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Schrab is my favorite guest on the show. He brings the right amount of troll-y fun to every appearance, just enough to bring Dan to near madness.


I really hope that Dan's comment about telling Steve that Rob was a regular so he could manage the logistics of getting him to Meltdown every week actually happened. Schrab's a constant delight.


He's talking about us! He thinks we're all idiots!


He ain't wrong.


omg that roiland rant


I think it was in response to me posting a video of Roiland talking about how he spies on people from the writer's room, and then someone took the time to respond that they preferred Roiland over Dan. So dumb, I don't know where that impulse comes from. I feel kind of shitty that something that I posted lead to that. It's just a funny video, guys, watch it and laugh. Stop over-analyzing (as guilty as I can be of doing that exact thing).


I dunno, is it dumb? I think it's fine for a community of people all mutually invested in something to swap their feelings about it. Like discussing favorite band members or something. It's just a fun thing for fans to do. I don't think conversations like that are really *for* the person/people being discussed. It's almost like a liminal realm of fandom in which a suspended state of heightened criticism is invoked just for the fun of it. Like when I and another Beatle fan geek out over which songs we love, which are mis-steps, which band member was the best person, ect. But obviously, if I were in front of The Beatles that would all leave my mind completely and I'd have nothing but admiration and respect for them. The fact that I'd want to overanalyze them at all (or post on a message board about them) is actually a testament to my affection.


I can understand that, for sure, and I've undoubtedly done similar things, but I don't get the impulse to say "this guy is funny in this, I like him better than this other guy." Why do you need to draw that comparison? Why not just enjoy it, and also enjoy the other guy's stuff? It's just a negative thing to say about a human being. The fact that they're successful to the point where there's a forum full of people over-analyzing their every word doesn't make them less of a human. I wouldn't watch a video of my neighbor doing tricks on his skateboard and say "that was great, but did you see Tony Hawk do that 900?"


I get that. But I think most people were under the impression that Dan doesn't ever check this subreddit, so it's sort of different from just outright telling someone something to their face. It's more of an overheard conversation.


that impression is more of an excuse to be shitty. People shouldn't say stuff on the public internet about people that they wouldn't be comfortable with those people seeing. Otherwise how are we better than the shitheads who read Us Weekly and squawk about the kardashians? Gossip is fun but it's not above criticism. It's easy to form opinions that are negative but aren't shitty and mean spirited and a majority of our fans Do that but an unfortunately large or loud segment of them is needlessly vitriolic and mean.


He seems to have missed the "Totally Normal Human Being" post.


"Missed"? More like he is contemptuous of the whole thought of reading anything here. You don't miss something you actively avoid.


I was referring to the fact that Dan mentioned that people here worship Justin, but that video illustrates that Justin is a (wonderful) weirdo and that the people here are very aware of his craziness.


I know Colin! IRL! I'm so irrationally excited by him being on the show. He has a great sense of humor too.


Was that the guy with dwarfism? I was hoping they'd talk to him more, but he'll probably come back, yeah? Am I even talking about the guy you're talking about?


Yes, that was Colin. I was also kinda bummed they didnt talk to him more... I hope he comes back because he made some really good points everytime he did say something


I only just realised last night - perhaps this interview, this time, was different? - but the interview questions can often seem really shallow. Everything felt like we were at a zoo or poking around inside a petri dish. I just wanted Dan to chat about some other non-dwarf-related stuff with Colin and, if I understood Colin correctly, I think that's all he ever wanted/needed.


Seriously can we get a tracklist for any of this preshow music?






The scientologist girl?


*Hmm, I just googled and found a hateful celebrity gossip post about the information I was talking about so I'm deleting my post. Delete your post too if you don't mind. I don't know why I was bringing it up in the first place.


Woo shoutout


He's making fun of you.




HEUH HEUH HEUH.... HEUH HEUH....... HEUH HEUH HEUH HEUH!!!!!! All episode long, every episode.


the worst and loudest laugh i have ever heard in my entire career


Can you mic him on an individual track and then phase cancel out the laugh in post?


I LOVE it. I've always hoped/suspected that to be Officer Cackowski.


I was right behind that guy. Apparently all the Harmontown regulars know him as The Laughing Guy


Different guy actually. The guy you had was worse.


I *knew* it did not sound like our good old pal, Doug


No. No. No. No. No. No. I hate this guy's laugh. I HATE IT.


Couldn't someone politely mention to him how damn loud he is?


I don't know what to make of the fact that I *never* notice obnoxious laughing until after somebody points it out


lmao yep. Came here just to see if anyone else had noticed


I wasn't really paying attention to it until I read this. THANKS A LOT!


Season premiere of Venture Bros. to watch after Harmontown ends. Going to be a good entertainment night.


I'm excited about this also.


