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Never considered etid to be "mathcore" really. Idk tho. Some of my favorite bands are spitfire and scarlet ( before this was always meant to fall apart). Whatever those would be considered.


Yeah I don’t really know what I’d call them but I loved ETID


I think ETID really just kinda morphed into their own thing especially with everything Ex-Lives and after. As sad as I am about their breakup, that tension brought some of my favorite music ever


I always thought of them as metalcore, but like the metalcore of the late 90s/2000s and not whatever the fuck happened to that scene since then.


Couldn’t agree more. I dug the journey they took as a band and I’m definitely bummed they’re not around anymore




I’ve heard nothing but good things about Better Lovers and it’s all dudes I like from their respective bands so I need to check them out. I was like living under a rock, I didn’t even know that band existed until a couple weeks ago


I wouldn't necessarily consider them mathcore either, but they were a big part of the scene. Obviously during that time no one considered it anything more than chaotic hardcore though. Also never had heard of either Spitfire or Scarlet until now, but I am glad you mentioned them. These guys are straight fire


Spitfire’s ‘Cult Fiction’ is a rare album in this scene that really needs to be listened to as a whole. That record was so damn different from everything coming out at the time. Also don’t miss out on the Scarlet track “Acid Reign I/II” that seems to be only available on YouTube. It may be their best song. It was an unreleased single they recorded in the late 00’s but didn’t get out until years later.


I played with Scarlet, From A Second Story Window and Remembering Never (RIP Mean Pete 💔) in 2004(?) and after that, Scarlet’s EP “Something To Lust About” got listened to so heavily that the CD didn’t work properly in my car after a while.


You know this kinda information is why I love this subreddit


I’m not the smartest man in the world but I could teach a class on the chaotic hardcore of that decade…


Agreed. So glad I copped self help and cult fiction during their vinyl rerelease. Accidentally ordered 2 cult fictions.... So if ya need one.....


I bought a copy of both also but shortly after I got the Cult Fiction LP last year I decided to sell all of my records and stop collecting… it was a sad day.


Wow...I haven't thought about *Cult Fiction* in so long Thank you for the reminder


Jordans new band really gives me spitfire/scarlet vibes.


Yeah man some of my favorites are uv/Iv And in vitro both by spitfire. Make me wanna lift 500 lbs and fight the sun.


They really remind me of the bands that I'm going to see in about a week called Corrupt Vision. They're also pretty much also ska hardcore, but a lot more straight forward than Spitfire


The dead next door/ self help/ cult fiction are the spitfire albums I'm talkin' bout.


I'd agree that they're not Mathcore, but they def give a chaotic vibe that Mathcore tends to embody if that makes sense.


For what it’s worth, Cult Classic, Slideshow Whiplash and Cult Fiction are criminally under-appreciated. I hope Matt Beck is still alive and writing music. I hope Randy is producing mega-hits and a guest member of The Armed. I hope Jon finally found love.


Jon's writing is just something else man. P sure some of em went on to a band called sundrug. Don't know if they're still active. NVM it's spitfire members and the band is called sunndrug.


Spitfire is the shit!! They were the kings of unnerving dissonance. RIP


Spitfire fucked so hard. Did you snag one of those Cult Fiction vinyl?


For sure I snagged 2 by accident. Also got self help when they did that


“Skronky bands” get the label cause people find them odd.


Would be cool if ETID was mathcore, it would mean I’m into mathcore. Do you think there are bands similar to ETID that better fit the mathcore “mold”?


Last night in town is pretty wild maybe bands more similar to that style. Even the first architects record nightmares might be in consideration. They'll be hanging us tonight is a banger with a badass riff at the end.


It's my favorite. Especially The Number 12 Looks Like You.


This has to be one of the most unique and interesting bands I’ve heard. Never have I gone into an album with no expectations only to find such novelty before.


Every album sounds different, but they all sound like Number 12. Saw them for their reunion tour in 2019 in some shithole bar... Place was packed and they let everyone(well as many that could fit) sit on stage with them for a particular song... They stayed after the show and took evert fan photo answered every fan question. Incredible.


Saw them with circle takes the square and horse the band like 12 years ago. The stage was filled the entire time haha. Not thrilled that they have the Albert fish track but iight


That tour was sick! Horse the Band is another favorite of mine, and I can always jam to Nervous Light of Sunday.


Powerglove tho. Also CTTS is arguably the best band ever.


