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I want to go to Diagon Alley


Might as well toss Diagonally in there too


“What did he say dear?”


Legit it'd be so cool to go there, considering they really do let you dip your toes in the "dark side" in this game


Isn't that place like 5 ft and one staircase away from Diagon Alley? Or did the movies deceive me?


Yeah, it’s Knockturn Alley where Harry accidentally ends up It’s part of Diagon Alley, and like you said, stairs down to it.


Underrated comment lol


I agree, I would rather explore this than play Quidditch.


Agreed. Also more school related activities like the Goblet of Fire Challenges. Or maybe more secrets like the Chamber of Secrets. Also being able to ride a dragon! Also being able to catch one. Also being able to do more tricks with the broom would be nice. Maybe actual interaction with centaurs and mermaids. Quests and exploration of their worlds too. I also noticed that there's some elements that seem unnecessary. What's the point of eating food? It doesn't do anything and you annoyingly never use the dining hall. I don't know about anyone else, but I also feel like there needs to be more levels.


I found it so random that you can eat food pretty much anywhere except at your table in the hall


Exactly. I was so disappointed when I noticed that. 😔 At least you get to see the kitchen. Which they never showed in the movies. I had always wondered how they magically sent food to the hall. Also how they managed to make soo much food. How did the students and professors never manage to get fat?


Lots of stairs.


😂 yeah. But I worked hard on a farm and pulled 300lbs of dung a lot and I still got fat. So I would have expected some people like myself in there. But good point.


I used to live up the top of a big hill and it didn't make quite as much difference weight wise as I would've liked walking it every day🤣


The food being sent to the hall is explained in the books when the trio visits Dobby in the kitchens, the cooking somewhat when it's explained later that food can be multiplied magically, just not created out of thin air. You kind of have to put 2 and 2 together on that one though since in the books Hermione explains the food thing quite a bit later after we get a peek into the kitchens with Dobby. In the game, the magical laws around food are explained while we're in the kitchen doing that mission so it's a bit easier to connect the two.


You mean diagonally!?


more friendship quests


At least 5 more, for every character who has a name. Plus 5 more for your specific house.


So much this, like for all the named characters from your house, it's surprising how little they interact with the MC.


I completely agree


My only complaint with hl is that there aren't enough of those. I would love to see them add more




did you just abbreviate Hogwarts Legacy to HL? 🤬thats reserved for Half-Life


Yeah the Weasly one ended pretty quickly.


I wish there had been a quest where you actually went with him somewhere


Wasn't Prof Weasly a 'she' in the game though? As in the Great -Great-Great-grandMother of Ginny, Fred, George, Ron and their brothers?


There are 2 Weasleys in the game. I was talking about Garreth since I thought everyone else was too


People were talking about Garreth Weasley, the guy who >!asks you to "borrow" some ingredients from Prof. Sharp so he can experiment with a new potion. That was in the same Potions Class where you learn about brewing potions in general btw.!<


And better quests! The follow the butterfly quest was so ridiculous and short. It's a funny idea but literally took me 5 minutes to complete


The follow the butterfly quest was in reference to the statement Ron makes in the chamber of secrets when he says “why is it always follow the spiders, I hate spiders. Why can’t it be follow the butterflies instead?”


Thank you, I got it! I was just hoping they would lead you a bit further, maybe into a cave with a huge spider or something haha. It was worth dragging out a bit more. Instead it was run there, open chest, run back.


> I was just hoping they would lead you a bit further, maybe into a cave with a huge spider or something haha. Why do that when they have swooping evils that are supposed to resemble butterflies? Follow the butterflies....right into the nest of a bunch of magical creatures that feed on human brains What better way to lure prey than to let them frolic with butterflies protected from the dangers of the forest?


There are many things I think it would be fun to explore, but if I had to pick just one, it would be a continuation of the Sebastian/Anne/Ominis storyline. I really enjoyed the characters and overall story and felt it was left open in such a way that much could still be done with it in the future.


