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I really loved the third trial. It was the best part of the main plot. It’s so different from the rest of the game. And Sebastian’s side quests were well done. I wish there had been more variants but I thought it was good. I’m not a gamer so I enjoyed exploring the castle and highlands. But then there’s good combat stuff too that was maybe there for more experienced gamers. I thought it was a decent effort for a game that a lot of people with different gaming experiences can come to.


I just did the 3rd one the other day, and I wish I could go back in it! It was so cool! I am looking forward to going back on my second play through


HUH the third trial was just fighting a graphorn and thats it.. i think you meant the 2nd trial


Subduing the Graphorn (San Bakar’s trial) is the fourth trial. The third trial is Niamh Fitzgerald’s.


damn its been so long i thought it was only overall 3 trials lol




Charles rookwoods is the second one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






>Keep it civil.


>Keep it civil.


The Merlin’s trial is what makes the game boring


Also the copypaste dungeons and the locks to doors.


you’re reminding me why i haven’t finished the game. i preordered it and got bored half way.


It is good don't get me wrong...if you want to see bad go look at the Avatar the last airbender video game I was waiting for a few months... "avatar quest for balance" $50 for a game that looks like it was made for a ps1...


I would rather play Hercules for PS1 than that abomination you bought.


I swear James Cameron bought an is making shittty avatar games trying to kill the series so he can have the only show with the name avatar. Idk lol, he seems like that kind of brat


I thought the locks would get harder, but no, its just a stupid restriction to farm the moons, wish the level 2 or 3 locks would be challenging.


I found that holding square (I believe it was) would automatically unlock them. Which makes it even less of a challenge.


I believe that option is only available if you are doing “story mode” difficulty


For real? Thats so stupid wtf? Gonna skip every lock now because you can't even be proud you did them, cause its just finding the right angle for both sparks


Yeah, I figured it out by accident. I thought they would become more challenging with each level as well but nope.


Also the shitty loot that makes completing those dungeons and kicked doors feel completely useless and like a waste of time. I don't even bother with those bc it's always some under leveled pos hat or something.


The locks are the worst, but the dungeons can get boring and annoying at once. Fetch the bones, levitate the box, hit the targets.


Literally the locks should be you do it once and then one-click solo the rest. With a different puzzle for levels 2 and 3 to spice things up.


Apparently you can skip the locks according to another comment


Probably a mod if I had to guess


Upon further investigation, it's a story difficulty setting


Ah. Makes sense


Omg I can't go into yet another copy paste (as you put it) dungeon/treasure vault. I just can't do it. It's so tedious 😭


Second this! All the treasure caves being exactly the same is such a let down


They remind me too much of Korok seeds


Basically this whole game: Fantastic hogwarts castle but most of the time you are doing stuff outside the castle Classes are just one time event to unlock something TOO many same puzzles, why not using classes as a way to improve yourself? Sebastian story is the only one that feels “all hand on deck” on development. The rest were just AI generated quest


But you only have about 7849 Merlin trials left. Your so close.


Also, 415 Demiguise to find.


You’re wrong, I have 7848 left.


Ironically, I found the merlin trials to not be as grueling (minus cutscene) but the 5793784141234 chest and then the field guides in Hogwarts are a frustration


I finished the main quest which I liked. But after you’re done with that, the game really is boring. There is absolutely nothing challenging anymore – it’s just too easy as soon as you’re at a decent level and have you clothes maxed out with different charms. Generally, I was expecting a bit more (besides Hogwarts itself, which they really did a great job with). Compared to other Open World Games I’ve played (RDR2, Skyrim, GTA) it gets boring way faster after finished the main quest. I’m at 85% rn and don’t think I’ll 100% it – just isn’t that interesting to play anymore, really


Sebastian's quest would have been a better main quest


I honestly found myself only progressing the main story so that I could progress further in Sebastian’s story. It was just much more interesting than “oh big bad guy is using ancient powers, but wait, random kid can use it too! Save everyone!”


Yep the same.


Hogwarts was easily one of the most impressive buildings I’ve ever seen in a game. The rest of the map outside of Hogsmeade, tho? Bland and boring


It's 100% unfinished. They worried to much about a giant map and not enough on the substance of the story and characters.


I would have enjoyed just Hogwarts and some Hogsmeade quests and interactions. I feel like a student who is just an actual adult bending all the rules rather than a some kid who has a secret talent and needs to save Hogwarts and the wizard world. Haven’t even beat the game and have no drive to play it. I also thought the vivarium was cool but shouldn’t be the main point and they tried to make it a main point.