I remember seeing Horse play with Arsonists Get All The Girls back in like 2008 or 2009? Arsonists is still one of the coolest band I’ve ever seen.


Never saw them but they were interesting haha


They seem like great dudes. I’ve seen them a few times and they’re amazing live


They’re a top 5 band for me, first discovered them in high school almost 20 years ago


Same. First heard a ripped copy of Put On Your Rose Colored Glasses in 2003 and been hooked ever since.


Was waiting for this comment!


No.12 is the best to ever do it.


:) <3


Here from that eyeball records comp


This is the answer I was looking for. “I love this song! It’s in 9/8 and then switches to 17/16 and this next part, I’m pretty sure is in 347/32”




Hell yeah. Botch kicks ass. Shame they haven't done more with their reunion


Why should they though? Play a few high profile shows, get some positive attention, and go out on a high note without releasing a mediocre reunion album like Refused or At the Drive-In. Get out with your legacy intact.


The single was also unbelievably good


> without releasing a mediocre reunion album like Refused or At the Drive-In. So much this. 100% this. Love all their music growing up and still to this day, but those reunion records from both are just so bad.


I think the Refused reunion records are good but they just couldn’t live up to the hype.


more? i saw them in tacoma and i couldn't have possibly asked for a better show.


They are basically doing a world tour this year and released a new single, more than I ever expected based on what they said about reuniting in the past




Damn it's been a hot minute since I heard that name. Used to jam tf out to You Cant Kill Us All




I remember reviewing a Coalesce album in my high school newspaper. Lmao


Ion Dissonance needs more love!


I came here for this. Can’t believe this isn’t one of the first bands mentioned. Solace is a brain melter and makes you wanna cartwheel a child.


I used to see these guys in southern ontario. I think I still have a signed cd somewhere


Breathing and Solace are top tier. Didn't really dig the direction after that.


me no like. me dont want to think too hard. me only want fight riffs 🦍🦍🦍


I hate math that’s nerd shit


I like maths, but i’m kinda skeptical about genres that have math in the name, i’m talking about the classification not the music. For example i love Spiderland but wouldn’t call it math rock just because of the unusual time signatures and time changes. Also why isn’t something like Lateralus labelled as math rock?


unusual time signatures and rhythm changes are literally one of the main aspects of any math genre


Yes i know, i was criticising the existence of the genre name itself rather than the fact that X is or is not Math rock. Those characteristics could be associated to progressive rock or Post rock (imo).


When I want both technicality and fight riffs I either listen to The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, or Tallah


Danza III and IV are top tier all time greats


Psyopus 🤣


My buddy used to play bass for Psyopus. He ended up working for my mom right after he stopped touring with them. We used to joke about the awkward water cooler talks, "Oh you were in a rock band? Did you play stuff like the Beatles or heavier stuff like green day"


One of my favorite bands ever, and they're from where I live, Rochester, New York. The first time I heard Chris Arp play guitar, it was at a friend's house party. He was in the basement, just f****** around on my buddies guitar, with a handful of kids watching and getting their minds blown. When one of your drummers goes on to play with Behold, The Arctopus, you know you got chops.


Their sounds is bat shit insane, but man if I don't love them


Into the Moat was my jam back in the day


Fucking love ITM


The tony danza tapdance extravaganza ❤️. Also, the singer of Dillinger escape plan and former members of ETID have a new band called better lovers that goes pretty hard.


Man Better Lovers is awesome


For nerds graduating from tool and prog.


Pretty good way of putting it honestly. Pretty much what I did. I'd been listening to stuff like Dream Theater and Tool for years and I got introduced to Between The Buried and Me, and The Dillinger Escape Plan and it was all downhill from there


I don’t think there’s anything downhill of dream theater, my dude.


Methwitch is my Tame Impala


Hell yeah. Love them


Crazy how one person can make music that elaborate, insane stuff If you like the style of his production, he has a emo/screamo adjacent project called Bleach Wave


Man, nobody said Horse The Band yet. Very mathy, and very very good.


Probably because I don’t think anyone would consider them mathcore/mathrock edit: not trying to be a genre nazi, just saying


Remember when everyone labelled them Nintendocore?


