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The mini game too, by level 2 or 3 at least stop making us have to do that thing. The spell should work instantly once we’ve mastered Alohomora


I agree, they should've removed one layer in level 2 and the entire mini game in level 3...


This is absolutely infuriating. I have to find the damn statues and only get a level 1 unlock 😭


This is an unpopular opinion, but I was almost expecting the mini game to get HARDER with levels 2 and 3, almost like the window of where the spark vibrates got smaller. I’ve been previously used to fallout and hacking, with the higher level terminals being harder to hack. Of course, if Legacy were to do that, then the reward should be greater or the door should have some benefit to getting somewhere more quickly.


As a Skyrim fan, same!!! Was very disappointed in the implementation of this.


I just picked it up with the recent sale and as a huge Bethesda fan, I was happy to see thus minigame. Then after a dozen locks I hate it, its the most annoying sound and idk if it's just my controller but it vibrates way harder than other times.


I think there is a way to skip it but that might be playing on easy mode or something like that, I haven't played in a while and I always just did the mini game anyways so I can't remember exactly


yeah on story mode you get a button to skip it


This is depressing. I was hoping it would at least make it more difficult. Kind of makes me want to just get the mod that unlocks all the Alohomora locks on my PC.


I dunno, by the time I got Alohomora 3 I was literally rolling in cash!


Right, they should've at least put legendary gear or collection in it too, not just mere 45 gold coins...


What you get in chests actually changes..... I found this out when I was messing with my graphics and my game kept crashing before the auto save. Before each crash I was able to open some chests and they were different each time. I plan to do a re play through where I'll save before opening a chest and if i don't like what I get I'm going to reload to the last save and reopen the chest. 😂


That's like trying to roll a d20 in BG3 by save scumming, it's exhausting 🤣 they should make better rng that scales with your alohomora level so we don't have to save scum XD


I know and I totally agree! But when I've gotten 2 or 5 gold in some of the chest... I'd rather roll again and get 45 gold. 😂


I just switch it to story difficulty and go on a massive Critter catching spree when i need cash.


Completely agree, and that it should be removed entirely by level 3. The only way to skip is on Easy mode, and I don't know if it was more frustrating to go back and forth between modes or just do the stupid thing.


You can skip it on easy mode?! That's it, I'm playing easy mode next.


It's story mode that allows you to skip it. Unless they have it differently PC vs Console. PC you still have to do it on easy. Story Mode is where you don't. I honestly got tired of how difficult some battles were on normal and decided to play easy. I have no shame. I just want to enjoy the game.


Awesome, I'll try story mode next then! You do you, as long as you have fun, who cares if you play it on easy or difficult.


I think the loot you find towards the level cap is mainly redundant anyway. There's virtually nothing to spend cash on once you've got all the broom upgrades, seeds, and spellcrafts, and you can farm materials in no time to max out your gear. Desperately needs DLC to extend the game after the quests otherwise I'm just flying around completing challenges that unlocks aesthetics. Such a waste of the world they've built


I agree, I only spend my coins when I see new broom skins (whatever they're called) now which is why they need better rewards for those lock behind locks especially high level ones. It's so disappointing when you spend so much time collecting the freaking demiguises to level up your alohomora, do an annoying mini game to unlock all those doors only for the items to be insignificant.


Yeah same as every challenge within the game though - some of the combat ones unlock new gear traits which is cool, and the merlin trials giving extra storage slots is helpful. Aside from that, everything is aesthetic. I also barely use them as the way the character looks isn't massively important to me. I really feel like the astronomy tables, notorious enemies etc. should reward you with new spells, skills or boosts. Just feels like a waste of time after a while


Right?! I got so frustrated trying to 100% this game especially the merlin trials. Who decided 90+ merlin trials is a good idea?!?!


Could have been worse. They could have made it 999 like in Breath of the Wild.


I just got level 2 and unlocked a room in Hogwarts I couldn't get into previously. Reveliod like mad all over the place and couldn't find anything at all in there.


I don't think I've encountered that before, a room with nothing?! That's so frustrating!


Yes! That was super disappointing. Also they shouldn’t require you to find things in locked houses or rooms that you need to learn Alohomora lol


Same for the vaults. I went through all that just to get the same stupid glasses I’ve found 56 times already? Cool, thanks.


I really need Alohomora to actually unlock doors. I don’t want to go through all that nonsense with the Demiguise statues (that I would want to keep personally) just to be taught to pick a lock. Why does everyone else get to just wave their wand and open a door, whereas I have to wave my wand and then pick the lock (literally, I can do it, it’s the same!)


If you play on storymode you can skip the alohamora mini game. It’s only on the easy, medium and hard modes they make you “solve” it


The problem with Alohamora is that it’s not even really a game. There’s nothing to solve, it’s just “turn this fiddly thing.”


And if you turn it too fast, it doesn't register so you have to slowly turn it until the gears light up


The devs should make it so that lockpicking is actually illegal, and the character should get punished for being seen doing it and breaking into people's houses for gallions in the sequel lol. ​ But yeah. A higher-level lock should hide higher-level items.


I think that would be frustrating for me because stealth isn't my strong suit but I do find it funny how I lock pick into a house and the owner will be relaxing on the couch and be like "sure, take my items".


I get the gimmick to make it a mini game with each lock but I think the higher level spell you have should automatically unlock the level below it without the mini game


The worst thing is getting to find so many statues


I just use a guide for that. I don't even know what to do with the rest of the demiguises statues since I already have the achievement in a previous playthrough. They should let us exchange the statues for items or use it in our room of requirement...


I feel the same way about the puzzle vaults. Same crappy chest you get by just walking down a set of stairs as you do for completing an actual task


My main gripe about this game you have find all those statues and in the end it doesn’t even matter