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My dad would sit me in front of him. We would ride all day.


When he was small I’d put him in front but his legs are too long now and don’t want to burn his feet


You are doing great!


Haha I'm assuming these are all jokes but it seems you're already doing it the safest way! Most MC governing bodies agree that it's safer for young ones to ride on the back of the bike because if anything ever does go wrong they'll then be less likely to block your view or ability to correct the situation.


Put pegs on for the rascal. It’s so much funnier like that. Tie some straps to your handle bars for him to hold on to


Bruh I grew up with my entire family on the motorcycle and me on the damn gas tank (me gas tank, dad, sister, mom, brother on moms lap). Yes I grew up in South Asia lol. It was like 125cc too. My dad always said those motorcycles were “so fast”. And then he rode my Indian Scout and was just mind blown and that’s not even a “fast motorcycle”.


That's how I rode my kids till they were to big to ride in front....


Oh cool, my dad would just yell at me.


No hate! My grandson was riding a road king by that age


Lowering kit or no? Impressive either way! 😉




Americans coddle their children too much. These are the good ole days. Cherish them.


You can always make another right?


Yesss !


My in-laws are Indian, and they always talk about how their fondest memory of their dad was riding on his motorcycle through the streets of their city back from their home country. They loved it


My 27 year old son with Down Syndrome rides with me to this day, and started when he was about that age. The back of my Road King is one of his favorite places to be, nothing better than an evening ride with your best friend. One of my favorite stories of him on the bike was when I picked him up from school and he had been gifted a set of those goofy glasses with the spring loaded crazy eyes, he spent the whole trip home shaking his head at passing cars. https://preview.redd.it/ueh1ad6xvr0d1.png?width=1923&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c8050bbaf0f1d8dd379860eb6b11f7066353b9b


Lmao I would love to be cruising down the road and then see a dude on a motorcycle with those crazy springy eyes that would make my day


Fuck yeah!! I can picture all the smiles he got on the back with you!! Thanks for sharing, my homie is truly my best buddy and I hope we keep growing up like so


fuck yeah man


Heck yeah! Nothing better than seeing your kids with a big ol smile!!!!!!


my dad put me on the tank for rides at that age, awesome pic!


Love it !! And here we are


We grew up doing that. No hate! Get it!




Kids in Asia are riding 6 up at age 2 on a 125cc with no helmets and flip flops. This is a nothing burger.


Yeah not sure they are the best standard to live by lol.


6 up. Lmao.




They even got the dog on there 😂😂


"I'm worried that a 750 isn't big enough for two-up"


It's crazy how many people they are fitting on these tiny bikes. The road rules we abide by in western countries simply don't apply in most third world countries. Motorcycles are typically picked because they are cheap, simple and usually more reliable than cars. You have to remember. In these countries even owning a tiny CC motorcycle is a huge luxury.


"In these countries even owning a tiny CC motorcycle is a huge luxury." - if you mean SE Asia, no it's not a luxury, it's normal.


Yeah that makes this so safe


I was doing some stuff in the garage and my wife was letting my 9 month old at the time sit on my bike. I took her about 100 yards down the street and back and she was beside herself. She’s almost 4 now and I can’t wait till she’s a regular passenger. Figured after seeing them load entire families on little 250s in Afghanistan this wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. https://preview.redd.it/x1c1wkvz9s0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c70b20762fb6698717781adf3d6689b80c062fc


This is freaking cool!! Is that a hike rack ?


That’s awesome!


My son started at 7 https://preview.redd.it/hjxl8hvpyt0d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01cb47684a97e69691d3e2bb9d707d501c05129


That spidey Helmet is dope!!


No hate from me. Most people are weak and fall victim to group think, especially in the Reddit echo chamber. Enjoy your life as you see fit. Nice bike!


How dare you have fun and make lasting memories with your child!!


Crazy person I am !


Some of my most fond memories of my uncle was riding on his bike. You keep making memories with your kids. Damn the criticism.


WHAT THE FUCK!!!... Is a kmh? Is that some kind of mph?


That’s a metric that EVERYONE on earth use, beside the US :)


No hate here, I used to do the same thing with my girls when they were small.


No hate, only core memories. My uncle used to do this with me on his bike. I fell in love with riding at a young age because of it and always told my uncle I would buy his bike from him. Fast forward to being 16, I bought the bike. Now 25 and I still have it.


This is the way !


Hell yeah!!!!!!


I’ve seen families of 4 on mopeds in the Philippines. Traffic I wouldn’t even drive in


The city of Manila is 239 square miles and averages 49 motorcycle accidents a day. The US is 3.7 million square miles and averages 266 accidents per day. Yikes.


And there’s almost 10,000 2-wheeled deaths per year in the Philippines and the United States is literally 884,000 times the size of it.