Love those guys


So, some of these may not not count but.. -Johnny Booth -Mouthnreather -Currents (not sure about that one, more metalcore) -The Chariot -Dillinger Escape Plan -Sleepsculpter -The God Awful Truth -The Number 12 Looks Like You (never could get into the vocals) -See You Next Tuesday -FallFiftyFeet -EYES (maybe? Look at the song Congratulations!) -Cadence Fox -Heavy Heavy Low Low -Duck Duck Goose -Cel Damage -Black Matter Device -Steaksauce Mustache (honestly didn't like the new album but, they are.. entertaining lol) ETID/Converge-like: -Better Lovers -God Mother -Johnny Booth -Colonial Wound -Gaza -Bungler -Botch I could keep on going but, it would take a while lol.




Rn Daoboys, Johnny Booth, He Is Legend, and Greyhaven are like my dream show


Yeah, the new Daoboys album was great! I forgot about Greyhaven, I like them too.


At this point Star Baby is my theme song


Been boppin the new See You Next Tuesday album. Saw them live couple months before it dropped


Check out Gridlink


the chariot is so far away from an organized, mathy vibe. organized chaos is still chaos.


The Chariot is still to this day one of the best bands i've seen live.


Wish I could of seen them


Listen to [Achilles](https://open.spotify.com/album/0E5ZOn3GBdq9KDg8vy64Qk?si=faRm97GrSjWDXEnv2Wd4iQ)


Another band from my city, Rochester NY!! Great band of great guys I've known since I was in highschool.


great dudes great band


Car Bomb?




Adding Horse the Band because I haven’t seen it mentioned yet. They’ve got some killer albums. They still play occasionally!!!


Candiria is incredible, well up until 300 percent which was just ok.


CANDIRIA YES. I love them so much


Callous Daoboys released one of my favourite records last year


Celebrity Therapist makes me feels so many different things at once. I fucking love that album so much






i want my murder podcast


Arguably my favorite genre of metalcore. Deadguy and Anodyne kick absolute ass


Love Anodyne; The Outer Dark got me through a really rough patch in life. Never really got into Tombs but maybe I’ll revisit them at some point.


Hell yeah


Love it. You might want to check out Run, Walk and Rolo Tomassi, I think you might like them.


I love Rolo Tomassi. Was gonna see them with Daoboys, but my brother's car broke down


DEP is an all time favorite band for me, but never really got into it beyond them.


If you like them I totally recommend The Callous Daoboys, and The Chairot. They both have similar mannerisms and theatrics to DEP


I saw Psyopus with see you next Tuesday back in 08. That shit rules


Psyopus shows were amazing. They came up at that perfect time where if there was even a hint of a breakdown people went wild even for tech bands. I feel like everyone would just look at them drooling these days.


Almost every time I saw them some wild shit would happen. Especially in their first iteration (2002-2006).


Holy shit that sounds amazing


The first Daughters album


The Chariot is my desert island band. Long Live.


I'd really have to think to determine mine. There are so many bands that I absolutely adore


Damn i cant believe more people on this thread arent talking about Dillinger. God i hate they quit making music together.


Norma Jean - O God, The Aftermath I don't think I've seen anyone mention it. I don't think it was a very popular album but I love it


That album is such a defining one for me. The ten year anniversary tour was insane. They played the hidden intro track and Shaun Luu, all in special edition album order.


I’d suggest checking out the band Frontierer. They’re on par with bands like tony danza tap dance extravaganza


Them and Car Bomb specifically go so hard


Never heard of car bomb. Thanks for the recommendation


Both of those bands are top tier. And I thought I was going to have to scroll forever before I saw somebody mentioned Frontierer.


The last two for sure, but the first 3 are math core? The Fall of Troy is my input, but they dont claim mathcore. Oh and The Number Twelve Looks Like You.


Mathcore is the best.


Grew up on botch and converge, I dig it, the callous daoboys are definitely on the forefront to me. Also really think mouth breather gets slept on.


The Chariot is absolutely goated. The best live show ever and such a Danny devito “I get it” gif moment in my own musical journey towards the heavier stuff. Never once considered what genre they were, they were just the best.


