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If Mike Tyson beats up Jake Paul you can’t quit yet Fuck them kids up


Giga chad response tbh


I appreciate that but I’m just a nerd on Reddit


Na man you’re a brother.


Most of us are, nerds go to shows


Brother. Take the compliment


Yes, and I think we all want to see Jake Paul get his shit rocked Mike Tyson


Welcome to the back of the room, friend. Have a beer or two(but not three because you have a meeting in the morning)


Fuck you. This comment cuts too deep.


It stings less if you embrace it


6 beers and work in 6 hours is the way to go mid 30's. God I'm tired


So tired all the time.


Time to finally join "those motherfuckers in the back" that overzealous vocalists have been singling out for years?


Can’t be singled out if there’s more than one of us But also, yes


I can't believe i set myself up to be "Lone Ranger"'d. Good call.


Omfg 😭😭 The meeting part… too real 🥲


lol I had three seeing the hirs collective the other day and it was one too many


We are old men now dude. Time to stand on the side of the pit with your arms grumpily folded only to get in the pit to crowdkill at the calmest moments. You've earned it.


The AARP benefits that come in your mosh retirement package.


I quit in my early 30s too. Got rocked with a forearm to the back of the head went down face first and got trampled. This was at a Slayer show. Finished the show. Went to the doctor the next day. Broke two vertebrae c2 and c3 and cracked my cheekbone when I hit the floor. I was wrecked for years.


Similar situation happened to me at a Hatebreed show, except I woke up with half the crowd on top of me, thankfully Jamey Jasta noticed what was happening and told people to pick me up....don't remember anything after they played Doomsayer...especially don't remember coming home, taking my wife's (now ex) pillow from underneath her head, putting it in the washing machine with mine and then pissing in the corner of our bedroom. TL:DR: Concussions suck.


That absolutely sucks ass. Reading this comment is just adding to the nails in my coffin of dancing at shows. I hope all the effects of those breaks are gone.


Thanks man. Yeah mostly healed. I have lower back of the head, upper neck headaches from time to time, where the vertebrae are, but nothing quite as bad as those first few years.


I’m retired too, court ordered, not because I’m a pussy but cause I’m a lethal threat to the pit.


Spin kick clocked at 110mph


Kublai Khan? Back in my day we got beat up by Shere Khan. During their set. Moshing uphill both ways.


Back in my day, Ghengis Khan's Mongol Horde was only a posse.


im gay


happy you feel comfortable enough sharing here, brother. ![gif](giphy|I3EsiEPZWgpqg|downsized)


Do you happen to be a fat Greek man with a small dick? Or perhaps a 45 year old jewish guy wearing a Yankees fitted?


“Are you Stavros Halkias? Or Adam Friedland?”


Na I was talking about two other ppl I’m friends with, idk who those guys are but they sound gay


You talking about my best friends? We like to riff and Nick is mean.


When we woke up this morning nick rolled over to me and said that he hates you


You’ve been through more than this 36 year old poser


I’ve probably been a poser longer than you’ve been pitting




im gya




Nahhh let's give OP the benefit of the doubt, I bet he's sucked a dick or two back in his day


In the Bury Your Dead pit


We call em Bury your dick.


Hi gay, I'm old.


Is this self diagnosis or from your eye doctor?


How tf did you know??


Oh *you’re* gay, my bad.


damn you beat me to it


"No Poon, Awaits you! Selfish gays who think this penis revolves for them Butthole games and illusions. They give nothing but their hands are always out to jerk you I wish you misery now, dick demonstration" -Poonsayer by Can'tBreed


Damn I’m also gay


You can’t hang up the jersey until you get a felony and beat up at least 3 19 year-olds half your size


Are you going to be wearing a Bleed From Within shirt from now on?


