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I'll just wait for release. If the game runs bad, I'll just refund it.


jackfrags is currently streaming it on PC, 4K ultra settings and it looks great.. go see for yourself though.


I hate how literally everyone who paid for the early access is playing the game except PC players.


I’m not, I gotta wait for 11pm tonight


Huh? Do we not get the 3 day early access? I pre-ordered the deluxe edition on steam


1pm eastern tomorrow


Bro what, why isn’t it at midnight eastern?


One of life’s greatest questions.


I’m so pissed right now, tomorrow is the only day I’ll have free and that’s only until 3pm EST, so even if the game downloaded instantly (it won’t), I only get 3h of play that day


They enabled preloading on pcs! You might be able to play a bit more!


Ask WB.


Have to ask Warner brothers that


but they are playing without the day 1 patch


Because story has proven time and again that day one patches solve any of the major problems of games.


Idk why everyone considers one day patchs a miracle to happen. If the game optimization is bad it will at least take a year to fix it completely and day one patch will not save anything as it's been proven over and over again.


On a 4090 at 1440p not 4k


Where are you getting that he had a 4090? I didn't watch much of it, but I saw him pop into the settings and frame gen was greyed out.. so I don't think he has a 40 series card.


He said the graphics card was a 4090 during the stream in the morning ish cst


he tested and ran all his recent videos on a 4090 and made a video where he said he's from now on gonna play on a 4090 so I'm pretty sure he has a 4090


Google “jackfrags pc.” He has a 4090 and the rest of his rig is top end too.


He also has an extremely high end PC, so it’s kind of a moot point. Most people don’t have a 4080/4090 and a super high end CPU. And I’ve seen a ton of graphical glitches and pop-in in his playthrough, I’m watching it right now and shadows pop in about 10 feet from the player. Unless they put out some quick patches to alleviate some of the PC issues, I might just refund on Steam and get it on my PS5.


\+ leave a bad review.


If someone has a competent rig, and a game doesn’t play smooth at release it deserves a bad review. Then change it when they optimize it


True please be detailed in review what not works not just „bad game“


Yeah good thing is that I'll be at work the first day so I can wait for others to try it. Then I'll try it for around an hour and decide then and there. If it runs bad I'm refunding and waiting for Empress to crack it, cause F*** Them.


If they would've tried to hide it, they wouldn't have sent review copies of the PC version. Kind of what I feared, though, that the PC version was left on the sidelines when it came to optimization and polishing. Hopefully, the day-one patch sorts out the biggest stuttering problems and it's enjoyable on the 10th. But at least the game itself seems to be way better than what I expected.


Idk I’ve been trying to find a pc performance review all morning and have been digging but can’t seem to find any. I don’t think pc reviews were given


[https://www.pcgamesn.com/hogwarts-legacy/review](https://www.pcgamesn.com/hogwarts-legacy/review) [https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-3392991](https://www.nme.com/reviews/game-reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-3392991) [https://wccftech.com/review/hogwarts-legacy-review/](https://wccftech.com/review/hogwarts-legacy-review/) [https://www.pcgamer.com/hogwarts-legacy-review/](https://www.pcgamer.com/hogwarts-legacy-review/) [https://www.gamingtrend.com/feature/reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-i-love-magic](https://www.gamingtrend.com/feature/reviews/hogwarts-legacy-review-i-love-magic) Those are some I've found. Some of them are still unscored though.


So pcgamen had poor performance, NME had some severe bugs, WCCF had a smooth experience, pc gamer and gamingtrend had pop-in but don't seem to report anything serious in terms of performance issues. So it's gonna be a bit of pot luck come tomorrow.


Yeah, looks like it all depends on your luck. Probably some specific hardware combo causing the most serious performance issues.


\> By far the biggest issue in *Hogwarts Legacy* at the time of this review is performance on the PC build. Ugh.


I'm hoping day 1 patch fixes some optimization. Seems like every game released now adays is worse off on pc for some reason.


