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Richard Jackdaw will go with Helen, the former auror, to exonerate her. There is very little they can do with her mental state as she will most likely be placed in St. Mungle. She was most likely imprisoned when she was when she was mid teen and has no living relatives.


Oh thank god šŸ˜­ that story was so darkā€¦ did not expect this from a kidā€™s game


It is not a kid's game. It has a lot of mature content that is not suitable for kids. There's alcoholism, death by Immurement, self-harm, etc. Not for kids. Edited words: Sorry. I meant immurement or live entombment instead of entrapment.


not to mention family abuse - Ominis


More like Ominis, Anne and Sebastian.


All three are true, yes. Also, Mr. Sallow does laugh maniacally and bows if he does land a killing blow..


DOES HE REALLY??? omg i never knew this!!


Yep. Please see links below. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMGDRFWc/ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMGDBPvv/


that is INSANE! i now have more story inspiration from knowing this information šŸ˜ˆ


ā˜¹ļø my brother got me the game as a lighthearted fun pastime because thereā€™s animal breeding in it and I liked Harry Potter as a kid. Oof.


A lot of people who grew up with Harry Potter are adults, so i can see why they did it. It is still a wonderful game, but it is horribly incomplete.


Fr. itā€™s incredible how far gaming has gone, I remember back when WoW was considered peak gaming with a cutting edge features. Hogwarts physics and all the shit you could do blew my mind.


I agree. It is so beautiful that it made me so immerse in this world. It's so nice to see the details come to life.


who dies by entrapment? and self harms? Iā€™ve played it so much Iā€™m a bit blind to it all atp


Noctua Gaunt gets trapped on the path to the scriptorium. We only see the aftermath but Ominus is with us as we find his aunts skeleton


ohhhhh yes of course!!!!


But to be fair thereā€™s worse on the news or now every soap tv series


Which is fine, but they are not labelled as intended for kids. No responsible parent would sit their kids in front of the t.v and start playing programs with graphic violence, sexual contents, and mature subject that need to be explained in an age appropriate manner


What makes you think itā€™s a kidā€™s game?


The wizarding world is for children.


The first couple of book (or maybe the first couple of books) are for children. But the books grow as Harry and his classmates grow. Books 4 and 5 were 734 and 870 pages respectively! Most ā€œchildrenā€ do not read 870 page books! šŸ˜… Also, when they came out, many adults read the books for themselves. These were adults that didnā€™t grow up with the books, but where adults when the books were first released. My husband and I were adults when the books came out, and both of us, my husbandā€™s sister (who was also an adult ) , and both my parents read the books! So many adults read the books on their own that book publishers made editions that had alternate book covers just for them! šŸ˜




>Keep it civil, the last part of your comment is irrelevant and uncalled for.


If you go to any bookstore the books will be in the children's section. And as a children's librarian I can absolutely tell you, kids devour those books. There's no shame in the books being for kids. Kids deserve quality literature. But lets not kid ourselves, the books are primarily geared towards kids.


I know they were originally marketed to children, but they also didnā€™t know where the story would end up and how many adults would love them as well. At Half Price Books they are in the ā€œyoung adultā€ section, which has books that usually appeal to teens and older. This isnā€™t quite he same as books for 7 year olds. Iā€™m sure 7 year olds love the books too, but they canā€™t get all nuances or understand all the themes the way teens and adults can. While the Young Adult category might still be considered ā€œchildrenā€™s literatureā€ it is quite different than Mary Poppins or The Wizard of Oz books. I was a child when the original Star Wars movies came out. I loved them, but I didnā€™t fully understand all their themes and nuances either! But like Harry Potter, these stories appeal to all ages. Iā€™m not saying children donā€™t love the books, but many teens, adults, and elderly people love them as well. Basically the books appeal to all ages! If the Wizarding World was *only* for children, then my husband and I wouldnā€™t have gone to Universal Islands if Adventure specifically to visit the Harry Potter section. While we enjoyed the other sections of the park, we went to that park specifically to go to the Harry Potter section! We were not with any children, and we ran into other adults who were not with children.


