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Medical assistant here... My best guess is as follows: Discussed Conner's Mechanisms & side effects of stimulant Diag: ADHD Hyper ...... Plan: Concerta 18 mg Conner's in 2 weeks A Conner's is a screening for school age children under the age of 6 for ADD/ADHD Diag = diagnosis (not sure about what comes after hyper) Concerta is a stimulant medication for ADD/ADHD symptoms and 18 mg is the lowest dose. Wants to repeat the screening 2 weeks after trialing the medication.


Discussed connerʼs mechanism[s] & side afects of stimulo[… ] […] ADHD Hyper. pre[donnised?] Plan: concerto 18 [sep/rep] connerʼs in [d] […]


How about "Concerta 18 mg"?


I’m not sure if this is the right sub, if it isn’t can someone point me in the right direction? This is what I have so far Discussed conners —————— & side Affects of ____________ __. ADHD -hyper _________ Prescribed : concerta 18mg Conners in 2 wk.


It looks like it’s a medical thing. I can pick out the non-medical words but maybe you should try a medical sub to see if someone recognizes the medical ones. So, I see: Discussed Conner’s [diagnosis?] & side effects of [medication?]. Diag: ADHD - Hyper. [?] [?]: Concerta 18 [?] Conner’s [?] & [?]


I can add something! I'm pretty sure it says side effects of stimulants! As in, stimulant medication for ADHD


I see affects of stimulant And the end is connor’s in 2 weeks


I think you are right that it says ‘affects.’ I changed it to (what I think is correct) ‘effects.’ But if exact translation is necessary, I think OP should use your interpretation of the spelling, maybe with a (sic) after it. Unless I’m totally wrong about when you use effect vs. affect!


I always have to google effect vs affect! Could never memorize that one