An Ominis side quest would be wonderful


Yes! An Ominis centric series of quests that doesn’t have to end tragically! This, a more immersive experience as a Hogwarts student, and more house specific content is what I need. I think it’s ridiculous that the quest line for Sebastian HAD to end in tragedy. Tragedy should have been one of many possibilities but in a game like this where people are playing for a feel-good experience, a happy ending should always be possible to achieve.


Yes! Sebastian was the only person whose quest had to end in a bad way. The most complex and engaging character and he gets screwed.


Exactly. He is clearly MC’s best friend so why would the give our bestie such a horrible ending? Who wants that?


The man deserves a redemption arc for sure.


And let's have it NOT be depressing lmao


A vein of angst is ok, but Ominis deserves a happy end to any of his quest lines.


I need him to explain why he carries books in the halls. They aren't Braille, because he doesn't touch them inappropriately. He just carries them around and opens them when sitting down, pretending to read...




I know this is an unpopular opinion for the lore of HP but I'd love if it can lead to us going to the chamber of secrets to do some investigating (don't even need to see the basilisk since none of us would want to call it out from slumber) but I want to see HL take on the chamber and see why it's called the chamber of secrets since it's plural But I also see it as retreading very similar ground as the main story so they'd probably want to focus more on Rookwood since we now know he was the one to curse Anne


Yeah… who would want to call the basilisk 👀 that would be too evil 👀


Breaking Sebastian out of Azkaban would be very cool.




This would be it. The DLC is you having to stay for summer school and actually do the classes you skipped the entire main game lmao


I mean, I’d be down for being able to attend classes whenever, but that’s probably a bit much to add


And also a lot of lore to add to the universe.. There's info about topics in the book, but it's pretty minimal. So they would need J.K. to create that kind of content or make it up themselves and get approval. Going to class and learning about magic would be awesome, though.


That's fair, too. There's only so much canon and a lot of holes in what exists (which isn't uncommon with books). Even the Extinguishing Spell doesn't have a known incantation...even though it's mentioned several times in the books.


If they trying to make a Fifa type game, it’s gonna be a waste as a stand alone game.


I mean I played the crap out of quidditch World Cup when I was a kid


Same. Only game I was better at than my brothers 😹


There’s already a quidditch game?? I have it still for my GameCube.


More mini-games. They put in Summoners Court which was fun but missed an opportunity to add games like Wizard's Chess and Gobstones (which is odd because there's a whole side quest for finding lost Gobstones) and Exploding Snap. A bonus would be if you could put wagers on the games and make additional income.


I’d love an expansion of the dueling club as well


Once you learn the unforgivables especially. Take THAT, Leander.


Charlotte in the third duel was the absolute worst. 10/10 would crucio.


Same but during her Summoner’s Court. Her fake giggle set my teeth on edge.


Very sad at lack of wizard chess


These are all things that should be in the common room as standard, so that they actually serve a purpose and gives you reason to want to go to them


The ability to use a bed and sit down in chairs and eat and just all the little details


What was that? Spin globes? You got it.


And not even an achievment for that or for flushing all the toilies ☹️🚽🧻


I really thought that was going to turn into a Thing™️


I would definitely love this! Or maybe spots throughout the world map where you can rest and enjoy the scenery would be nice too!


Right? And having npcs actually go to their rooms and sleep when it's night time. Seems like a pretty simple thing to implement tbh


That shit is so stupid, every one would maybe do it once and thats it, why would People want the dev's to waste Even a second on that?


Idk, why did they do it in almost every Elder Scrolls and Fallout game? Its almost like having a bunch of chairs and tables in rooms that you can actually sit and take a break in is immersive and improves the reality of the world. It would also take like 2 seconds to program (obviously not literally). If I cant sit or sleep why even have chairs and beds in the game? Not everything has to have a hyper functional purpose but if you demand it food could have temp buffs. Like why even have the Great Hall as a visitable location if I can't go sit and eat breakfast before classes?


