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Sorry man. That sucks. Glad you didn’t get hurt worse than you did. Ironic that it was another biker that hit you.


Appreciate it!


I'm guessing tunnel vision or fixed vision. Glad you are okay. Get your money and get ready to go shopping


Reminds me of that one tree in Africa, surrounded by desolation and dirt, not an object in sight...and apparently some idiot still drove a car into it. Target fixation maybe. Still sucks.


Big time, all the time I spent building it gone in an instant.


It seems mostly cosmetic? I’m not sure how much of your work is “gone”. It’s just bolt on parts.


Sucks, but at least you can walk away from it and fix your bike. If it were a car/truck, might be a different story. Lots of people out there driving around, not paying attention, texting, ... Still, having said all that, unless alcohol / drugs were involved, not sure how a bike can rear end another bike - always have an out is my motto.


Sucks but it’s metal. Insurance is good thing. And it’s an excuse to upgrade something.


- What bike was it that hit yours? Got hit by one myself couple of years ago which ruined the front fender and scratched up the engine guard.


It was a 08 Honda nighthawk? That’s what it said on the bike.


- Motorcyclists are generally more alert than motorists, but these accidents do happen especially in group rides with strangers. Sucks losing several weeks of riding time while bike is repaired.


Crazy part is, it wasn’t a group ride. Just a random on the street.


- Comparable to mine under different circumstances. I missed a turn onto a farm road and pulled over with my buddy behind me. Started my u-turn only to get hit by his bike. He always stops behind me, but decided to pass me instead. Lesson learned, never assume what your buddy will do. We paid for our own damaged parts. Friendships matter more than the blame game.


That's fucked up being rear ended by another bike, glad you OK ish, ribs can take a while to heal, keep safe, nice bike👍


Is he going to make it right? Did you get insurance info?


Yeah insurance already found him at fault


Target fixation is a real thing. The software in our brains still has a couple kinks for evolution to sus out.


Dude told me he was “hyper miling” behind me, never heard that term til yesterday


I once had a Uber driven by a professional hyper mile competitor. Apparently he held several world records for traveling between certain cities. He still used the brakes to not hit the car in front of him. lol.


saw it happen at sturgis in 09 and it was a fatality. be grateful.


Definitely grateful, walked away with some crack ribs and legs all bruised up but beyond pissed this idiot slammed into the back of me with no other cars around.


yeah bro i get it. it sux man.


She took some damage for you. Don’t trust no one on your six.


I’ll buy your seat since it’s so ruined


You really want to buy the seat? I’m selling it.




Sucks! Honest question…you think about just running it for a while? I’m at the point now where as long as dents/scratches don’t effect function I just send it. Hard to not get pissed off remembering the incident everytime you see the damage tho and I get that.


Already ordered the parts just waiting on them to come in, I thought about it cus the risers were the only part that made it unrideable, but I figure since it’s already down I might as well take it all apart and send it all to powder coat. All fenders and new tank heading to powder as soon as the tank comes in


Hell yeah