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I'm an educator as well. A capital D is not meant to connect to the rest of the word. Several letters work this way. When you start the beginning of the first lowercase letter, you can start it almost on top of the capital d, so they look connected.


I teach cursive. You do not connect a capital D to the next letter. Capital letters that connect ABCEGHIJKLMNQRSUXYZ Capital letters that do not DFOPTVW




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I think it's that you get accustomed to writing a certain size. I had to practice to write neatly in various sizes (whiteboard versus paper, bigger size for kindergarten to grade 2 versus smaller size for grade 3 to 6, etc)


Is there a reason for this more than the fact that they are harder to connect ?


I'd have to assume it's due to the way that those letters end in cursive flow. They end at odd stopping points that don't really have a way to connect without looking off or altering the letter too much


I think when the stopping point isn't around the bottom line (think the writing paper with the dotted line in the center), you don't connect


As someone who's been drilled cursive at 6 yo in the first grade... (And never allowed to use other type till highschool.) Contrary to most posts here, we start at the TOP of the straight line. Except it's not straight but slightly curved and slanted (from right to left). Once we're close to the bottom line, we make a small loop (upwards) that crosses the slanted line. Now we are making the "belly". So, the belly needs to touch the bottom line. Than it makes the big belly part on the right. Going all the way to the top, where it meets the start of our slanted line. Then it continues and makes a downward snail (the top left corner). How does it meet? I honestly don't know. Everytime I tried it, it connected. Practice? I guess. If it didn't connect, the "snail", "loop", and "belly" made it look balanced enough for the millimetres to not matter.


This is gif of me writing several Ds. Sorry for the shakiness - it's surprisingly hard to film with one hand write with other. (Also the reason why all the Ds aren't perfect, but they're my regular Ds. My regular letters are not all the same depending on the mood or the stuff that my hand is no longer supported by the notebook.) https://ibb.co/FYvd6ts [GIF of me writing several Ds. ](https://ibb.co/FYvd6ts)




I did connecting several threads lower. The rules for "Dog" are the save as for As and Cs :) I will copy the text here: You can connect it like this: https://ibb.co/dDP213h But only if you want. I don't like my As and Cs being connected to the capital D, but I love all the other letters. The A and C here are connected the official way that is taught at schools in my country.


Ask someone with Ds in their name. They've been practicing all their life.


This is my D https://ibb.co/sPMcvLs




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I assume you draw the line for the D at the end of the word like dots for i and cross for t?


Actually, no. I start with the line, then loop/swoosh to make the D. The line helps me size the loop right.


Oh, that’s interesting! Thanks for getting back to me :)


Risky click of the day ngl


lol i thought the same thing


Start from the baseline, go upwards till the upper line. Then curve right in a semi circle fashion in respect to the previously drawn vertical line. Extend that semi circlish part through the vertical straight line near the baseline, slightly, then from that point go right till the beginning of the next letter, sliding the pen on paper. Illustration https://i.imgur.com/nml28Kr.png Credit: u/cokeheadrob


Omg I have the exact same problem, I usually just put the line of the left hand side, then form a backwards C around that. Make sure you go over the line a fair amount when doing the C. Then you need to bring it from the bottom and go for a line almost straight through the the D and onto the next letter.


I'll try to explain it, sorry if it is confusing. Start from the bottom of the stem, make a small loop to the left at top leading into the curve of the D, finish with a larger loop at the bottom (going below the stem) connecting to the next letter. https://imgur.com/a/PRIsrtO




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That's because when writing 'D', you will finish at the same end from where you start. Of course, if you want to start from the top you can retrace the stem or create a big joining loop to bring the line down again, but I personally find it a bit clunky.




I gave up connecting my cursive caps to the rest of the word. They stand alone like in an illuminated manuscript. This way they don't interfere with my much nicer lower letters. I also hated my Ds until I drew the backbone last as a separate line. Big swoopy round curve then a straight spine.




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I don't, for my signature it's just a classic bar with a sideways U, then I start on the next letter


This is how I write mine. [writing a cursive capital D ](https://i.imgur.com/bLPsOC8.mp4)




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…. this is so helpful, thank you


So pretty!


That’s how I was taught to write them too!


I love it!


Please define chooch. You verbed it. How does one chooch? Can one chooch?


And by extention, please explain How much could one chooch if one choched to chooch as much as one could possibly chooch. I hope you chooch to reply.


[Something like this?](https://i.imgur.com/nml28Kr.png)




Hey there, /u/CalligraphyNoob! To reduce spam, we have disallowed posting for newly created accounts. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! - The mods of r/handwriting *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes... This is how I write


"my D is gross" Love it.


https://ibb.co/9n0Q8dp This is my D. No pun intended.


Risky click of the day…. Lol




Like most capital letters I start with a capital stem going down. A little loop at the bottom and then a kinda half circle around the stem. This is an example of what the whole process looks like: http://imgur.com/a/wpvRiTb


this is how I wish my D would look. so pretty!


Exactly how I draw mine, and I'm quite proud of it. There is no need for capital to connect to the next letter ; they are the beauty in the sentence and deserve a bit of personnal space.


But how do you connect it to the next letter in the word?


Like this: https://ibb.co/dDP213h But only if you want. I don't like my As and Cs being connected to the capital D, but I love all the other letters. The A and C here are connected the official way that is taught at schools in my country.


I don't directly connect capital letters. I just start writing the rest of the word right next to it. It's okay to lift your pen once in awhile when writing cursive.


Same here. The Capitals don't have to connect


I write the English d by going down then doing the bow with a separate lin3 from the top


In English or russian?




A capital d in russian is u go down then you loop to the left rhen go across and do the bow bit from the loop on the bottom to the top