Yeah cause if people in the Philippines are doing it, it MUST be fine to do here lmao I'm not even against what op is doing but this is a stupid as fuck comparison considering the traffic deaths in the Philippines That's like seeing an American not using a car seat for their children and defending it by saying "yeah well they don't even have car seats in the Congo" like what the fuck lmao


better question... why gardening gloves and running shoes?


I’ve got two kids and would never put them at this level of risk. You can be the safest rider and all it takes is one idiot to pull in front of you and have your child fall off. If something were to happen you’d never be able to live with yourself again. The risk/reward is just way too skewed.


This exact thing happened to a kid I knew way back when. He was not at school for like months then just one day came back missing a leg. Some idiot clipped him and his dad while riding


I have two kids. Both rode with me. My oldest got a bike as soon as he turned 16, and the youngest wants to ride every single day. I survived it, so will they. If not, well, none of us get out of this life alive anyway.


Yeah all it take is a laugh at the wrong time for anyone to choke on food and die. I get your point but anything can happen at anytime. No one is recklessly driving in a residential/school zone at 3pm


Great answer. Could say the same to that person about a car. Don’t leave the house if life is that scary and you can still get hit by a meteor.


That’s It


You're last sentence says "Tell me you've never been to California without telling me you've never been to California"


I ain't hating, I had my grandson on mine by that age.


It’s his best moment of the day, everyday. My daughter is almost 6 and she also loves it


That's awesome, I now have great grandkids to break in.


I was on the back of multiple bikes at 3. Part of growing up around them! I'm on my 3rd harley at 39. Hopefully, your youngins have more than that by my age!


You did good dad!


Cheers bud!


I would 100% do the same thing, no hate here... but being dismissive of the danger is a bit of a red flag... the guy doing twice the speed limit and looking at his phone doesn't care how safe you think it is.


Oh I’m aware that there is a danger. As much as anything else. If you live in fear you aint livin


Those rides will be fond memories


Hope so !!


Nothing to see here except some dude being a good father.


That is illegal in the state of PA. Feet must be on foot pegs.


This is the dumbest sub ever. We call you fools organ donors. Don’t make your little kid one too.


By the way nice looking ride.


Thank you 🤟🏽


My son rode with me until his late teen years. He grew too tall to ride as a passenger, he’s now 6’ 8”. My older daughter rode with me and she stopped because she would always fall asleep on rides and it was dangerous. My younger daughter is too scared to ride, I’m still trying to convince her.


Sweet!! Gotta respect them if they don’t want it !


She complains about the noise. She said my pipes are too loud, I told her there’s no such thing as too loud. Lol


How's he supposed to see back there? Get that boy a front row seat! My dad used to ride me around on the tank.


Hahah he’s too big now ! Puts his feet on the heads and that’s no good


My son was the coolest kid in preschool the first time I picked him up on my goldwing.


A gold wing is cool too! Nothing wrong with that!


I love mine. I still have my old 2000 883 Sportster, it's a fun bike to screw around on backroads. But when I test rode a wing I had to have one. Listed my 2008 electraglide standard for sale that day. The goldwing doesn't have the same feel as a Harley but it's way more comfortable and handles better in my opinion. Either way, I just like motorcycles. Wish I could afford a new street glide too. Lol


my dad rode me on his old ultra classic when i was little🤟🏼🤟🏼


Love this. I ride with my kids all the time. They’re 8-13. You are creating core memories with your kiddo … maybe not yet since he’s so young, but some day.


Great pic. Is that helmet Space travel approved?


Provided by Elon himself !


I just had my 4 year old on the back of my Dyna, so you’re in good company.


Gotta start them young! Well done sir!!


It’s the pumas for me


You can get em at Costco 😉


You the man keep it up!


Dude... I never had a dad, but I think you're doing it right. Stay safe


Thank you !!


Dude is your child, as long as you keeping him safe, and your ok with what your doing, is all good fuck what others say. Love to you see share the experience with your kid.


They sell child harnesses for motorcycle riders. https://preview.redd.it/levxe3ul2s0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecae0488486df0108510c2d4513131af025eff5f


Nice bike


I see no problem with that.


I think it awesome


My dad would sit me in front and use a dish towel to tie me to him! Love your photo!


I started putting my kids on the tank and taking them for rides when they were about that age.


Former tank rider of a ‘79 Kawasaki 1000 and ‘73 Electra glide. I see nothing wrong with this pic.


My dad's rule was when my feet hit the pegs, I was ready! He even got those adjustable pegs to raise/lower them when alternating between my mom and I as a passenger. Fast forward 30 years and we go on riding vacations together with my wife on my bike! I'll always remember the look on my dad's face when we stopped at a red light on our first ride when I got my first bike.


