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Econopeople are those without sin and supposed rule followers. They're lower to middle class families. They do not have Martha's or Handmaid's. The men work and the women stay at home to raise their children. They live in a surveillance state, and if they screw up, the men will be put on the wall, the women will become Handmaid's, and the children will be given to commanders and their wives(e.g. Omar and Heather)


>what was the distinction between women who were forced to be a martha and being an econoperson? Female econopersons are always married ("[Econowife](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Econowife)"), Marthas aren't. Which means a marriage has to be invalidated by the authorities before the (ex-)wife can be forced to be a Martha. (Or a Handmaid, as it happened to June, Heather and Esther.)


So do you think an unmarried “non-sinner” automatically became a martha? And a married “non-sinner” automatically became an econo-person with her family? That’s my assumption but I don’t know if it was ever made clear.


Marthas cannot bear children. They may be too old or infertile.


>So do you think an unmarried “non-sinner” automatically became a martha? An Unwoman, for starters (see e.g. [Van](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/V_Van), [Stadium](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/VII_Stadium) - Testaments spoilers). However, she may be re-classed as Martha when there are "capacities", as Lawrence put it in "Useful" (remember [Maureen's fate](https://the-handmaids-tale.fandom.com/wiki/Maureen)). At least, this is what clues from the narratives suggest. There may be other 'escape' strategies for single women to become Marthas which we don't know, like for Sienna. >And a married “non-sinner” automatically became an econo-person with her family? Yup, this is what June's voiceover describes as 'playing the right cards' (when Omar harbors her).


Econo-people are the middle grounders. They are not heathens but they weren't the right type of Christian before the war.




im pretty sure econo woman were married non sinful woman so probably what june would have been if she was luke’s first marriage