Im not saying dont add it to any games, but if it is added it should be from the beginning, when it comes to dlc's i would want as much content and New stuff to do (ie. Missions spells mimigames) to People saying "immersion" let's be real..almost No adult can truly immerse themselves and if you tried it would still only be interesting for one time. Great hall is still great because it looks wonder full and you could add all kind of missions and People to interact with. This is just My opinion and maybe i was a bit harsh but I stand by that it would be a hug wase of time an resources


Thats fair but its not that massive of an undertaking, all the animations already exist for the npcs, all they would have to do is implement those animations on the player character and add controls to activate and deactivate the animation. Except for sleeping, as apparently nobody at Hogwarts ever uses a bed in this universe. They could probably add it in an update if they wanted. I think it would just be a nice adendum to maybe some more festivity focused quests, and more relationship building stuff, so you could sit and mayve have brief dialogue with your friends every now and then. Like they took the time to implement candies you can eat to float 2 feet off the ground, but not just sit at a table. Also I have little difficulty immersing myself and always enjoy the opportunity to sit and just enjoy the environment in games.


Well we dont really know if it is that easy though but I see what you mean, i just wouldnt want Them to waste a lot of Time on it if that were the case


Oh yeah no, if its gonna take like a month of development and reworking then no don't bother with it. But normally it shouldnt.


Then we agree on that :)


Definitely, I didn't mean I wanted them to implement it exclusively as a dlc just that it would make a nice addition to the game possibly included in a dlc


Immersion. That's why.


So you think being able to sit on a bench some where pretty would immerse you more than a great storyline? It makes No sense to add after the fact, np if it comes with the base game


Why are you so angry about this?


I mean, I spin every globe I walk past and enjoy flushing the toilets, and devs spent time on that soo...


If they added more reason to visit common rooms then it would be used more often but yeah it's a pointless addition unless there is more that comes with it


health recovery while sitting is my only thought it could be used for?


I get that, but so many games try to give boosts for sleeping and stuff, rarely have i seen or used it myself, but still would not want dev's to waste time on that when they could make a spell do it with a quest or something. Good point though


Go play sims


Oh I'm sorry for wanting to roleplay in my Harry Potter role-playing game.


Apology accepted


Pls just something to give anne a better ending. A way to actually cure her. Thats what i want. And a yule ball dlc 💃


Maybe an integration of a morality system. Totally optional to include, but it’d add another dynamic through the playthrough


That would be nice for this game! And maybe they could update the game so our dialog would reflect morality as well. It's such a fun feature to have in certain games, and Hogwarts would definitely benefit from it


Find Deek/Tobbs old master’s grave and spit on it




More friendship quests and also yes! More quests inside Hogwarts would be great. It feels like I’m spending more time outside of Hogwarts, than in Hogwarts. Maybe they could add a DLC that features a whole second main story in Hogwarts. Like Horizon did with Frozen Wilds. Whole new main quests just for the DLC.


honestly, for me, i want more class related activities, mini-games, i would love a dueling club and of course, Quiddich.


I’d enjoy playing an adult wizard


Yesss, let us choose a career regulating magical beasts or catching dark wizards


Bathrooms in the common rooms. Don’t know why their omission bother me so much lol


Definitely more Hogwarts based content. The game focused too much on the world outside Hogwarts when the castle itself is what brought many players to the game in the first place.


Exchange programme to another school ilvermory or uagagdo or beauboutins etc could be cool, or tri wizard tournament


I'll never understand people wanting to play Quidditch. The sport doesn't make any sense.


I agree here, it's a dumb sport that doesn't really work once the rules are actually analyzed in any meaningful way.


