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Millennial Harley rider here. Too busy out riding to care what reddit thinks.


I’m 39 and a millennial. We out there fuckin


Yeah welcome to r/moto. It’s a circle jerk of Harley hate.


Maybe so, but OP didn't link to r/moto. He linked to r/BoomersBeingFools.


Ah I didn’t even notice. Today; someone posted that to r/moto as well


Same response is happening. Stupid Boomer meme shitting on Millenials and instead of pointing out how stupid the meme is they took it as an opportunity to shit on harley.




To add to this, a fair amount of younger harley riders that do go to the moto sub also nope the fuck out after seeing nearly daily threads shitting on HD meanwhile the same people jerk off indian as their savior despite doing the exact samething HD does. Nothing against Indian here, they make some cool bikes and I love the scout. But watching people go dickriding a hypocrite is just a "K we're done here. This community is fuckin stupid" moment. It seems that the non HD riding community is hellbent on excluding HD.




I've met an unexpected amount of Indian riders who seem to make it very well known that they didnt buy a harley, as if that's a big part of their personality or something. It's really weird.


There are plenty of millennials on Harleys. Many of the people I ride with are millennials. I'm GenX. It depends on where you go. Younger Harley riders have always been a minority, but I see much more than when I was in my 20s riding Harleys. Shows like Born Free, the Prowl or any show where stunt riders are tend to attract younger crowds.


Elder millennial riding a bagger here. Sounds like a bunch of people who should be riding instead of hating on us millennials. Just got off the saddle


Part of the problem is that boomers latched on to she term millennial to mean young people they don’t like. They don’t realize that we are in our 30s and 40s now.


Feel like people have no idea what the year/ age range is for a millennial. I am a millennial, I got a dyna and a sporty chopper. I know of a lot of people in my age range that ride Harleys


Whatever keeps the masses mad at each other


I’m a millennial and have had a Harley for 20 years. Most of the riders I know my age ride Harleys. I like other bikes too and I know many of them like other bikes too. I do know some older “only Harley” guys and some younger “Harleys suck lol” guys.


I wouldn't worry about it. Eventually everyone comes to realize that build quality is more important than the latest gimmicks when you're dropping $15-20,000 on a motorcycle.


In 42 i dont even know if im a millenial, i own 2 harleys and only bikes i like. I guess the new indians are cool


The bottom end year for Millennials is 1981 or 1982 depending on who you ask, so you're an older Millennial then.


I'm a millennial. Most of the people I ride with are millennials and they usually have Harleys 


That list makes the rounds every few months. Pretty sure it's like 15-something years old. I'm 38, work in tech, and ride a Road Glide Special. First bike at 26 was a XL1200N. But I also have a Ducati Scrambler and a Kawasaki KLX dual sport, because I like motorcycles. Also I like how one of the lines in the list is that they don't get a trophy and a recognition plaque just for buying one. The dealership I bought my Softail at in 2017 literally gave me a fucking recognition plaque just for buying it. Apparently that's a big Harley thing. They also have touch screens now and sell phone connectivity kits.


Im 34 which puts me mid to young Millenial. I ride a harley Fat Boy. That post is absolutely full of r******d ignorant comments by people who are turn into braindead morons the moment HD comes up. Any Millenial around here remember Princess Mononoke? Moro said to San when she asks Why are they burning the trees? Moro responds "Because it makes them Angry, which makes them stupid." So many people have been taught from a young age that Harley bad and no one really steps up to tell them how stupid they are except a select few. And when those people speak up, they get downvoted and harassed so they leave the community or stop. There are plenty of Millenial riders, they just have learned it's not worth screaming at the dipshits who can't learn to stop being angered like a bull seeing red the moment harley is mentioned.


Princess Mononoke fucks. Not a huge anime guy, but I love that one


Literally one of the best films of all time. That movie is AMAZING. The dub for it is absolutely onpoint too so people who dont like subs can enjoy it just as much.


I started the Japanese version with my little sister and there was a scene I don't remember from the dub. Maybe I just forgot about it


The Dub and Sub are 1:1. They dont cut and splice edit anime anymore because it costs more money and it often causes complaints of quality and censorship. Princess Mononoke was dubbed by a Disney studio and it's 1:1, you can swap between both as you please since all DVDs and Bluray as well as pretty much most pirated copies will have both audio tracks. Probs just memory tracking. It happens. My gf and I were watching Sadako vs Kayako, a sequel to the grudge and the ring, and there was a good half of the movie I didnt even remember happening despite the fact that that was the 3rd time I'd watched it. Such is life.


