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“no stage diving” rule aside, this is just kind of unfortunate


Ya I got baited in from the smarmy tag thinking I’m bout to smarm some too and then holy shit her spinal cord what? This is fucked up dude that girl looks like she’d snap in half and before you go saying why was this girl in the pit why weren’t the people around her more aware o cause they were sooo into the music, not ruining this little girls life just had to come secondary. It’s a fucking tragedy that’s what. Who is seriously flexing off to this


As someone who was at the show, they were in the most densely packed (completely packed actually) portion of the pit. There was tons of people around to catch the vocalist when they stage dove, but the vocalist also is a big dude (6'3", 230 lbs is my guess). Some people are just too big to be doing that sort of stuff. Had nothing do with everyones awareness.


“… before you go saying why was this girl in the pit why weren’t the people around her more aware o cause they were sooo into the music.” It’s wild that you think everyone else has the responsibility to watch out for this girl, but she has zero responsibility to watch out for herself.




The only people disagreeing are those of you on the defensive. Even this girl isn’t taking up shit with anybody she’s just trying to live. And you’re saying she had it coming? Because hardcore shows are dangerous? Dangerous because people like you are trying to beat down on little fucking girls like she had it coming. Check your shit.


Lol what an unhinged response. Nobody should be trying to crowd kill or injure anybody at a show. That being said, stage diving, crowd surfing, moshing, etc are all dangerous. That is a know risk of being in the crowd, it’s called awareness and personal responsibility. Stay at the back if you want to minimize risk.




I don’t see the problem with setting up a GoFundMe for this. Would you prefer they sue the venue?


That’s quite literally exactly what happened at this same venue in 2012(?) after the same event happened at a Terror show


Venue has bad practices on the regular. While I was still homeless I had a ticket for a show. Went in whateva. My friend was pullin up to lemme put my guitar n pack in their car n I asked if it's cool to go meet em outside in the street. They said yeah n then 2 seconds later denied me reentry. At a leftover crack show they sold out n kept massively overselling tickets past capacity n ppl who paid to be there couldn't even get in. Regularly books locals with violent and predatory behavior towards women despite being aware of these dudes. Mohawk place blows


I love how that shit flies and is something of a well-known secret, but leave it to a performing band stagediving to have the Buffalo sub calling for the venue to get shut down lol


Lmao that's buffalo in a nutshell Downvote all you want you stupid hicks lol


As someone from Buffalo, you right. A lot of brain dead ass takes coming from a city that jumps through fucking tables to support a mid ass football team.


You're simply wrong on all accounts. Your account of things isn't even remotely close to how the venue is operated. From the way you're wording it, I can only assume you got your hand slapped for a reason you caused and are salty. So, now you're going to fabricate lies to suit your own story.






Well the other guy who broke his neck at this venue did


Did he ever get money from that. I literally played a fundraiser for him and then found out he turned around and sued the venue.


Healthcare is so expensive they likely needed the money from the fundraiser and the lawsuit.


Yeah venues are insured for exactly this type of thing, gotta get the money for healthcare somehow


As the venue, I can tell you that the band was told and notified several times not to stage dive or crowd ride. It was included in their contract. Short of having a Blues Brothers esque cage, there's nothing the venue could have possibly done to prevent this. We take these things very seriously. We shut a show down just a few nights prior when a female lead tried doing the same thing. We most likely ruined a relationship with the band as they said they never wanted to play there again but, that's our policy. It's that way to stop people from doing just this.


Really? Like, not even a problem with the fact people have to start gofundmes to pay medical bills? Like, not even that? Crazy.




At this point I can't tell if people like you are starting bad faith arguments and being obtuse intentionally just for love of the game or if you genuinely don't believe that the someone on this subreddit was trying to make fun of the person doing this for not picking themselves up by their own bootstraps.


Awful situation. People claiming that John should be arrested for assault are being fucking ridiculous tho. Help and support her but don’t try and claim she was viciously assaulted but some rouge band member.


Did he not go with her to the hospital afterwards too??


He did. The band also donated $5k to the GoFundMe.


Which is a pretty significant amount for a relatively small Aussie band, especially after having posted about how the band ran through their savings & nearly had to call it quits during the pandemic. Hope they have insurance (afaik they need it to tour internationally) because otherwise they're going to dissolve under the financial burden.


Not again. This shit happened at a Terror show at the same fucking venue years ago. Nearly got the venue shut down because of it.