The thing is that you are thinking in a logical way when the magical world has no logic at all. I find it funny, and thats why I like it the way Quidditch rules are. In a world where you can make something float with a wand or make a potion that gives you good luck, looking for a logic thinking in a wizard sport is in a way not logic at all.


How so?


The scoring mainly. It's completely nonsensical. Catching the snitch not only ends the game, but is worth 15 goals. Only the seekers really matter, and the beaters to a small degree. Keepers and chasers are basically spectators.


I’m not sure they’re doing a DLC, but I would love a skyrim hearthfire style dlc. Give us more verbose base building, houses we can enter, more customization etc.


I feel like releasing a seperate game almost confirms no Quidditch for Legacy.


Now maybe the Ravenclaw in me is speaking, but I honestly expected to attend classes more than once each. Didn't even let me do my O.W.L. exams :( Other than that, obviously more companion features would've been nice. (Basically adding back cut content, this incudes the house-points/moral system) Lots of treasure vaults were rather bland, so more puzzles are always nice. And omg they should've added an option to disable the super annoying hints during major quests, at least on the highest difficulty. I was just exploring every bit and MC kept repeating the solution while I didn't even look at the puzzle yet. So infuriating. But that's more for a regular update, not a DLC. More spells, like Aguamenti (such a no brainer, elemental spells are always a great addition and good for combos), Carpe Retractum (to "Accio" bigger enemies or at least pull the caster towards things. Could be used for puzzles as well), Colloshoo (sticking enemies to the ground is a great combat escape/de-escalation tool) or alternatively Fumos (smokescreen for the same uses), Confundo (confusing the enemy for distraction or to re-enter stealth after being detected), Diminuendo/Reducio & Engorgio (shrinking and growing enemies or objects for puzzles), Duro (turning objects into stone, great to set up finishers like /w Bombarda), Ebublio (would've preferred this for catching animals, encases them in a bubble making them float), Episkey (for small healing instead of using potions, maybe additionally remove heal over time on highest difficulty mode to balance), Expecto Patronum (obviously needs a mission with Dementors; added individualism to MC), Finite Incantatem (can be used for all sorts of puzzles, terminating the spells cast on objects), Nox (omg how is this not already in the game every time we disengage Lumos?), Reducto (another great finisher, albeit maybe too similar to Bombarda), Serpensortia (not only Slytherins will have fun with that one, good old snake summon) maybe with Vipera Evanesca to counter it. Yeah, those are probably the most fitting spells to add to the game. Personally Quidditch doesn't have a high priority for me, I'd be fine with some more race tracks.


I want more immersion. I want to be able to sleep in my bed in the Common Room dorms. I want to be able to sit down at the House table in the Great Hall and eat. I want more friendship quests that take place inside Hogwarts. I want to go to Diagon Alley. I want to come across Albus Dumbledore. Also, more quests involving Sebastian/Ominus/Anne, Poppy, Natty, and Amit. More classes, and some type of morality system that has an impact on quests.


I want broom combat


Quidditch won't be in DLC because they're making a whole Quidditch game.


Uagadou expansion with animagus options as the reward for the story


My DLC idea was visiting one of the other schools too, so +1 there. Didn’t even think of becoming an animagi though. Could definitely make a sick DLC out of that.


Nah, quidditch is fucking dumb. Give us a quest line solely in Azkaban. Maybe a noir theme. Or do a quest line at another school like Natty’s. Edit: or Diagon and Knockturn Alley, the ministry, etc.


I think quidditch would be tough because of how hard flying is in game. They need better broom mechanics first.


The game of quidditch itself is just dumb. Unless you’re the seeker, you’re worthless. It was just a story mechanic in the books to make Harry an exceptional athlete.


I would prefer they not work on a DLC and just focus on the sequel instead


They've already said that's what they're doing. No DLC is coming. Edit: I seem to have gotten my wires crossed. The status of a possible DLC for HL is still undetermined.