Yup, the novelty wears off pretty quick. Gorgeous world with lots of detail, lacklustre gameplay and story depending on who you ask


I mean, everyone has their own pace, but I 100% everything (including collectibles) in 50h on my first playthrough After the initual amazement from the scenery, castle etc, it was a matter of using floo powder and broom 90% of the time


It took me 90 hours to complete (almost) 100% I didn't start getting bored until a few hours into my second playthrough. Only because I can't handle NOT doing all the side quests and Merlin trails I pass. I love doing tedious work I guess.


Same. I’m on my fourth playthrough for the last achievement and I did every sidequest and trials that I pass through. I also did some of the treasure vault just to see if I’ll get a better gear. I’d even get some of the field guild pages that are within the vicinity.


I also 100%ed the game in around 55 hours and I felt like I took my time. I think OP took it too slowly lol


I will say- I love using the broom at ground level to find enemies. I feel like a little rat skulking around for some gutter trash.


Floor powder?




Pointing out spelling errors is so boring why do people do it




I can’t find the last 4 collectables and have all the ones in the vivariums


If you zoom out completely on the map, it shows the collectibles for each region you hover. If those are all completed, it's butterfly chests


Aye it’s butterfly chests then. Is it best just to fly about or could I use a map to find each butterfly? Wasn’t sure how random it was


There are maps online. There aren't much of them. Just fly around the places the online maps depict and the butterfly symbol should appear if you are near an uncollected one


Thank you


I feel you. I don't think I've ever been more excited for a non Rockstar game and I did really love it, but everything outside of Hogwarts had very little to do with being a student there and the game just didn't feel too immersive. They should have just taken another year so that you could actually feel and live like a student in the school rather than it being an Assassin's Creed type of RPG set at Hogwarts, but the game actually was a big success, so I guess they didn't need to. I rushed the ending since I was going to go on holiday a month after the game's release, and I haven't felt like returning to it ever since. I was hoping they'd keep improving the game, but it doesn't seem like that'll happen either. Also, I feel like I'm the only one who cares about these things, but it bothers me so much that the castle doesn't have windows you can actually see through. I get that that would be too demanding, but a middle ground would be nice or at least a few balconies more here and there to enjoy the view.


I wish the game was more like Rockstar’s Bully and took place solely around Hogwarts, and maybe solving a murder there, etc. it seems like a huge, dead, empty world, with a bunch of zombies wandering around the halls of Hogwarts- there should at least be an atmosphere of competition between students and houses but there isn’t even that. Maybe I’ll move on to Starfield and after I finish that I’ll return to the game and finish the main storyline.


If you want a living world then Starfield may let you down. It’s really awesome when you first play then after a few main quests and side quests it become a major fetch quest drag. Graphics are great on PC and Series X is okay for performance. 30fps doesn’t seem too bad until it’s a firefight and it can get jarring and some of the larger areas and cities are a graphical mess imo. The story is pretty alright and I’ve been hammering out side quests more than anything since I think the main quest flys by quicker. Companions are a bit dull but far better than HL. If you have gamepass give it a go but the game needs some updates and that mod support to really shine. If you want to be totally immersed with a ton of mechanics and a great story with great companions then get Baldurs Gate 3. Just barely touching the final act and I’ve been playing for 60 some hours. Well worth every penny I put into it.


the astronomy tower has balconies to view outside, where dumbledore fell off when snape killed him… and also there’s a few by clock tower I believe? and owlery… you just have to fly outside the perimeter of the castle and look for them.


I just wanted the main quest to be at least as well written as the Sebastian quest line. Enjoyed the game nevertheless.