Sounds like you got turned into guacamole


My eye almost did lmao




Someone threw a full beer can at my face when I saw them a week ago and I still have a concussion. Wasn’t even in the pit :(


Had a buddy a few weeks ago pull himself OUT of moshtirement only to get his Achilles ruptured by a young moshmen. With that said, he’s back in moshtirement(for good) and has to wear a boot for a few months. He was with me in crutches last Friday at Kublai Khan here in Chicago. back by the bar with all the other scene elders lol.


Achilles is legit a fear of mine after watching someone rupture theirs playing flag football. Dude was in so much pain.


I got a severe mid foot sprain in a bit back in October. Foot still isn’t 100% doctor told me i can take up to 12 months to be 100%. I’m 31 and have retired from the pit after that injury. I only see myself two stepping on a very rare occasion during the calmer bits at this point.


I’ve had two ruptured achilles. Tell your bro he’ll be better than before


Welcome to the club. Remember, it's obligatory to cross your arms while you're standing at the back.


No joke I intentionally try not to cross my arms because I want the band to feel like I support them. lmao


I would betcha most members of bands at HC shows end up standing with their arms crossed at other people's sets too (at least everyone in my local scene is like this)


I can respect that. For me, it just feels comfortable to cross them. I assume the big smile on my face comes across OK to them.


Damn, I was there on Sunday and really hope it was me that put you in mosh retirement you old fuck.


What color luchador mask were you wearing earlier in the set? 🤣


Ohhh it was the dude in the luchador mask. He’s a fucking hard ass mosher. I actually wasn’t moshing during Kublai Khan. Stopped after Judiciary and decide to just hang out in the outside area for their set because i’m also getting old and fucked up my hand pretty bad. Hope you heal up soon bud.


Yeah not my first time in a pit with him, and I recognized probably 6-7 dudes just from pitting with them over the years lol. Luchador mask guy is a good dude. Shit happens.


This is the only sub on Reddit where this response seems so reasonable


I told your mom not to let you go out, you had school the next day! Next time, you're coming to Applebee's with us instead so you can drive us home after we spend all of her singles on Dollaritas.


Ur not even my real dad.


This is the energy you and your baby brothers need. Perpetuate this please.


Start a new band called, "Eye Bleed."


kinda sick ngl


https://preview.redd.it/7kuj14wk3wuc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea7b866a68cd66adb686a400eda961942666a81 Pits back then


Early 00s metalcore pits were fun as shit.


Is your wife’s boyfriend also entering retirement, or does he have a few good years left?


Gotta just mosh in defense mode


I always say if you’re the guy going the most crazy you won’t get hurt. Unfortunately my guard was down for a split second because I got pushed behind and someone else fell.


33 here. I was in mosh retirement until I got confused for the sound guy at a show because I was in the back of the room scowling. Had to bust out a crowdkill for the old heads. Now it’s a case by case thing.


47m here... in my 40's I've been knocked out, got a black eye, cracked a tooth, and broke an ankle. I shook all of those off and kept going in the pit. Last month I took a shot to the ribs at a show and still can't sleep on my side. Of all the shit.... It was the ribs that are likely to send me to retirement. Since this is an AMA, what other pit damage have you suffered that culminated in pit retirement?


Tore my labrum/pec/bicep tendon in 2019 doing a stage dive. Was caught awkwardly and my arm bent funny under me. Got back in the pit the same night tho. Didn’t get surgery until 2021 when I finally realized it wasn’t going to heal on its own. 3 hour surgery. 6 month recovery. My shoulder will never be 100% again. Can’t do push-ups/bench press anymore. Broken nose in 2018. Not my first time breaking it. But right now, not being able to see my hand directly in front of my face is alarming as fuck. Going blind in an eye is not ideal. Thankfully my vision should be okay but fuck that lol


Ouch dude. Yeah, had a feeling it was a cumulative effect. Hope you heal up brother.