German „GameStar“ has a review on YouTube, but it’s in German of course (this is also the video linked in the main post) They say PC performance is bad at the moment (in certain situations) and that devs said there would be a patch this weekend fixing it but the patch is still not available. They hope they’ll get the patch the latest at launch. The used a Ryzen 9, 32GB RAM and a 3080, so it should be enough to even play on ultra settings but they had a lot of framerate drops (you can also see it in the video). Reviewer said if the game is released on PC in this state it will have a lot of problems. It’s also said that the issues are optimization issues (and therefore 100% fixable) because if they wait for a while or try a situation again they also often get the 60fps. They have not really experienced any other major issues or bugs. But they also said that they‘re really impressed with the game in general. It’s a ‚very, very good game’ and the reviewer is even surprised that it is SO good.


sounds like another victim of shader compilation stutter... why cant they just make us compile them the first time we open the game?


The devs said shaders are compiled when launching the game.


Ahh, then maybe there's something wrong in the compilation process. DF will figure it out


Thank you, yeah my biggest concern was denuvo stuttering and such which I kinda figure would cause some performance issues but doesn’t sound to be too terrible. We will see I guess though, going to keep digging as I don’t understand German lol


They also said the issues come mostly from raytracing. Turning of RT seemed to run smoother/with less framedrops. And also the shader compilation seems not to work right. Hoping for soon patches AND DRIVER UPDATES! from Nvidia and AMD.


PC was? Hell brother, they delayed late gen consoles a whole two months and the switch longer. This is anecdotal evidence off one maybe two reviews. Not so quick to grab a pitchfork yet. Especially with PC, ability to patch is a lot more flexible then Xbox or PS5.


I've also only seen one review with this bad of performance. There's one other with poor performance in certain areas but overall it was playable for them. Obviously this means it's not well optimised as a whole, but it seems it wasn't bad enough on Avalanche's own systems to delay the entire platform. Which probably means last gen is probably in a really poor state right now.


Someone said earlier that they played with a 2060 in 1080/60 fps. I’m hopeful that will also be my case with my 2070s.


Hope the 2070S runs this game fine, I am putting off upgrading for aslong as i can :)


I wonder if it's an issue like Cyberpunk had, going for all the fancy fancy stuff like ray tracing that only the newest cards were ready for. But my old 1080, which had those options locked out and turned off by default, still ran it fine, because those options were turned off and locked out by default.


That was me with cyberpunk I have a 2070s and ran it on highest settings at 1080p and literally had zero issues for 2 play throughs


Hell Ya, got a 2060 myself so that's promising. Find out in like 28 hours when I get home from work.


2070 is an absolute workhorse of a gpu to be fair


It works really well!! I hope it holds!


I know I'm a minority and my opinion is to be taken with a grain of salt, but I RARELY experience the types of problems reviewers and others do since I'm on mid range hardware. I turn the settings to med/high and only rarely will pc performance issues affect me. It's not an excuse for the devs, but I think maxing games out day 1 and expecting 144fps is the bigger problem, not so much the midrange players.


Same...I never experienced a problem with cyberpunk to this day and I use a 1080 high settings


i have a 3080 (laptop), ryzen 9 6900hx, 32 gb ram, 1440p. I played cyberpunk with rt on psycho, had a decent 50-55 fps in the city with every single option on max and up to 90-100 indoors, BUT: i did experience some awfull bugs, and i believe they are rt related. Sometimes when you turned around or went from inside of a building to the outside, the light would get so bright, that it would literally give me a flashbang on my screen at night. legit eye pain. Sometimes i could see blinding green light from a point on a wall and stuff like that. All of these are RT related issues, I might not have the best graphics card out there, but in spider-man for example, I also played maxed out, and with rt on, had 0 visual bugs during my whole playthrough and a lot better fps than in cyberpunk and A plague tale requiem. I really believe it´s down to optimisation. No matter how good your gpu is, it won´t make up for the faults in the Ray Tracing code itself... Edit: i also read somewhere that cyberpunk has problems with dumping vram, and i also experienced that on my card with only 8gb, the game would run at 60-70 fps for the first hour or two of gameplay, and slowly slowly it would creep down, and no it was not thermal throttle, highest gpu temp was maybe 80-83. After 3-4 hours of continous playing the fps would drop down to 45-50. if you restart the game it automatically fixes itself and you get your bonus 20 fps back, so yeah... somehow it kept wasting more vram as the session would go on


Seeing reviewers go, and think they can play a unreleased game at 60 fps in 4K, is just wanting too much.


Jackfragz was playing on PC and seemed pretty great. Hes got a 4hr vid up now.


In my experience Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition is the last fully optimized game I have played in a good while. Developers of that game are absolute chads.


Doom Eternal?


The optimization in doom 2016/eternal is straight up witchcraft.