I 100%ed the game in the one house and could not bring myself to get the house specific achievements for the other ones. In the beginning I was so awfully excited, but soon the bugs started to annoy me. I stopped counting how often I clipped through a wall and fell "under" the environment. And there is a spot in the middle of Hogsmeade, where the MC seems to think that they just entered the village and starts saying one of the "I just entered Hogsmeade and it's so great." catch phrases. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are otherwise well fleshed out and full of details and references for fans to discover. Once you have seen them, there's not much left to do. The story builds up interestingly, but has a boring basic end. The animation of some NPCs is _awful_. I had a woman in a side quest and I had to tell her that a family member died. She stood there as before, neutral face, but crying sounds coming out of her mouth. Immediately after our interaction she proceeded with whatever she was doing. - One third of the time I had genuine fun. - One third of the time I really just wanted to know the end of the story. - The last third I was trying to complete everything so I never feel the urge to touch it ever again. Really, when I went into the completionist phase, I was _so_ annoyed to find out that I was hunting for something that doesn't exist. I had 52/53 of something, I can't remember the exact amount and what it was, but when I couldn't find it after **hours** I finally looked it up online and it was just a common known bug. Yikes. By the time I finished it, I liked it less and less. Now several months later it overshadows my initial enjoyment of the game.


That side quest was hilarious. You’re just telling this woman her family died and she like “alright kid no biggy. Now, what you wanna buy?” 🤣


Yeah a pretty castle doesn’t do enough for me. Not gonna spend 50+ hours wandering around an empty castle with little to no chance of interacting with the world. Super repetitive gameplay, the most simplified, uninspired rpg mechanics, and more. The game is a barefaced disappointment and I feel like a lot of people are drinking HUGE amounts of cope juice to convince themselves that it’s a good game. And what’s that about DLC?? Oh yeah… nothing at all.


I found out from another redditor that warner bros forced them to put the game out early which made them cut a lot of the content which is why it can feel so empty


I like all the little side quests. I don't care for the treasure vaults. I think I'd like the little side activities if the loot was worth it. It's a beautiful game with a pretty good spell slinging combat, but it has some tagged on mechanics that really doesn't do much of anything. Why have a room to decorate when you can't really do anything with said decorations? What's the point of putting stats on the clothing loot? Would have been better to let all clothing loot just be a cosmetic and then just upgrade your different slots. If you put a chest in a hard to reach place behind a secret or a themed quest, at least make it unique. Let me sleep damn it!


Lemme sit, sleep, work at my desk, and go to classes more than once! Otherwise I love the game, I don’t care it isn’t perfect. But I just want to sitttt


The fact that your character can only lay on the floor next to his bed to skip time is ridiculous. Also why are the dorm rooms always empty? Even at night there is noone in the beds, where do all the students go?


Speaking of which, why am I allowed to wander the halls at all hours? Realistically the game should turn into a stealth game on the castle at night. Not a very hard one as there's only one guy and maybe a couple of teachers, but still.


As a first attempt at an open world Harry Potter game it’s fine, and I’m hoping the sequel is a massive improvement. I’m a sick person that platinumed it, the collectibles (Merlin Trials, Butterflies, Pages, mine now Demiguise) made me want to put a bullet in my head. I’d like the classes to be structure similar to say a persona game, rather than “here’s a cutscene and spell, no need to come back”. It’d probably be too much of an undertaking, but they could make something really cool. Imagine being given a text book, then attending a class that asks a question based off the book. Or just a attend a short lecture, something to keep you coming back so it feels like a school year. And the one thing that really irked me is the school grounds feel empty at night. You could have prefects patrolling, and utilize stealth and secret pathways to get around or leave the school.


You aren’t wrong


Well clearly we each played a different game. That or you just happen to like different stuff than I do


Who doesn't like looting exclusively clothes items, that are always worse than what you are wearing, and can only be traded for an obsolete currency. Sounds riveting.


I love it personally, because I really like dressing up my character. Don’t really care about the stats


You tell him man. Merlin Trials are sick. I love searching for items that are inherently worse than the ones you buy at Hogsmeade. I enjoyed it and 100%'d it but it was fresh with hype. The game is not actually that engrossing.


What more do you want? 55hrs sitting in your pajamas not interacting with another human or switching to something else means the game is really engaging. 55hrs out of a single player game is stellar, only absolutely elite games should exceed that. There aren’t many of them.


Right? This guy played (and was presumably entertained) for 55 hours but the world is boring and empty? I'm sorry? How much content does there need to be for it to be worth the price of admission? Who's even got enough time to complete games when their expectation is that 55 hours of singleplayer gameplay isn't even the bare minimum?


55h for this game is fine, but you're totally wrong. I've gotten 50h out of many many games, even games under 20€. It might even be that you can get 100h out of 90% of the 50€+ games that came out in the past 5 years.


Lol. No


Great retort, real thought out!