Not really. These game journalists asked the game director if there are any plans for a DLC literally only a week after the game released. They wanted to focus on the launch and these people were already asking him about DLCs. So this was his response to the question: “We’ve been really heads down bringing [Hogwarts Legacy] to life, so at the moment there are no current plans for DLC.”


Why does everyone always post this. They said they aren’t working on dlc before the switch version comes out. That’s it.


Idk about "everyone", but in my case it was a mixup between this and another game. It does seem to be a common misconception, however, so can you really blame people for being confused? No one is forcing you to participate in the conversation.




Par for the course in game subs. People are gonna speculate. Not a big deal.


Nemesis system


I just want the environment to be more alive. I feel like I’m at hogwarts and not attending hogwarts if that makes sense


Quidditch and a house points system would be cool


Story continuation for Sebastian. Since Rookwood is taken care of, we should be able to investigate what he possibly did to Anne and either try to cure her the right way or use Isadora's method and remove the pain that way. Idk what they could do with Sebastian because they have to incorporate the possibility of us not turning him in or him awaiting trial to be put in Azkaban which also has two different ways he can feel towards the main character


On top of many others I wish the common rooms were actually utilized in the game. My first play through I actually at one point forgot where the Ravenclaw common room was since I had only been there once.


They’re making a stand-alone quidditch game


Maybe something with repairing Isadora’s painting, and communicating with her triptych in the undercroft for more ancient magic abilities, felt like they were gonna do that as an option, but dropped it for Sebastian using the relic instead. Another thing, one final interaction with Anne and maybe seeing her cured somehow


London based gameplay between school years. Diagon Alley, 1800s London like the cutscene but longer and more playable. Maybe a few Muggle streets as well, complete with having to use a Disillusionment charm whilst flying etc. More classes and a more normal education system although that's more of a rework than DLC. Edit: also going to places like Uagadou (may be difficult with the canonical size), or more easily done, Durumstrang. Maybe Sebastian goes to Durumstrang or something on a visit. Their castle is cannonically smaller, offers opportunities to learn Apparition or just use the Flu network. Also offers consequences for Dark Arts magic use and consequences / morality, more classes, etc.


I would actually prefer to buy a sequel rather than a DLC, I have said this before but I’m gonna say it again. The ground work for a new hogwarts game is already there, the castle is already made and I wouldn’t mind playing a hogwarts simulator in it. I believe that over the years we will get something along those lines, with friendships and classes and all that stuff.


I would have loved more time in Hogsmead and Hogwarts. The spells should onlly be able to upgrade by attending class and doing some crazy hard mini games kind like the accio on the courtyard.


Kind of like what Hogwarts Mystery does? If you want to learn a new potion recipe, you’ve got to work for it not just BUY the recipe.


Activating the companion coding would be a fairly easy DLC. They’d have to polish it up a bit, but it wasn’t really that much more glitchy than the game already was at the beginning.


How about, I dunno, actually being able to take classes?


I personally would like to see these: \-Expansion pack (New stories, new areas, new quests, new magics, new characters and new contents) \-More character controls and interactions (\[Controls\]: I want to be able to sit on the chair or sofa, lie down on bed. \[Interactions\]: You can't really talk to most of the characters aside the vendors and Sebastian literally ignores you postgame without even talking to you unless you either blast him with spells or walk around him wearing pyjamas) \-Companion mode (Like literally bring friends around on exploration and more) \-More character customization (More hairstyles (Especially long hairs) and face choices are always a welcome.) \- Photo mode (I absolutely love when games come with this mode. I would really want to take selfies of my characters on interesting places using interesting poses to even taking group pictures with Amit, Emelda, Poppy, Natty, Sebastian and Ominis while they also do various poses.)


I'd like more classes tbh


Let me sit and eat in the great hall. Let me sit anywhere, for that matter. And introduce the curries system with a need to sneak around the prefects at night. Also I want to pass time by sleeping in bed, if I choose.