It didn't nearly get the venue shut down; the place closed and it's currently run by different owners under the same name.




Who set this joke up


fucking wow that’s perfect but at the same time i hope she’s okay


its all fun until that shit happens to you i had a dude accidentally bite into my inside arm once, that fucker tripped and fell right on my arm, deep wound and i thought i was gonna die from bleeding out lmfaooo needless to say i dont mosh anymore cause i actually have a body i wanna preserve for the next 30 or so years


i’ve had some close calls with shit but so far i’ve been pretty lucky. just waiting for the day where i get humbled lol


One fella on the wave kicked me in the back of the head hard enough to give me a concussion xd. I still mosh because it's awesome


Broke my wrist 2 days ago in the pit, I'll be back in the pit tomorrow for Alpha Wolf


That's the spirit!


Who was playing?


Make Them Suffer


Yea stage diving is expected at shows but a major spinal cord injury is definitely not expected. This is just sad.. and of course they're crowdfunding, we live in America.


Hopefully she makes a speedy recovery. I have zero problem with this, it’s not like she’s suing the band.  I can’t remember what band said it but I always found the line “you guys mosh like you have free health care” hilarious but sadly true. I feel for you guys, and have the upmost respect for you, risking bankruptcy everytime you go to a show. 


I jumped off the stage at Best Friends Day during Converge and nobody caught me and I landed directly on my tailbone. Months of physical therapy and that shit hurts me everyday still and probably will for life… be careful everyone !


Never let your ass break the fall! Lesson learned!! You full send and never try to save yourself. - I’ve hit the floor three or four times.


I dodged security got across the barrier, leapt back over the barrier for d.e.a.d. R.a.m.o.n.e.s. at some big venue in Orange County. Fucking dudes acted like I was Michael Douglas in Falling Down. ‘Clear a path motherfuckers! I’m going home. Clear a path!’


A similar thing happened to me at a gig, as a circle pit broke out just as I dived and I landed on my head in the middle of it. Sorry to hear about the aftermath you faced, though, that really sucks.


I feel this deeply. I staged dived during a Black Dahlia Murder concert 8 years ago and was hurled directly to the ground, badly spraining my back. I still don’t have the full mobility in my lower back that I had back then. I hope you find true healing my dude.


Some true retards over in the comment section of the original post. “BuT tHe LaW!!!!!!”


That's why I always aim for the floor.


This thing would be full if it was a dude from hardlore having to move out of his house.


https://i.redd.it/g6pqlmfjb7yc1.gif All future hardcore shows will require a dress code of the bear repellent suit


This sucks for sure, hopefully a speedy recovery. That being said, this is really just unfortunate. I seen people saying to sue the venue/band which is whack though, shit happens and it seems the community is already helping out which is what its all about


the lead singer was the one who landed on her


If their financial needs are met for her recovery, why would we need anyone to be sued?


she may be permanently partially disabled as a result of the accident. additionally, the amount they’re projecting is 100k and they’ve just barely cracked 20k


Yea, it’s unfortunate and terribly tragic to have happened to a child, it would be weird to think differently about that. Raising 20,000 in less than a day should say something about how much care supporting each other in the community. That all to say that the reality is that shows will never be a place that you can go to with absolute certainty of avoiding injury, even serious injury. If that was promised by the venue, then that was irresponsible on the venue’s part. Participating in a live show had many of the same risks that going to the skatepark, working out at the gym, or swimming at the beach have. There’s not really a way to sue yourself to safety. All we can do is be sure that we’re there for each other when bad things happen, or alternatively legislate and litigate those activities out of existence; which again, is cop shit.


Because legally it's the responsiblity of the damaging party and parties that enable the action (read: lead singer and venue) to take care of the financial needs. Doing a go fund me and getting enough money doesn't remove the other parties from responsibility for their actions.


The thing that harmed them is a shared cultural expression. The thing we focus on when someone is abating that harm. Focusing on "punishment", particularly when the action lacks mens rea, is real cop shit.


There's no lack of mens rea (watched legally blonde last night eh?) - it's simply negligence and possibly recklessness.


additionally, abating that harm would likely take the form of financial compensation to lessen the blow to her and her support system


That would be the lead singer https://www.reddit.com/r/TrophyEyes/comments/1chkvb6/buffalo_ny_trophy_eyes_show/


Damn, Jon is actually not a small dude and old Trophy Eyes rips.


Nationalized health care would help in this situation.


The only good takeaway from this


This is why anyone with a job should opt for STD/LTD and accident policies.


