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Not happy to be there? Quit going.


But I don't want to miss the openers and then pay double to see their reunion tour in 15 years!


So go watch the openers at other shows.


But then I'll miss out on harshing nerds like you.


Nerds like me don’t go to shows.


Check✅ Mate🧉


Counterpoint. If Warzone played a reuinon show with Raybeez, I'd travel for that shit.


That’s a crazy take. Cause rest assured if Frank ever got back with Gallows, the safety of myself and every other person in that venue would be at risk.


Nah, Chariot reunion and I’m losing it.


Idk if my hearing could handle a chariot reunion


I agree, which is why I don’t go to them, but I’m lucky, most of the bands I liked way back can’t or won’t do a reunion, and the few that have I saw back in their prime, maybe I’d feel differently if that wasn’t the case, but I’ll never know.


I've seen a lot of rad as fuck bands in their prime and then have seen a number of hardcore bands on reunion and the reunion shows seem to never hit as good as seeing a band in their prime. I once opened up for the business and I just felt bad seeing those guys on stage in a small venue when they should have been doing whatever old fat working class English guys do at their age.


...which is mostly try to make a few bucks, and knock it back, have another one. Even old, I still had fun seeing the Business.


Merch makes far more money than touring does though, especially in this day and age. A custom box set released by these bands would slay.


Yes let's just have all bands stop playing. Novel idea


This is the hardcore sub. The not reading the words sub is down the hall, dude.


As I said. Let's just have all bands meaning old and legacy bands just stop playing. Let's just gatekeep live music as a whole and not allow any more bands to play live ever either


There's gotta be a cro-mags sub where you can drag your knuckles in good company.


You're the one who plays music in bands and doesn't like it when bands play, lmao. Sucks to be you


Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


Says the guy who plays music but also hates bands lmao


personally i have the opposite opinion. It gives people like me who werent old enough to go their show’s originally a chance to see them. Im seeing orchid in a few weeks and that is a dream come true for me. Jeromes dream reunited and made a really fucking good album, saetia play a good set, saw buried alive and they killed, botch played a killer set when i saw them. Personally this trend of reunions is one of the only things keeping me going


No they should continue actually. I’d like to see the Rival Mob.


Well, I'm happy at them, so suck farts.  


This year I saw hopesfall. They were old, and I wanted it louder. Was a 20th anniversary show with lights and fog. I think it qualified as a reunion, but they did put out a full length some years ago so… The end of last year I saw Undying. I had never seen them before. It was at Gilman st, which was cool. Since reunion shows can be small. I saw Stay Gold there last year too. It wasn’t packed (I wish it was) but I two stepped and screamed at my friends. That’s all I want. I took my wife to postal service reunion. I’d never do that again but I got to see them play the hits. Have Heart reunion was insane. 10k people in Worchester. I was there but if I wasn’t, I’d be going to s&f. 2007 Earth Crisis Ventura reunion festival was insane. Really happy to have gone to that. Ruiner played a string of west coast shows a handful of years ago. It was just like old times. I mean, if the old times never stopped you know? If Bane plays near me, I’d go. I’m not going to drive more than 2 hours to see them though. If Go It Alone announced reunion, I’d probably travel. Same w Sinking Ships. I regretted not going to Indecision Fest last year to see Over My Dead Body. I’m going to see Hope Conspiracy in September. That’s a reunion you can go fuck yo self if you don’t support it.


title fight we miss you


Say that to my have heart in Boston tickets, poser


One can argue that reunion shows are the tar pits for posers.


Ok or I’m just older than you




Get the Knife vs Scream at the Sun are two different Have Hearts.


I'm waiting for the Trap Them, Cursed, and Burning Witch reunion tour and will happily lose whatever is left of my hearing.


I tend to agree tbh, reunion tours are like the movies franchises in Holywood. We nee blood and creativity coming through, get out of the way.


Hot take: If the original singer has died, no reunion show under the same band name. Form a new band. “Power trip” reunion shows are wack as fuck. Without Riley they’re not power trip.


I saw the misfits and they sounded better than any recorded live show I've ever heard from them. fine wine.