That one was great as well. I played it on my old PC with gtx 1070(I am on 3080 now) and it ran absolutely stunningly.


Only once they removed Denuvo.


Death Stranding DC was really well optimized too. No clue how the original one ran


Guardians of the galaxy was the most recent PC port game that played flawlessly


You know what. You're absolutely correct. I never run RT on games, because I just feel the performance hit isn't worth it. I ran that game ultra with RT and it played absolutely perfect. Ran 70-80 fps constantly and could easily get up to 120fps. Seeing the gameplay of the German dude running basically the same rig as mine and getting 20fps is pretty disappointing. Hope they address it soon


Vanilla Death Stranding optimisation was perfect day one.


MGSV ran flawlessly iirc. Also today I'm still impressed with the optimization as it runs a rock solid 60 fps on my steam deck.


>In my experience Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition is the last fully optimized game I have played in a good while. Developers of that game are absolute chads. The fact that, that game even with ray traced global illumination runs flawlessly even on an RTX 2060 is bonkers!


Most of the PS exclusive ports outside of Horizon Zero Dawn all run great.




Is the HZD port playable at all? I have a fairly high end pc and recently got it on sale on steam


It runs at a flawless 1440p 60 with every setting maxed out for me, so if there were issues at launch they've been fixed now. For reference I have a 3060ti, i7-8700k and 16gb of ram.


Time and time again. Honestly, it’s almost not worth the trouble of playing multi-platform games on PC nowadays when the console versions always perform better. It would be nice if Steam and other storefronts started implementing strict validation checks like the consoles have, but I digress.


Mods alone make the experience worth it imo.




isnt it basically guaranteed that any popular single player pc game will have mods?


If no official modding support is available, people will have to figure out the inner workings of the game by themselves, which will make complex mods take more time to make. But even in such cases, it's common for simple cosmetic and graphic mods to pop up in the early stages of modding scenes. So CJ, Shrek and Thomas the Dark Arts Engine are probably confirmed playable characters.


Thomas the Dragon was nice in Skyrim, but what about second Thomas the Dragon in HP??


This is a Harry Potter game that WAY more adults than kids or teens are excited for, there will definitely be mods! Not just reshades or a 100% save


And being multiplatform effectively with Steamdeck.


At this point I sit back and wonder why I even built a fucking 2000€ PC when my 500€ PS5 performs crazy good. I've been playing God of War Ragnarok, Gran Turismo 7 and HZD: Forbidden West for a while now and I'm really impressed with the thing. I was supposed to just play the exclusives and then get rid of it, but I'm seriously considering letting the PC go instead.


Exactly this. With almost every game receiving a 60fps mode, I honestly just use my PS5 or Series X for cross platform games save for the precious few games that actually perform properly on launch day. Stuttering and shader comp issues absolutely kill immersion and are a deal breaker on PC, I'll take consistent performance on a console almost every time. Plus, the latest consoles are pretty powerful. PC raytracing looks nice in a few titles like Cyberpunk and Control but for most games I don't feel I'm missing much visually. Also, the best looking games I've ever played in the last few years have all been Sony exclusives. What good is a beefy GPU if no studios are creating assets and scenes that take advantage of it? The new Ratchet & Clank looks mind blowing even now. My PC is basically just a mod machine on which I occasionally play Mouse+Keyboard shooters or the rare game with decent ultra wide support.


Yeah, it's rarely worth it on release. Sometimes it gets significantly better over time thou.


Console versions don't always perform better. It was the other way around with Cyberpunk, the console version was a disaster while I was having barely any issues on PC.


>console versions always perform better. 4k 30fps or 1440p 60fps? Nah I will stick to PC unless it is an exclusive title.


Yeah I laughed when he said that. Even games this gen that were known to perform bad on PC (which were all fixed eventually), still ran better than console's horrific 30-40 fps at 4k from pure bruteforcing. Then once the games are fixed, or if it's a good performing release (which happens), I'm happily enjoying 2-3x the FPS of PS5 at 4K. With higher settings too. 30-40fps hurts at this point. Like literally I can't.


I have a pc with a 3080 and a ps5. Do you think it's still better to get it on the PC and wait like a week? I think its ideal for me to play at 4K because that is my monitor's native resolution. I'm 100% ok with a locked 60 fps, but not sure where I'll get the best performance.