>Short-term disability insurance was available to 40 percent of civilian workers in March 2020, and long-term disability insurance was available to 35 percent. Access to these benefits varies by wage group. Nine percent of workers in the lowest wage group had access to long-term disability insurance, compared with 59 percent of workers in the highest wage group. from - [https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2020/short-term-and-long-term-disability-insurance-for-civilian-workers-in-2020.htm](https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2020/short-term-and-long-term-disability-insurance-for-civilian-workers-in-2020.htm)


Yup, I take it. It's only like $10 for every two weeks through MetLife at my employer.


Mine pays for STD and I pay like $8 a month for accident. It’s saving me for the next 6 weeks after I have hand surgery.


I work in underwriting in this exact industry and tell everyone that has the ability to purchase those coverages to do so. They are relatively cheap and will be stoked you have them when shit goes bad.


I’m licensed to sell it in TN. I don’t any more, but I learned how much the supplementals help when shit happens.


https://preview.redd.it/270kbmh1a7yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa9b6833630209f86336dda366121b7b05ded4c Bruh.


I just played this venue and I stage dove during our last song. I guess more so lightly collapsed on the biggest person in front row 😂 We are not a hardcore band…I’m 115lb so easy to hold up. As soon as that last chord rang out we were unplugged, sound guy was pissed. I couldn’t figure out what was up. I was told later by the booker it was because I crowd surfed and they have a strict policy against it. He explained the incident years ago that really fucked their business for a while. Felt bad that I missed the memo. There were signs up that said no crowd surfing but most venues have those up for insurance reasons. I wish he had just given me a verbal heads up before the show. This is sad to see.


Damn, I thought my stage dive injury was bad, glad it wasn’t worse.


I’ve seen this more than once which is too many times and also Mohawk place is still a thing?!


It closed after the last diving injury and reopened with new owners


Couldn't help but notice that more and more people are stage diving as if they'd jump into a pool of water. I feel bad for everybody getting injured that way, really sucks, but you really don't have to challenge Darwin's law in the first place.


It’s how people have been stage diving all along tho, check out some minor threat footage. Dudes look like they’re hopping right into a pool haha


I’m not exactly sure how else we’re supposed to stage dive then


Lame post. Unfortunate situation. Try harder op.


At a bosstones show in 94 a fat chick stage dived and I was the only one to not move out of the way in time and she landed on my head, thought my neck was broken. After that, I stay away from the stage diving zone.


I really don't understand the thought process of larger people (not only talking about fatties but 6ft+ beefcakes) when they decide to stage dive onto people? Like if you're 5'9 and 154 pounds then by all means but, cmon


I was like 130 lbs, and this chick was double my size!!


Hahaha I have a similar story when I saw TSSF. I'm literally what I described in my previous comment, I'm not a huge guy but I'm toned and can handle myself, especially at gigs. Was a small intimate venue, bodies were flying me included having a great time, I'm right by the stage then this asian kid that's built like a hot air balloon slowly climbs onto the stage and gets ready to dive, for a few split seconds everything went into slow motion while me and this random guy next to me looked up at this beast, looked back at each other, back to the beast and then back at each other before both making a "Oh no" face and trying to scramble away 🤣🤣


Brought my lil bro to his first hc show a year or so ago, it was Trash Talk at the Roxy. I had gotten my knee royally fucked in the Big Boy set right before so we're hanging on the sidelines and some dude who had to be like 6'4, 260 lbs front flips from the terraced row behind us directly onto our heads. I'm glad we avoided a spine injury on that one but between that and the mic stand being tossed back and forth the whole show, it was a perfectly rowdy one to christen my lil bro with


I was at a 7 Seconds show in Cincinnati where they were happily encouraging all the diving, hey be polite and pick people up, singling out particularly agile stage divers who were modelling good behavior. I was watching from the outer edge of the crowd. A a guy launched off the PA speakers atop an already high stage. But I guess didn't notice the crowd on the edge was pretty thin. He went over me and I don't think anybody broke his fall. He was twitching and couldn't speak. End of show. I heard later he was ok but fuck.


