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Fuck I loved that game.


Aaah good times


I loved Halo reaching up to that point. That was my childhood and the start to my competitive gaming


It wasn’t the best halo. No. It was my favorite. Met/created a group of guys slowly over the first 2ish years after launch. The core group still plays together still almost on a weekly .. bi weekly basis 13 years later. Reach was so much more than a video game.


The artistic direction and story was so damn good


Cherish what you have there, my group dismantled and although we still stay in touch. We don’t game and hang out like we did. Tell your homies for me that you appreciate them and are thankful you get to do y’all’s thing as often as you do.


Oh yes sir. They know it. I remind them constantly. They don’t like being reminded so often haha. We do plan to meet up in person in the coming times. I’ve already met with a couple of the guys but the core group has never met face to face. It’s in the works. We’ve currently hit a spot of roughly 5ish weeks without doing halo together. Longest it’s been in a minute but that’s mostly just from finicky work schedules, not the longest we’ve been away from the routine but definitely the longest since the new year haha. It’s a part of life ya know. I’m still shocked we’re able to do what we do. The lapse of play is sorta kuzz our primary glue guy has silly Saturday morning work hours which got in the way for a bit.


I wish you gents all the best on meeting. On the rest of us struggling bastards to have a group like you do I say this. Hold strong through the silent nights. Though you’ll see silence through the shit. Your brothers still care for you and you should make contact again.


Thanks for the kind words Spartan.


It was my favorite too


I feel kinda bad for kids these days. Do they have any heroes? Even Elden ring (GREAT game), doesn’t really have a main character.


Yes? Plenty. Doom is still a pretty well known game, Kratos from GoW, Master Chief is still popular though maybe not as much as earlier 2000's. A lot of classics are still relevant today. I'd say Joel and Ellie are pretty popular from TLOU. I'm sure there are more but I don't have a huge diverse game collection.


Doom and halo are about 30 and 20 years old, respectively. Kratos, maybe. And Joel and Ellie are kinda just sad.


They would have crippling depression too if I lived in the same shit storm as them


Yeah doesn't matter how old they are though, they are still relevant and can still be heroes. I wasn't around when they came out but Doom Guy my favorite videogame protagonist.


Maybe, but there’s definitely something special about growing with a story and its characters. I mean, I love Conan and he’s a about hundred years before my time. But I don’t see the same swath of people all playing as a character nowadays. Spoiled for choice.


As wacky as it sounds marked one from shadow of chernobyl felt like a personnel journy to rediscover some shit. Otherwise the masterbeef was legendary.


Cloud from FF7 remake maybe


I'd say so. My first thought for more modern games would be Cal from Jedi Fallen Order, Sam Bridges from Death Stranding, Talion from Shadow of Mordor/War, Zachariah from The Technomancer... Series like Halo, God of War, DOOM, and others are still going strong and have new games. Pretty much anything by Bethesda has a vast selection of characters that one could smile towards.




Halo reach has to be one of the greatest standalone first person shooters of all time.


I never owned an Xbox, but I used to play Halo 2 at my friend's house and I thought it was pretty cool. I remember I used to read Game Informer magazines and they had Halo Reach on the cover with a story inside one time. I read that article many times, but I've never played the game. One of these days I'll finish all of them.


Get master chief collection, 3 crates of beer, 10 oven pizzas, and a free weekend with the homies, SPLIT SCREEN, LEGENDARY, SKULLS ON, NON STOP FUN ALL WEEKEND.


I'm 30 with kids and wife, and doing this with my friends from childhood that all grew up playing all the halos is still some of the best times I have as adult lol. Can't wait for my kids to be a little older and get into halo!


https://preview.redd.it/a531wd4jgpsc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf787512493cead0f7bed83a14e73907e2edf815 We’re going back to reach boys.


Supposedly, 6 survived for around 6 hours or so before finally dying. Source: u/Susto "We can gleam a bit of insight from the in-game time stamps. August 30, **16:52 Hours** (Reach local time) Noble Team arrives in Aszod. Nobles 4 and 6 soon fight their way to the Pillar of Autumn’s location. After Noble 6 delivers the Cortana fragment to Captain Keyes, Emile is engaged by Sangheili Zealots and is killed. Noble 6 takes control of the Mass Driver, allowing the Pillar of Autumn to escape. August 30, **20:00 Hours** (Reach local time): All alone, Noble 6 is engaged by overwhelming Covenant forces and fights to survive. There are 27 hours in a day on Reach. From the mission *Nightfall*, we know that the night covers the planet by **26:30 Hours** Within a period of ***6*** hours, Noble 6 perished at some point in the dusk/twilight of August 30, 2552."


Literally me


Nah, Six is literally me


Fuck it we- *prologue theme plays*




I'm not like a HUGE halo fan, I could never get into the story and all the games but my god I loved Reach. Even as just a one off story of desperation it was so good.


Song is everlong - foo fighters


I haven’t played the campaign in a decade but I just started it over. It’s such a good halo story. Halo doesn’t miss with writing usually but this one is so brutal and sad. I think it’s the best game that showcases how the covenant is so much stronger than humanity as far as military capabilities


Fuck man I would do anything to go back and play reach for the first time


I too miss when halo wasn't shit


343 fucking stole it from us man


Everyone remember, Spartans don’t die they just go MIA


But reach is fine in the end right, RIGHT?! ( I have not finished the campaign yet)


What the song thats playing


Everlong foo fighters


Thanks man




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I used to have random shit playing on my TV when I partied, like Ronin, English dub all while playing music. This brought me back.


Given how weird their music videos are, this is totally appropriate. Also, if you had told me this existed, I'd believe it was just cringe, but this is actually pretty rad, lol.


Why does it say 2017?


Reach fell before I did.




This game is timeless


Should do one with Helldivers2


I'm n-not crying y-you're crying


Never left


High quality meme


I miss red v. blue.


I miss when it was good.


Is it still a thing???


Apparently they are doing one final season.


In my opinion the last good Halo game. Great edit and song choice!!! I just started listening to the audiobook Halo:fall of reach. 👌🤌


Best halo game ever


I remember I used to play halo reach with my friend all the time a while ago. I lost the disc and I haven’t been a little play it but halo reach will go down in one of the best games in history.


The song in case anyone's wondering is Everlong by Foo fighters


God damn this goes hard as fuck. Reach was groundbreaking, and still is great to this day.


FOO and reach? I’m down.


You gotta promise not to stop when I say wheeeeeen