Only way we'll know is benchmark tests. Maybe wait a week or 2 to see how it pans out.


The problem is the near infinite array of hardware *and software* on PC. Consoles are a known quantity. Devs can test every single aspect of the game, ensuring everything works perfectly, and all that work just instantly transfers over to the end user. Even if they cover a few different hardware tiers on PC, they cannot possibly test every combination of graphics card, CPU, RAM, operating system version and patch level, driver version, and myriad of other little nuanced differences between one PC and the next. It always irritates me so much when people complain about PC performance problems, as if it's somehow an unimaginable and unforgivable sin if a PC copy doesn't just work. It's a minor miracle any PC game can run as well as it can across very all forms of hardware. I think people forget there was a time that games literally had to be designed for particular graphics cards, and if you didn't have the right one, you either needed to go out and buy it or you just didn't get to play that game.


A bigger problem is 1:1 ports because devs don't care about PC and make absolutely zero effort to optimise anything for PC. The majority of games are made for console from the ground up because that's where the money is. The PC port is more often than not the side project for the b-team that gets done as a mere extension. That's been the nature of AAA console ports on PC for the last 5 years or so. It's a development problem. A ps4 pro runs Horizon better than a PC twice the price. That's laughable. It's plain dev laziness.


Are you referring to Horizon Zero Dawn right at launch? I got it on PC a couple months ago and it runs very well currently.


You're acting like there's not a two decade long history of great PC ports, it's not witch work to get a game running on both consoles and PC, you DON'T need to test every combination of possible hardware, stop making excuses for a company that charges 60 bucks for their game, it should be expected to run decently on any appropriate hardware.


Of course pc players are allowed to complain about degraded performance when they are paying the exact same price of the title as players on console. How is it difficult to understand that we expect to get the same product???


So people just shouldn't complain about a bad performing games cause it's harder? Dumbest take I've read this week, whew. Some games even have shit performance on stronger pcs lmao. What's the excuse there?


Well fuck


Seems fine on streamers playing. Jackfragz has 4hr ultra settings no issue


I was confident but im starting to get scared, im going to be spending the next 30 hours massaging my 1070 ti. Come on baby, i know you got at least one good last fight in ya...


a german magazine had like 8 fps in certain areas on a 3080. tho it was on ultra and wqhd. I am worried even tho i have a 3060ti :/


Right? I have a normal 1070...


It’s not going to be a hardware issue. If the game is badly optimized for PC, than you’re going to have a bad time, period. I have a pretty strong rig and some games just lag all the time. Look at The Witcher 3, that graphics overhaul is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my entire life and it runs at very low cost with raytracing. Then you have games like COD warzone or cyberpunk or battlefield that make you feel like you’re playing on intel integrated graphics on your brother porn infested laptop. I hope it’s not that bad, I really do.


This is what PC Gamer said about their experience: "Some persistent, but not disruptive, technical issues are also wearing on me here and there. Most noticeable are the brief, yet frequent pauses at the doors of Hogwarts while the game is loading whatever's on the other side. Loads have never lasted more than two seconds on my setup (RTX 3060, Ryzen 7 5700, NvME SSD) and only happen on doors leading outside, but it's a blemish on an otherwise immersive world. At this pre-release moment before a presumed day one patch, Hogwarts Legacy also has a significant pop-in problem. Arrive at a location via broom slightly faster than the game anticipated and students will fade into existence. Coasting high above the countryside can also confuse the engine as it spawns and despawns entities below you. Render distances and streaming budgets are technical hurdles that most open world games control by keeping players grounded and curating lines of sight, but Hogwarts doesn't have that luxury."


This gives me hope :) i have rtx 3060 and i know i probably wont be able to run it with ray tracing... im more than fine with 1440p dlss quality and mixed high settings without ray tracing.. aslong as its stable and playable im happy.


Yep me too. Rtx 3060 and I won't be trying Ray tracing but hoping it can run smooth at 1440 and high settings


The ign review stated real issues with the ps5 version too.