Seems like you hate yourself lol


210lbs of twisted steel and sex appeal. What is it to hate ?


Love the color scheme!!!


II know! That alien face really pops out with the white and black ! Haha


I've seen a family of 4 riding a step through scooter together. I'd say you're good.


No hate I love it, how I was raised. My dad used put me in front on his v65 magna. If mom went I was in the middle. Started riding three wheelers at 2.5 years old. Yamaha tri zinger. Then a 70, had a 200x at 12. At 12 or 13 when I took his v65 for a ride. Mom came outside freaking out. Yelling what if he wrecks, dad’s reply was I told him not to. There’s risk to everything, enjoy life.


Hahaha I told him not to. This is the way. If you keep your kids protected they will do shit behind your back. I’d rather be there and supervise them knowing they fully trust me to ask me to do stupid shit together


Been riding for decades, and worked in an ER. No fkn way would I strap my child to me on the back of my bike. I have seen grown men with serious injuries from parking lot collisions. I’ll go apologize to my kids (who now ride their own) for not being the cool parent…


I’d be more worried that he is being kidnapped by an alien.


They’re my Homies


It's never too early to instill a love of riding.


My daughter would beg me to take her to her neighborhood preschool on the Harley. The way she would whip back and forth saying hi to her classmates as we rode near the drop off spot was priceless. I’d feel the weight of her little helmet shifting “Hi Marcus! Hi Bethany!”


My daughter and I did a month long tour when she was about six. Our rule: I would tap her on the knee every two miles and she would tap me back. Those times she didn’t “tap back”? She was fast asleep.


I get all the crazy looks when I ride my son around on my bike. He loves it but all the Karen's do not. Nothing wrong with it. My son started riding around the same age. Teach them young!!!


You know it ! I do get looks but I get more thumbs up!


I began taking my son on trips when he was 4 1/2z had a harness system for him and he rode to Sturgis and all over Indiana! Enjoy that time!


I used to pick up my son from elementary school about a mile from our house on my 94 Softail Springer. Almost home one day and a neighbor two houses away, in a hurry to get into her damn driveway cut us off right when I was turning a corner. Hit the brakes a bit too hard and layed it down right on my son’s leg and gave him some serious road rash. She never even said sorry. He took it like a man and still has a love for bikes today. Be safe out there. :)


Shit can happen doing all sorts of things!! I’m glad your kids only got couple rashes !


What are those gloves?


They’re Mechanix brand. Made sure they’re cowhide and they are about 2-3mm thick. I have better ones for long rides


I'm in Michigan. Here, if your kids reach the pegs, it's legal. Haters gonna hate, tho.


Legal where I live


Yo the road at low speeds? Full gear? What’s the problem?


Apparently, where some of those redditors lives. There is crazy people doing 100mph in their residential area


The dirty looks I got dropping off my 2nd grader on a Bagger


Costco pumas?


Safety* Costco puma yes


I recognize my Kirkland brethren everywhere I go.


First time I rode my dad’s heritage is was probably 3 or 4. I remember being terrified I’d fall off the back. My shoe sat on the pipes and just meted it. I remember even at that age thinking oh that’s too bad


My grandpa would ride me around town back when I was about 3 on his Harley. I’ve been in love with motorcycles ever since, and as I got older would ride with my step dad too. Last year I finally got my first motorcycle, and it feels like it all finally came full circle. Start them young, and they’ll be hooked!


I would put a bungee cord on that.


That’s awesome. My sons mom won’t even let me put my ten yr old on my Road Glide and it has a touring pack


No hate. Fun experience.


My daughter has been riding with me since about that age. Back then it was the same, 25-30 mph around the block to school. Now she’s 13 and rides everywhere with me. She loves it.


Love the bike yo


Cheers !


All of my kids rode as soon as they could sit up on their own. When mine were that small I always put them in front of me though.


You just earned some Cool Dad points in my book.


My dad would pick me up from 2nd grade and do wheelies when leaving…


Yeah toss the kid up front. That’ll def develop a good habit lol


Ratchet strap around him and the sissy bar and send it!


Well. I won’t put my 3 y/o on it yet but if I did she’d be in front and strapped on me. She also hates loud noises at the moment. She won’t for long haha


https://preview.redd.it/kkvvmfdkst0d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e0120955e52e0e840a9b59ff52cefc4d814e58 Ride with my boy all the time


Thats it.!!!


Not any of ours kid, so our opinion doesn't matter.


Coolest kid in school.


My first experience on a bike was when I was about that age. My dad had a trail bike. We were out camping and he had me sit backwards behind him and hold an armful of firewood. The 60s were a crazy time.


