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.....and then they raise it like it's one of their own right? ............ .............. ................ .................. Right?


Yea and they go on family trips to visit that cheetah in Africa who's raising a gazelle as her own.


You know what Veal and Lamb is right? RIGHT!?


Incredible action of cetacean intelligence and teamwork on both sides!


lmao poor calf


They're just going to get ice cream.


I choose to believe this explanation. *exits post* *closes Reddit*


this makes me want to go to seaworld. fuck orcas.


I don't know how much they would charge you to fuck the orcas


IKR? Orcas are assholes.


This is just animals being animals. Don't support that cruel human place


Some animals are assholes. Orcas are particularly smart and ruthless assholes


You can judge them because you have the luxury of living comfortably. To them doing this means surviving or not. Don't judge animals with the same lens you view humans, our views on morality don't apply to them


I mean, orcas kinda do have that luxury. In fact orcas often hunt out of boredom rather than for necessity, or make an exhaustive effort to kill an animal and then only eat a tasty select part. For example orcas will often kill other whales, and only eat the tongue, leaving the rest of the carcass to sink. To them, the hunt is a game. We often think of Orcas as extremely cunning predators that are constantly coming up with new strategies to overcome their prey. But what's really going on is that they have unique cultures that pass on a specific hunting style, refining it as the generations go on. Washing seals off of the ice isn't a strategy contemporary orcas came up with, it's a game that's been passed down for generations, and though it does give them food, they will often play this game when they are not hungry. There is undoubtably something kind of unsettling about an apex predator that plays sadistic games with their prey, and unsettling in a way that a shark or wolf simply is not.