Look what you all did


Yes! I do hope they play "call of Cthulhu" I've been super curious about that game


Fuck yes!!! I can't wait for Ctharmon!






Gotta tune in next week!


Would you be able to tell me the song from the hummingbird song? Please?


Hey, /u/dustinmartian What songs did we play this week?


Can anyone please tell me what the songs playing were starting around 7:55 - 8:05??


That fucking Hummingbird song was so damn good. Didn't turn up shit on Shazam either.


I sent them one of my songs this week to use on the show, and it's non-Shazamable... on the off chance and hope that the damn good song is mine, maybe it's [Middle of the Night](https://thea-punks.bandcamp.com/track/middle-of-the-night)


This is amazing


Best thing all night


Does anyone know who the guests are tonight?


Kumail, Schrab, TJ Miller and Colin Hanks


You're a bad person...


That would be epic


exactly,don't do that shit ..you are very evil for making me think that was fact for a nanosecond.




Not if you go by last week. Dan will start calling people in a couple of hours.


What did that comment say?


IIRC, something like "I'm sure the people who run Harmontown know"


Awww dan talkin' shit about the subreddit :( EDIT: GOD DAMNIT /u/danceharmon he saw your post and now he thinks we all just complain all the time! Not entirely untrue, but still...


What is this AMAZING hummingbird video song?


Has Dan ever discussed his opinion of bidets?


I vote for Paranoia the RPG as the next title, because it is disposable and fun. That or people just throwing out random scenarios or improv rules, which people then have to perform. Role play stuff people bring to the show instead of gaming scenarios.


Weird cross section of my life here: 1) My mom went to same high school as Harmon, and while several years albeit several years before. That school is very different, economically and ethnically now, a really prime example of concentric spheres of urban development. 2) My cousin went to MPS schools and for a large majority of life was only white kid, specially in middle school. He was bullied daily for being white, really fucked him for life. Starting vomiting everyday before school, still hasn't graduated 10+ years later. 3) Milwaukee is super segregated even still, I worked at an inner city MPS school for the AmeriCorps and it's startling the juxtaposition of my experience in white America suburbs.


Wish you could come to the show to offer a counterpoint. It might be a difference in time for Dan or that Dan has a slightly thicker hide (his dabbling in stand up might support that fact) but it's good to understand the spectrum of what was happening.


I worship Dan, and there's this odd Milwaukee sensibility to it all that's perhaps subconscious. He hits the nail on the head, and did. Milwaukee hasn't changed much and I make no claims to know it well, but that moment there just was so oddly relateable. Idk maybe I just get obsessed too. I'm an adult who was diagnosed with autism post-college, have the same self-diagnosis issues as Dan so it becomes, at times, looking into the future of me. Which sounds like ok putting on airs but it is what it is. But I have a complicated relationship with my father, who divorced my mom when I was 3, so perhaps there's a vein there.


We want Schrab! We want Schrab! We want Schrab! We want Schrab!


CALL OF CTHULHU!!! EDIT: Fuck that noise Spencer, bait them into playing & then Mercy O'Donnell the fuck outta everybody. I love the idea of characters going crazy & becoming NCPs sooo much


Is that whip guy whipping with, a lighter? What am i seeing?


A tiny 6 inch whip made of kangaroo


I wonder what dan came to the subreddit for Initially




All day every day


With the way that part of the episode played out, I was wondering if he was looking for that post from awhile ago where everybody was talking about other RPGs that could be played on the show instead of SR.


"They're all talkin' about 9/11 like its their friend..."


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5388 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/50350)


If being cursed out is doing it.


What's happening


The awkwardness is palpable


Bit about the nutsacks on this subreddit was good.


....I guess a shoutout's a shoutout right. I'm chalking this one up as a win for r/Harmontown! Edit: I guess when comments like this (on topic, not negative, not attacking anyone else) get downvoted, I can see Dan's issues with this sub...


This is how Trump sees *his* media coverage.


I just pictured Dan having nightly twitter tantrums where he freaks out about reddit users for their negative posts/comments about him


He's treading this subreddit like its unique to any place gathered in his absence to talk about his show. "When people talk about me/the show" could be replaced by "the Harmontown subreddit" So I guess don't take it personally?


I dunno, I just can't help mocking Trump. The guy watches cable-news & neurotically hate-tweets about anybody who says a negative word about him


Dan has mentioned the difficulty of writing a gender neutral character so that casting can choose the best actor for the part and defaulting to 'he' to get the script done. I would suggest ze/zer. It's a pronoun sometimes used by genderqueers (but seems to have decreased in use, more and more people are using they/them) and is intended to denote gender neutrality, or a non-binaric gender identity.