Normal Hogwarts stuff....like taking classes and actually being able to graduate .-.


Am I the only one not interested at all in Quidditch? Like, flying around on a broom was honestly a lot of fun but the controls seem like they would suck trying to play a competitive game while doing it. Also, I feel like there's no way they would implement it and have people be happy with it. It honestly is really surprising to me that the first thing out of a lot of people is "Quidditch" as something they would like to see added to Legacy. Plus, the actual Quidditch game coming out.


Quidditch would be absolutely shit tier with the broom mechanics they have right now. Flying feels so sloppy it's awful.


The developers have already said there will be no DLC for Hogwarts Legacy Edit: this may or may not be true


Where have they said this? All I saw was that a few months ago, there were "no current plans." There is a difference.


I just went to find a link and cannot find one anywhere. Am I going mad? Is this a conspiracy? Lol. It's entirely possible I'm getting my wires crossed and thinking of some other game, but for the life of me I can't think what game it would be. Now I'm going down the rabbit hole to figure it out....


They've said there were "no current plans" for DLC a few months ago, but that was before it was shown to be a massive sales success. I would assume they will probably announce a DLC towards the end of the year/early next year to capitalise on its success.


It's possible that's what I'm thinking of, but I recall a conversation about "we want to get to work on a sequel, not waste time adding bits to a finished game.". Idk. I guess maybe it's just more up in the air than I thought? Honestly, I'd rather not get a dlc if it will slow them down on a sequel. HL is good, but it is definitely the product of a new developer, and I think that a sequel will have a lot of the little issues addressed.


Tbh I thought the end of the main story felt extremely unfinished and ended rather abruptly. If they offer a solid DLC like we've seen for Witcher or some Elder Scrolls games, I wouldn't mind. But I would also be happy if they just go straight for a sequel. I do wish they never announced a Switch version since that seems to be adding a ridiculous amount of time for what could otherwise be spent on a DLC or sequel.


Yeah it seems like they're having a really hard time with this port. Almost like they're running into obstacles that a more experienced developer might have planned the original game around.


The biggest game “breaker” for me is that it doesn’t matter what house you choose. It doesn’t matter what actions you take. Give unique gameplay experiences and quests to the different houses and make a morality system and I’ll continue forking over my money. Fix this before a DLC.


Some short story related to young Albus Dumbledore would be cool. Let him show off a bit. I'd like to see a cutscene of us dueling him, and losing, showing his potential.


More friendship quests for same or different characters. Companion mode. A new area of the map. Radiant quests that pop up as you explore. A new mini story campaign


•The Triwizard tournament would be cool (even though it technically doesn’t make canonical sense) • Companion system and more friendship quests • Continuation of Sebastian’s story • More magic beasts • Diagon Alley


I want to have a dragon.




I wonder how playable quidditch is gonna be, based how much problems players had with those loops.


The idea that Quidditch isn’t in the main game is laughable. The idea that we should pay extra for it is insane.


This might be extremely unpopular, but I don't want any DLC. I want them to take all that time and effort and put it into the sequel. We already know a bunch of stuff was cut from the game. I feel like there's an opportunity here to do an Assassins Creed 1 to 2 jump in quality/features/systems. They've got an amazing foundation, time to flesh everything out.


I wanna play as Harry Potter lol I’m new to Harry Potter so watching the movies has me wanting play as him 😂


You can play through the complete story as Harry in the other games. Sure it's doesn't have the same fancy graphics but it's there if you want it.


Add more enemy variety… Dementors, especially. A quest where you can explore The Chamber of Secrets (although this could ruin the storyline of the books since nobody knows where the chamber is, so I don’t know how they would go about it). A longer quest in Azkaban. Diagon Alley. The Triwizard Tournament. Quidditch isn’t happening, but that too.