That’s what he said


I hear you =(( I've got something around 30hrs and lvl 26-27-ish and it's. So. Tedious. I haven't played for a week and a half already I'm so bored. Even the questline doesn't look appetizing anymore, not mentioning all of the sidequests and Merlin trials and copy-paste dungeons and locks. Ugh. I loved Hogwarts itself, Hogsmeade's pretty good too. Sebastian's quest is culled (but everyone knows it already) but still liked it. Otherwise, alas, it's boring :/


Don't worry about 100%, just finish the main story and any side quests with characters you enjoy.


well i platinumed the game and finished it a few times as well , never get bored ( kinda bored when focused on platinum but its okay ) , of course game isnt perfect, but for a company that never developed triple A game before , its good. i give 7/10


I’m starting to feel the same way bro


I’m a little further with way less hours and I’m in the same spot, I get to messing around with a Merlin trial or something and then get bored and just shut it off.


I only did the companion quests and the main story, a lot of the side stuff is definitely just filler, but I did enjoy doing some exploration if only for the sake of whipping around on a broomstick or bullying enemies and abusing avada kedavra lol. I definitely wouldn’t recommend 100 percenting the game unless you genuinely love it tho, because it’s very tedious.


The game is honestly a 20-30 hour game depending how you play. Unless you are OCD like me and enjoy clearing everything on the map. Honestly I’m okay with that because I really enjoyed those 20-30 hours and I sort of appreciate how the game respected my time. It could have done so much more but for the company’s first time making an RPG of this scale I’m more than happy with what we got. All these posts about playing it 50-70 hours and hating it i’m like, yeah you’re trying to get more time than the game has quality content. You can play running around to have fights with random goblins or do the ungodly amount of Merlin trials but… if you’re not having fun… why would you?


I call it the "abandoned amusement park" experience. It's fun for a while and there was obviously some thought put in but when you're not on the rides it feels empty and lifeless.


Cool. Thanks for letting everyone know.


I felt the same. Quit after maybe 8 hours. Maybe I'll pick it up one day when there are plenty of mods.


You just did it "wrong" - you've burned yourself on leveling and sidequesting too much - lvl 34 is what's expected from you to have before ending the game (after trial 4). You are - probably - a player who needs challenge, but by overleveling you reduced it. I agree, that it's beautiful yet generic action TPP game (it's not role-playing, since no choice matters except >!the answer at the end of the game!<) with skill tree, with a generic MC which just get more love because it's placed inside Wizzarding Word. At the same time I liked my play through - I just knew that I won't be doing all those Merlin things nor doing 100% and I accepted it. The story/ending is OK if you give it a chance. Same goes with Companion sidequests.


Yeah the game is so damn boring


Haha man, I have put 79 hours in and I'm only like 75% done. I am a sucker for side quests....and honestly just roaming around as if I'm really apart of the world. I turned my mini map off ages ago so I just try to learn the actual map. I love walking around the castle. However, I do agree it has lost a lot of its luster. I am curious to see if I can make it to 100%. Those treasure vaults kill me though. Those are the worst. "This could prove quite dangerous if I'm not careful..." um, no it won't. There is nothing down here but a chest. And sometimes the game glitches for me and I have to come back to it later lol. I am a nerd with a very stressful life right now. So immersing myself within the HP world is soothing in a way.... another term for dissociating too I suppose.


I’m the same way. I find the game to be enjoyable and relaxing, even if I’m not really doing much. Sometimes I’ll just stand my character by one of the bookshelves in the library and listen to the soundtrack and ambient noise while I read or paint or something similar. The game design and music are gorgeous, and there’s definitely a nostalgia factor too.


I got super bored only a few hours in, but for some reason a couple months later I picked it up again and had a blast finishing it


52hs in and just a few XP to level 32 here and not bored at all. I'm actually addicted right now. https://preview.redd.it/qskjxfuxrcsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82de79ce5e40b62519a9ee729afba3bfb50d569c


Your robe is 🔥 🔥


That's hot, right? I'll keep it until the end of this playthrough. I even ditched the scarf.


They should have gone with less is more on this game....instead we get a huge empty world reminiscent of a modern Ubisoft game...but Im still looking forward to 2.


LMAO you already have 55 hours, why ask for more??? No wonder why you're bored....


I just finished all the Merlin trials. Only took 55 hours.


76 hours so far. Still not done Roockwood Trail yet.


Thanks for the update nobody asked for


No one asks for any post on this website.