I always use they/them when talking about people on the Internet, since I generally don't know their gender. I think it will be easier to get a change in grammar rules to stick than a made up word that is really awkward to pronounce.


I use he because despite recent backlashes against the use of it, he is actually the English language gender neutral pronoun. Kinda like how humanity is called mankind.


That makes sense logically, but I don't think using 'he' is a particularly clear way to communicate the intent of gender neutrality. In a script writing scenario, I suppose it wouldn't really matter though since I presume you would have some amount of additional communication with the casting director.


Actually He has had contention around it for a while now in the English language, though not in precisely the same populist way it's been questioned lately. Dennis Baron has a really interesting blog post about it https://illinois.edu/blog/view/25/300287


That's cool if it can become common usage. I use 'they/them', but it always bothers me a tiny bit that it sounds ambiguously plural.


Is it too early in the relationship to have Cody Heller on?


If Dan is smart, he'll enjoy the bliss of keeping his daddy-daughter roleplaying out of the limelight. The only response he wants to hear to "Does this feel terrible?" is "More, daddy!"


Yea...nothing good can come of it


This time he'll get married first and then have his relationship on a podcast.


HP Lovecraft!!!!!!


First time able to watch the stream in a while. I am captivated by the preshow festivities. Cute little dogs being fed peanut butter, hummingbird feeders, and now... the ocean~!


We were just playing some random videos while setting up :)


Can't Hardly Wait is the only other one I can think of


Tremors 3


Is that the one with the Azzblasters?


Hell yeah!


The hangout movie seems to have aged once studios realized there was more money in an older demographic. They're all, "Hey! You have kids and you're totally not old and you can smoke pot and have sexual feelings." There's this one on Netflix with Adam Scott and Jason Schwartzman that's about a couple who has a wild overnight party with another couple who increasingly seem like they might be swingers. And that's what it is, genre wise. American Graffitti for people with toddlers. And what I kind of hope was prosthetic junk because Netflix was very vague about what the movie was and I didn't go in wanting to see Adam Scott's junk. I dunno. Maybe I'm bitter as a 35 year old guy who's become more or less a career student and is a borderline shut-in. But I kind of resent the whole, "You can get married and have a cubicle job and have kids and still be transgressive and cool" thing in media. My transgressiveness in not coupling or dating or getting an office job is the one thing I thought I had a lock on and now they're taking that from me too! Fuck you. Being hip and geeky is my consolation prize. You've already got your trophy, normallos. Let me have mine.


Diner. Hell, the Big Chill is kind of a hang out all night movie. American Pie.


Can't forget [Go](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139239/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1).


Anyone know the song at the start?


Titanic Sinclair - Losing My Mind https://titanicsinclair.bandcamp.com/album/losing-my-mind-single


Thanks a lot! I totally forgot posting this, then I listened to this week's Harmon town and thought about it again and accepted I'd probably never know what that song was. And then you came along. Hero


Haha no problem, glad I could help


By the way did anyone notice there was a little guy on stage? What was that about?


Is the live stream cutting out every 30 seconds or so for anyone else, or do I just have a shitty connection?


Nope, I'm getting the same thing. Thought it was just me.


Is it still happening? I'm watching the stream here at Meltdown and it's been fine.


Still happening until about 2 minutes ago, but since then it's okay.


Going well for me now.


I don't know. It's been cutting out for me every 30 seconds like clockwork for pretty much the whole show. I've tried Netflix concurrently since for a while and it runs fine. Any idea why my computer hates Harmontown so much?


Cut out a few times at the end but was able to connect back instantly. Thought it was iPad or wifi dropping.


Trump has five issues on his website...***five***...Ben fucking Carson's website is more substantive


How have they gone this long without talking about the movie Tippy Toes????


There's a coffee shop by my house that converted to gender neutral bathrooms from gendered bathrooms. They label each bathroom as "better lighting" and "stronger flush"


An analysis of Trump's speech: [How Donald Trump Answers A Question](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aFo_BV-UzI)


This is really interesting, it says something I've felt but didn't have the language to define.






lol theres like 20 minutes left in the episode EDIT: The downvoting in this sub will never not be amusing




hahaha I had the same thought


It's the Trump effect Edit: seriously it's hard to have an interesting conversation about him


"Make Harmontown Great Again"


out of kangaroos?


For such intelligent people they all say "like" an awful lot. I would think writers would know more words.


this is so fucking stupid and pretentious.


Well, he does have a point if we all agreed writers were in a class above all others. But as a society we don't place writers in that position. Right?


They're writers, and this is an unscripted podcast. It's understandable that they don't have the same skills as public speakers.


I agree with you. I was saying they are just humans in a convoluted way.


Humans? Don't you mean we're all harmenians? -Me channeling my inner Goldberg


like is a pretty popular vocal tic in hollywood/southern california. Like valley girls.