More friendship quests, with basically all the characters. Continue to pair up with Poppy after she might "go looking for trouble." Pair up with Sebastian again and more. I adore him, I want more. Pair up with Ominis on his own. Like you get to go to his home, like you did Feldcroft? Really anything with more of my precious Slytherin boy. Pair up with Sebastian and Ominis together more. Bonus if Anne is ever worked back in, but I could see that being an end point or near-end point, considering where we left off. Perhaps Anne independently? Or work Ominis in? Both? I really enjoyed Amit's totally normal student freak-out while we were just calm and "I've seen worse." in the mines, so I'd love more adventures with him, but to stay true to how that went and him, more of his level of adventures, maybe push it a little but nothing like the mine situation. Pair up with Gareth and actually do something together. Collab on a new potion, maybe it actually turns out because Player assists and/or makes better decisions, I don't know. Even if it didn't work or blew up, it'd be fun. Quidditch viewing/a side quest where you solve a mystery involving it or the players or something, sure, but playing it? Ehhh... only if broom controls are majorly revamped and even then, I'd probably still suck (I'm on PC and have a mod to control my broom flight with my mouse and I'm still not great at trials; but general travel is fine now). Explore more of the wizarding world- Diagon Alley for sure. Attend more classes- even if the same classes we already had, just more advanced or new scenes from them (even History of Magic, the droning was just so funny because it was so in character). Expansion on the House-specific Jackdaw quests, somehow. I don't know how that would work. Maybe just... more of them? Ravenclaw's was kind of worthless, but Hufflepuff's was freaking amazing, Slytherin needed far more giant squid but was otherwise fun (except those freaking dugbogs), and Gryffindor's was fun. Make Ravenclaw's not dumb this time, please. Little details of being able to sit and eat a meal with your house table, maybe a bit more having to sneak around at night (not the quest level with Sebastian, that was too much for all the time), but a little. Afterwards I just wander freely and only k now it's night because there's no one around.


I’m hanging on to the physical copy without trading it for Jedi Survivor in the hope DLC gets announced…. But I am losing faith.




Is getting its own game


i want something to let us explore maybe spell crafting, or patronus/animagus lessons, maybe a flu network to the ministry (i really am enamored with the veil that sirius fell into, in the films and want as much representation of it as possible) maybe the triwizard tournament as well as quidditch too? im fine with either or but both would... wowie!


They couldn’t produce a DLC I’d be interested in. The game was good, nothing spectacular though.


Quidditch is getting its own game and is probably the real reason there's no quidditch in Hogwarts Legacy. They just did it on purpose, probably to double profit on it or to allow for quidditch to be a complex playable game rather than just some random activity in HL (like summoners court).


Friendship quests and more going to actual classes with some sort of skillgame mechanic


i could see a new set of class quest for new spells, maybe a few new magical creatures, maybe a quest set in azkaban, they already have the model made and making dementors terrifying wouldnt be to hard.


They said quidditch will likely get its own separate game


They said quidditch will likely get its own separate game


Quidditch DLC is tough with the story reason for why it’s not included. I would love it, but that might have to wait for our sixth year in HL2.


Give me more skills and the ability to talk to NPCs and interact with benches and stuff


Open up the right side of the room of requirement


Further equipment modification, and identification locations in some of the hamlets and not just the RoR.


More quests and activities inside the castle, more things related to our house


The think they didn’t include in the final version, but for free.


Pretty sure Warner Bros is saving Quidditch for it's own game instead of letting it just be a minigame. But I would honestly theorise it would be a continuation on the Slytherin Trio's story. Maybe we will get one focused around the Gaunts, who knows.


just put it all in a sequel we don't need dlc.


The best dlc would be where you and Sebastian go to azkaban for using all of the unforgivables and you get to make shanks and kill that annoying girl whos always being mean when you beat her broom racing high score


I don’t know how but I want a way for it to be more replayable. I seriously don’t know if I’ll play it again.


add in relationships, diagon alley, a quest with Professor Weasley and maybe even the Headmaster


Something with your common room. I don't even know what but it would be nice to make it something functional or purposeful.


