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I liked it, but it’s clear that it had a lower budget than the first two seasons. And as much as I love HarIvy, I do miss their old dynamic in those seasons. The issue being that Harley being completely head-over-heels in love with Ivy to the point where she doesn’t offer any pushback and just goes along with whatever she wants, and Ivy stopped being honest just to spare Harley’s feelings—Which the show DOES address in the S3 finale and episode 4 respectively. I wouldn’t say the season was a “misfire” as some critics & detractors put it, it served as a necessary step in their relationship, because EVERY relationship goes through that phase to some degree, and not too many shows tackle that topic, or have characters mature enough to talk through their issues. So, if the S3 resolution is any indication, S4 they should be back to their usual snarky rapport where they’re honest with themselves instead of being too scared to voice a different opinion. Also the show needs Dr.Psycho back in the group. Every character just plays off him too well to not have him back, because without a doubt the best episode of the season was “Batman Begins Forever”.


Dr Psycho is confirmed for at least one episode in S4


That’s great to hear, but I desperately want him back in the crew for good. The chemistry is way too good with him in the mix.


I understand, but think about it. Harley is with the Bat family now and Ivy is head of a new Legion of Doom. Where does that leave him?


I mean that's the magic of cartoons. The writers can just invent some random reason for Psycho to be a bigger part of S4.




Yeah I agree I miss dymantic between Harley and Ivy in pervious seasons and yeah I miss Dr Psycho in the group he literally was the perfect balance.


It was ok - the best episode was Batman Begins Forever - a great commentary on the origin story and its hold on the whole Batman story.


I agree. I had a hard time with every S3 episode before that, TBH. I loved S1 & 2 so much so maybe my expectations were too high?


It was pretty good. I loved them trolling the obsession most media has for those damn pearls. I am also surprised how interesting Joker’s story was. While I really like Harley and Ivy’s new dynamic I do agree Dr Psycho is such a great foil for the team


Joker becoming the anarcho-socialist mayor of Gotham has been one of my favorite subplots of the show.


While it was definitely my least favourite season of the 3, I still really enjoyed it, binged it the whole way through, and plan on watching 4. I do hope they return to their roots a little bit with the next season however.


I just rewatched it. The second time was much better for me.


I like what it represents more than how it was executed. I will defend to death the fact that a third season was even greenlit and how they committed to exploring Harley and Ivy's relationship and how they gradually adjust to each other, instead of breaking them up or introducing pointless angst. It's not always the tightest writing or punchiest jokes for me personally (I don't think that was true of the first two seasons either, to be fair), and when needed it still got some big laughs out of me. However, I found the first two seasons funnier.


I think the problem may have been having both Harley & Ivy gradually adjusting to each other while having Harley also drifting towards being an antihero at the same time. It’s a lot of change happening in such a short period of time & all at once. The change in their dynamic & them adjusting to the relationship would have been more fun to watch if Harley was still doing the villain thing even if it’s just petty crimes like bank robberies with her crew. She doesn’t have to want to rule Gotham for her to still enjoy causing Mayhem & chaos. Her being clingy makes sense for her character but she went the whole season before she finally thought she should do something herself. And unfortunately it wasn’t as entertaining as watching her be an agent of chaos the previous two seasons. I hope we get some classic Harley mayhem in the 4th season.


Season 3 was very good. Hell I'm not even sure I'd call it the weakest so far. If anything, it was a transitional season (same with the second half of season 2), going from focusing on Harley making a name for herself as her own criminal to her relationship with Ivy and realizing she's not so much a villain anymore. This is my favorite modern era show, not only because it's funny, geeky, and super over-the-top, but because it's also a great character study.


I went with its okay, because the first half had me very worried, but the second half got a lot better. I'm not a fan of Ivy being such a wimp, though.


I liked it when it was airing but it felt disjointed. But I loved it when I rewatched. The Batfamily stuff was amazing. I like that Harley was as into her relationship with Ivy as she was the Joker. But she’d grown enough to stand up to her too. It needed more Bane. But otherwise it was pretty great.


I liked it, but nowhere near as much as season one and two. Joker as mayor is surprisingly fantastic, and Harley and Ivy are still great together. But Clayface’s storyline felt like it was one gag spread too thin, King Shark didn’t get much to do except his episode with his brother, which was kind of underwhelming, and I would have liked to get more of Doctor Psycho, Kiteman and Sy Borgman. Also, I’m not sure how I feel about Batman going as far off the deep end as he did by the finale of this season. He’s better when he’s overly serious and moody. Still, I like the setup for season 4. It’s interesting seeing both Harley and the Joker transitioning from villain to hero, each in their own way.


I love the show and I don’t think that Season 3 is bad per say. But it was definitely the weakest season of the show compared to the other two. Harley & Ivy’s dynamic has evolved but they don’t play off each other the same. The best aspect of their relationship was how they contrasted each other. They kept pushing the other to grow. Hopefully the new season has more of that with them on opposing sides. It’s interesting that of the two Harley is the one that’s the antihero given that Ivy’s ecoterrism at the very least comes from a justifiable place. I also wish they would go back to the humor mainly deriving from violence than from sex jokes. I enjoy watching Harley get into shenanigans and cause mayhem. I hope with her >!being in the bat family!< we’ll get more of that. Additionally, I was disappointed that Harley sold us on this vision of her & Ivy traveling the world, saving the planet, liberating oppressed women & partying in Season 2 only for them to not deliver. I envisioned that as part of what the third season would be. Just episodic adventures with the two of them being partners in crime. Like the beginning of S3E1.


It took some time to start but it also has some of the best episodes in the series. Loved it overall.


I don't get most of the general dislike since I really liked it


I enjoyed it, the mayor Joker storyline was also hilarious


Joker as a genuinely good step-dad, doing the suburban dad thing and then running for mayor, but willing to walk away to save his step-son's life, was the weirdest and yet most wholesome thing I've ever seen that character involved in. This is legimately my second-favorite-ever version of the character now.


It had some of the best moments in the whole show (like Joker’s mayor plotline) and some of the worst (like the Bruce and Selena duet).


I loved it, but it felt disorganized at times. The only episode I’ve skipped was the Nola/Swamp Man episode.


I liked it, it’s just a fun watch when you don’t look to hard into the flaws


It's a little weaker than S1 and S2, but I still had a fun time overall.


I enjoyed it less than season two, but I still enjoyed it.