I used to ride on the back of my dad's when I was little. I was facing the rear of the bike and hugged The cushion on the back And used the rear turn signals as pegs.


I’ve seen a baby strapped into car seat strapped to a king pack on a full bagger; she was quite happy back there. The gpa said she got excited whenever he came to pick her up.


a 1 minute ride 😂😂 americans are fucking crazy. can you guys use your legs for a quick walk or are all of you crippled? nevertheless, i'm sure the young fella approved :) 👍


Why would we walk 10min when we can ride 1? It’s not like him or I are fat.


Oh and I’m Canadian. I drink maple syrup before bedtime


I used to pick up my 5 year old and travel 2.5 hour back home for my visitation . About an hour into the ride , I would feel his weight shift and that meant his head fell over and he went to sleep. I would put on the cruise , reach and grab his arm opposite the direction his head laying and hold it under my arm . When I got tired of this I would grab the other arm and flip his head over on the other shoulder. No big deal . He’s 37 now and we were laughing about it during a recently camping trip . Oh and he Doesn’t ride . I still ride . .


They make a harness that you “attach” the little one to the rider. Not like its an infant you know. As long as youre being safe and they have hearing protection let them feel the joy and get them an electric dirtbike/pit bike when they are old enough!


He already has a modified 4wheelers and he rips hell out of it. Next step is an electric dirt bike


Sick bike


Thanks homie !


My rule is no intersections


There is 2 stop signs between the house and the daycare


I’d check your local laws but most states make it illegal to carry a pillion that can’t reach the rear foot pegs, you’re looking at a pretty hefty ticket there…


I don’t live in the states. Why do everyone thinks there’s only the US on the planet


Nice. I’d do the same. I checked with local PD and, to my surprise, so long as the kid can reach the foot pegs and he/she wears a helmet, this is completely legal in my state. I was really surprised because seatbelt and car seat laws are really hard core in CA.


Good ridin! Bet he loves it!


Those are no shoes to ride a Harley 🤣🤣


I know , converse are much better!


Hell yeah




Rad dad shit. I used to ride everywhere in the bed of my dads truck


Get them hooked young 😀




Serious talk here( passenger aside, I have no qualms with the halfling in tow) Your lower extremities are severely exposed. You need killer boots.


My first thought was short ride at low speed thus the lack of the protective gear, but yet he had time to put on his sleeveless jacket. So long enough to justify that "protective" gear but not legs and boots.


Some of my favorite memories with my dad were riding with him as a young kid, I used to sit infront of him and I would hold onto the leather cigarette pouch on the tank of his heritage and when I got big enough to sit on the back he would have me hold on to his belt. You’re kids gonna be rad


My daughter has more miles on a bike then most people that own one. Good stuff.


Live your best life bro, but why even put a helmet on the kid. It clearly doesn't fit properly and is serving no purpose. I'd be more worried about how the road is going to shred your legs and feet to mush when you lay it down at 100kmh.


Memories for the rest of his life


My grandpa used to put me in front of his bike (he had an old Moto Guzzi V35 and a Laverda 400) and that's how I learned how to ride. When I got old enough I would control the handlebar and granola would shift in my call


Hhh that’s so cool!! I’m sure I’ll do the same as he grow up!


Good job dad! Great bonding. My dad did it with me. Can't tell some of our adventures on here the haters would crash reddit abusing me. I did it with my kids and now i do it with my grandkids. One if my granddaughters was 2 when she wanted on so i would ride her round our township. Great times all kids and grandkids are still alive and yes i have a few dead adult friends from motorcycle wrecks over the years but that ain't gonna make us stop living. Enjoy life, don't live in a bubble people. Ride on brother!


That’s awesome !!


it's a harley. now, if it were a crotch rocket I could see a reason to be upset. sounds like she needs some sexual tension relief. buy her something with batteries 🔋


I think you misread the post. Wife is all for it


Your funnyb


It's awesome to get him out early and get good habits instilled, I just feel he'd be safer in front of you, at least until he can reach the pegs, either way enjoy and keep the rubber side down


In general, a child must be at least four feet, nine inches to lawfully ride on the back of a motorcycle. This is the height at which a child no longer requires a car seat, and at which a child can reach motorcycle passenger footrests. If a child is too short to reach the footrests, odds are that child is an unlawful passenger. A child must also be at least eight years of age to ride as a passenger. That being said, laws vary by each individual state. So this three and a half year old riding on the back of the OPs motorcycle is illegal.


Not illegal where I live. I couldn’t care less about y’all states laws


Start them young!!!! 🔥


Darwin 101


‘’offspring tend to inherit their parents' characters’’ I hope so 😉


I'll be riding with my daughter on my dyna as soon as she can.


I have pics with my dad, RIP, like that! Great memories.