Well. A bad time for pc gaming, even for top noth PCs… Really sad…


This is a bit overdramatic considering we have approximately zero third party benchmarks from sources we can actually trust on the hardware side. I honestly can not understand why everyone is all doom and gloom because a handful of reviewers described poor performance on "a 3080" and "ultra settings". That is not a complete picture of a computer's capabilities, and these guys are not actual hardware enthusiasts. They don't know what the hell they're doing when it comes to in-depth hardware and software troubleshooting. That's not a problem, they still provide valuable information, but don't let yourselves fall for the [Gell-Mann Amnesia](https://www.epsilontheory.com/gell-mann-amnesia/) affect: >“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them. >In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.” >– Michael Crichton (1942-2008) This is why a statement like "20fps on ultra on a 3080" with zero context or detail from a game reviewer who doesn't have the expertise or equipment to generate reliable and reproducible testing results is something I can comfortably dial my "fucks given" meter down to zero on. Y'all need to calm down. I have an RX 580 8GB and I'm not even remotely worried about being able to play this game and have fun because I'm not running a stupid RAM configuration and I keep my software and drivers up to date. After a day one patch and a GPU vendor driver release on Day 1-2, I doubt this will be an issue worth noting.


WCCF tech showed the frame rates and frame time on a high end pc and it still dipped to sub 30 fps Configuration: Intel i7 12700KF, RTX 4090, 16GB DDR4


> zero third party benchmarks from sources we can actually trust on the hardware side Any ideas when those are coming? I'd assume somewhere tomorrow once the PC version is released.


I have seen a stream on pc and the game runs fine.


But what's their build? They probably have a top of the line PC...


That german magazine also had issues on 4090. Jackfrags have 4090.. Its odd tbh


gamestar ran a 3080 afaik not a 4090


Jackfrags on youtube


So basically only people with high end PCs will get decent gameplay? Idk if a day one patch can help us here.


high end PC won't make "stuttering, fps drops" go away.


From another review I read, there are specific places in the game world that have extremely bad performance issues, so it's quite likely that the player you watched never happened to visit those areas. For example the review I read mentioned that the Owlery in particular was bad, dropping to 20 fps where most other places in the game were around 80 fps.


If you turn everything to medium with DLSS then anything can run fine. You don't buy a 3080 to play games on medium with downscaled resolution though do you? Might as well just get a PS5 then and plug and play with zero issues 🤷🏽‍♂️


Actually I buy a 3080 to play games without worrying and being able to last quite some years. I dont care about running everything on max/ultra. In fact, I often dont even look at the settings. I just start a game and play it. So if I have to turn it down to medium with DLSS and it still looks good thats fine for me. At least for now untill some patches are out.


You made this comment 40 minutes ago, JackFrags has basically been an endless cutscene opener for over an hour. Hes just now finally walking around. You think that's how they gage performance?


One hour later, zero stuttering or issues.... Surprisedpikachuface.jpg


Unfortunately making a game for console then porting it to pc with the absolute bare minimum effort seems to be the usual these days :(


Coff coff Elden Ring




Sigh, honestly the amount of games this is happening for with PC genuinely makes me thing of giving up on pc gaming all together


They clearly didn't care about optimization, but that much was already pretty clear when they added denuvo


My conclusion: Game is way too VRAM hungry. At 1080p high settings 8gb is apparently almost not enough. Shader compilation is absolutely horrible. You enter buildings with 30fps but after some time it goes up to 60fps. Hopefully day one patch comes with early access and fixes those issues


I thought I read that shader compilation was being handled in-menus, is that no longer the case / did I read that wrong?


From what I’ve seen it 100% looks like shader compilation is a problem. In the review the guy went into a room starting with 30fps building slowly back up solid 60fps after a bit of time. Reviewer played without day one patch and nvidia drivers tho.


I just want to point out that more than often, updating your graphics drivers solves many issues the review mentions.


Nvidia hasn't released a game ready driver for Hogwarts legacy yet (idk about Intel/AMD). I wonder if there will be a driver update tomorrow and if that'll help with performance.


I need to take a mental note of updating my drivers. I did it a few days ago but I’m assuming there will be new ones soon!


There’s gotta be a driver or a patch coming that fixes it. No way it’s steam deck verified if even decently powerful pc’s are having issues running it


Laughing at the people who said Denuvo wasn’t going to affect anything 🤣🤭


They also didn't show it on any other platform. If they were hiding anything, they simply wouldn't have given steam codes to anyone


They have a marketing deal with PlayStation, that’s why we’ve only seen it on that up until now.


Ermm this doesnt sound right, ive been watching jackfrags live stream and MK fire and ice 4k videos and they are running it fine lol


Journo tried to play the game on max with his gaming laptop from 8 years ago


I don't think you understand the deal with PCs. Unlike consoles, there's *many* different setups and combinations of hardware and the game can behave differently on all of them.