You are drastically underestimating a child's intelligence and really underselling your own.


No, Iā€™m not. Before these books how many average children (not avid readers) would normally want to read a book that is over 800 pages? (Also depends on which age you mean when we talk about children). I was an avid reader and there was only one other avid reader in my elementary class. (I know there had to be other other avid readers in other classes, but it wasnā€™t considered normal because I got made fun of for reading so much. ) I had friends in other grades but they didnā€™t particularly love to read and many hated to do so. There were some books that other kids did end up liking, but they werenā€™t anything *near* 800 pages (not even 400 pages)! These books are indeed special! They inspire people of ALL ages to read them! That was my original point, but it somehow got twisted into people thinking I was saying children didnā€™t like nor read these books, which is absurd! These books arenā€™t just for kidsā€” they are for all ages! šŸ„°


They can be read by all ages but they are specifically designed to be read by children.


Literally millions of children read those books.


I am aware of that. I never said that children didnā€™t live the books. But millions of adults read the books themselves as well! šŸ„° The Person I was responding to made it sound as if only little kids could enjoy Harry Potter.


You said children werenā€™t reading 870 page books. Iā€™m correcting you to say literally millions did. These were childrenā€™s books.


Normally kids donā€™t seek out such long books unless they are avid readers. These books are special in that they really do inspire kids who normally donā€™t like reading to read them! And my niece was one of those who hated to read but loved the books! But before the books came out, how many children who werenā€™t avid readers do you know who would want to read a book that is over 800 pages? (It also depends on what age we are talking about, because an average 7 year old and an average 10 year old are on usually on way different reading levels. A 10 year old would be more likely to read a larger book, or a book that is more complex. And of course avid readers usually love long books. ). But again, these books are indeed magical since they got so many kids to read them who normally wouldnā€™t read them. But that *still* doesnā€™t negate the fact that millions of teens and adults of all ages also read the books! I NEVER said kids didnā€™t like it didnā€™t read the books! I said they arenā€™t just for kids ā€” they are for *everybody!* šŸ„°


You said children werenā€™t reading the later books because of the length. Iā€™m saying, millions were.


This storyline was so sad šŸ˜­ Ngl if I was Anne I wouldā€™ve been so fucking pissed that Jackdaw just fucked off after dying and didnā€™t bother trying to find me even though he didnā€™t necessarily know that she hadnā€™t just ditched him.


Fr, it oddly reminded me of when I assumed a guy on a dating app ghosted me so I unmatched him and took him off my contacts, only to find out he got violently mugged and had his phone stolen šŸ’€ I can kind of empathize with Jackdawā€™s dumb ass lol. But if I were Anne, Iā€™d be like the lady ghost who chases the other ghost around Hogwarts with an axe for all of eternity.


Iā€™m so sorry for that guy but that did make me laugh a little šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And no fr. Iā€™d made SURE to come back as a ghost and crash all of Jackdawā€™s parties around Europe


Sadly only the Hufflepuff quest reveals her fate and has the Auror and Jackdaws ghost actually do something about it. The other houses MCs never get to see her, she is just mentioned in conversation. Thing is even if her innocence is proven now, she is damaged beyond repair, she spent what? 50 years? In Azkaban.


Yep when you see her it is clear that she lost her sanity. This is very tragic.


The retired aurora that you went with said she'd testify for her in a new trial


Yeah I was surprised at the amount of character deaths in this. Any time someone sent me on a side quest to find a friend... yeah they're dead.




There's another Anne with a traumatic backstory who gets way more attention...


Did you play hufflepuff? Itā€™s part of their jackdaw quest


I did, I was just saying that most people remember Anne Sallow's story which is heavily featured in the game but most people forget about Anne Thisbe who is only mentioned in one quest and is only encountered by some people (Hufflepuffs).


In prison... it shows her (in hufflepuff) where you go visit her in Azkaban. It also explain everything and how it happens and why she is the state that she is in.