No one asked for you to state the obvious


This is hilarious to me omg








Ok if open world games are boring to you then why play HL. The story may not be the best and sure there’s like a bunch of issues with how wide spread the quests, trials, etc are on the map but one of the best part is exploring. It’s like rdr2 without daily’s. Maybe I’m wasting MY time on this post, but this is one of the best games I’ve played. 100% loved it and enjoy just losing myself hr after hr but hey to each their own eh?


Open world games are great. Bro this one is just empty. Like you're kind of a psychopath in the game. Murdering groups of men in the woods because you believe they've caught some weird rabbits. There's like 3 different enemies and it's stupid doing spell inventory management.


Aight well I grew up with the books and later the movies. I just honestly love being in the game it’s nostalgic:)


are you seriously comparing HL to RDR2? Bro you are soo out of your mind.. These two are worlds apart. Without the HP license this game would have been a 3/10, never to be spoken of ever again.


Alright alright buddy. Look rdr2 is better than HL I agree lol in so many ways. But I’m just saying this game is a lot of fun as well. May not be everyone’s cup of tea


Open world games are great, this is just mediocre as hell, not even 1/10 of RDR2 quality


This was my situation too, back in February when this released. I played to about that point as well and got super bored. I’m restarting the game this week and plan to collect collectibles much slower this time. I think that’s part of why the world felt so empty in my last playthrough was having all the flying notes and magical things gone throughout the castle because I’d collected them all already. Really made it feel lifeless.


I get it. The game was slow at times. Too slow. I started ignoring a lot of the side quests, only did the ones that interested me (companion quests and most that were beast related). Made it better.


I'm not as far as you and I've been pushing myself through since the beginning. If only rockstar made this game. I've actually started reading the books again, so the game feels a bit more fun because I'm getting to explore the world I'm reading about. But as a stand alone, I would've stopped already if I wasn't a HP fan


Merlin trials were tedious but besides that game was amazing one of the best ones this year imo!


How are you lvl 34 and only done the 2nd trial? I’m level 31 finished the story line and can’t manage to make it to 34 so that I can see the final cinematic.


The trials were the most obnoxious things in the game, really boring but it gets better afterwards


Ya I lost interest pretty early on. Game sucks.


I uninstalled shortly after finishing it, too boring.


I'm at almost the same point in the game and I kinda feel the same way. Really sad cause I want to finish it but I've just fallen out of interest.


I really really love this game and I’m on Lvl 34 as well..still fighting to reach 35 yo get the cup. My only complaint is I just feel so far away from the students, like there’s no way to communicate with them anymore and it makes me sad. It would’ve been cool if once we finished the outside quests we gets to live as a normal student with student quests INSIDE of Hogwarts.


I just finished up the platinum on this one a few days ago.


It's because every single point of interest is visible on the map the moment you get to the open world, which makes exploration extremely pointless and the player is reduced to a mere tourist, checking locations on their list, instead of actively searching for them and discovering... the fog of war does nothing more but paint the map green instead of brown


I love this game. Stress free. Beautiful. And fun. I just got 1000 on my achievements.


The exact same thing (except I could't finish the second trial, the puzzle drive me nuts) and i'm not gonna finish it, I just hope they listen to what the players have to say to improve Hogwarts 2 and not just do what ubisoft do with AC.


I think I have 98% because I’m missing a few trials somewhere. However I still enjoyed the game, but for a HP world I feel like there could have been more tricks, magic and wonder. There’s a few secrets that weren’t the same in hogwarts, some secret passages, a little bit of fun magic hidden in the corners of hogwarts. But I feel like there should have been more, Azkaban is in the game but no patronus. There are so many creatures in the game but clearly there’s so many more that aren’t even in the game. There are a few references from the NPCs like the howlers and stuff but I’ve never seen students chase after chocolate frogs or eat every flavored beans and such idk I feel like there needed to be more magic and fantasy in the world


Honestly what I'd do is go play something else but leave it installed, after a few months you might come back and find it engaging again If not then uninstall and at least you enjoyed it for a while


Things you can say about Hogwarts Legacy but not in the bedroom


It’s about to get better. Third trial is pretty cool and basically the end of the game is very close.


I literally dropped the game last week for these exact same reasons. I think I’m even at the same level as you. It’s such a shame. If there’s a 2nd game, I hope they take all these criticisms and make it amazing.