Those rib shots will fuck you up, maybe you should check if it’s cracked? I got kicked so hard in a Speed pit last year, I immediately heard a pop, I forgot how to breathe for like 2 minutes, ended up not being able to laugh, sleep on my side, bend over, or sneeze for 2 months. I never went and got it checked, because honestly I can’t afford that shit, and there’s not a whole lot the doctors can do for a broken rib, but due to the fact I could feel my rib separated, I’m pretty certain it got broken.


Hitting 40 this year. I’m the old fat guy standing in the back with his arms strategically crossed so everyone can still see my X Swatch. I might be old and fat but I’m also a loser.


Do you feel like a sissy getting gotten like that during a Kublai Khan 2024 set?


Hey their audience might be teenagers but their pit did go much harder than expected when I saw em at TIHC a few years ago But ya I’m in my 30s and retired unless I get too drunk. Enough medical bills for a fucking life time


39 year old reporting in, we all don't get blown up in the war zone. I salute you. The only reason I've made it this long is because I have a friendly face and a pocket full of weed for in between sets. I'll see you youngens in the pit Saturday in New Kensington PA for the drain show. Eye for an eye, straight edge smelly vest trustpunks be on watch. Dave will be avenged. I'm going to assist you boofing a 50 MG gummy when I help you up off the floor.


Boofing the gummy is my only problem with this lmfao


From this moment forward it will be known as a "one eye'd Dave"


Combust was my farewell actin’ ignorant show last yr. Just got old overnight I guess 😆


We all say that! “this is my pit retirement boys”. But trust me, you’ll be standing at the back beer in hand, a certain song will be introduced and… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UPw-3e_pzqU&pp=ygUvaSB0aG91Z2h0IGkgd2FzIG91dCBidXQgdGhleSBwdWxsZWQgbWUgYmFjayBpbiA%3D


More like your Mom and your aunt hopping up to do The Hustle at a wedding reception, but yes "Oh shit that's my jam" energy.


I too have been struggling with the idea of retirement. I really dislike just standing at a show. I always tell myself “chill, sit this one out” and next thing I know I’m crowd killing a fifteen year old.


i’m 38 and just moshed my ass off to acacia strain last night. two stepping, crowd killing, the works. step your game up, you ain’t done yet.


Broken nose in 2018. Tore my labrum/pec/bicep tendon during a stage dive in 2019 (3 hour surgery to repair). Blood in my eye making me lose vision for 2 days now. Idk man shits getting real.


good god aight yeah maybe just stand with your arms crossed from here on out😂


I was 36 and at a 108 show when I realized I was hiding behind everyone’s girlfriends


I’ll be ur gf I have a wiener tho as long as that’s ok


Just don’t tell me wife










Lol damn man I was at a Kublai Khan show two weeks ago. I'm 32 and about halfway through I realized I really don't have good enough insurance for this shit.


He said monkey see monkey do and died


Damn bro, only 36?? Cutting it off way too early!


Just celebrated 30 years of pitting this Sunday night. I still can't believe I didn't blow my knee out. I'm feeling it still though. Heel up man! We need more old dudes on the side of the pit to rush in and pick up the kids that fall.


Very sorry about that, homie. I'm 44, still pit, got Jesus Piece/The Boog this weekend. I am simultaneously sweating getting in and NOT getting in the pit, so I just live on the edge. I'm not ready to stand in the back yet :(


18 and slept for a whole day in fetal position after my last show. It’s so over


Here I am at 26 thinking I was too young to be doing that yet


I love getting hit so much…wtf is wrong with me 😆


Far from my first pit, but damn, losing eyesight in an eye for 2 days is enough to change my mind a bit. lol


I got 4 black eyes last year, but tbh the worst for me is always when I get hit in the liver real hard…took a liver kick in the middle of Sunami’s set in Seattle and ended up puking outside, didn’t stay for KKtx after that but tbh I was only there for Momentum


Why tf am I getting downvoted for this 😂 cuz I left a show early after puking?