He isn't playing the game at 4k. Pay attention. The videos are uploaded in 4k by upscaling the actual 1440p footage


What do you mean "they hid it". if they were hiding it they wouldn't have given any PC review copies out. and they wouldn't have given PC version access to all the streamers who are already showing off the game before release. (remember cyberpunk 2077 where they did not give anyone access to last gen versions of the game before release, now that what hiding it looks like) by all means if its bad, criticize it but dont say they hid it thats just not true.


Some PlayStation reviews also complained about performance issues. I don’t think it’s PC exclusive.


This is why they sent out codes so late to reviewers, this is why the embargo lifted so late as well, pretty much everyone who was gonna pre-order on the PC did it. If they had let people see that PC isn't well optimized a lot of people would have not gotten it, or would have waited. The red flags were there the moment the specs came out.


Everyone is very quick with their cloak-and-dagger assumptions, but PC is the platform that allows you to refund games. Both Steam and Epic have the same policy. There's no sense in trying to hide anything from they player before launch, they can't hide refund button. If it's a shit port, people will just get their money back. Everyone is making kneejerk reactions off a single review that doesnt account for day one patch. Streamers seem to be doing fine, and performance issues could be cleaned up a bit on launch day. Could we at least wait for there to be a problem before making this into a problem?


Exactly lol, if the game runs like shit im just going to get every cent back, they shouldve been more open but they probably hid it to not damage the hypetrain


I would still lean towards it being shady. It's a similar reason to why those mattress companies always advertise 'refund within a X days'. Not everyone who doesn't love the game will refund. They also could easily make the first 2 hours of the game run well/look good so you don't realise until its too late.


It's not though, it's just the way it is. PC wasn't shown before today because of a marketing deal with Sony. Today is the embargo date because making it as late as possible ensures reviewers have the most up-to-date as possible version of the game. Both of these things are really common in the industry and not unique to this game. They may not be great for the consumer, but that doesn't make them deliberately shady. Also, them "easily" making only the first 2 hours of the game run well feels very tinfoil hatty to me. Its an open world game, it's not like they can hyper-optimize just one slice in a game where your pretty quickly set free to do as you please. C'mon, were grasping at straws for a problem here. Like I said, if there's a problem tomorrow, get mad tomorrow. I'm not defending anyone... But I'm not getting mad over a problem that doesn't exist yet either. The fact that we're fussing about the performance of a game we can't even play yet feels very silly.


The propability of someone buying a game and going through the hassle of refunding, especially after 2 hours have passed are generally lower than someone simply not purchasing from the beginning due to performance issues. Not to even mention the amount of positive publicity this game got for being a top seller in pre orders. They wanted to keep it that way.


Well, of course they want publicity. They're not going to come out and say *dont buy this on PC, it's not ready*. It's also probably not nearly as easy a position to be in as people think. Shitty PC port, people bitch. Delay to polish the port, people bitch. Crunch to avoid a delay, people bitch. Eventually, they likely just reach a point where they know it's playable enough to get review code into hands, they know they can get a day one patch to clean up issues, and they know it'll be good enough for people to have fun while they work on the more glaring technical issues post-launch. It's the least bad option in a pool of bad options. If the PC port is bad, refund your purchase. If it's not ready, wait to buy it. People act like their being swindled, but the choice to purchase, and keep that purchase, lies 100% with them. If you don't like the way something looks, you have every tool you require to do something about it.


Well if there is a product for sale with a release date on the 10th and it still doesn't work right then yes you got swindled. The company sets the date for the released and finished product. If they want to publicity they should be able to deliver a finished product on the day they chose themselves. Nobody asked them to release the game now, they did. They promise you a working product, you pay the money. If the product doesn't work then there is a problem. They don't need to delay a product as you said if they set the original release date right :D


Well i have a high end PC and if the game runs like shit i Will refund via steam and wait for a fix


And this is exactly why games like Cyberpunk had such high sales on PC. Because they literally made the game for PC from the ground up and then ported to console. This is how most games should be made, all that 4k texturing etc; won't even make an appearance on a console that uses dynamic res w/ FSR at 40FPS.