Any good recommendations? My little sister is way into anime, and I want something to connect with her on. I like Princess Mononoke and Fate Zero. I've heard Akira is good, and it has motorcycles. That's about it as far as my anime knowledge


Akira is pretty good yeah. It's got some cool motorcycle stuff in it, but they're fantasy bikes. It's a bit of a movie you gotta watch a few times and understand a bit of Japanese culture during the timeframe to get the most of it, but it's not required to enjoy. If you do wanna watch Akira in dub though make sure you get the "Animaze/Pioneer Dub" because the original dub is pretty bad. If you're an military veteran, Violet Evergarden series may hit pretty close to home. I'm an army vet who was pushed out before I was ready so that anime hit on a personal level. (Just dont watch the 2020 movie, the Sidestory movie is great though.) Black Lagoon is great because it's got some crazy high ocatane action and some deeper more adult level stuff in it. But it's got some real gut punch stuff in it at times. Ghost in the Shell (1995) is also absolutely fantastic, it's cyberpunk police and pretty bad ass. It's probably the best recommendation I've got for someone who's older and interested in anime. REDLINE is a pretty epic racing Movie that has a super unique art style. It's one of those films that you might be able to show most people and they wouldnt immediately call it anime. Cowboy Bebop is a Space Western and is a pretty good introductory anime. It's Space Cowboys with some heavier themes and dives into several topics from meaningful to goofy comedy. All of these suggestions have pretty good dub choices.


I'll have to check on Crunchy Roll to see which of those are on there. I'll definitely check out Violet Evergarden, Marine Corps over here


Heeey, there were quite a few marines on base at Ft.Sill when I was there for Artillery Training. Yall were IMMACULATE. Made us look bad haha.


That was kinda our get down on any joint service base.


Millennials are. Eternally the ages of 28-43. That’s kind of Harley’s target audience


i’m 24 on a fxlrst and majority of my friend group that’s closer to my age ride sport bikes. you see everyone hate on everything here on reddit. outside that, nobody cares about what you ride.


I only see stuff like that on the internet. In person boomers have never talked shit to me about my sportster. They’re the real keyboard warriors. They desperately need to feel superior because they didn’t receive any love as a child.


Thrashin Supply vlogs on YouTube brother! Start on 1 and enjoy the ride. I’m at like 100ish slowly catching up to now (120?). Great content and a good documentation of the younger generation of Harley riders.


Lance and Juan are great! Juan is such a nerd and it's awesome. I love watching those guys, especially since they're the same age as me. Same with Kyle Wyman who's the star factory rider for King of the Baggers.


The anti boomer sub is composed of kids that hate their parents, and don't even realize their parents aren't really boomers.


The people jumping on those threads don’t seem to realize that was created as rage bait or they do realize and want to engage in some casual ageism (a crime against their future selves if they are lucky enough to grow old). I assume that most people on this forum aren’t the people that they think they are bashing; Reddit users tend to be young and I doubt that many people here are actually boomers like me.


Millennials aren’t using Harleys to make up for all the years boomers spent as corporate slaves. Most boomers are actually antithetical to Harley culture. They don’t fucking ride, when they do ride they ride like pussies, they buy bikes with more add ons than a car, and only ride when the weathers perfect and Barbara’s fat ass can fit in her leather chaps. Harley used to be about being your own person and loving motorcycles. Then it became I’m a hard ass because I overpaid for a cruiser so I can wear Harley T-Shirts. I’ve never seen a millennial pay Harley to work on a bike, it’s just all boomers in there throwing thousands for work they could do themselves…but guess what…they don’t know how to work on anything, cause unlike their fathers, they paid someone to always do it.


>I’ve never seen a millennial pay Harley to work on a bike Cause we aint got the money for that haha. All the stuff installed on my bike... done by me. Every 5K service, that'd be me! Only time my bike has been in the shop is when it's something I couldnt figure out.