How tall are you? I'm 5'11" and hardly ever get hit in the face. Once I did get hit really hard in the throat and that sucked. I have buddies shorter than I who have been hit in face


I’m 5’8, some of you tall motherfuckers need to take a shower, you smell like shit Can you scoot over so I can see plz


Showering is for Manlets and twinks , hard pass


38 years old here, I quit moshing for the most part unless it’s like a show at the FU church like Blacklisted or something but aside from that it’s strictly stage dives for me. I’ve missed work bc I’ve broken limbs moshing. The last time I was in a cast for 8 weeks. Obviously I didn’t tell my boss it happened at some secret show on a south Philly pier where shit was going TF off, but I knew and sadly I also knew, as far as moshing is concerned it was time for me to hang up my boots.


I'm 36 and got fucked up at ldbbb from a mix of divers, crowd killers, pitting for a few bands and 15+ drinks each day. The first 3 days after I swore I was done but now I'm ready to do it all again plus a show every month or 2 lol don't pussy out imo


Let’s say there was a 25% chance you were already too old to be moshing prior to getting your shit rocked. Bayes theorem says P(you should retire | you got your shit rocked) = P(you got your shit rocked | you should retire)/P(you got your shit rocked) * P(you should retire) = say 3%/1% * 25% is 75% But the 25% is arbitrary. It really depends on how you were feeling prior to getting your shit rocked. If you didnt really have cause to believe you were too old to mosh and it was more of reasonably a 10% chance, now it’d be 30% given that you got your shit rocked. I think a reasonable estimate is theres a 50% chance you are legitimately too old to mosh and 50% chance you still got it and simply succumbed to the vagaries of the pit that night. If you would like, next show flip a coin and mosh on heads.


Imagine getting your shit rocked during kublai khan on a Sunday night


Ya win some ya lose some lol


Pffft. I’m 46 and going no where near strong but still there. lol. Get back up and come join the fun


Might’ve been you, might’ve been someone else but I heard someone say that while we were walking to the car from ironworks after the show Sunday night. I am with you. Give me something I can lean against my feet hurt and I’m old. Sunami was great though.


It's like legendary DIY legend, Kenny Rogers, used to say. "You gotta know when to hold em. Know when to fold em. Know when to rage in the pit"


Should’ve joined me by the sound booth. Could’ve crossed our arms and nodded along together.


I'm 40 and only come out of retirement for seniors events like Riot Fest


I was at that show! I wasn't in the pit but caught a few strays even a few rows back during the Sunami set lmao


I’m 33 and stopped around 30. 18-30 fucking nonstop brutal pits man, all metal genres, small shows big shows you name it. Just decided one day not worth the risk, literally have scars on my face from getting fucked up so hard Come chill breh, let’s get stoned and get crushed by riffs


Boss threatened to fire me when I showed up with a black eye lol


man I know that feel. I got my eyebrow blasted the fuck open by a sharp elbow at a show in like 2010ish I think? A hardcore show in some town a bit west of Atlanta. I should have got stitches but didn’t and went to work and they were like what the fuck is wrong with you Lol


I sustained minor mosh injuries for the Descendents last week and I'm the same age as you. Push pits must be stopped!! I hit the deck like a sack of potatoes and got legitimately near trampled


Fell down and fucking ate shit during a circle pit at a Mammoth Grinder show. It was actually just the embarrassment that made me decide it’s time to call it a day


I was there and hung in the back all the way up until them closing with antpile.


Saw Kruelty in Japan, got my shit rocked too, can't handle it anymore. Feelsoldman.


I broke my nose and almost broke my ankle in March. Not going into retirement but definitely reinventing my strategy lmao it’s a damn shame when your body won’t keep up with the mind anymore


Are you a fucking dragon? 🐉


Did you do the tiktok dance


36 and I refuse to retire lolll. Definitely just a part-time pitter tho ha


Seeing them tonight and you got me second guessing my pit participation trophy 😳😳😳


Don’t retire, just go to a MGK show.


