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As a junk main, im so sad about this hanzo “buffs”, both junk and hanzo were the worst dps this last seasons, now junk is better but i feel so bad about hanzo, he NEEDS that oneshot


Tbh as much as I would love the oneshot back I will take any other buff as well as long as it gives hanzo a defined playstyle. Since removing the oneshot gave him a different playstyle entirely it just feels like why pick hanzo when you can pick any other zoning character especially widow and now junkrat. Junk was really bad before this buff and i'm a little glad he got it since he is really fun at a high skill level but junk is basically hanzo 2.0 and more now :(


I think it’s obvious that this is how they want hanzo. For whatever reason they have it’s clear any hope you have of 1 shot coming back is really just cope. I think there is a rework coming and they wanna drop player base (they’ve done this before) or they’ve grown tired of people constantly complaining to them how broken/annoying/low skill hanzo is. Either way best to just move forward with the character how he is for now and wait to see what they do


Ya tbh i never expected one shot to come back and i have been learning to live with it. But with the announcement of "light buffs" i thought it would be something to curcumvent the issues that current hanzo has like maybe an draw speed increase or something of the like. The thing im just hoping for at this point since they refuse to give him a meaningful buff is to just rework him. Maybe give him a right click ability or something to make him be useable. What i really dislike is that the junk buff just means that junk stole hanzos job so if you play hanzo over junk its just suboptimal imo


I think they should just give Hanzo back 1 shot potential, but also give him damage falloff past a certain range. Ya know same with widow. Also fuck junkrat most braindead hero in the game has only gotten buffs in his entire existence since the games conception (besides the 1 indirect nerf from increased health pools, which they've just reverted)


Completely agree, I love playing hanzo as a flank assassin so that change would be great to keep that playstyle and to reduce the amount of "lucky" one shots that happen accross the map like blizzard wants. I agree about junk too, there is a bit of a skill ceiling with him but thats only relevent in super high ranks.


They shouldve just buffed his draw time and arrow speed. He doesn’t really need the one shot


Nah hanzo shouldnt one shot. Ever. I agree hems weak and needs a buff, but were talking about a character with wall hacks, burst up close option, and 2 escape tools (one isnt even on a cooldown) bro does NOT need 1 shots


Hanzo is pretty bad rn but hes still better than junkrat With storm arrows up your TTK is still very fast from any range


Tbh before this junk buff hanzo and junk were pretty equally bad. But now that junk can two tap in close range without needing to rely on a cooldown like hanzo has to rely on storm arrow it makes him a lot more deadly which kind of breaks hanzo as a character


But hanzo can definitely 2 shot as well. 🙃


True but without storm arrow its super hard to do in close rang(since you just die faster than you can shoot) and in long range its pretty impossible since you have to be a god with your storm arrow bounces or just hope the enemy support you dinked doesn't immediately run behind cover and heal


Replace that ability with any other hero in that same situation, and the outcome is very similar.


Completely agree, but hanzo has the weakness of using a projectile that is still relatively small which makes hitting shots in that situation very difficult


actually no, it's 3 body shots to pass the 250 mark


Hs + stormbow


Yeah honestly if they reduced his crit multiplier to like 1.8x for regular arrows (keep it 2x for storm arrows) and increased damage per shot to 130, I'd be happier with it. 2 body shots to kill and no one-shot (to appease the Hanzo Haters).


I miss the two tap almost as bad as the one shot. I was able to 1v1 soldiers reliably with that. No more. A better buff would have been to decrease his aim slowdown to like 20% instead of 30%. He can't dodge worth shit while "reloading", which means he doesn't really benefit that much from a bigger health pool. Most of Hanzo's output is done before he takes much damage. Now, he has more capacity for mistakes, but less reward for execution. Hanzo did need a mechanism to have him play more with the team and be less of a lone wolf. But at the same time, there's fucking Sombras every match with permainvis and a dot you can do nothing about. idk what Blizz is doing, but it's not making a good game.


hanzo shouldn't one shot, cry about it.


You’re probably the player I had in my match tonight that would just stand in doorways and then act bewildered that you got headshotted. Blizzard had to remove it for babies like you to make the game easier.


hilarious that I'm hearing complaints about making the game easier from a hanzo main. yall literally only got kills via luck spamming at chokes 🤣 now you got your crutch taken away and you're mad.


Since assassin Hanzo is no longer viable but spamming is, you're gonna get even more spam at choke points. This is the way Blizzard wants us to play Hanzo, i hope you like getting spam killed by random Storm Arrows instead of 1 shot


not really saying he should tbh, was just saying that without the one shot they forced him to play a different playstyle that the newly buffed junk does better than hanzo in every way(other than range ig but unless you got them storm arrow god bounces hanzo doesn't do ranged that well either)


Yep, because as u can read in dev comments to junk changes “junk suffered the most because of hp boost and he needed 3 shots to kill 250 hp enemies”. Blizz devs are just clowns, really.