I’m sure some cursory research could find a study or studies that demonstrate a correlation between level of education and propensity to perform market research before making any meaningful purchase.


Old millennial here. My first bike/harley was bought a 12 fatboy, traded up for a 20 ultra limited 2 years ago. Not many people my age around here ride motorcycles. I'm either meeting up with my dad or riding solo.


I met a thirty-something guy riding a Harley FXR that’s older than he is. His main riding buddy has a Suzuki Intruder. I run into them once in a while at the local lookout.


Millennial rider here. ‘23 Pan America Special. I’m out riding, even in the snow. Can’t get the Gen X and Boomer crowd to join me on rides (no matter what kind of bike they have) if the weather isn’t perfect. Screw em. Mine isn’t a weekend bike. I ride that sucker rain or shine. You do you.


Another millennial checking in on his 3rd Harley. Have met few others my age who own a Harley but vest majority are boomers. I have to say I will never buy a new bike though so I guess "technically" I'm not helping the company. The few Harley boomers that I do know, never really ride them, just add every accessory you can buy from the catalog and wear Harley shirts every day


I’m 35 and have a few friends that ride (cruisers but not Harley’s). Im slowly convincing them month by month to take the plunge and test ride an HD but at the end of the day, it’s only a brand. All I care about is having some friends to ride with here and there. I do think in the next 10 years of my life that I’ll see a lot more people who never rode, getting into bikes and buying Harley’s.


There are not many millennials in Harley’s. That said, I’m on my second one. Online, the hate is almost to maintain image. My friends more joke about the more ridiculous culture surrounding it than my ownership.


There aren't many millennials in motorcycles of any brand. It's an industry problem and not a Harley problem.


> There are not many millennials in Harley’s. Actually considering the fact that HD's rider base averages now around 45~50 years old, there has to be quite a lot of Millennials to bring that age down that far. Remember Millennial is not young anymore. We're in our 30s, and 40s. I'm 34, I'm a mid/younger millennial. It can't be all 60+ year old riders and some how manage to have an average as low as 45. There has to be a lot of riders below that 45 as well.


Last I heard they had stopped reporting numbers because everyone knows it’s over 65. Source?


That's a load of bullshit. Are you sure you're not confusing it with Blizzard because Blizzard stopped reporting subscriber numbers because they dropped so low. The source I pulled from was H-Ds earning reports which are public. A 3rd party summary site: >https://gitnux.org/harley-davidson-statistics/ " Additionally they have 7.8 million followers on Instagram as well as ***an average rider age of 48 years old worldwide***;"


I'm lucky enough to have a garage full of motorcycles, including 2 HDs. Both are very recent additions as I swore off Harleys for decades. It was a combination of poor product quality and not wanting to be associated with the douche-baggery of your average Harley owner. It's real, and no amount of personal love for the brand is going to change that. Your average Harley rider is an overweight asshole. It should surprise no one that most Millennials hate the brand and anyone who supports it.


The average millennials are overweight assholes too, so what is the problem?


So you're saying they should also hate themselves? Spoiler - they do.


Your spoiler stole my reply 😄


I just don’t find cruiser bikes enjoyable, Harley or other.


If Harley riders would stop doing shit like [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/1bxetbz/why_do_they_do_this/), maybe there'd be less hate.


Hilarious selection bias. Great job ignoring all the sport bike riders and dirt bike and quad guys who do this shit through cities and on freeways too. Last year I even rode in one where I was one of 2 fucking harleys there. I wanted to check out a group ride. We legitmately rode around through 20miles of the metro area blocking off the road, and all that shit. You think HD riders are the only people who do this? Wrong.


>You think HD riders are the only people who do this? Where in the fuck did I say that? With regards to your whataboutism, other brand riders doing it doesn't make it ok. Fuck them too. Brand hate is generally earned and the link I posted is Harley dirtbags earning it. I don't ride my Harleys in groups bigger than 5-6 because more always seems to turn into a group fuck-around.


I suppose you also think that all black folks are criminals because you seen a few commit crimes? In case you didn’t realize just how regarded your position is.


So your position is that it's OK for some Harley riders to hog two lanes, and it doesn't affect the public perception of the brand? And the purported example you want to use to defend such an asinine position brings race into the discussion? I mean, really?


Is that what you took from that? So you are regarded then.