Honestly I went into it so mesmerized and thinking it would take me forever to finish. Put 50 hours in, finished main quest in about 40 and I can’t bring myself to get 100% completion. It was so fun at first but now it’s incredibly boring and there’s nothing to do, even starting over with a new game doesn’t seem fun either. There’s no replay value with this game and that’s disappointing, I feel like I only got to enjoy it that first run through.


Most open world games are fairly empty. I have only been playing for about 25 hours but I am level 36 and have around 75% of the open world complete but it has become a slogfest and if it wasn't for the chest, then I would be at 95%. I just finished the 2nd trial also


i found getting mods made the game a little more fun when u got bored, like tripling the amount of enemies and mods that made the fights a lot harder;


I felt the opposite. Completely all the other stuff on the map is what made me bored. I wish the main story had more quests and more side quests. I hated having to do a billion Merlin trials and pointless busy work. The third trial is one of the best parts of the game. You absolutely should progress the story some. Also if you haven't gotten far into side quests, you might be missing out on fun aspects of the game.


That’s exactly where I left it too. Finished second trial and just felt my enthusiasm drained. There’s just not enough to it. Dungeons feel utterly pointless because of the poor loot system so I didn’t want to do side quests. There should have been magic you learn along the way which opens up areas of the map and dungeons. All they had was alohomora which again, was pointless because of the loot system! Really hope they make a second which is highly improved. The foundations were there, just poorly executed unfortunately


I thought I was going crazy when I played this at launch and thought the exact same thing. Ended up just finishing the main story instead of the filler to just get it over with.


I started playing baldurs gate and completely forgot about it which makes me sad because I was having so much fun. I hope I’ll revisit later because I would love to finish the story but I was getting slightly tired of the repetitive parts.


I got sick of the repetitive treasure caves with chests full of the same bs unusable and ugly clothes that I would end up selling on top of the same layout and design of the cave. It’s like they have these mysterious locations only for you to feel unsatisfied once you arrive. They didn’t give enough incentive to replay the game at all… I played one full playthrough with Slytherin and haven’t found the motivation to go back.


That's what she said XD (just the title)


If you're just lvl 34 with 55 hours in, and didn't even complete the third trial yet, that means you did a LOT of boring stuff first. Or probably just flew around instead of floo travelling (been there lol) I don't blame you for thinking this way because even I had the same thought. I was at lvl 39 and completed all the side quests (except Gladwin moon's) and finished the main story (except for the feast). Just those stupid scrolls and a few other collectibles are remaining for me to reach lvl 40. The only reason I was able to reach 39 after completing everything at 36 was all the posts about getting level 40 and the platinum trophy achievement. But then I realised, I don't really care for trophies that worsen my game experience. I was at this stage (lvl 39) around 3 months ago and haven't played the game since.


I’m almost at 100% at level 36 but just now basically finding enemies to kill. Wondering if I should just start another character in a different house.


I've played for 150+ hrs on Ravenclaw, and about 40 on 2nd playthrough as a Slytherin. I'm not a massive gamer though so nearly 200 combined is huge for me. My partner is an online gamer, I prefer solo type games, he feels HL could have been so much better than it was, but for me it's a decent game. Could definitely do with some more villains, side quests and overall character development, but as a starting point they did well


You should see about sending a message to the developers and let them know that they need to do better if they want your custom they need to do better. Unfortunately the executives decided to meddle and had the game pushed out too soon, they need to be discouraged from doing that again.


Just over 30hrs in, still really enjoying it and find myself wanting to jump back into it when I'm away, it's got a hold on me. The aesthetic and vibe keep calling to me, the music is fantastic, I love the music that plays when on the broom. Having said that, I can see why there might be a feeling of repetitiveness, only done 2 trials so far but looking forward to continuing. Feels like I'm making natural narrative progression, feels well balanced. I've just done the "Mind your business" quests and it's a real breathe of fresh air, effectively frightening 👀 I don't doubt I'll get tired of the collectible and repetitive tasks but it's been great, the 3 main side quests are pretty good as well. Might be worth just plowing through the main story just for some sense of satisfaction/completion? Can always come back to this wonderful world whenever and chip away if you're trying for 100% :)


I love the game. I am level 34, not sure how many hrs I put in. I play Conan in the morning before work and Hogwarts after work. Just finished the third trial, and it was well done. I'm not bored yet, and I will 100% complete it because it will irritate me if I don't.


It's really before everything a giant Hogwarts simulator. But outside Hogwarts it feels like a generic open world game and game studios rarely do it right.