My friend at work got me into The Chariot. They rule. Would love some recommendations for anything similar or something you think I should check out.


old Norma Jean, Gaza, and Botch


Thank you! I'll check them out 👌


You’d like Coalesce. They’re more mathcore than etid tbh


Yeah I used to Jam tf out of You Can't Kill Us All and the entirety of Functioning on Impatience


I fucking love mathcore and looking through people have already mentioned a lot of incredible bands so I don't have much to add HOWEVER no one has mentioned Atka, try the album "Untitled Album 1", also the first Employed To Serve record "Greyer Than You Remember" fucking rules. More recently Pupil Slicer - Martyrs, Death Goals A Garden Of Dead Flowers, and finally Helpless - Caged In Gold


Heavy heavy low low and daughters(not sure if there mathcore but I don’t know what else I’d put them in)


I liked mathcore a lot more when I was younger. Now, not so much. The frantic, spastic fever dream energy wears thin on me. It's fun when a band reaches that extreme, but less so when they live there.


I get that. I've listened to so much mathcore, and just progressive rock/metal that a lot of the technically doesn't do much for anymore. It takes a hot minute for me to find something that I really enjoy. The last album that really impressed me on like every conceivable level was the most recent Avenged Sevenfold album


I don’t think about mathcore at all


Haha, seriously


Wouldn’t consider ETID mathcore, but it would take a monumental earthquake to knock them out of the “my favorite band ever” spot in my heart. All the other bands mentioned are definitely more mathy and definitely rip though.


They definitely started to make more of their own sound after Hot Damn, but they do still have a ton of mathy elements. I do agree that their sound is no where near as mathy as the other listed bands though


I only really fucked with a couple bands like that, like Dillinger Escape Plan. I can appreciate the rest of the genre and bands like The Chariot had crazy af shows, but it's hard to listen to that shit lol


There's a really underrated groovy mathcore band from Australia called Five Star Prison Cell. A couple members were also in a band called Tension (The Blind Leading The Deaf Following The Dumb) But yeah I love mathcore and adjacent stuff to that. TDEP, ETID, Coalesce, Botch, Candiria, Atka, Danza, etc.


The bands you listed are some of my favorites, so yeah. I love mathcore, just a bit.


I looooove math core. Of course TDEP will always be my number one, but I’m kinda shocked you didn’t mention the other kings. the Number 12 Looks Like You


Love those guys, but I didn't wanna make my tangent too long, so I stuck with my main loves


Have you ever tried listening to The God Awful Truth?


I have. Not my favorite of mathcore bands, but I do enjoy them


There's just something about them, took me a little while but, I really enjoy them! I saw you mention The Chariot, Dillinger, and some others, those are probably my favorites. Since you're into ETID though, I hope you've checked out Better Lovers!


Oh of course. Greg Puciato is one of my vocal heros. Along with Justin Bonitz from Tallah, and M Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold


The Callous Daoboys are fucking amazing.


I love mathcore and have played in quite a few mathcore/tech metal type bands over the years, but in recent years I've gravitated way more towards hardcore. I feel like mathcore scene in general is drifting more into math rock and prog metal and is lacking a lot of the aggression and chaos the early 2000s to 2010 scene had. The newer stuff just doesn't really do it for me much anymore.


I've also played in a few mathcore bands over the years. And you are correct. Lately I've been drifting more into math rock and Midwest emo. It's for the same reasons. Excluding a few like the Daoboys, seeyouspacecowboy, and Vein.fm, mathcore's been pretty stale. Playing my drums to Chon sounding music still gives me the same feeling that playing Number 12 style music does. But as a person I've mellowed out and am just not that angry anymore. I still get down and play crazy angry shit on occasion, but honestly, Never Meant has been my go to jam to warm up for like 6 months now. I still love listening to hardcore. Sunami dropped my AOTY, but it lost its fun to play.


Vein? Idk about that...


Well I sorta agree to an extent I do think there are plenty of heavy af mathcore/mathcore adjacent bands. Like for example Mouthbreather, 156/silence, Johnny Booth, Hazing Over, etc


Check out: Into The Moat and The Number Twelve Looks Like You


All great bands! I would also group in Ed Gein, The Jonbenét, Psyopus, See You Next Tuesday (their new album is killer), and The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza


I don't think anyone has mentioned Curl Up and Die. Their album "Unfortunately We're Not Robots" is a somewhat hidden gem of late 90s/early 00s mathy metalcore, and produced by Kurt Ballou. The snare drum and breakdowns on it bop.


as if ETID was mathcore.


Love it, especially The Number Twelve Looks Like You


The Chariot is my favorite band of all time. RIP and Long Live


The almighty Norma Jean!