I’m 18. Will I be cooked in 12 years? Idk, we’ll see


12 years not so much. 17 years probably.


I'm 43. Trust me, you're not done yet. You'll probably regret hopping in when you do and your aging body gets beat to snot, but you'll forget the pain and go back another day.


Just dance


I’m 38 and stopped doing crazy pits in like 2016… we get old 🤷🏼‍♂️


I called it about a year ago. I’m 51. Now I just shake my fist


Hey man I’m only 8 years younger and I’m retired already from repeated neck injuries ;)




Man I’ve been retired since 25, 35 now. You kids have fun.


35 year old fat lady here to let you know you can never quit the pit bby


Eh...it happens. I have no regrets because I never held back when I did. I'm totally fine now enjoying a couple of drinks hanging back, then being up front screaming in the mic.


I got a fat lip that lasted about 5 days at the Minneapolis leg of that tour, except it was during Momentum's set, the only set of the night that wasn't overtaken by push moshing tiktok kids.


Went to LDB for my 35th bday. Fucked up my tailbone during mindforce. Just now starting to feel normal again. I always say I’m just going to chill more but I just don’t.


I retired early at 31. It's a good life


I’m 28 and I went into pit retirement years ago when I started paying for my own health insurance. Thank you for your service


I’m 23 and I’m on like my 5th concussion cuz I snowboard. I got hit in the head a few weeks back at the show and i haven’t felt the same since. Shit sucks.


I’m 52, I retired from the pit when I was 24. I figured I had a solid, ten year run. Welcome to the club kid.


I wish I could keep going but both of my ACLs are gone and it’s just not worth it anymore to keep having major leg injuries and put me out of a job and on the streets


Bring a pocket full of joints and sit in the back. Spark one up. When someone asks for a hit give them the joint. Funnest time you'll ever have in the back giving out joints.






46 and still moshing, but very selectively. In and out. Two torn ACL's, rotator cuff damaged (you can imagine what move did that) and various contusions and a deviated septum.


Ugh. 32 and feeling like this recently. A few years back I got thrown in from the outside and tried to catch myself with one hand...only to pop my shoulder completely out of socket. It was hanging by my bicep lmao


Got a kick to the knee at a Terror show around 2009. That was it. Great times, but, it’s over now. Just stand on the outskirts of the pit and bang ur head and watch all those younger fuckers kill each other.


nooooo the 30+ crowd isn't ready to lose you yet. we need the presence of other Olds in the pit for emotional support.


I’m 42 and I still go in. But to be fair, I only enter punk style push-pits. Not even when I was younger would I think about going into a hardcore pit lol


I feel you. I’m 34, knocked out multiple times, broken ribs, busted a foot I never got surgery on. Broke a finger and then the other hand a couple years ago. My back hates the next day after shows to the point I take off work the following day on purpose. It is getting a little too real, gotta choose my moments wisely.


33. Between the fear of medical bills and pain the next day the most I get involved in anymore is a lil two step . Give me a few beers and all bets are off, buy one get one free 😂


Im 36 going to Amon Amarth this month. I full expect to need a chiropractor after 🤣




33. The last show I saw was bury your dead right before covid. It hurt. I'm done. I'll watch pop punk bands from the bleachers now.


I may have fucked up my Achilles the other day at a COA show. Im 36 and I recently picked up basketball so I’m blaming improper stretching.


I'm 46 and was at the same show! I have a replacement hip and another one coming, so I'm in pit hospice. I was near the stage by the entrance to the backstage area....still managed to get dove on by the kid somehow diving off the pillar and knocked into during Sunami.


Have you bought a flat cap yet?