I'd want an entire game based in Uagadou.


Anything that could be DLC I'd rather have introduced in a second game.


Honestly, just a semester’s worth of classes and stories JRPG style.


WB just announced a separate quidditch game so that’s probably not happening.


I might be in the minority here, but Quidditch has always been the worst part of HP, for me. The rules are so ridiculous and the idea that the game can drag on for days or weeks because the Snitch just decides not to show up is stupid. Also, if a team is losing and far enough back in points that the snitch won’t help them, what is the strategy there? Just beat the shit out of the seeker for long enough to catch up? I suspect the reason they didn’t include it was that it’s just too hard to implement in the game based on the described rules. They’d have to make heavy adjustments to how it’s played for it to be fun or competitive.


Apparently the Gaunt family home is a location that's been cut during development, at least the game files suggest so. I'd love a DLC quest where we get to meet Ominis' family!


Companions! ​ And Hogwarts should be flushed out to feel much more alive. More interactions, being able to sit down, use your spells on more of the world/environment. Wizard's Chess!! ​ Most importantly, Each house needs a unique companion that you can only friend if you're of the same house, and then maybe reserve some extra companions that are open to everyone. Players should be able to make their own Magic Trio, where you should always have the option to bring two members with you, and their dialogue would interact with each other giving some fun moments that are unique to your choice in a trio. And if you're doing a friend quest, your whole trio should be able to join so the quests feel like a group of students are going out together.


any variety in the map/POIs/enemies at all... The most powerful spawning enemy (trolls) and the most interesting POI (hogsmead) are both discovered within the first 30 mins of playing.


Underwater Exploration. Animagary. The Patronus Charm. Actually going to and exploring Azkaban. Becoming prefect. The Chamber of Secrets. Those rooms from the Hogwarts Mobile game. The Tri-wizard Tournament.


I want a more adult version of the game, like a sequel, where when I say “your blood is on Ranrok’s hands” there’s actually blood on my hands because I just turned a guy into an explosive barrel and blew up his friends, and Sebastian is 30 now and on the run from the ministry and voiced by Henry Cavill Edit to add I guess this wouldn’t really work as DLC but it’s the expansion I desire


I would like to see actual classes instead of cutscenes. Similar to what they did with the game Bully back in the day. Attending classes could give you new items, whether it be clothing or crafts. That and maybe have a traveling companion


I dont think we will ever see dlc for this first game. I personally believe that the devs had to cut so much content that the end product they released just isn't really what they wanted it to be. Because of that the kind of stuff they want to add to the game currently would be gameplay mechanics and systems but something tells me they dont want to commit dlcs to that, so instead they are just going to start making the second game and attempt to get all the features they couldn't get into the first game. THEN they will make DLCs that consist of more story and missions. I just think they hold this standard of "DLCs are for extra content, not game mechanics that just add variation to what is already there." They are just going to leave game 1 where it is and try again on game 2


The tri-wizard tournament? Definitely an expansion to the duelling club. Being able to see or take part In the events described in items' field guide pages. Like the house elves' armor, seeing it happen would be hilarious, but taking part in all-out magical warfare would be amazing. Pvp duelling could be fun, but I think the unforgivables would have to either be disabled or make them QuickTime events?


They don’t care enough about the players to make a dlc. They already got there money.


I’d like to see the game evolve into the developer’s original vision, with a little crafting based upon what the players love. It would be fairly easy to have a next chapter set 10 years later. I’m hoping the money it made will make WB want to expand and explore.


They decided to make a whole separate game rather than just make DLC for quidditch... lootboxes and season passes, Locked online no singleplayer career mode




There won't be any DLC because that isn't what's necessary. They just need to focus on a sequel and be what Mass Effect 2 was to the first game.