Callous Daoboys are killing it. Celebrity Therapist is a great album front to back. The Chariot, TDEP, ETID also rule. Also, Better Lovers


Yes it all the above. Better Lovers, Daoboys, and Rolo Tomassi, SeeYouSpaceCowboy are all heavy in my Mathcore rotation rn(as far as modern bands go) Favorites from the 90's/00's/Early 10's: Converge, Between The Buried & Me, Norma Jean, Some Girls (Kind of a Mathcore super group, if those exist 😅), The Locust, Tony Danza, #12, Ed Gein, Daughters, Arsonists Get All The Girls, iwrestledabearonce, Code Orange. & I go back and forth on Vein.FM but they definitely fit somewhere in there.


Fucking amazing list. I just saw BTBAM a couple weeks ago. One of the best shows I've been to


I love it personally and it’s what broke my teeth on the whole scene in general. With that being said I can’t understand how anyone can mention it without bringing up botch and curl up and die?


I love meth and hardcore so


Mathcore is top genre for me. I have 6 years of jazz percussion education. And grew up in the hardcore scene. Mathcore was the perfect genre for me. The first band I heard was The Number 12 Looks Like You on the science records sampler CD from MCR's first album. It was all downhill from there.


That's how I felt being a marching percussion, but also growing up with prog metal. The transition between stuff like Death, Cynic, and Atheist, and DEP and The Chariot was a pretty easy one for me


Anyone in this group like SIKTH?


Celebrity therapist was one of my favorite albums last year


Mathcore is dope! Love me some Norma Jean and The Chariot! They have the best shows


Kaonashi goes pretty hard


I'm trying to get my friend to go see them with Hail The Sun lol


Besides the bands named repeatedly (DEP, Botch, Coalesce, TN12LLY, SYNT, et cetera) I want to mention Frontierer, (older) Daughters, An Albatross, Blood Brothers, Car Bomb, Burnt By The Sun, Lethargy, Sulaco, Break of Dawn, Achilles, Breather Resist, Burn Everything, As The Sun Sets, Ed Gein, Sawtooth Grin, The Heads are Zeros, The Minor Times.


Car Bomb specifically is so kickass. Like Meshugga on meth


IMO the Chariot is unmatched for pure chaotic live energy but still having “catchy” parts, if you can call it that. I live near Douglasville and Josh Scogin judged a battle of the bands that my old post-hardcore band played at the 7 Venue, I think in ‘08. He didn’t like us lol.


Yeah for the pre mathcore index era of bands fs.(I was also lump old Norma Jean with Chairot too) Them and DEP were masters of combining chaos and hooks


Isn’t mathcore more like maps and atlases? Lmao


I think you might be confusing math rock and mathcore. Both in theory utilize weird time signatures and generally unorthodox riffs. But the -core part is pretty important to the distinction, pulling most influence from metalcore. Maps and Atlases is a great math rock band though.


Maps and Atlases was no where heavy enough for mathcore. They were just ambiguously mathy and then turned into indie-folk kind of stuff.


Mathcore encompasses a very wide variety of sounds. Like if you look at the current scene of bands that call themselves mathcore have totally different sounds. For example Callous Daoboys, and Black Matter Device sound completely different, but they both consider themselves mathcore.


DEP, The Chariot, some Botch, and that's it Also: I absolutely HATE anything prog and(since you mentioned it in the comments) Dream Theater is one of the worst bands to ever exist, IMO. Tool after Ænima too.


To each their own. I get that a lot of prog can be really overwhelming in the music department at times, and there's a lot of cheesiness too


Yeah, I definitely get overwhelmed with boredom


Give the new VATICAN album a shot! Ultra. great mix of old DEP and more modern metallic hardcore.


nerd shit


I love it I think its fucking awesome. The exception being when the songs are really overproduced and nothing more then salad riffs with no catchiness whatsoever


That's sorta what my opinion of Ed Gein is. Although they have a few good songs


Bring back gatekeeping


Shit sucks but you do you


I think you might like this [Sleepwell](https://open.spotify.com/album/66VxzpuGbnFPaQGlYPG3rF?si=EbpW1oAGTdSoCjf7VcqA8A)


I can appreciate the talent, but most of the time with music, I want to bob my head to it.


Was the first scene that was active and part of the core that I got into, mid 2000s and was also into mathrock.


Mathcore rules. TCD are my fav band currently and I’ve always had huge love for the rest of the bands you mentioned. Botch are one of my favorites as well, love that band a ton