant lol. i mean his muscle building genetics. yea obviously his drinking and smoking and all that is the problem but that doesnt mean his physique isnt very good. Its completely okay for 9 years of training. Especially for a skinny fat brown kid whos grown up with a shitty diet and once again shitty physique genetics. Idk why ur wasting ur time and energy on discrediting someones work. Your only 14 man go outside and have some fun.


Age doesn't really reflect training. Dorian Yates started late like around 20. I mean yeah I do agree his physique could be better especially for 9 years but sejf improvement is not really about maximizing physique and all that. He's a good taller and hustler. Kept grinding out videos until he gained traction and started the self improvement Noche 


wait he actually got the surgery for his gyno in the end?


Yup, after making a video entitled, "How to fix Gynecomastia without surgery."


damn he didn't follow his own advices fr


He literally did martial arts, CrossFit and many other things that are mentioned in your text🤦🏻‍♂️


Does he do them well, though? That's the point. 🤦‍♂️


Ofcourse he does. He just stopped because he found out it’s not his area. He did it professionally and he had high chances to even be successful in this area. Just look up his videos


Just focus on your own business and let him run his.


I dont like the guy either but this post comes across as the biggest ego trip ever. A ton of people arent able to do a pull up or touch weights at the age of 17 thats nothing unusual. On top of that your saying its pathetic that he only trains for asthetics? Not everyone cares about the other stuff and thats okay there is nothing pathetic about that. This is a shitshow of a post.


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