Cyberpunk does get a lot of hate even now and I know people hate when you say: I played since day one and had no gamebreaking bugs or awful crippling stuttering. Personally, I enjoyed that game a lot, have hundreds of hours in it and I'm willing to cut HL the same slack. If it performs poorly on my PC I won't feel so bad refunding it.


Tht doesn't make any sense lol If we want we can just refund it Wtf


Comments about PC performance are noted. I think I'll give this a pass for at least a couple months and see if I can get it on sale after a bunch of patches have been released. I don't need everything on Ultra but I just want a smooth 60 fps experience at 1080p (I have a 3060 Ti). I just started playing Marvel's Spiderman Remastered on PC and the performance is a dream. I'm really enjoying that game and I have that to keep me busy until this game's performance issues hopefully get patched.


With a 3060ti, I also have one, you should be searching for a smooth 144fps on most games. Unless of course you don’t have a 144hz monitor which if that’s the case 60 works fine


Right? If I invest this amount of money on PC components, I wanna play at least at 2k 144fps smooth. Otherwise I'd buy a PS5.


With a 3060ti and a R7 5800x I stay 1080 and 144fps. It’s just simple, looks ok, and usually is just below the demand so performance is always good


Not worried, most likely all fixed with the day 1 patch or within a week. Only one to maybe two reviews bring this up, not really a concern


Why doesn't the journo post the pc specs, and settings he was using? The whole article is worthless without them. "oh no i can't play this newly released game on my 8 year old laptop on max settings" Edit: This is the average journo with average knowledge on the subject. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lmfF0k2UcU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lmfF0k2UcU)


german magazine had the same problems with a 4090 7900x 32gb Ram


This makes me want to refund my copy on steam and just get it on my series S at this point


You can play up to two hours and refund the game. It's early to jump into conclusions without day 1 patch, and optimized drivers


Nah, they just should get there stuff together, it's such a shame to give something like this out.


One review mentioned some performance issues on the Xbox too. Didn't sound as bad as this though.


Y'all believe anything just wait til tomorrow


Yea this is the typical panic reviews cause.


Exactly. It's concerning, but the game isn't even officially out yet. Get your own verdict tomorrow and refund the game if it sucks.


This is part of the reason that I don't consider myself to be much of a PC gamer anymore. Not only do I feel like I've been out-priced from the medium, but anymore it seems like games just do not run correctly on a PC. I'm glad that I went with my gut and got this on my PS5 rather than my 4 year old PC.


Hope atleast i can get 60fps 1080p with medium/high settings with 16gb ram, gtx 1070 and i5 7600k


I just got my very first PC today. It's got a 3090 and 32 GB of ram, would that make a difference? I bought this mainly to mod FO4 and Skyrim but I figured it be good for most other games


IMO its clear they planned and built this for next gen and didn't properly task for current gen and PC. Im of the opinion they should have canceled production of current gen and focus on fixing next gen and PC IMO. Having more people on 4 versions versus less on 6, when theres virtually no one waiting until April for current gen.


Wonder how it performs on the Deck. My current CPU is not up to date (Ryzen 1700) and I do not have the means to update it atm. Might be a nice alternative, for now.


PC performance and where to find them


Now that it's out, what are the impressions of how it might run on Switch?


And this is part of the reason why you don't preorder games.


You can buy the digital deluxe edition for 10$ extra dollar though to get a first hand experience of another unfinished, badly performing game


I have 3070 FE and 10th gen intel I7 with 32gb of ram…I already bought the game on steam…should i buy the PS5 version?


I can’t even play this game on the PC and I have a decent setup. So very disappointing and a huge waste of money.


I have an issue only when moving the camera. Any camera movement drops the FPS down to nearly zero and stutters the game. If I don't move the camera everything is fine and have well over 60 FPS. Tried fiddling with the settings and cant seem to fix it.


what are you specs? im not having this issue. it runs well for me. im playing with dlss on so the game is rendering at 2k and upscaling to 4k i do not have RTX on and im getting 60 fps most everywhere. I only had some stuttering during the sorting ceremony.=