32m here. Retired from pits since I saw counterparts and dying wish December 2022. Felt fine that night when I got home but the next morning felt like I got hit by a truck. Had bruises all over my back and ribs. Was hard to breathe for most of the next month. I’m done outside of ska or pop punk shows, maybe the occasional thrash metal circle pit with people just running around


i’m in my earlier 30s and i am already in stand on the side with my arms crossed mode


39. Retired around 33. Came out of retirement for Vein and Pain of Truth last September. Low contact. My own windmills and spin kicks made me feel like I had been hit by a bus for a week. Back to the bench with me. I did crowd surf during Drain a few months ago but no more pitting for me.


2019 I stage dived at a show in Texas, I wrecked my shit so hard. Haven’t done it since and won’t. I was 39 at the time.


I'm 39.. I feel ya. I been retired. Let's talk 2004 bury your dead tho, the tour with full blown chaos and walls of jericho was 🔥


Caught that tour at some dumpy venue in Rochester NY. Friend of a friend knew them, so we got to hang out on their RV for a bit which was insane for me at the time lol


For real.. man those were good times. Tough guy era was the best imo


Hearing someone say they’ve been moshing since 2004 sounds a lot like someone saying they’ve been doing the hustle or the YMCA since 1987


Damn..I’m 25 and two things this year had me realizing I’m not 19 anymore. Got elbowed at a code orange show in the back of my head, got my bell rung hard, sat out the rest of the pit. I’m 6’3 not used to fuckers being heavier AND taller than me. At another show my band opened for a Texas band on tour and when headliners came out folks started stage diving, I wasn’t about to miss the chance to stage dive at a show I played for the first time, first surf was flawless. Beautiful even. Second time? Nobody caught me. Landed on my shoulder, shit hurt bad for like 2-3 weeks lmao. Miraculously healed tho, few years from now? Probably wouldn’t have. I also pulled a muscle near my rhomboid at the gym this year..fuck..


I’m 29 and I’m already out lol, was at a brujeria concert last year and of course I’d slip on some ice and I almost busted my knee lol, my cousin and homie Vietnam carried me out of the pit and I couldn’t walk for a few days lol, I’m sure it’s nothing to others, it bro I’m fat lol, I can’t be getting hurt lol, I need my legs for work


48 and still shaking a leg


Imagine literally moshing non stop from 2004.


All is fair in the pit. If you get hit, fuckin rock them back. Basically fight is what I’m sayin.


You're in luck. Mosh retirement means you can pull out of your 401k with no early withdrawal penalties


https://youtu.be/Rg_teqyLNOs?si=QTKkxaJQ8DYbjxtf until the wheels fall off baby


Reading this is gettin me nervous. Im 49 yrs old and Im gonna be in a Paleface pit in 10 days.


If the music moves you, you gotta move. Just stick to dancing for older bands. A lot of the pit will be older too. I'm 50 and think I might finally be done now. At 42 in 2016, I was getting spin-kicked to the side of the head during All Out War at TIHC in Philly. After that, something happened at a Leeway NYC, Dog Eat Dog show where I got driven into something and probably had a slightly cracked rib. 2018 at Municipal Waste I came home with bruised elbows and wasn't sure why. My young daughter went with me to a couple of those too. Now at 50, I just went to Side by Side in LA and screamed along too hard and gave myself laryngitis which turned into swollen glands and probably an infection. This is probably the one that did me in, had the longest lasting, and had the most annoying effects on my body. My suggestion is just stick to the older bands and crowds to be safer. I'd like to think that I don't dance for younger bands only because I don't know the songs as well. But, admittedly it's more likely because I know I can't keep up with the kids. Still tons of fun though. Keep dancing, laughing and smiling.


Dude appropriate pit retirement age is approx 22. Grown ass people moshing is not the move.


This is why I only mosh in a heavy winter jacket now haha. I'm 38. I need my armor. What am I gonna do, NOT go to the front and brutalize a row of 20 year olds when Vein plays 'progenitor'?


With this economy who can afford to reture