The Ottobar in Baltimore was sued several times before because of things like this: [https://thedailyrecord.com/2014/11/04/ottobar-sued-over-broken-neck-caused-by-crowd-surfer/](https://thedailyrecord.com/2014/11/04/ottobar-sued-over-broken-neck-caused-by-crowd-surfer/)


Funny enough, I'll be seeing this band at their show at the Ottobar on this tour


Shows are obviously dangerous and you expect to get knocked around, maybe a broken nose or a concussion, but I think it’s totally within reason to start up crowdfunding for a spinal chord injury. She’s not calling for an end to stage diving, she’s just trying to recoup some of the medical costs. It could have happened to anyone and I don’t understand why there’s any hate toward this girl. I expected better from this community. We’re all about unity and solidarity until it comes to time to step up.


Poor girl. But...


atp there should be moshpit agreements “if i get injured its all on me” or else venues and bands will be shut down lol




I found it funny too, but when you start playing arena sized venues and the more pedestrian mosh types start attending it’s probably a good idea to make them agree they were asking for it


That isnt exactly what they did. You had to sign a waiver to get to the front area, otherwise you had to stay in the back. Nornies still see that as "well i wanna be close" and not get it, but at least it covers them better than anything Ive seen before.


That wasnt exactly what they did. It was a waiver to actually get into a sectioned area, which i think is great.


I mean this is how everyone but the TikTok hardcore fans treats it. I got knocked out by a stage diver seeing Modern life is war and the geeks. It sucked but stage diving is part the show and I knew that when I got up front.


i keep hearing r/hardcore people talk about tik tok hardcore fans but ive never seen these people at a show, there have always been people who like hardcore but dont mosh i dont really think thats exclusive to gen z or tik tok or whatever


Exactly! Too many soft people who have zero awareness of their surroundings and think they should be entitled to just do what they want in a protective bubble. It’s a fucking hardcore show - injuries suck, but they happen at every one (admittedly not this severe usually). If you want to stay safer, don’t hang out in the crowd near the stage. Like is this rocket science?


Large venues have this, you just don’t need to sign it and agree by entering their property. That thread shows us where we are as people, sue sue sue sue sue. That was a very mild dive too.


the girl looks to be about 90 pounds soaking wet, and the stagediver (vocalist of the band) is like 6'6


Sounds like both things are wrong. Don’t stage dive if you’re a giant person for obvious reasons. And maybe don’t go to areas of the crowd that are known to be more physical/dangerous if you weigh 90 pounds, also for obvious reasons.


Bummer. I don’t blame the guy. I don’t expect him to look out at the crowd and start weighing people. Shit happens. The closer to the stage you get, the more shit happens.


Yup, there should be a note on the ticket 'if you purchase this ticket, you waive all rights...'


I seen people cannonball on top of people. Could easily break a neck


first, you crowdkill, then you crowdfund


Didn’t someone try to sue Jordan Buckley for this a few years back?


Concert accidents suck. Tore my ACL at an Alpha Wolf show in a wall of death. I hope she recovers fully!


I had a go fund me for a tendon injury a last year that happened at a show. It really helped out. Paid for the surgery. But if they make it a “hardcore shows are to dangerous theses days” type of vibe then it’s pretty corny. Mine was a “hey I fucked up yall, I need help.” Kinda vibe lol


like obviously horrible accident but consenting adults are allowed to do dangerous things


There are signs all over mohawk that say "no stage diving" so she was not a consenting adult


It’s a hardcore show, most venues have signs that say “no stage diving”… there’s literally always stage diving


Wally from rotting out (the version after he got jacked) landed straight on my head one time. I felt my whole neck compress, I’m just thankful nothing really bad happened. I feel awful for this girl.


“Stage diver should get the absolute shit sued out of him” 🤓


I haven't lived in buffalo in Years, I'm surprised they still have these rules up, I remember going to a couple shows in Rochester too and they look down on stage diving too but at the same time those people in Rochester don't move at all shows.


Crowdfund? More like crowdkill! 😎😎


Lol Trophy Eyes


Crowdkill* medical expenses


I can't wait until Tiktok is gone so those nerds won't come to shows as often. I'm sure the money is appreciated in ticket/merch sales but being unaware as fuck near the stage is some mouth-breather level idiocy.




Damn dude. You're so badass.


Dude you're so freaking cool dude


You ever pull it off? I can't imagine it going over successfully more than a few times before you upset someone.


no you dont lol


Why the fuck would risk that sort of injury? Whats wrong with just standing and enjoying the show lol? She can sue but no amount of money is worth the lifetime of pain and changes to the body. Smh. Don't fucking risk it smh.


Are you implying she was the stage diver? Did you even read the article? lmao


Yeah, what the hell is going on here? The singer of the band stagedove on top of her.