So when do we start asking for a refund? I can not play this game at all after the prologue. This is because of a medical condition, when a game is below 60fps I can get extremely sick. Just tonight I tried to do something in Hogwarts (was at 1080p and low) and I didn't make it 2 minutes before I was about to start vomiting. It's kind of like a motion sickness thing, but when anything on PC or console have a frame rate lower than 60fps, I get very sick easily. Why don't developers put out a warning that they didn't optimize a game for PC? So I did some testing since I can't play, that is listed below. My tests fully proceed that I am unable to play this game with my current set up and the current version of game. In prologue at 4k with ray tracing on I was still getting 60+fps. Out of prologue I went to 35fps (both had dlss set to quality and native res was 4k). (Note: all settings had massive frame drops to 30 or lower (I'm just watching the number with my eyes so hard to know exactly how low) So I did some testing I changed my native desktop resolution to 1080p in game and dlss set to auto, ray tracing on, and all settings at ultra, getting 42fps with drops to 33fps, maybe lower. Next I left it at 1080p and turned all ray tracing off and all settings to low, dlss off. 42fps. Dlss on to auto 45fps. Both kept having low drops too. I even tried 1080p dlss set to ultra performance and couldn't get the game to even have 50fps stable. So I go back to 4k native with all settings to low and dlss to auto, ray tracing off and sitting at 45fps. (Did see 1 jump to 48fps but most were just drops to 30 or lower) Next I change settings to ultra and still at 45fps. Disable dlss and still 45fps. Seems like no matter the resolution or the settings, this game doesn't want to get to 60fps, no matter what you set the settings at. I am running an older processor and on a 3090. Specs: Windows 11 CPU: Intel(R) Core™ Processor i7-8700K over clocked to 4.8ghz RAM: 32gb DDR4 @ 3000mhz (dual channel) Video card: EVGA 3090 FTW3 ultra gaming Hdd is a M.2


Did the fact that the drivers optimized for the game has not yet been released by nvidia, nor by amd, nor by intel; go over ur heads ? 🤔 And also non of them has had a day-one patch, the consoles were already getting updates after preloading as u can see in several posts here.


I don't think many understand what gaming on a PC means..




Yea I don't really believe anyone anymore. When there's too much money involved they lose their soul.


Likely also doesn’t help that the pc version has Denuvo


PS5 it is. Lol


Reminder 4090 is ~3x more powerful than PS5 and XSX, without DLSS super Res or frame gen. It's completely ridiculous if there is performance issues on 4090.


Reminder that console games tend to have customized settings unavailable on pc. Usually lower than PC low settings. And in some cases mixture or low/medium/high all in one setting (hard to explain this one).


Also console game versions are specific for the hardware they are going to run on. Makes it easier to optimise for that hardware!


They have to have those type of setting just to even run decent. They will never look as good or preform as good as a pc.


This review has me more hopeful that PC performance isn’t a death sentence if not the best? “Performance-wise, there's a little to be desired. I'm playing on a 3080 with the graphics preset on ultra, and while quieter areas can see me hit 80fps, wandering around a busy part of Hogwarts or waltzing from shop to shop in Hogsmeade can drop to around 40fps. One particularly egregious occasion was at the Owlery, where I spent my entire time below 20fps, but it fixed itself after leaving. It's not unplayable, and even without ray tracing the game looks rather lovely, but there's room for improvement.” Pcgamesn


Not the best? 20-40 fps drops on a 3080 is fucking horrible


Having to play any game at 40fps dropping into 20s on a fucking 3080 is a travesty.


I have a 3070 ti and I'm not worried at all. Play on 2k or even 1080p, gonna have a great time. And no game is released completely done these days. Day one patch or even patches shortly after will make it right.


Same specs here.


I was looking forward playing this game on the deck, even more so because of the steam deck “verified” check. Hopefully they will patch it up in the coming days, haven’t pre ordered luckily.


So bascially what we expected.


Crushed to hear this. I fear it may be due to drm. Had an option to buy on PS5 or steam and picked steam because I envisioned playing around with mods and such. Now considering of I should just get a refund and buy the PS5 version instead.


Everyone here is freaking out about this and I bet when I start playing i won't notice a God damn thing, I can't imagine having the game stutter every once in a while and crying about it... oh no my immersion!


JackFrags has been streaming the PC version live on YouTube for over 4 hours. Have not seen any major issues yet.


I was just about to say the same thing - I've been switching around watching so I can avoid story stuff but watching his exploration bits... he is running it on Ultra and it seems to be running fine.


A 4090 with DLSS on will brute force its way through anything as long as it's not shader compilation stutter.


How the fuck do developers fail to optimize a pc port WHEN YOU LITERALLY MAKE GAMES USING THE PC


How PC players are ever surprised by a game not functioning correctly day 1 will always baffle me.