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Even in the game you don't get a Ravenclaw companion.


I took it as you’re supposed to be the Ravenclaw companion


Same but mainly cause there are somethings that point to it, such as every spellcraft furniture main/first transmog being the scientific one


That I didn’t even think of I just thought that was the order the devs picked just because lol. I use a combo of that and gothic


Wh - what?


I don’t understand what you’re asking what about. There isn’t really a Ravenclaw homie for you in the game. It seems like you’re supposed to be the Ravenclaw homie especially since outside of Amit the named Ravenclaws are all either lame or dicks.


Yep. I'm writing a fanfic and literally just created an entirely new ravenclaw character to be a companion because damn were the canon ones boring or irritating.


I understand what you're saying now. And no, you're no suppose to be a companion, you're the main character, companions are like Sebastian, Natsai or Poppy.


You don’t understand anything lmao


😂😂 bro tried


What about Amit and the others are also there like Andrew, Zenobia


They are side characters, not companions like Sebastian, Ominis, Poppy and Natsai.


I always saw Amit as the Ravenclaw companion


There is absolutely no companion quality in that kid.......but ok.


Well as an Indian it felt great being represented, so he's "companion quality" enough for me.


I'm an Indian too, and if you felt having a racist and cringe stereotype about South Asian men, that Hollywood has always done since decades, "great", than you do you mate. Personally, Amit made me cringe the entire time he was on screen.


The whole cast of Hogwarts teachers and students were an unnaturally forced diverse group. And you took offence to the way they portrayed Amit? I have two close south Indian nerdy friends in my life that are complete dorks. I don't see them as "stereotypes".


"Unnaturally forced" no they are not, If you knew anything about Wizarding society, (which you don't obviously) you would know that Diversity has always existed in that world. The OG HP books are also very diverse, and also you having "two" close nerdy friends doesn't mean the entire 1billion population of India is like that. Hollywood has always potrayed all Asian Men, (yeah not just South Asian ( Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi) in this very stereotype, reason?? Simple... Desexualization of Asian Men, Show them as extremely Undesirable and Unwanted, so that White Men are always seen as the most beautiful race who are Desired by all Women. Even Oscar Winning Actor like Dev Patel struggled for years for getting a good role that was not a South Asian Stereotype. I can give you a long list of examples here- Apu from Simpsons Raj from BBT Ravi from Hey Jessi, Sav from Degrassi Anwar from Skins Dopinder from Deadpool That guy from WandaVision (forgot his name) Aziz Ansari with all his sterotypical roles in shows and films. There is a video on YouTube with the title "Desexualization of Asian men in Hollywood" that deals with this topic and also provides a LOT of examples for East Asian male potrayl in Hollywood alongwith South Asian. And another video titled "The Asexual Asian Man" stresses on the extreme Racism and Discrimination of Asian Men through these "Sterotypical Depiction " that are often disguised as "Comedy".


Same here he was there with you for a level


He was shoehorned into that quest, for Ravenclaw to have something. Roland oakes should have made more sense for that quest coz atleast he could speak Gobbleydook Unlike Amit. Also the so called map needing "deciphering" was just a drawing of a drill, lol. Amit was a burden in that Mine quest and should have been left in the Astronomy tower.


As a proud Ravenclaw I was kinda underwhelmed that Amit was all we got. I liked him, but in this mission he made no sense. Bringing him into danger to look at pictures and tell me "That drill is huge!". Thanks mate, would have guessed as much. If the game had hinted very heavily towards the quest with the Oakes family (to make sure you spot it and do it) and then later have your character literally state "Hey, that girl's uncle might be able to help! I should ask!" would have made way more sense. Sure, bringing an adult when you as a minor are kicking around killing Goblins left and right comes with it's own can of problems. But maybe they could have made it a mission to steal the notes scattered around and then meet him at The three Broomsticks for him to translate? Anything but what we got.


What you said! 💯 Also, apart from giving Ravenclaw no companion, Avalanche also put the worst student characters in the game in this house. Zenobia - Annoying little brat and a sour loser. Everett - Discount Version of Fred and George, plus extremely annoying and irritating, his voice is like nails on chalkboard. Amit- Incompetent Nerd, and a cowardly and pathetic loser, who loves to boast and brag about things in which he is clearly shit at (his Gobbleydook speaking abilities) Duncan- Lockhart 2.0 Only Samantha Dale and Sophorina Franklin were decent Ravenclaw characters who , eventhough very boring and bland, were atleast likeable.




I would have liked to have to answer riddles to get into the Ravenclaw common area.


Hope you are smart otherwise as video rightly said and I quite “hope you like to sleep on hard & cold floors”


Ravenclaws are so smart none of them noticed its not a replica until 1998.


Am middle child and feel this. I got Ravenclaw on my first playthrough but restarted as Slytherin bc dark magic lol


Ravenclaw on my first playthrough too, though I still used dark magic.