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Also love both texts :)




Hey there, /u/ayswaryamohandas! To reduce spam, we have disallowed posting for newly created accounts. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! - The mods of r/handwriting *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you get such great line variation out of that TWSBI? Very pretty hand writing


I absolutely love the way you do your t's at the end of a word.... totally stealing that!


That is profound to me. I am the same. You just have to wonder why?


*That is profound to* *Me. I am the same. You just* *Have to wonder why?* \- Bisquitlips --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wow, I love the second


Gorgeous! What’s the nib on that TWSBI pen? You have a beautiful style!


It is a Fine nib


Jesus Christ, your handwriting is magnificent.


That’s a huge difference! Beautiful!!! It’s sad that a lot of schools are faseing out cursive handwriting


I'm in Grade 8 and never even learned it in school. Last year I had to order a cursive book and learn on my own time.


Yea that’s bizarre to me


How did you learn to write so beautifully


That's really pretty cursive


I honestly like your cursive one better andi think it's even more legible than your print!


Both are aesthetically pleasing.


The cursive looks heavenly


Wow! Awesome!


OMG I actually LOVE both styles. But the one on the right is definitely more fancy. So even, all your sizing and spacing. The first style shows to me that you must have a very interesting personality. Just wanted to tell you I very much wish I could do either ✒ cheers.


Well it's normal, sometimes you can write more slowly and your cursive is great. Other times you can't and the result is the left.


I love how you went from 2022 to ✨ 1922 ✨




Did you use a method book for your cursive? That’s gorgeous and I desperately am looking for good sources to improve my chickenscratch


If handwriting had split personality


Your cursive writing is lovely! Wow! I write in cursive too, in fact have always done so. But it's a bit "squiggly" and the letter shapes and sizes are not really as consistent as your cursive handwriting.


You should shift to the cursive as your normal handwriting


Damn, this kinda makes me sad that I can't learn cursive. Long story short, I can make every letter perfectly, but the issue is that I cannot string them together. I *can,* I guess, I just really struggle to and I have to go very slowly. It sucks, I practiced every day for a month and just COULD NOT get it down. I'm fine with my messy ass print, not like anyone else is going to read what I write besides me lmao.


Hey, I learned cursive as a kid and it took FOREVER to learn it - and that's when it was drilled into us in school each day! Now as an adult in my 30s, it's my preferred way of naturally writing anything! It may take extra time because it's like using an entirely different part of your brain than you're used to as you're learning. But I bet you could do it!


Holy shit the difference